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  More than 380,000 kilometers from the earth, the moon sits distant. The far side of the moon, beyond the reach of human eyes, has been a limitless source of imagination and fantasy for humankind.


  On January 3, 2019, a clear image of the far side of the moon went viral on the world’s major media outlets. It is the first close-range picture of the far side of the moon taken by human beings, but what most shocked the world was that this picture, which is destined to become part of a rich and colorful chapter in the history of human space exploration, was taken by Chinese scientists.


  On that day, the Chang’e-4 lunar probe successfully landed on the far side of the moon and sent back to the earth high-definition images of steep mountains and uneven impact craters. Eight days later, the Chang’e-4 lander and Yutu-2 rover sent back photos of themselves that they had taken of each other. This was a moment that highlighted China’s rapid advances in science and core technologies.


  Although humans first set foot on the moon in the 1960s, our knowledge of it has remained limited. To land on the far side of the moon and carry out field exploration is of great scientific value and has long been a dream of scientists all over the world. Today, a Chinese probe has successfully completed a world-changing landing on the surface of an extraterrestrial body, thus turning into reality yet another great dream of humanity.


  In ascending the ladder of time, this dream has flown up the rungs, seemingly becoming reality in the blink of an eye. However, the truth is that every step up the ladder has been the result of hard work by countless Chinese people working day and night.

  渾厚豐饒的時(shí)間,如一道無(wú)解的謎題,在某一天緩緩地包藏了它的秘密,又在某一天,斷然將這些秘密舒展開來。Time is like a riddle without an answer, casually concealing its secrets one day and suddenly revealing them the next.


  The name “Jixia” can be found in the Records of the Grand Historian. The Jixia Academy, the name of which was derived from the Gate of Ji, was founded during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) in response to the historical trend of reform and revolution. In 376 BC, faced with the reality of a reign in need of consolidation and a shortage of talent, Duke Tian Wu of the State of Qi continued the fine tradition of respecting and recruiting talented people and established a grand academy near the Gate of Ji in the state capital. The academy invited a broad range of literary figures and speakers to teach and give lectures, becoming a hub of activities for various schools of thought. Thus, the Jixia Academy was born, which later became known as the Jixia School. For a time, Jixia was the home of all academic achievements. It represented a miracle of Chinese civilization; even more than that, of world civilization. Dynamic thinking and abundant creativity fostered a platform upon which a hundred schools of thought could contend, created an atmosphere of cultural inclusiveness, and formed a landscape of diverse thought.


  It is not hard to imagine that at some point in the depths of time past, a group of vigorous people with a sense of mission employed their wisdom, standpoint, views, and methods to observe, deliberate, judge, and finally create. They added vibrancy to human civilization, sparked flames of imagination and aspiration among the young, and gave rise to a hundred flourishing schools of thought.


  Our ancestors may not have expected that more than 2,000 years later, notions conceived at the Jixia Academy would survive the contending among different schools of thought, and would spread into the bearing and character of the Chinese nation. It is exactly this kind of cultural thread and civilizational tradition that have, since ancient times, imbued the Chinese people with a spirit of creation.


  Throughout the magnificent history of the Chinese nation, our people have always drawn inspiration from everyday life and wielded the pen to record the truth. China has produced world-renowned thinkers including Laozi, Confucius, Zhuangzi, Mencius, Mozi, Xunzi, Han Feizi, Dong Zhongshu, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Zhu Xi, Wang Yangming, and Wang Fuzhi and great literary works such as The Book of Songs, The Songs of Chu, the rhymed prose of the Han Dynasty, the poetry of the Tang and Song dynasties, operas of the Yuan Dynasty and the novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and has passed on great moving epics such as the tales of King Gesar, Manas, and Jangar. Such a vast cultural heritage has, over thousands of years, shaped the Chinese people’s cultural ideal and their understanding of family and nation.


  Following this remarkable historical thread, the Chinese people have always worked hard and engaged in innovation. China invented papermaking, gunpowder, printing, and the compass, all important scientific and technological advances that have had a profound impact on human civilization, and our efforts have also been fruitful in many other fields, such as agriculture, medicine, astronomy, and arithmetic. Creativity, as the ceaseless endowment and strength of the Chinese nation, has both shaped the splendid Chinese civilization and is deeply influencing the development of today’s China. Cutting-edge achievements have emerged one after another, such as high-performance computers, quantum communications, the Beidou Navigation Satellite System, and deep-sea manned submersibles, and there has been an explosion of major innovations. Today, China’s scientific and technological capacity is undergoing an important transition from quantitative to qualitative growth and from individual breakthroughs to comprehensive upgrading.

  ——沿著這道枝繁葉茂的歷史文脈,中國(guó)人民始終勤勉耕耘、自強(qiáng)不息,建設(shè)了萬(wàn)里長(zhǎng)城、都江堰、大運(yùn)河、故宮、布達(dá)拉宮等氣勢(shì)恢宏的偉大工程。進(jìn)入新時(shí)代的中國(guó),基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)成就顯著,信息暢通,公路成網(wǎng),鐵路密布,高壩矗立,西氣東輸,南水北調(diào),高鐵飛馳,巨輪遠(yuǎn)航,飛機(jī)翱翔,天塹變通途。我們已是世界第二大經(jīng)濟(jì)體、制造業(yè)第一大國(guó)、貨物貿(mào)易第一大國(guó)、商品消費(fèi)第二大國(guó)、外資流入第二大國(guó),外匯儲(chǔ)備連續(xù)多年位居世界第一。Continuing along this vibrant historical and cultural tradition, the Chinese people have always worked diligently and tirelessly to make our country strong. We have constructed magnificent projects including the Great Wall, the Dujiangyan irrigation system, the Grand Canal, the Imperial Palace, and the Potala Palace. In the new era, China’s infrastructure is developing rapidly to realize unimpeded information flow, a network of highways, dense railway coverage, towering dams, west-to-east gas transmission, south-to-north water diversion, high-speed rail, huge ships, modern airplanes, and grand bridges turning deep chasms into thoroughfares. China is now the world’s second-largest economy, largest manufacturer and trader of goods, and second-largest consumer of goods and destination for foreign investment, and our foreign exchange reserves have been the largest in the world for many years running.


  Truly, everything becomes clear with time. From the collision of ideas at the Jixia Academy to the incredible exploration of outer space, it is undoubtedly the great spirit of creation that is the powerful force making our dreams come true. It is this force that drives our great nation to achieve remarkable feats and write glorious chapters.


  Although humans first set foot on the moon in the 1960s, our knowledge of it has remained limited. To land on the far side of the moon and carry out field exploration is of great scientific value and has long been a dream of scientists all over the world. Today, a Chinese probe has successfully completed a world-changing landing on the surface of an extraterrestrial body, thus turning into reality yet another great dream of humanity.


  In ascending the ladder of time, this dream has flown up the rungs, seemingly becoming reality in the blink of an eye. However, the truth is that every step up the ladder has been the result of hard work by countless Chinese people working day and night.

  渾厚豐饒的時(shí)間,如一道無(wú)解的謎題,在某一天緩緩地包藏了它的秘密,又在某一天,斷然將這些秘密舒展開來。Time is like a riddle without an answer, casually concealing its secrets one day and suddenly revealing them the next.


  The name “Jixia” can be found in the Records of the Grand Historian. The Jixia Academy, the name of which was derived from the Gate of Ji, was founded during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) in response to the historical trend of reform and revolution. In 376 BC, faced with the reality of a reign in need of consolidation and a shortage of talent, Duke Tian Wu of the State of Qi continued the fine tradition of respecting and recruiting talented people and established a grand academy near the Gate of Ji in the state capital. The academy invited a broad range of literary figures and speakers to teach and give lectures, becoming a hub of activities for various schools of thought. Thus, the Jixia Academy was born, which later became known as the Jixia School. For a time, Jixia was the home of all academic achievements. It represented a miracle of Chinese civilization; even more than that, of world civilization. Dynamic thinking and abundant creativity fostered a platform upon which a hundred schools of thought could contend, created an atmosphere of cultural inclusiveness, and formed a landscape of diverse thought.


  It is not hard to imagine that at some point in the depths of time past, a group of vigorous people with a sense of mission employed their wisdom, standpoint, views, and methods to observe, deliberate, judge, and finally create. They added vibrancy to human civilization, sparked flames of imagination and aspiration among the young, and gave rise to a hundred flourishing schools of thought.


  Our ancestors may not have expected that more than 2,000 years later, notions conceived at the Jixia Academy would survive the contending among different schools of thought, and would spread into the bearing and character of the Chinese nation. It is exactly this kind of cultural thread and civilizational tradition that have, since ancient times, imbued the Chinese people with a spirit of creation.


  Throughout the magnificent history of the Chinese nation, our people have always drawn inspiration from everyday life and wielded the pen to record the truth. China has produced world-renowned thinkers including Laozi, Confucius, Zhuangzi, Mencius, Mozi, Xunzi, Han Feizi, Dong Zhongshu, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Zhu Xi, Wang Yangming, and Wang Fuzhi and great literary works such as The Book of Songs, The Songs of Chu, the rhymed prose of the Han Dynasty, the poetry of the Tang and Song dynasties, operas of the Yuan Dynasty and the novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and has passed on great moving epics such as the tales of King Gesar, Manas, and Jangar. Such a vast cultural heritage has, over thousands of years, shaped the Chinese people’s cultural ideal and their understanding of family and nation.


  Following this remarkable historical thread, the Chinese people have always worked hard and engaged in innovation. China invented papermaking, gunpowder, printing, and the compass, all important scientific and technological advances that have had a profound impact on human civilization, and our efforts have also been fruitful in many other fields, such as agriculture, medicine, astronomy, and arithmetic. Creativity, as the ceaseless endowment and strength of the Chinese nation, has both shaped the splendid Chinese civilization and is deeply influencing the development of today’s China. Cutting-edge achievements have emerged one after another, such as high-performance computers, quantum communications, the Beidou Navigation Satellite System, and deep-sea manned submersibles, and there has been an explosion of major innovations. Today, China’s scientific and technological capacity is undergoing an important transition from quantitative to qualitative growth and from individual breakthroughs to comprehensive upgrading.

  ——沿著這道枝繁葉茂的歷史文脈,中國(guó)人民始終勤勉耕耘、自強(qiáng)不息,建設(shè)了萬(wàn)里長(zhǎng)城、都江堰、大運(yùn)河、故宮、布達(dá)拉宮等氣勢(shì)恢宏的偉大工程。進(jìn)入新時(shí)代的中國(guó),基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)成就顯著,信息暢通,公路成網(wǎng),鐵路密布,高壩矗立,西氣東輸,南水北調(diào),高鐵飛馳,巨輪遠(yuǎn)航,飛機(jī)翱翔,天塹變通途。我們已是世界第二大經(jīng)濟(jì)體、制造業(yè)第一大國(guó)、貨物貿(mào)易第一大國(guó)、商品消費(fèi)第二大國(guó)、外資流入第二大國(guó),外匯儲(chǔ)備連續(xù)多年位居世界第一。Continuing along this vibrant historical and cultural tradition, the Chinese people have always worked diligently and tirelessly to make our country strong. We have constructed magnificent projects including the Great Wall, the Dujiangyan irrigation system, the Grand Canal, the Imperial Palace, and the Potala Palace. In the new era, China’s infrastructure is developing rapidly to realize unimpeded information flow, a network of highways, dense railway coverage, towering dams, west-to-east gas transmission, south-to-north water diversion, high-speed rail, huge ships, modern airplanes, and grand bridges turning deep chasms into thoroughfares. China is now the world’s second-largest economy, largest manufacturer and trader of goods, and second-largest consumer of goods and destination for foreign investment, and our foreign exchange reserves have been the largest in the world for many years running.


  Truly, everything becomes clear with time. From the collision of ideas at the Jixia Academy to the incredible exploration of outer space, it is undoubtedly the great spirit of creation that is the powerful force making our dreams come true. It is this force that drives our great nation to achieve remarkable feats and write glorious chapters.



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