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第一部分 英譯漢 試題一

Offshore supply vessels resembling large, floating flat-backed trucks fill VictoriaDock,unable to find charters in a sign of the downturn in Britain's oil industry.

With UK North Sea oil and gas production 44 percent below its peak, self-styled oil capital of Europe Aberdeen fears the slowdown is not simply cyclical.

The oil industry that at one stage sparked talk of Scotland as "the Kuwait of the West" has already outlived most predictions.

Tourism, life sciences, and the export of oil services around the world are among Aberdeen's targeted substitutes for North sea oil and gas -- but for many the biggest prize would be to use its offshore oil expertise to build a renewable energy industry as big as oil.

The city aims to use its experience to become a leader in offshore wind, tidal power and carbon dioxide capture and storage.

Alex Salmond, head of the devolved Scottish government, told a conference in Aberdeen last month the market for wind power could be worth 130 billion pounds, while Scotland could be the "Saudi Arabia of tidal power."

"We're seeing the emergence of an offshore energy market that is comparable in scale to the market we've seen in offshore oil and gas in the last 40 years," he said.

Another area of focus, tourism, has previously been hindered by the presence of oil. Eager to put Aberdeen on the international tourist map, local business has strongly backed a plan by U.S. real estate tycoon Donald Trump for a luxury housing and golf project 12 km (8 miles) north of the city, even though it means building on a nature reserve.

The city also hopes to reorientate its vibrant oil services industry toward emerging offshore oil centers such as Brazil. "Just because the production in the North Sea starts to decline doesn't mean that Aberdeen as a global center also declines," said Robert Collier, Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive. "That expertise can still stay here and be exported around the world."



阿伯丁市自稱“歐洲石油之都”?,F(xiàn)如今北海油氣產(chǎn)量相比峰值下降了 44%,不由令人擔(dān)心此番下滑絕非周期性衰退那么簡單。

阿伯丁的石油工業(yè)發(fā)展曾經(jīng)如日中天,人們也每每將蘇格蘭比作是“西方科威特”。不 過,有人曾經(jīng)指出該地區(qū)石油工業(yè)的蓬勃發(fā)展態(tài)勢不會持續(xù)太久,阿伯丁的石油工業(yè)能 撐到今天已經(jīng)超出了多數(shù)人的預(yù)料。

隨著北海油氣產(chǎn)量的持續(xù)下滑,阿伯丁也不得不尋找替代產(chǎn)業(yè),旅游業(yè)、生命科技、 與石油工業(yè)相關(guān)的服務(wù)外包等都在考慮之列。但是,許多人認(rèn)為最理想的產(chǎn)業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)型是, 充分利用當(dāng)?shù)亟J烷_采的豐富經(jīng)驗(yàn)和優(yōu)勢,逐步建立起規(guī)??氨仁凸I(yè)的可再生 能源產(chǎn)業(yè)。

阿伯丁市政府希望充分利用上述經(jīng)驗(yàn)和優(yōu)勢,逐步樹立在近海風(fēng)能和潮汐能發(fā)電、 碳捕獲與碳封存領(lǐng)域的世界領(lǐng)先地位。

蘇格蘭首席部長亞歷克斯·薩蒙德上月在阿伯丁舉行的一次會議上演講時(shí)稱,風(fēng)能市 場規(guī)??蛇_(dá) 1300 億英鎊,而蘇格蘭潮汐能發(fā)電潛力巨大,堪比“潮汐能領(lǐng)域的沙特阿拉 伯”。


過去,旅游業(yè)受到當(dāng)?shù)厥凸I(yè)的影響,毫無起色,現(xiàn)在逐漸受到當(dāng)局的重視。美 國房產(chǎn)大亨唐納德·特朗普計(jì)劃在阿伯丁市以北 12 公里處開發(fā)一個(gè)帶有高爾夫球場的高 檔住宅項(xiàng)目,不過該項(xiàng)目會占用當(dāng)?shù)氐囊黄匀槐Wo(hù)區(qū)。盡管如此,一心想把阿伯丁打 造成為世界級旅游勝地的當(dāng)?shù)毓ど探缛匀欢αχС衷撻_發(fā)項(xiàng)目。

阿伯丁市政府同時(shí)希望對蓬勃發(fā)展的油田服務(wù)業(yè)進(jìn)行重新定位,把外包目標(biāo)轉(zhuǎn)向巴 西等新興近海石油開采中心。當(dāng)?shù)厣虝L羅伯特·科利爾說,“北海油氣產(chǎn)量下滑并不等 于說阿伯丁全球石油中心的地位也在下降。我們的經(jīng)驗(yàn)和優(yōu)勢仍在,可以大力發(fā)展近海 油田服務(wù)外包。”


We mark the passing of 800 years, and that is indeed a remarkable span for any institution. But history is never an even-flowing stream, and the most remarkable thing about modern Cambridge has been its enormous growth over the past half century. Since I came up as an undergraduate in 1961 the student population has more than doubled. More students have meant more teachers, and, even more significantly, more scholars devoted solely to research:

every category has more than doubled in numbers. This huge increase has been partly absorbed by an expansion of the colleges: they all have more students and more Fellows than they did 50 years ago; and, since 1954, no fewer than 11 of the 31 colleges are either brand new foundations, or have been conjured up as new creations from existing but quite different bodies.

From being a university primarily driven by undergraduate education, Cambridge's reputation is now overwhelmingly tied to its research achievements, which can be simply represented by the fact that more than three-quarters of its current annual income is devoted to research. This has brought not just new laboratories but new buildings to house whole faculties and departments: in the mid-20th century few faculties had a physical manifestation beyond, perhaps, a library and a couple of administrative offices.

Cambridge attracts the best students and academics because they find the University and the colleges stimulating and enjoyable places in which to live and work. The students are thrown in with similarly able minds, learning as much from each other as from their teachers; the good senior academics know better than to be too hierarchical or to cut themselves off from intellectual criticism and debate.

One generation dismisses another: not even Erasmus or Newton, Darwin or Keynes stand unscathed by the passage of time; nor can we be but humbled, especially in our day when so much information is so easily accessible, by the vast store of knowledge which we can approach but never really control. Our library and museum collections bring us into contact with many lives lived in the past. They serve as symbols of the continuity of learning, or the diversity of views, of an obligation to wrestle with fact and argument, to come to our own conclusions, and in turn to be accountable for our findings. The real quest is not for knowledge, but for understanding.


今天,我們迎來了劍橋 800 周年紀(jì)念日,對于任何一個(gè)機(jī)構(gòu)而言,800 年都不是須臾 瞬間,不由令人驚嘆。不過,歷史從來就不是一條靜靜流淌的小溪/歷史縱是一條溪澗, 也總有漣漪波瀾。縱觀劍橋,過去半個(gè)世紀(jì)以來的迅猛發(fā)展無疑是近代劍橋最生動(dòng)的寫 照。我 1961 年進(jìn)入劍橋?qū)W習(xí),與那時(shí)相比,劍橋今天的學(xué)生數(shù)量翻了一番還多。隨著學(xué) 生數(shù)量的快速增加,各個(gè)學(xué)院也在不斷擴(kuò)張,現(xiàn)在每個(gè)學(xué)院的學(xué)生和教師數(shù)量都已超過 五十年前;自 1954 年起,至少有 11 所新學(xué)院在劍橋誕生,有的是新建的,有的則是原有 學(xué)院合并形成的。今天的劍橋已經(jīng)擁有 31 所學(xué)院。

劍橋過去是一所教學(xué)型大學(xué),如今已是一所赫赫有名的研究型大學(xué),學(xué)校年收入的 至少四分之三用于研究。作為研究型大學(xué),劍橋新建了實(shí)驗(yàn)室和教學(xué)大樓,為各系全體 師生提供了充足的教研場所。而就在上世紀(jì)中葉,一個(gè)圖書館和幾個(gè)行政辦公室就是劍 橋的全部,絕大部分老師都沒有立身之所。

劍橋之所以能吸引最優(yōu)秀的學(xué)生和師資,在于其催人奮進(jìn)的良好氛圍以及愉快愜意 的工作、生活環(huán)境。能進(jìn)入劍橋的學(xué)生個(gè)個(gè)聰穎,思維敏捷,在這里,除了老師傳道授 業(yè)解惑外,學(xué)生們也相互比學(xué)趕幫;劍橋的老師也都為人師表,毫無架子,勇于接受學(xué) 術(shù)批評,樂于與學(xué)生展開辯論。

劍橋送走了一代又一代莘莘學(xué)子,人才輩出,甚至連伊拉斯姆斯、牛 頓、達(dá)爾 文抑或凱恩斯等這些鼎鼎大名也難抵歲月的 滌蕩。當(dāng)今時(shí)代,信息獲取易如反掌, 我們可以 接觸到海量的知識但卻永遠(yuǎn)無法真正掌 控知識,我們絕不能為此氣餒,徒增無 措之感。 我們通過圖書館和博物館的館藏了解到 前輩們的軼事偉績,是他們使知識得以 傳承,是 他們倡導(dǎo)學(xué)術(shù)爭鳴。從他們身上我們認(rèn) 識到,身為學(xué)者,必須以實(shí)為據(jù)進(jìn)行辯 論,進(jìn)而 得出自己的結(jié)論,同時(shí),也必須對自己 的結(jié)論負(fù)責(zé),解疑釋惑。人們真正探求 的并非知 識本身,而是對知識的理解。



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