Monsters, unfortunately, sometimes refuse to staydead. Diseases once eradicated can creep back andstrike at the most vulnerable in countries leastequipped to deal with them. And slavery itselfblights many lives today. It's prohibited, of course,under any number of international agreements, butit mutates into different forms, and the end result isthe same - human beings being treated merely asexploitable assets.So people who've agreed to betrafficked across continents in the hope of a newbeginning find they're trapped in a nightmare offorced labour, brutal conditions, and minimal reward. Women and children, especially, arekidnapped into prostitution. Whole communities are in subjection as bonded labourers, unableto free themselves from often quite small debts incurred by previous generations. More than ahundred million children are reckoned to be required to do work which harms them. And on itgoes.
不幸的是,妖魔鬼怪總會死灰復燃。曾經根除的疾病又開始在最缺乏防御手段的國家、最脆弱的人群中肆虐。現在,奴隸制毀掉了很多人的生活。所有國際條約都是禁止奴隸制的,但它已幻化成其他形式,但萬變不離其宗 -- 把人當剝削工具。那些懷揣夢想,遠涉重洋開始新生活的人們,最后發(fā)現自己陷入了一個噩夢,勞務繁重,環(huán)境惡劣,收入微薄。尤其是婦女和小孩,甚至被迫賣淫。整個群體被迫成了廉價勞工,即便是父輩一點微不足道的債務都能讓他們不得翻身。據估計,超過1億兒童被迫從事有害的工作。而這還在繼續(xù)。