Over a forty year career John Rockefeller used innovation and ingenuity to create a corporate empire unlike any the world has ever seen.
在四十年的職業(yè)生涯中 約翰·洛克菲勒運用創(chuàng)新和智慧創(chuàng)造一個世界上前所未有的企業(yè)帝國
But he was also notoriously ruthless and many believe he went too far.
但他也是出了名的冷酷無情 很多人認為他做得太過分了
For John D. Rockefeller, judgment day is here in what's become the trial of the century: The People versus Standard Oil.
對約翰·D·洛克菲勒來說 審判日就在于這一世紀審判 美國人民訴標準石油公司的官司
The picture painted of Standard Oil is a depressing one.
No trust in the history of America has been so destructive in its pursuit of profit.
Time and time again we have heard how Standard Oil has used secret kickbacks from the railroads, been routinely engaged in predatory pricing, used intimidation and exclusive sales territories to put refineries out of business.
我們反反復復地聽說 標準石油從鐵路獲取秘密回扣 定價過高形成暴利 使用恐嚇以及獨家銷售的手段 讓煉油廠歇業(yè)
For over thirty years, Standard Oil has been on a mission to crush its competition and establish itself as a monopoly to hoist up the price of kerosene.
三十多年來 標準石油公司一直在摧毀對手 進行壟斷以抬高煤油價格
Mr. Rockefeller, before the court renders its decision, do you have anything you wish to say?
洛克菲勒先生 在法庭宣布決定之前 你有什么要說的嗎