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1)時(shí)間與數(shù)字題型時(shí)間、數(shù)字和計(jì)算是聽力測(cè)試中最常見的題型,幾乎每年都有,而且題型也比較多。歷年試題中雖然涉及的數(shù)字或數(shù)目并不多,但考生的答對(duì)率卻不高。究其原因,一是對(duì)數(shù)字的表達(dá)方法不夠熟悉,二是對(duì)技巧的運(yùn)用不夠熟練?!?卷面線索時(shí)間題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)一般都是表達(dá)時(shí)刻的數(shù)字,或是星期、年、月等詞,偶爾會(huì)有介詞后跟數(shù)字。數(shù)字題的選項(xiàng)則有可能為純粹的數(shù)字或帶有貨幣符號(hào)的數(shù)字?!?解題要點(diǎn)一般來說,正確答案不會(huì)是直接聽到的數(shù)字,而往往是在意思上與這相同或相近,或換了一種表達(dá)方式,或要求對(duì)聽到的數(shù)字進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)單的四則運(yùn)算。做這類題時(shí),聽清這些數(shù)字和它們之間的關(guān)系是解題的關(guān)鍵。這些數(shù)字之間的關(guān)系往往用more/less, late/early, fast/slow, before/after之類的形容詞、副詞或介詞短語來表示,多為時(shí)間題?!纠?】M: Could you tell me the timetable of the school bus?W: Well, the bus leaves here for the campus every two hours from 6:30 am But on weekends it starts half an hour later.Q: When did the second bus leave on Saturday?A) 7:30 B) 8:00 C) 8:30 D) 9:00答案D)。這是一道較為復(fù)雜的轉(zhuǎn)換題??忌鷳?yīng)聽懂對(duì)話中的every two hours from 6:30和half an hour later兩處,同時(shí)還要細(xì)心,捕捉到問題中的the second bus和Saturday?!纠?】W:Have you heard about the air crash that occurred last Wednesday?M:Yes The newspaper said six crew members and sixty four passengers were killed, and fifteen others were injured.Q: How +many people suffered in the air crash?A) 85. B)70 C)64. D)31.這是一道簡(jiǎn)單的數(shù)字運(yùn)算題,解題的關(guān)鍵是要聽懂問句中的“suffer”一詞,受害者應(yīng)包括死者和傷者,故答案應(yīng)為6+64+15=85,A)。【例3】W:Sorry,Mr Smith is not in May I have him return your call?M:Yes, thank you I’m at 6330872…Sorry It’s 6338720.Q: What’s the man’s telephone number?A) 6330872. B)6380372. C) 6338720. D)6338726.這道題要注意的是電話號(hào)碼在口語中的讀法。6338720的最常見的讀法是:six double three eight seven two zero (或o)。另外還要注意不要受干擾信息的影響,如本題中的6330872以及其后的話語停頓。【例5】W: I’d like to make two reservations one Flight 651 for June 8th.M: I’m sorry We’ve booked up on the 8th But we still have a few seats available on the 9thQ: When does the man want to leave?A) On the 6th of June B) On the 8th of June.C) On the 9th of June D) On the 19th of June.答案為(B)。與上一題類似,本題是考察考生抗干擾的能力。對(duì)話中干擾因素有Flight 651和the 9th兩個(gè)數(shù)詞??忌€要理解兩個(gè)詞:reservation意為“預(yù)定”,而book up則指“訂完”。此外,還要熟悉日期的不同表達(dá)方法。2) 地點(diǎn)與方向題型在地點(diǎn)型試題中,有的地點(diǎn)在對(duì)話中直接提到,有的則需要根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容來判斷(這類問題一般是問對(duì)話發(fā)生在何處),還有的則是兩者兼而有之?!?卷面線索:選項(xiàng)通常由(介詞+)地點(diǎn)名詞構(gòu)成,提問可分為兩種情況。第一種問對(duì)話發(fā)生在何處,選項(xiàng)的形式通常為表示方位的介詞(如in, at等)加上一個(gè)地點(diǎn)名詞構(gòu)成;第二種問的是方向,選項(xiàng)的形式通常為表示方向的介詞(如to, from, out of等)加上一個(gè)地點(diǎn)名詞或者只有地點(diǎn)名詞構(gòu)成?!?解題要點(diǎn):(1) 首先要根據(jù)卷面線索判斷出試題的類型。對(duì)于第一種試題,要重點(diǎn)聽對(duì)話中的與特定地點(diǎn)有關(guān)的常用詞或詞組(即關(guān)鍵詞),例如聽到reserve,check in,check out,room之類的詞的話即可判斷對(duì)話是發(fā)生在旅館里,聽到size,color,pay,discount之類的詞即可判斷對(duì)話地點(diǎn)是在商店等。(2) 與方向有關(guān)的詞和詞組并不多,所提出的問題在形式上也可能比較簡(jiǎn)單,但是這類問題出現(xiàn)時(shí),往往需要幾經(jīng)思考才能得出答案。在這類問題中,務(wù)必要注意錄音中的內(nèi)容細(xì)節(jié),不要單憑從對(duì)話中獲得的孤立信息來確定答案。建議在聽音的同時(shí)用筆在紙上畫一些草圖以幫助理解。(3)與時(shí)間題不同,有的地點(diǎn)題可通過邏輯判斷猜出正確的答案,平時(shí)要注意這方面能力的培養(yǎng)?!纠?】M:Good afternoon This is Edward Miller at the Sun Valley Health Center I’d like to speak to Mr Adams, please.W:Mr Miller, my husband isn’t at home I can give you his business phone if you’d like to call him at work.Q:Where is Mr Adams now?A)At the Sun Valley. B) At the Health Center.C) At home D) At Work.答案D)。本題表面是很簡(jiǎn)單,因?yàn)閷?duì)話中有直接提示詞At work,它與D)項(xiàng)完全相同。此外,his buisness phone(他的辦公電話)也能給我們一定的提示。【例2】M: I’ve just got back from the holiday you arranged for me, but I must tell you the hotel was really awful! It was miles from the sea. The food was awful too. The bedroom was dirty.W: Sorry about that but it’s not really our fault. The contract does say that the hotel accommodation is not our responsibilityQ: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?A) At the airport.  B) In a travel agency.C) In a hotel D) At home此題對(duì)話中雖有地點(diǎn)名詞出現(xiàn)(hotel),但明顯不是答案。本題考的是推理能力。根據(jù)hotel等關(guān)鍵詞,可推斷對(duì)話的話題與旅行有關(guān)。而從W的話中的arrange, contract等詞,可以判斷出這是一家旅行社(B)。本題說明,在聽對(duì)話時(shí),要對(duì)關(guān)鍵詞特別注意,但又不能認(rèn)為關(guān)鍵詞就是答案?!纠?】M:Now, Miss, do you feel all right now? What happened?W:Yes, I’m fine now. I was just at the motorway I was driving along the main road when suddenly right before the crossroads I met the car came out at the side street I didn’t see him until he hit me.Q: Where was the car before it hit the woman?A)In the side street. B) At the crossroads.C) On the main road D) On the motorway.本題屬于較為特殊的地點(diǎn)題,考生不僅要聽懂對(duì)話發(fā)生的地點(diǎn),而且要能理解I met the car came out at the side street這句語法上有錯(cuò)誤的話并推斷出在汽車撞上W之前,它正在the side street (A)中。其他選項(xiàng)在對(duì)話中都曾出現(xiàn)過,但它們都是描述W本人所在的位置,而非肇事車輛所處的位置?!纠?】W: I just stopped by at your office in the bank. They told me that you had quit where are you working now?M: I am working for a lawyer now.The pay is better and the work is much more interesting.Q: Where did the man work before?A) In a court. B) On the farm.C) In a bank. D) In a shop.答案C)。此題的關(guān)鍵詞bank在對(duì)話中出現(xiàn)了兩次,考生不但可以從女士的話(…at your office in the bank,They told me that you had quit:),也可以從男士的回答(The pay is better than in the bank…)中得出本題的正確答案。而a lawyer 僅僅是一個(gè)難度不大的干擾詞,考生只要聽懂now這一詞就可以排B)D)兩項(xiàng)與本題對(duì)話明顯無關(guān)。3)觀點(diǎn)、態(tài)度與反應(yīng)題型觀點(diǎn)、態(tài)度與反應(yīng)題是指對(duì)話雙方對(duì)某事或某人的觀點(diǎn)和看法。有時(shí)這種觀點(diǎn)和看法在對(duì)話中直接表達(dá)出來了,但絕大部分情況需要考生從說話人的語調(diào)、語氣以及所使用的詞匯、短語等方面來進(jìn)行推理和判別的。這種題型的卷面特征通常表現(xiàn)在以下兩個(gè)方面:(1) 選項(xiàng)一般為完整的句子。(2) 某一選項(xiàng)可能含有think, should, agree (disagree), share … opinion , like (dislike), will等詞。其提問方式有:What did the woman/man say about …?What’s the woman’s/man’s attitude towards / opinion about …?What does the woman/man mean/imply (by saying …)?What did the woman/man think of …?What does the man think the woman should do?等等。這類題由于說話者表達(dá)觀點(diǎn)和看法的方式比較含蓄,不能為選擇書面答案提供直接的信息,而是需要考生聽懂錄音并利用邏輯思維來進(jìn)行推理和判斷,因此往往被認(rèn)為較難(在托福聽力中這種題居多,在近幾年的六級(jí)考試題中亦多見)。為此,從卷面的角度考慮,我們建議采取以下策略:(1)凡在選項(xiàng)中出現(xiàn)agree (disagree), share … opinion , like (dislike)之類的詞語的題是判斷第二個(gè)說話的人是否同意第一個(gè)說話的人的觀點(diǎn)的,在聽的時(shí)候要重點(diǎn)注意第二個(gè)人所說的話,尤其是言外之意 。平時(shí)還要掌握表示贊同和反對(duì)的習(xí)語,如:You can say it again.I can’t agree more.I’m not sure…I doubt …I’d rather …(2)選項(xiàng)中出現(xiàn)should, ought to等詞語的題,其答案多出現(xiàn)在第一個(gè)人說的話里,但是要隨機(jī)應(yīng)變。例如,第一個(gè)人是女聲,如果選項(xiàng)都是He should / the man should …的話,則重點(diǎn)在女聲的話中;而如果選項(xiàng)中出現(xiàn)的是She should …的話,重點(diǎn)又在男聲的話中了。(3)對(duì)于選項(xiàng)中出現(xiàn)mean, think, will (表意愿)的題,通常有兩種情況,其一是說話人用了虛擬語氣來表達(dá)其愿望;其二是找一個(gè)借口(用but來引導(dǎo))來拒絕對(duì)方的邀請(qǐng)、建議等。因此平時(shí)要對(duì)虛擬語氣非常熟悉,考試時(shí)才能聽得出來。此外,對(duì)話者的語調(diào)也可提供重要的信息,但要求較高,此處不予推薦,讀者如有興趣,可參考有關(guān)書籍?!纠?】M: Isn’t that a new brand of typewriter you are working at?W: Oh, Bill This isn’t the first time you’ve asked me about it.Q: What does the woman imply?A) The man is a forgetful person.B) The typewriter is not new.C) The man can have the typewriter later.D) The man misunderstood her.答案為A)。本題是一道間接回答的典型題。W并沒有直接回答M的話,而是說:你已問了多次了。言外之意,是說M太健忘。捕捉言外之意是一項(xiàng)要求較高、難度較大的能力,它不僅要求具有扎實(shí)的語言基礎(chǔ)與聽的能力,還需要經(jīng)過反復(fù)實(shí)踐才能掌握?!纠?】W: Now, would you please fill out these customs forms for each package? Please state clearly the contents and value of each, and the name and address of the returnee Better in block letters.M: There I think I’ve filled out everything correctly.Q: What’s the woman’s occupation?A) Doctor B) Clerk.C) Professor D) Waitress.答案為B)。本題的關(guān)鍵詞包括fill out … forms, customs, state the contents and value等。從以上的關(guān)鍵詞中我們可以知道W是海關(guān)人員,所以其余選項(xiàng)皆不可能?!纠?】W: Some people know a lot more than they tell.M: Unfortunately the reverse is also true.Q: What does the man mean?A) Some people pretend to know what they really don’t.B) What the woman said is true.C) What the woman said is wrong.D) He knows more than the woman does.答案為A)。由于對(duì)話極短,僅就對(duì)話內(nèi)容而言,本題難度較大。考生不僅要理解W所說的話,同樣要理解M說的the reverse is also true (相反的情況同樣存在,即說的比懂的多,不懂裝懂)。所以,他不僅肯定了W的話,還提出了自己的觀點(diǎn),這樣,只選B)就不夠準(zhǔn)確了?!纠?】M: May I ask the nature of your business, please?W: I’m from the State Administration, and I need to talk with Mr Jones about his building project on 20 Street.Q: What is the man’s probable occupation?A) Waiter. B) Secretary.C) Tailor D) Professor.本題略難,對(duì)話中男士的職業(yè)要從女士的回答中去推斷,女士說她來找Mr Jones是要與他談在20號(hào)大街上的建筑項(xiàng)目,由此可知對(duì)話中的男士應(yīng)該是Mr Jones的同事或下屬,只有B)符合。4)職業(yè)與身份題型職業(yè)與身份類型的題包括人物的職業(yè)、身份以及與他人的關(guān)系。此類對(duì)話經(jīng)常提供一個(gè)情節(jié),反應(yīng)所涉及的人物的關(guān)系或身份。大部分情況下,這類題的選擇項(xiàng)是有固定格式的,要么是四個(gè)不同的職業(yè),要么是四對(duì)不同身份的人。與地點(diǎn)題類似的是,我們?cè)诼犚魰r(shí)要善于捕捉關(guān)鍵詞,以便抓住簡(jiǎn)短對(duì)話中所提供的信息,作出準(zhǔn)確的判斷。因此,除了要熟悉選項(xiàng)出現(xiàn)的形式,還要對(duì)其相應(yīng)的設(shè)問做到心中有數(shù)。常見的設(shè)問有:1 Who (what) is the man/woman?2 What is the man’s/woman’s profession/occupation?3 What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?對(duì)于前兩種提問,其選項(xiàng)通常為四個(gè)表示職業(yè)的名詞。而對(duì)于第三題,其選項(xiàng)則為由and連接起來的四對(duì)名詞或名詞復(fù)數(shù)。5)原因與結(jié)果題型原因與結(jié)果題與大多數(shù)其他類型的題所不同的是,聽音前較難通過卷面線索判斷出這一題屬于原因與結(jié)果題,要想判斷出正確答案就更困難了。但是題型判斷對(duì)于捕捉關(guān)鍵信息非常重要,考生應(yīng)通過平時(shí)大量的訓(xùn)練和細(xì)致的分析爭(zhēng)取盡快地抓住一些蛛絲馬跡,作出準(zhǔn)確的判斷。這類題的卷面特征可概括如下:(1)四個(gè)選項(xiàng)通常都是完整的陳述句;(2)至少有一個(gè)選項(xiàng)暗示出該事實(shí)能導(dǎo)致某種結(jié)果,通常有好幾個(gè)選項(xiàng)的事實(shí)能導(dǎo)致同一結(jié)果;(3)選項(xiàng)中可能出現(xiàn)can’t, not be able to, too(… to), have to等詞或詞組。對(duì)于因果題,只要判斷出題的類型就足夠了,不宜浪費(fèi)時(shí)間推測(cè)正確答案。此外,因果題主要集中在原因上,而且一般由對(duì)話中的第二個(gè)人說出,因此應(yīng)試時(shí)要格外注意第二個(gè)人說的話。提問通常以why、what reason等引導(dǎo)。以下各例對(duì)考試中出現(xiàn)過的各種形式逐一分析。【例1】M: Mary, why isn’t Jane teaching here this term?W: She can’t she was fired.Q: What reason was given for Jane’s not teaching?A) She is tired of teaching.B) She was dismissed from her job.C) She’s changing jobs.D) The school is too hot.請(qǐng)讀者結(jié)合本題,理解上面所講的卷面特征。本題中的D顯然沒有道理,剩下的三個(gè)選項(xiàng)都能引起Jane不再教書這一結(jié)果。判斷出題型以后,就不會(huì)錯(cuò)過W話中的she was fired這一信息,答案B)自然就呼之欲出了?!纠?】W:Suppose the company offered you a pay rise of 50%, would you be so determined to leave and look for a job elsewhere?M:Yes I’ve set my mind on it, I’d like to find a job with scope to show my ability.Q:Why has the man decided to leave the company?A) He is not equal to the job.B) He is not well paid for his work.C) He doesn’t think the job is challenging enough.D) He can not keep mind on his work.本題要求根據(jù)表面話語推斷出隱含的意義。在對(duì)話中,M最關(guān)鍵的一句是:I’d like to … ability。言外之意就是目前的工作對(duì)他來說缺乏挑戰(zhàn)性,即C)項(xiàng)為正確?!纠?】M: Helen isn’t here yet. Did you forget to invite her?W: She was going to come, but then changed her mind.Q: Why isn’t Helen present?A) She decided not to come.B) She forgot to come.C) She wasn’t invited.D) She altered her decision.本題盡管沒有出現(xiàn)具有提示作用的關(guān)鍵詞,但綜合四個(gè)(尤其是前三個(gè))選項(xiàng),明顯可以看出,問題必然是why doesn’t Helen come這樣的句子,這樣在聽懂第二個(gè)人的話語之后,這一題就很容易做出來了。正確答案為D?!纠?】W: George, where were you yesterday evening? I expected to see you at the concert.M: Oh, I waited for you at the corner of your street. Then I looked for you at your flat, but the housekeeper said you were out.Q: Why didn’t they meet that evening?A) They were both busy doing their own work.B) They waited for each other at different places.C) They went to the street corner at different times.D) The man went to the concert but the woman didn’t.盡管因果題的答題線索通常都出現(xiàn)在第二個(gè)人說的話中,即第一個(gè)人說出結(jié)果,第二個(gè)人解釋原因,但本題是個(gè)例外,雙方都說出了部分原因。這是為什么呢?我們看一下選項(xiàng)就明白了。在本題的選項(xiàng)中每一項(xiàng)都牽扯到了對(duì)話的雙方,所以聽的時(shí)候要注意雙方話。6)事件情景題型在聽力考試中,最令考生頭疼的莫過于事件情景題,但恰恰這類題在六級(jí)考試中出現(xiàn)得最多,這也是四、六級(jí)聽力考試的區(qū)別之一。事件與情景題是針對(duì)對(duì)話所涉及的事件、對(duì)話所發(fā)生的情景及談話內(nèi)容存在的背景等設(shè)計(jì)而成的考題。這種題的形式一般是:對(duì)話雙方圍繞某件事、某個(gè)主題進(jìn)行討論,在談話中涉及情景、背景或描述環(huán)境,然后針對(duì)談話內(nèi)容提問,其設(shè)問通常由what、why、how等引出,如:What are the two speakers discussing?What does the man/woman say about …?What can you learn from the conversation? 等。事件與情景題可分為事件細(xì)節(jié)題、綜合理解題和推理題。對(duì)于細(xì)節(jié)題,考生要聽清整個(gè)談話的內(nèi)容以至個(gè)別的詞語;對(duì)于其他兩種題,考生還要能夠?qū)⑦@些內(nèi)容和細(xì)節(jié)連貫起來進(jìn)行整體的綜合理解和進(jìn)行邏輯推理。由于其選項(xiàng)多為完整的句子,因此有效利用這種題的卷面線索的方法是:做題前對(duì)選項(xiàng)進(jìn)行快速瀏覽,找出重復(fù)率較高的詞,并對(duì)對(duì)話的內(nèi)容和背景進(jìn)行預(yù)測(cè),甚至可用邏輯分析猜出正確答案?!纠?】M: Did you hear Mike is in hospital with head injuries and a broken arm?W: Yes, apparently he was struck by another vehicle and turned completely over.Q: What happened to Mike?A) His car was hit by another car.B) He was hurt while playing volleyball.C) He fell down the stairs.D) While crossing the street, he was hit by a car.答案為A)。此題考的是判斷事實(shí)、關(guān)注細(xì)節(jié)的能力,有一定的難度。其實(shí),考生如果聽懂了M說的he was struck by another vehicle,就能推斷出Mike在被撞時(shí)是開著車子的,否則就不可能說是another vehicle了,更何況選項(xiàng)A)實(shí)際上就是此句話的同義重復(fù)。就卷面來說,本題有兩個(gè)選項(xiàng)與車禍有關(guān)(A、D),另外兩個(gè)則是各自獨(dú)立的,事先可基本確定答案將在A、D中產(chǎn)生。【例2】M: This has been the worst flood for the past 20 years It has caused much damage and destruction.W: Look at the prices of fruits and vegetables. No wonder they are so expensive.Q: What are they talking about?A)The effects of the flood.B) The heroic fight against a flood.C) The cause of the floodD) Floods of the past twenty years.答案為A) 。本題要求根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容推斷所談?wù)摰闹黝}——洪水造成的影響??忌蓮膬煞矫娴贸龃鸢?,一是M的后一句話It has caused many damage and destruction,二是W話中涉及的事實(shí),它們實(shí)際上就是由洪水引起的?!纠?】W: I have to think about your offer I can’t say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ at the moment.M: You can take your time It will do if you let me know your decision in a day or two.Q: Which of the following is true?A) The man thinks the woman is wasting her time.B) The man thinks the woman should make full use of her time.C) The man is eager to know the woman’s answer.D) The man can wait and there is no need for her to hurry.本題的選項(xiàng)極象觀點(diǎn)、態(tài)度與反應(yīng)題,但實(shí)際考的是把握細(xì)節(jié)的能力。當(dāng)年(1991年6月)很多考生都沒能做對(duì),主要原因是對(duì)take one’s time沒有理解,而將其與選項(xiàng)B)的意思混淆了,而且也沒能用M的后半句話來加以驗(yàn)證。事實(shí)上,M的話可分為兩部分,把握住任何一個(gè)就足以選出正確答案D),如能相互驗(yàn)證那就更有把握了。從卷面的角度分析,我們可以看出,C)、D)兩項(xiàng)為完全排斥的反義關(guān)系,而A)、B)并非如此。在這種情況下,可基本排除A)、B),本題的難度也就降低了50%。

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