Mockingbirds can tell one person from another with great skill, especially when that personposes a threat. In one experiment, scientists had volunteers approached and touchedmockingbird nests once a day for four days. By the second day, the birds began their warningcalls and attack runs sooner than they had the day before. By the fourth day, the birdsappeared to be able to spot the human intruders as soon as they began to approach the nests.
On the fifth day, however, a new person approached and touched the birds' nests. And thebirds were slower to react. So in other words, the birds weren't simply protecting their nestswith the same ferocity no matter who approached.
They quickly recognized repeat intruders and were quick to target them. Because the newintruder wasn't familiar, the birds took longer to size him up. Mockingbirds might not be theonly bird species to distinguish between people. Other species that have adapted to humanenvironments might be good people spotters, too. In fact, this ability might be part of whatallows some birds to thrive in urban environments.