In fact, they can be found almost everywhere on and in the human body—on our skin, in ourmouths, guts, kidneys—just to name a few, and they are present in almost unbelievablenumbers. On average, a human body has about ten times more bacteria cells living in and onit, than it has human cells.
So in a very real sense, you're more bacteria than human. Additionally not all bacteria aresuch bad guys, in fact quite the opposite is true. Your skin, for example, hosts a zoo of friendlybacteria that fight off real micro bad guys, giving you a sort of “invisible armor” againstharmful intruders.
And you have trillions more bacteria in your intestines helping you digest your food, andkeeping your immune system running strong. And further studies have found that somebacteria in the human gut may help adults ward off kidney stones and prevent children fromdeveloping asthma.
So the next time you hear the word “bacteria”, don't let the few rotten apples spoil youropinion of the whole bunch, for many more of them are your friends than are your enemies.