The ancestor of modern whales moved into the water about fifty-two million years ago. Onewhale fossil, about forty million years old, provides an interesting snapshot from this gradualchange. This early whale fossil had rudimentary legs growing from its sides.
These were puny compared to the bulk of the whale, so they were probably vestigial, in theslow process of disappearing. Moving from land to salt water requires more changes than simplytrading in legs for fins, however. For example, the kidney of a modern whale allows it to drinksalt water, but early whales must have been restricted to fresh water like other mammals.
Scientists have recently discovered that this important kidney change happened about fortyeight million years ago to a whale called Indocetus. Kidneys don't leave behind fossils likebones do, so how can these scientists be sure?
科學(xué)家們最近發(fā)現(xiàn)有一類叫做 Indocetus 的鯨魚,它們的腎臟于四千八百萬年前發(fā)生重大改變。腎臟不能像骨頭那樣形成化石,因此科學(xué)家們是如何確定的呢?
The answer comes from the ancient whales' tooth enamel. Oxygen in an animal's tooth recordsinformation about the type of water they drank. The very earliest proto-whales had toothenamel that indicated a fresh water diet. They probably lived in rivers, or at least returned torivers to drink. Indocetus, however, had teeth that indicated a salt water diet. This means ithad specialized kidneys, and was probably the first mammal to swim the open ocean. That's alot of information from some old teeth!
從古鯨魚的牙釉質(zhì)里可以找到答案。動物牙齒內(nèi)的氧記錄了它們的飲水信息。最早的原始鯨魚牙齒上有牙釉質(zhì),證明它具有淡水飲食習(xí)慣。它們可能生活在河里,或者至少從河里取水。然而,Indocetus 的牙齒表明它飲用咸水。這就意味著它的腎臟專門用來喝咸水,它可能就是第一個游向海洋的哺乳動物。古老的牙齒確實(shí)藏有大量的信息!