Leafcutter ants have large jaws to cut through plant and tree leaves, but they do not eat leaves.Instead, they carry leaf pieces back to their five million or so nest mates. Here is where thefarming begins. Foraging ants hand their leaves over to smaller ants who rush them off to oneof many football sized chambers. The leaves are then chewed into smaller and smallerfragments until they can be added to a fungus culture garden.
Fungi feed off the leaves and grow bodies called gongylidia which are then distributed aroundthe colony, especially to growing larvae. Fungus may not sound too appetizing, but the whitefluffy growths are much more nutritious than leaves. We use a similar process with cows. Theyare fed grasses which we can't digest to create milk and meat. The leafcutters not only growcrops, they also protect them. While we use man-made pesticides, leafcutters use antibioticsmade by their skin bacteria to ward off invasive mold. They also physically remove foreignfungi growing in their gardens. Their system of agriculture is one to be admired. It certainly haspassed the test of time.