Don: It must be something that depends on humansfor food or shelter. What about rats?
Yael: You're on the right track. I was thinking of house mice. Have you heard the story of theextinct St. Kilda House Mouse?
Don: No.
Yael: St. Kilda is a small group of islands about one-hundred miles off the west coast ofScotland. The isolated archipelago was inhabited by humans for more than two thousandyears, from the Bronze Age until 1930. In 1930 the few remaining residents of St. Kilda werepermanently evacuated because of sickness, crop failure and casualties of World War I.Scientists believe that as early as 500 BC, Norse settlers arrived in St. Kilda and brought alonga few unwanted stowaways—European house mice. Isolated from their mainland relatives,these house mice evolved over time into a distinct species, larger and shaped differently fromtheir ancestors. St. Kilda is also home to a unique subspecies of field mouse, that probably alsoarrived as stowaways and evolved into a new species. But the St. Kilda house mouse neededthe warm houses, farms and dropped food crumbs of its human neighbors to survive. Withinthree years of the humans evacuating, all the St. Kilda house mice had died off. In contrast,the field mice survived and are still living on St. Kilda today.
Don: Is that because they didn't depend on humans for food or shelter?
Yael: Exactly.
Don: Wow. What a fascinating example of evolution in action!