Before a group of young cowbirds had time tosocialize much, West had them stay the winter with a group of canaries. In the spring theywere turned loose in an aviary with a mixed group of birds. What happened was weird: thecowbirds sang like canaries, and tried to court canaries. They ignored the other cowbirds! Andthe canaries ignored their advances. After the mating season–which these birds were reallyunsuccessful in, by the way–the cowbirds spent the next winter with a group of their ownkind. The following spring they were again turned loose with a mixed group of birds, and thistime they behaved like cowbirds. They sang cowbird songs, made cowbird moves, and did thosethings that would increase the cowbird population. What this means is that the cowbirds haveto learn how to behave like cowbirds–it doesn’t just come naturally.
socialize v.參與社交; 交際
loose a.自由的
aviary n. 鳥舍