His undoubted gifts as an anatomist allowed him to get away with the most barefaceddishonesties. In 1857, the naturalist T. H. Huxley was leafing through a new edition ofChurchill's Medical Directory when he noticed that Owen was listed as Professor of ComparativeAnatomy and Physiology at the Government School of Mines, which rather surprised Huxley asthat was the position he held. Upon inquiring how Churchill's had made such an elementalerror, he was told that the information had been provided to them by Dr. Owen himself.
A fellow naturalist named Hugh Falconer, meanwhile, caught Owen taking credit for one of hisdiscoveries. Others accused him of borrowing specimens, then denying he had done so. Oweneven fell into a bitter dispute with the Queen's dentist over the credit for a theory concerningthe physiology of teeth.