For the rest of his life he would be draped with plaudits and honors, becoming, among muchelse, the first person in Britain knighted for scientific achievement. Even the great Germanmathematician Gottfried von Leibniz, with whom Newton had a long, bitter fight over priorityfor the invention of the calculus, thought his contributions to mathematics equal to all theaccumulated work that had preceded him. "Nearer the gods no mortal may approach," wroteHalley in a sentiment that was endlessly echoed by his contemporaries and by many otherssince.
Although the Principia has been called "one of the most inaccessible books ever written" (Newton intentionally made it difficult so that he wouldn't be pestered by mathematical"smatterers," as he called them), it was a beacon to those who could follow it. It not onlyexplained mathematically the orbits of heavenly bodies, but also identified the attractive forcethat got them moving in the first place—gravity. Suddenly every motion in the universe madesense.