The only problem with school, for the kids who aren't achieving, is that there isn't enough of it.
Alexander, in fact, has done a very simple calculation to demonstrate what would happen if the children of Baltimore went to school year-round.
The answer is that poor kids and wealthy kids would, by the end of elementary school, be doing math and reading at almost the same level.
Suddenly the causes of Asian math superiority become even more obvious. Students in Asian schools don't have long summer vacations. Why could they?
Cultures that believe that the route to success lies in rising before dawn 360 days a year are scarcely going to give their children three straight months off in the summer.
The school year in the United States is, on average, about 180 days long. The South Korean school year is 220 days long.
The Japanese school year is 243 days long.
One of the questions asked of test takers on a recent math test given to students around the world, for example,
Was how many of the questions they were asked in algebra, calculus, and geometry involved subject matter that they had previously covered in class.
For Japanese twelfth graders, the answer was 92 percent. That's the value of going to school 243 days a year.
You have the time to learn everything that needs to be learned- and less time to unlearn it.
For American twelfth graders, the comparable figure was 54 percent.
For its poorest students, American doesn't have a school problem. It has a summer vacation problem, and that's the problem the KIPP schools set out to solve.
They decided to bring the lessons of rice paddy to the American inner city.