Why do leaves change colors?
I want you to think about leaves on a tree as essentially mini solar panels. What they`re able to do is fascinating. They are taking the sunlight in, and through a process known as photosynthesis, they were able to transfer the sun`s energy and create a chemical known as chlorophyll.
Now, chlorophyll is key because it gives the leaves its green colors during a long summer months. But beneath the surface, the leaves actually always have the reds, the oranges, the yellows in place. While chlorophyll is there, it`s there and it`s green. While it`s taken away in the shorter days and shorter months of autumn, now you`re releasing some of the true colors back to the surface.
Of course, weather can play a role in this as well, especially in the vibrancy of it. When you have plenty of rainfall in the growing season or in the spring season, we`re able to get plenty of good colors in early September, October and November. If you have extreme heat, extreme drought in place, maybe a freeze, early snow storm, or the strong winds, certainly that can do damage. The leaves may not be there for you to see them in peak foliage. So hopefully, you had a chance to get out there this year and enjoy the fall colors.
Why do leaves change colors?
I want you to think about leaves on a tree as essentially mini solar panels. What they`re able to do is fascinating. They are taking the sunlight in, and through a process known as photosynthesis, they were able to transfer the sun`s energy and create a chemical known as chlorophyll.
Now, chlorophyll is key because it gives the leaves its green colors during a long summer months. But beneath the surface, the leaves actually always have the reds, the oranges, the yellows in place. While chlorophyll is there, it`s there and it`s green. While it`s taken away in the shorter days and shorter months of autumn, now you`re releasing some of the true colors back to the surface.
Of course, weather can play a role in this as well, especially in the vibrancy of it. When you have plenty of rainfall in the growing season or in the spring season, we`re able to get plenty of good colors in early September, October and November. If you have extreme heat, extreme drought in place, maybe a freeze, early snow storm, or the strong winds, certainly that can do damage. The leaves may not be there for you to see them in peak foliage. So hopefully, you had a chance to get out there this year and enjoy the fall colors.