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BBC News: 蘋果公司稱將采取措施移除應用程序中惡意軟件(雙語)





Hello I am Neal Nunas with BBC news.


The left-wing Syriza party of Alexi Cyprus has been returned to power in Greece after winning the country's second general election this year. Mr. Cyprus hailed the result in front of jubilant supports in the capital Athens. “We fought a hard and difficult battle, and today I feel vindicated, because the Greek people give a clear mandate to carry on fighting inside and outside our country for uphold the pride of our people.” Syriza won't have enough seats in parliament to govern alone, and Mr. Cyprus has already confirmed that he will form another coalition with the right wing independent Greeks, his partners of the last government. A Syriza spokeswoman has said that the government will implement the bailout agreement reached with international creditors, but will hold tough negotiations over the country's massive debt.

左翼激進派的阿列克謝塞浦路斯該國今年的第二次全國大選獲勝后重新掌權(quán)希臘。塞浦路斯先生在首都雅典在開心的支持者前宣布了這一結(jié)果。“我們打了一場艱苦卓絕的戰(zhàn)斗, 今天我覺得很值得,因為我們希臘人民給了我支持,讓我去為了國家的榮耀在國內(nèi)外進行戰(zhàn)斗。我為維護我們的人民的驕傲。右翼激進黨在議會中沒有足夠的席位來單獨執(zhí)政,塞浦路斯先生已經(jīng)確認,他將與上屆政府的合作伙伴右翼黨建立另一個聯(lián)盟與,。激進派的一位發(fā)言人表示,政府將實現(xiàn)與國際債權(quán)人達成救助協(xié)議,但在在該國的巨額債務一事上談判會異常艱難。

Pope Fransis has met the former Cuban leader Fidel Pastoral at his home in Havana. A Vatican spokesman, said the two men have discussed world affairs and religion. Earlier the Pope celebrated mass in front of hundreds of thousands of people in Havana's Revolution Square, Karl is travelling with the Pope. On Sunday, the Pope met Fidel Castoral at his home in Havana. A single photo released by the Cuban authorities show the 89 year old, father of the revolution, looking frail. Afterwards, the Pope won cheers from the crowds as he urged the young in Cuba to dream, perhaps his most subversive statement here yet. Catholics on the island remember all to well the high price that some paid here for their fate. Sometimes even imprisonment. But today, the image of the Pope is everywhere, as he brings with him a message of hope and of change.


A Republican candidate for the US presidency has said Islam is incompatible with the American constitution. Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon said he would never agree to a Muslim becoming US president. I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation, I absolutely would not agree with that. Responding to the comments, James A the president of the Arabian American Institute told BBC Mr. Carson's views were downright stupid. Carson simply is making a bigoted comment, and one would expect him to know better, as a neurosurgeon who was running for president, but apparently, he does not. He was playing to debase of the Republican party.


The head of the international atomic energy agency has visited the controversial Patchi military site in Iran. Y arrived in Tehran on Sunday on what western diplomats say is s key visit if an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program is to come into effect. International inspectors have only had limited access to the complex where western nations believe Iran may have tried to develop nuclear arms. Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

國際原子能機構(gòu)負責人參觀了備受爭議的伊朗帕爾欽軍事網(wǎng)站。Yukiya Amano在周日抵達德黑蘭,西方外交官說這是事關(guān)鈾核項目協(xié)議是否生效的一次關(guān)鍵的訪問。國際核查人員只有通過有限的途徑了解復雜的內(nèi)部, 伊朗被認為試圖發(fā)展核武器。伊朗堅稱,其核計劃是出于和平目的。

BBC news.


The flow of migrants and refugees through the Balkans to western Europe has continued throughout the weekend. Austria says it's expecting 20, 000 arrivals, most of them through Hungary and Croatia, but some also from Slovenia. The EU leaders remain divided over who should bear the burden, as Johny D now reports. The journey of many migrants to Europe is still hard and dangerous, but some of the chaos of last week appears to have dissipated as south eastern Europe allows migrants to move rapidly to the north and west, to Germany and Sweden, the favored designations of many. Late on Sunday, Poland's prime minister announced that the country would accept only a symbolic number of migrants. That kind of talk riles Germany, the richest and biggest European nation which has accepted many, but clearly feels that some burden sharing is appropriate.

通過巴爾干半島到達西歐的移民和難民隊伍持續(xù)整個周末。奧地利說,預計將有20000人到達,其中大部分是穿過了匈牙利和克羅地亞,但有些也來自斯洛文尼亞。歐盟領導人在誰應該承擔責任這一問題上仍存在分歧,約翰尼報道。移民到歐洲的旅程仍艱難和危險, 但由于東南歐使移民可以快速移動到北部和西部的德國和瑞典,上周的一些混亂似乎消散。周日晚些時候,波蘭總理宣布,該國將只接受一個象征性的數(shù)量的難民。這種談話激怒了德國,這個歐洲大陸上最大最富有的國家已經(jīng)接受了許多移民,但顯然覺得應該有一些責任被分擔。

Reports from northeastern Nigeria say there have been three explosions in the town of M. And an eyewitness said the attack happened near a mosque, unconfirmed reports said at least 8 people had been killed and many others injured.


Western African mediators seeking to reverse a military coup in Bukino Faso have put forward proposals to end the crisis, but they have not yet secured an immediate return to civilian rule. The plans include an amnesty for those behind the coup and the restoration of transitional authorities, with the elections to be held in November.


The American computer giant Apple says it is taking steps to remove a malicious software program that's been found in a number of popular applications used by owners of iphone, and ipads in China. It is thought to be the first large scale attack on the company's App store. Apple said hackers had embedded a malicious code into the Apps by persuading developers to use an infected counterfeit version of the firm's own software.


BBC world news.


Hello I am Neal Nunas with BBC news.

The left-wing Syriza party of Alexi Cyprus has been returned to power in Greece after winning the country's second general election this year. Mr. Cyprus hailed the result in front of jubilant supports in the capital Athens. “We fought a hard and difficult battle, and today I feel vindicated, because the Greek people give a clear mandate to carry on fighting inside and outside our country for uphold the pride of our people.” Syriza won't have enough seats in parliament to govern alone, and Mr. Cyprus has already confirmed that he will form another coalition with the right wing independent Greeks, his partners of the last government. A Syriza spokeswoman has said that the government will implement the bailout agreement reached with international creditors, but will hold tough negotiations over the country's massive debt.

Pope Fransis has met the former Cuban leader Fidel Pastoral at his home in Havana. A Vatican spokesman, said the two men have discussed world affairs and religion. Earlier the Pope celebrated mass in front of hundreds of thousands of people in Havana's Revolution Square, Karl is travelling with the Pope. On Sunday, the Pope met Fidel Castoral at his home in Havana. A single photo released by the Cuban authorities show the 89 year old, father of the revolution, looking frail. Afterwards, the Pope won cheers from the crowds as he urged the young in Cuba to dream, perhaps his most subversive statement here yet. Catholics on the island remember all to well the high price that some paid here for their fate. Sometimes even imprisonment. But today, the image of the Pope is everywhere, as he brings with him a message of hope and of change.

A Republican candidate for the US presidency has said Islam is incompatible with the American constitution. Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon said he would never agree to a Muslim becoming US president. I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation, I absolutely would not agree with that. Responding to the comments, James A the president of the Arabian American Institute told BBC Mr. Carson's views were downright stupid. Carson simply is making a bigoted comment, and one would expect him to know better, as a neurosurgeon who was running for president, but apparently, he does not. He was playing to debase of the Republican party.

The head of the international atomic energy agency has visited the controversial Patchi military site in Iran. Y arrived in Tehran on Sunday on what western diplomats say is s key visit if an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program is to come into effect. International inspectors have only had limited access to the complex where western nations believe Iran may have tried to develop nuclear arms. Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

BBC news.

The flow of migrants and refugees through the Balkans to western Europe has continued throughout the weekend. Austria says it's expecting 20, 000 arrivals, most of them through Hungary and Croatia, but some also from Slovenia. The EU leaders remain divided over who should bear the burden, as Johny D now reports. The journey of many migrants to Europe is still hard and dangerous, but some of the chaos of last week appears to have dissipated as south eastern Europe allows migrants to move rapidly to the north and west, to Germany and Sweden, the favored designations of many. Late on Sunday, Poland's prime minister announced that the country would accept only a symbolic number of migrants. That kind of talk riles Germany, the richest and biggest European nation which has accepted many, but clearly feels that some burden sharing is appropriate.

Reports from northeastern Nigeria say there have been three explosions in the town of M. And an eyewitness said the attack happened near a mosque, unconfirmed reports said at least 8 people had been killed and many others injured.

Western African mediators seeking to reverse a military coup in Bukino Faso have put forward proposals to end the crisis, but they have not yet secured an immediate return to civilian rule. The plans include an amnesty for those behind the coup and the restoration of transitional authorities, with the elections to be held in November.

The American computer giant Apple says it is taking steps to remove a malicious software program that's been found in a number of popular applications used by owners of iphone, and ipads in China. It is thought to be the first large scale attack on the company's App store. Apple said hackers had embedded a malicious code into the Apps by persuading developers to use an infected counterfeit version of the firm's own software.

BBC world news.


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