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What do foreigners find most annoying about Americans?外國人最煩美國人哪一點?


獲得281好評的答案@Erin Paige Law:

As an Australian who has travelled quite a bit and been part of many different expat communities, I find that Americans more than people from other countries do this one particular thing that annoys me.我是個澳大利亞人,旅行過很多地方,也去過很多各種各樣的外籍人士社區(qū),然后我發(fā)現(xiàn)跟其他國家的人比起來美國人有一點特別討厭。When I am speaking, really about anything, just in general conversation, I hate being interrupted so that someone can impersonate my accent to me.當(dāng)我在說話的時候,不管我再說什么,就算只是一場普通的談話,我也很討厭別人插嘴打斷我然后去模仿我的發(fā)音。This is how it goes: 事情是這樣的:Me: "...so then I'd probably add just a little butter..."我:“接下來我想加一點黃油······”American: "Buttah! Buttah...you say Buttah. Australian accents are so funny!"美國人:“黃優(yōu)!你居然說黃優(yōu)!澳洲口音真是太搞笑了!”Me: "Uh yeah, so as I was saying..."我:“呃,我是說······”So I have a different accent. I get that. But people not from Australia have a very different accent from me. I don't stop them midway through a conversation to repeat back to them what they said because, well, it's just rude.我知道我口音跟美國人不一樣,但是還有很多外國人口音也跟我不一樣,我就不會中途打斷他們說話然后去模仿他們說話,這樣太無禮了。


獲得168好評的答案@Makiko Itoh:

Disclaimer: I love the U S of A. I spent some of the best years of my life there. I love most Americans that I have met (except for the jackasses). 我要先說清楚:我很喜歡美國,我在這里度過了我生命中最美好的時光,我喜歡我遇到的大部分美國人(除了某些蠢貨)。

So...this is not exactly an annoyance. But one thing I notice about some (many?) Americans that I don't see that much elsewhere is, they are eating or drinking something all the time. 呃······其實也不是很討厭,但是我注意到有一些(很多?)美國人無時不刻都在吃東西,我在其他地方都沒見過這樣的。

Like, if they go to the movies they're munching on a huge bucket of popcorn or sipping on a bucket of soda through the entire movie. 比如說,如果他們?nèi)タ措娪暗脑?,他們會津津有味地咀嚼一大桶爆米花或者狂喝一大桶蘇打水。

If they're walking down the street they have a Starbucks latte or a Snapple bottle or something in one hand and a phone in the other. Or they are chewing gum. 如果他們走在街邊,必定會一只手端著星巴克拿鐵或者斯奈普果汁或者其他什么東西,然后另一只手拿著手機。或是他們還會嚼口香糖。

They eat in the car all the time too. 他們就連在車?yán)镆惨恢背猿猿浴?/p>

The excuse I've heard for this is it's because Americans are so busy all the time that they have to eat on the run anywhere they can. 他們告訴我這是因為美國人太忙了所以只能盡可能就地吃點東西。

But still...aren't people in other countries busy too? It's a bit of a puzzle.



獲得3.7k好評的答案@Didem Korkmaz:

I get worried about Americans' response if I criticize something about the US. 當(dāng)我在評論美國某些方面的時候很擔(dān)心美國人對此的反應(yīng)。Europeans and Asians are used to criticism from outsiders more due to multicultural geography and not take that criticism as hate. 大概是因為地域多樣性吧,歐洲人和亞洲人都很習(xí)慣接受來自外界的評論,起碼他們不會認(rèn)為這些評論帶有惡意。Every now and then, when I criticize something about the US online, even when I'm very careful with my words to not offend anyone, I still receive some responses like, "First look at your own country!",  "You're not from here, you have no right to say anything."  "Foreigners hate America."我經(jīng)常遇到這種情況,當(dāng)我在網(wǎng)上評論美國某些方面時,就算我已經(jīng)很控制自己的語言不帶有冒犯意味,我還是會收到這樣的評論:“先看看你自己的國家再來說我們!”、“你不是本地人,你沒資格說任何話。”、“你們這些外國人就是討厭美國?!?p> 

獲得384好評的答案@Cristol Grosdemouge:

Americans have a lot of behaviors that while not being actually bad things, seem rude to foreigners.美國人的有些行為并非懷有惡意,但是對外國人來說好像很失禮。Americans are loud.美國人太吵了。It seems to be the norm here in the US, so you don't notice it a lot, but in other countries where people speak "normally", it sounds very rude/uneducated.在美國有些地方似乎沒有明確規(guī)定要保持安靜,所以你們就不太注意這點,但是在其他國家如果大家都以“正常音量”說話,美國人的大嗓門聽起來就非常粗魯,或者說沒教養(yǎng)。Especially in restaurants, where all the locals speak softly and politely to each other, and a group of people is like "OH MY GAWD, THIS FOOD IS SO GOOD, BWAHAHAHA, THAT'S THE SH*T DUDE!" 特別是在餐館里面,所有本地人交談的時候都很溫柔禮貌,但是有一群人是這樣講話的:“哦??!我的天!!這太好吃了?。⊥郯“““。。。?!太特么美味了?。?!”Everyone else in the restaurant is immediately thinking "Rude Americans".餐館里的其他人就會立刻反應(yīng)過來:“是野蠻的美國人?!?p> 



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