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河北教育初中英語(初中起點(diǎn))九年級下UNIT 5 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 37 The Fox and the Stork





[0:01.152]UNIT 5 第五單元

[0:02.949]Culture Shapes Us 文化塑造我們

[0:05.737]Lesson 37: 第37課:

[0:07.464]The Fox and the Stork 狐貍與白鸛

[0:10.526]THINK ABOUT IT! 想一想!

[0:12.056]· Do you know any stories with animals as characters? · 你知道什么動(dòng)物人物的故事嗎?

[0:16.488]What are they? 是什么?

[0:17.928]· Have you ever been called "rude"? · 你曾被人說“粗魯”嗎?

[0:20.383]When and why? 什么時(shí)候?為什么?

[0:22.253]· What foods do the stork and the fox struggle to eat? · 鸛與狐貍不喜歡吃什么?

[0:28.039]At Danny's dinner, Jenny and I didn't like the food. 在丹尼的晚餐上,我和珍尼不喜歡那些食物。

[0:32.033]In this story, the food is fine, but something else is wrong. 在這個(gè)故事中,食物是好的,但是別的東西出錯(cuò)了。

[0:37.422]This story comes from an ancient Greek story by Aesop. 這個(gè)故事來源于古老的希臘故事《伊索寓言》。

[0:41.742]Aesop left many stories. 伊索留下了很多故事。

[0:44.251]Most of them are about animals, from which you can learn about the society. 大部分故事是關(guān)于動(dòng)物的,從中你可以了解到社會(huì)。

[0:50.949]One day, a fox met a stork. 一天,一只狐貍遇見了一只白鸛。

[0:53.764]The stork was different from the other animals that the fox had met. 白鸛與狐貍所見過的其他動(dòng)物都不同。

[0:57.953]He thought she was wonderful. 他想她真奇妙。

[1:00.157]"Would you like to have dinner with me?" the fox asked. “和我一起吃晚飯好嗎?”狐貍問。

[1:04.412]"Yes. It's very kind of you. “可以。你真好。

[1:06.943]When shall I come?" the stork replied. 我應(yīng)該什么時(shí)候來?”白鸛回答道。

[1:10.063]"Please come tomorrow night," the fox said. “請明天晚上來吧。”狐貍說。

[1:13.881]The next day, the fox made some delicious soup. 第二天,狐貍做了一些可口的湯。

[1:17.351]When the stork arrived, she was very hungry. 白鸛到那時(shí),已經(jīng)非常餓了。

[1:20.929]"Are you ready for dinner?" asked the fox. “準(zhǔn)備好吃晚飯了嗎?”狐貍問。

[1:24.900]"Certainly," said the stork, who was doing her best to be polite. “當(dāng)然了,”白鸛說,她盡量使自己禮貌些。

[1:30.006]The fox brought the soup in large, flat bowls. 狐貍用大平碗端來了湯。

[1:34.173]He put the bowls on the table. 他把碗放在桌子上。

[1:36.351]The fox ate his soup quickly. 狐貍很快就喝完了湯。

[1:38.729]The stork, though, could not eat her soup at all. 而白鸛根本就沒有喝湯。

[1:41.912]Her beak was too long for the flat bowl. 對于那個(gè)平碗來說她的喙太長了。

[1:44.931]"Would you like some more soup?" the fox asked. “想再來點(diǎn)湯嗎?”狐貍問。

[1:48.901]"Thank you. I've had enough," the stork answered, politely but sadly. “謝謝,我吃飽了。”白鸛既有禮貌又傷心地回答。

[1:55.023]"Don't you like soup?" the fox asked, surprised. “你不喜歡這個(gè)湯嗎?”狐貍吃驚地問道。

[1:59.387]"Yes, I love soup," said the stork. “不,我喜歡這個(gè)湯,”白鸛說。

[2:03.249]"That's strange! You've hardly eaten anything!" said the fox. “很奇怪!你幾乎什么都沒吃!”狐貍說,

[2:08.202]"Well, I'm still hungry." “嗯,我還是很餓。”

[2:10.580]And very rudely, he ate another bowl of soup. 他非常粗魯?shù)赜趾攘艘煌霚?/p>

[2:14.115]Finally, the stork said, "Fox, thank you for cooking this delicious meal. 最后,白鸛說:“狐貍,感謝你做了這么美味的一頓飯。

[2:19.308]Please come to my home tomorrow, and I will cook a meal for you." 請明天來我家,我也為你做一頓飯。”

[2:23.191]"Fine!" said the fox. “好啊!”狐貍說。

[2:25.242]He felt happy. 他感到很高興。

[2:27.577]The next day, the fox went to the stork's house. 第二天,狐貍?cè)チ税X家。

[2:31.068]The stork had made some delicious noodles. 白鸛做了一些好吃的面條。

[2:33.926]The fox could smell them as he came into her house. 狐貍在進(jìn)她家時(shí)就聞到了味道。

[2:37.832]"Would you like something to drink?" the stork asked the fox. “想喝點(diǎn)什么嗎?”白鸛問狐貍。

[2:41.629]"I have made some nice, hot tea." “我泡了一些不錯(cuò)的熱茶。”

[2:44.705]The fox, who didn't like tea, said "Just a little, please." 不喜歡茶的狐貍說:“請來一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)。”

[2:50.182]He was doing his best to be polite. 他盡力表現(xiàn)得禮貌些。

[2:52.909]The stork brought the tea. 白鸛端來了茶。

[2:54.677]"The noodles are almost ready," she said. “面條快好了,”她說,

[2:57.469]"I will bring them." “我會(huì)端來的。”

[2:59.389]The stork fetched two tall, thin jars. 白鸛端來了兩只高高的細(xì)細(xì)的壇子。

[3:03.382]"There are your noodles," she said. “這是你的面條,”她說。

[3:06.546]The stork stuck her long beak into her jar and ate happily. 白鸛把她的長喙伸進(jìn)壇中高興地吃起來。

[3:11.281]The fox, though, couldn't eat any noodles at all. 而狐貍根本沒有吃面條。

[3:14.837]His nose was too short for the jar. 對于那壇子來說他的鼻子太短了。

[3:17.805]He could only smell the delicious food, down at the bottom. 他只能聞到壇底美味的食物。

[3:21.536]Finally, the stork spoke. 最終,白鸛說話了。

[3:23.281]"I know you are hungry, fox. “狐貍,我知道你餓了。

[3:25.442]But I am not sorry," she said. 但是我并不感到抱歉,”她說。

[3:27.885]"When I came to your house last night, you did not make me welcome. “當(dāng)我昨晚到你家時(shí),你沒有使我感到受歡迎。

[3:32.489]You didn't regard me as a guest. 你沒有把我當(dāng)作一個(gè)客人。

[3:34.911]I was polite, but you were not." 我很禮貌,但是你卻沒有。”

[3:37.900]"Stork, I am sorry. “白鸛,我很抱歉。

[3:40.584]I didn't realize that my ways were not your ways." 我沒有意識到適合我的方式卻不適合你。”

[3:44.904]The fox felt bad. 狐貍感覺糟糕極了。

[3:46.977]"That's okay," the stork said. “沒關(guān)系,”白鸛說,

[3:49.574]"We can still be friends. “我們還是朋友。

[3:51.210]But from now on, let's help each other." 但是從現(xiàn)在起,我們要互相幫助。”

[3:54.134]"I promise!" said the fox. "May I please have a plate now? “我保證!”狐貍說,“現(xiàn)在我可以用一個(gè)盤子嗎?

[3:58.377]These noodles smell wonderful." 這些面條聞起來棒極了。”

[4:00.929]"Certainly," said the stork. “當(dāng)然可以,”白鸛說。




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