Seven of the top eight ISPs have standardized onCompaq for their NT-based Web hosting services.
And Digital is #2 in the ISP market - with more than 15 percent share.
Compaq also plans to build on Digital's AltaVista franchise, which includes one of the leadingsearch engines on the World Wide Web.
Just last week we announced a new line of consumer PCs with buttons that provide directInternet access, including a link to AltaVista.
We believe this will help establish AltaVista as one of the most popular sites on the Web.
One of the most important synergies between Compaq and Digital - one that matters a lot toour customers - is services.
Some observers have suggested that the only reason Compaq bought Digital was to get itsservice organization.
That was not the only reason, but it is true that service is a significant part of the valueequation.
Customers have told us over the past few years that they want to deal with fewer vendors, andthey want those vendors to be more accountable for the products and solutions they provide.
After all, when you implement a complex enterprise solution, you want the assurance thatyou will have the support you need to get it done quickly and efficiently.
With the acquisition of Digital, we now have one of the premier service organizations in theworld working even more closely with our customers and partners.
The combined company has more than 5,000 IT architects to guide customer implementationsas well as 3,000 UNIX engineers and 700 NetWare certified engineers deployed around theworld.
Overall, we have more than 25,000 service professionals who can deliver support andavailability services systems integration and operations management in more than 100countries.