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新概念英語(yǔ)第三冊(cè)逐句精講語(yǔ)言點(diǎn) 第1課 A Puma at large (1)





  Lesson 1 A Puma at large

  Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

  The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.

  1.Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America.



  n. 美洲豹(puma的復(fù)數(shù))


  1. Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America.


  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)1 which定語(yǔ)從句修飾animals.

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)2 cat-like是"n.+adj."結(jié)構(gòu)的復(fù)合形容詞,作定語(yǔ),此類還有:lady-like女性化的,man-like男人般的,crystal-like水晶般的,baby-like嬰兒般的,dog-like像狗一樣的,steel-like鋼鐵般的,home-like像家一樣的,angel-like天使般的,dream-like夢(mèng)境般的。

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)3 large和cat-like都是描述型定語(yǔ)從句,修飾animals。選擇合適的詞翻譯“大的”或“胖的”。修飾動(dòng)物:fat,huge;修飾男人:strong,heavy;修飾女人:large,plump;修飾小孩:robust,chubby.

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)4 在寫作中模仿使用本句結(jié)構(gòu)。

  例:Koalas are small,bear-like animals which live in Australia.

  2.When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.

  wild [waild]

  adj. 野生的;野蠻的;狂熱的;荒涼的

  n. 荒野

  adv. 瘋狂地;胡亂地


  1. Visitor:You should try to explore their wild side.


  spotted ['sp?tid]

  adj. 有斑點(diǎn)的;斑紋的;弄污的

  v. 發(fā)現(xiàn)(spot的過(guò)去分詞);玷污;弄上污痕


  1. Ben: Maybe Mom and Dad spotted us!



  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)1 本句是一個(gè)由when引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句加that引導(dǎo)的分隔式同位語(yǔ)從句構(gòu)成的復(fù)合句。

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)2 had been spotted(過(guò)去被發(fā)現(xiàn))中spot用詞獨(dú)具匠心,強(qiáng)調(diào)在荒野“發(fā)現(xiàn)”美洲獅不容易。例句:I finally spottedjust the book I wantedin the bookstore.

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)3 寫作短語(yǔ)模板:take sh. seriously認(rèn)真對(duì)待某事,take sth. easy輕松地做某事,take sb./sth.lightly小看某人/某事,be unsympathetic to sth.對(duì)某事很冷漠,show low regard to/for sth.對(duì)某事不在意,be indifferent to sth.對(duì)某事不感興趣,be not interested in doing sth.對(duì)做某事不感興趣,take one's time about doing sth.認(rèn)真做某事。

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)4 寫作模板:例When news came into the departments concerned that bird flu had been spotted 30km east to the city,it was taken seriously.

  3.However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

  evidence ['evid?ns]

  n. 證據(jù),證明;跡象;明顯

  vt. 證明


  1. She evidenced her approval by promising her full support。


  accumulate [?'kju:mjuleit]

  vi. 累積;積聚

  vt. 積攢


  1. The more knowledge you will accumulate more wealth.



  adj. 必須的;感激的;有責(zé)任的

  v. 要求;約束;施恩惠(oblige的過(guò)去分詞)


  1. They are often even obliged to pay more for meals at the company canteen.


  investigate [in'vestiɡeit]

  v. 調(diào)查;研究


  1. You once more agree to help and investigate the murder.



  adv. 非常;格外地;非凡地


  1. Computers and robots could be reduced to extraordinarily small sizes.



  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)1 本句包含了as'引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句,以及for引導(dǎo)的原因狀語(yǔ)從句。最后是who 引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句,修飾people。

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)2 寫作短語(yǔ)模板:feel obliged to do sth.感到有必要做某事,it is necessary for sb to do sth.某人有必要做某事,be forced to do sth.被迫做某事,feel/be impelled to do sth.感到有必要做某事(內(nèi)因),be compelled to do sth.被迫做某事(外因)

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)3 寫作模板:As the proof began to gather,the police felt obliged to interrogate this suspect further,for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the suspect were remarkably similar.

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)4 claim to have seen,聲稱看到過(guò),to have seen是動(dòng)詞不定式的現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)結(jié)構(gòu),做claim的賓語(yǔ)。

  4.The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her.

  hunt [h?nt]

  vt. 打獵;搜索

  vi. 打獵;搜尋

  n. 狩獵;搜尋


  1. At last he was hunted down and killed by hanging.


  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)1 where引導(dǎo)定語(yǔ)從句,修飾village。

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)2 搜索:hunt,search。

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)3 the hunt for sb./sth.抓捕某人/某物。hunt for a job找工作,Missing Wanted尋人/尋物啟事,People Search/Wanted/Missing尋人,Wanted通緝。

  5.It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.


  cornered ['k?:n?d]

  adj. 有角的;被困得走投無(wú)路的

  vt. 把…逼入絕境(corner的過(guò)去式)


  1. A cornered cat becomes as fierce as a lion.


  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)1 when引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句,and連接兩個(gè)并列分句,第二個(gè)分句中的that引導(dǎo)賓語(yǔ)從句,說(shuō)明confirm的內(nèi)容,unless引導(dǎo)條件狀語(yǔ)從句。

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)2 1)corner作動(dòng)詞常用于被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài):sth./sb. be corned某人/某物被逼入絕境

  2)與corner搭配的介詞at the corner of the street在街道的拐角in the corner of the room在房間的角落里on the corner of the desk在桌子的一角

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)3 1)unless和if...not均表示否定的條件,一般可互換:Unless you have more pratice,you will fail in the dtiving test.=If you do not have more pratice,you will fail in the dtiving test.

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)4 寫作模板:The teacher told him that he would never pass the examination unless he studied hard.

  6.The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.


  adj. 觀察的;觀測(cè)的

  v. 觀察;遵守;注意到(observe的過(guò)去分詞形式)


  1. Next Monday is World Health Day, observed by the World Health Organization.


  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)1 句子中含有一個(gè)for引導(dǎo)的原因狀語(yǔ)從句。特別注意的是:地點(diǎn)狀語(yǔ)at one place 和at another place,時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)in the morning 和in the evening形成對(duì)照。

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)2 because和for的區(qū)別:because知道上的或自然的原因,語(yǔ)氣較強(qiáng),for多指邏輯上的判斷。比較:Itmust have rained,for the river is so high.He must be at home,for the light in his room is on.

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)3 twenty miles away做后置定語(yǔ),修飾place。地點(diǎn)副詞和時(shí)間副詞做后置定語(yǔ):the house ahead前面的房子,the conclusion below下面的討論,the plan last year去年的計(jì)劃。

  7.Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.

  trail [treil]

  vt. 追蹤;拖;蔓延;落后于

  n. 小徑;痕跡;尾部;蹤跡

  vi. 飄出;蔓生;垂下;拖曳


  1. She trailed her classmates.


  deer [di?]

  n. 鹿


  1. The deer darted off in alarm.


  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)1 wherever引導(dǎo)地點(diǎn)狀語(yǔ)從句。

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)2 where/wherever區(qū)別:where引導(dǎo)從句表示特定地點(diǎn),而wherever引導(dǎo)從句表示非特定地點(diǎn)。比較下面兩句:He must go where we send him.=He must go to the place where we send him.

  He must go wherever we send him.=He must go to any place where we send him.

  語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)3 it left behind it a trail of dead deer...這部分中,a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits與behind it形成倒裝。一般而言,倒裝的用法有兩個(gè)作用:強(qiáng)調(diào)或平衡句子。本句是為了平衡句子。倒裝是很重要的寫作手法,在新概念英語(yǔ)系列中還有很多,例When they got home,Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven and without relising it,cooked her fiance's wallet as well.


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