[00:21.08]請便 Go ahead.
[00:41.40]拿著 Here.
[00:43.17]趕快戴上 無論如何都別摘下來 Put these on quick, and don’t take them off whatever you do.
[00:46.74]這光線會燒得你眼珠子突出來 This light could burn your eyeballs right out of your skulls.
[00:50.01]這種事還是別發(fā)生得好 對吧? And we certainly don’t want that, now, do we?
[00:55.82]我們在這里測試 我最新最偉大的發(fā)明 This is the testing room for my very latest and greatest invention:
[00:59.92]電視巧克力糖 Television Chocolate.
[00:62.56]有一天我突發(fā)奇想 One day it occurred to me:
[00:63.96]如果電視能把一張照片 "Hey, if television can break up a photograph...
[00:66.86]分解成幾百萬個小微粒 迅速地在空中傳送... into millions and millions of tiny pieces and send it whizzing through the air...
[00:70.93]然后到另一端重新組合... then reassemble it on the other end...
[00:72.97]我何不用巧克力試試看呢? why can’t I do the same with chocolate?
[01:15.47]把一塊真正的巧克力糖 透過電視傳送 伸手就能吃 Why can’t I send a real bar of chocolate through the television, ready to be eaten?"
[01:21.04]我才不想提 我又不談那個話題 I’m not gonna touch it. I’m not going in that direction.
[01:26.21]好像是不可能的事 Sounds impossible.
[01:27.91]本來就不可能 It is impossible.
[01:30.22]你對科學一竅不通 You don’t understand anything about science.
[01:33.05]首先 電波和分子微粒不一樣 常識嘛 First off, there’s a difference between waves and particles.
[01:38.29]其次 將能量轉(zhuǎn)換成物質(zhì)的動力... Second, the amount of power it would take to convert energy in matter...
[01:42.26]相當于九顆原子彈 would be like nine atomic bombs.
[01:44.06]又在碎碎念! Mumbler!
[01:46.37]說真的 你說的話我一個字也聽不懂 Seriously, I cannot understand a single word you’re saying.
[01:53.94]好了 Okey-dokey.
[01:55.58]我現(xiàn)在要把一塊巧克力糖 從房間的一端... I shall now send a bar of chocolate from one end of the room...
[01:59.08]透過電視傳送到另一端 to the other by television.
[01:62.32]去拿巧克力來 Bring in the chocolate.
[02:24.51]一定要超大才行 因為在電視上... It’s gotta be real big because you know how on TV...
[02:27.34]正常人會被拍的變這么小 you can film a regular-size man, and he comes out looking this tall?
[02:30.88]這是基本原理 Same basic principle.
[02:64.28]不見了 It’s gone.
[02:66.95]我就說嘛 那塊巧克力正從我們頭頂上飛過... Told you. That bar of chocolate is now rushing through the air above our heads...
[02:71.15]分解成上百萬個小微粒 in a million tiny little pieces.
[02:73.76]過來這里 快點 快過來 快啊 Come over here. Come on. Come on. Come on!
[03:22.23]看著熒幕 Watch the screen.
[03:27.37]出現(xiàn)了 Here it comes.
[03:30.07]你們看 Oh, look.
[03:35.75]-伸手去拿 -那只是熒幕上的畫面啦 -Take it. -It’s just a picture on a screen.
[03:39.42]膽小鬼 Scaredy-cat.
[03:40.85]你拿 You take it.
[03:43.19]快去 伸手去拿出來 Go on. Just reach out and grab it.
[03:53.66]快點啊 Go on.
[03:63.14]我的老天 Holy buckets.
[03:68.01]吃吃看 快點 Eat it. Go on.
[03:70.28]一定很好吃 那是同一塊巧克力 It’ll be delicious. It’s the same bar.
[03:72.62]只是在傳送的過程中變小了而已 It’s just gotten a little smaller on the journey, that’s all.
[04:24.26]好好吃哦 It’s great.
[04:25.93]真是奇跡 It’s a miracle.
[04:29.10]想像你坐在家里看電視... So imagine, you’re sitting at home watching television...
[04:32.24]熒幕上突然出現(xiàn)廣告的聲音說 and suddenly a commercial will flash onto the screen, and a voice will say:
[04:36.04]旺卡巧克力是全世界最好吃的 "Wonka’s chocolates are the best in the world.
[04:40.28]不相信的話 自己吃吃看 If you don’t believe us, try one for yourself."
[04:44.22]這時你只要伸手拿起來吃就好了 And you simply reach out and take it.
[04:48.69]怎么樣? How about that?
[04:50.16]能不能傳送別的東西? So can you send other things?
[04:52.26]比如早餐谷片? Say, like, breakfast cereal?
[04:54.39]你知道早餐谷片是什么做的嗎? Do you have any idea what breakfast cereal’s made of?
[04:57.30]就是削鉛筆機里那些卷卷的木屑 It’s those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners.
[04:60.73]到底能不能透過電視傳送出去? But could you send it by TV if you wanted to?
[04:63.10]-當然可以 -人類呢? -Of course I could. -What about people?
[04:65.57]我傳送人類干嘛? 反正又不好吃 Well, why would I wanna send a person? They don’t taste very good at all.
[04:69.11]你不知道你發(fā)明了什么嗎? 這是傳送器耶 Don’t you realize what you’ve invented? It’s a teleporter.
[04:72.64]這是有史以來最重要的發(fā)明 It’s the most important invention in the history of the world.