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聽電影學(xué)英語 盜夢空間10

所屬教程:聽電影學(xué)英語 盜夢空間



[00:04.20]I'm not smelling settlement here. Take them down. 我看他們不想和解 搞定他們
[00:07.31]Mr. Browning... 布朗寧先生
[00:08.58]Maurice Fischer's policy is always one of avoiding litigation. 馬里斯·費舍爾的政策一直是回避官司
[00:14.98]Well, shall we voice your concerns with Maurice directly? 要把你的話直接傳給馬里斯嗎?
[00:19.62]Not sure that's necessary. 那就不必了
[00:21.19]No, no, no. I think we should. 不不不 我覺得應(yīng)該
[00:45.14]How is he? 他怎么樣?
[00:47.55]I don't want to bother him unnecessarily, but 我不想太打擾他 但是...
[00:50.48]Robert, I told you keep out the damn Wait. So do it. Get 羅伯特 我讓你他媽... 等等 去做吧
[00:56.22]Mr. Fischer. Put it through. 費舍爾先生 接過來
[00:59.69]Never, never. Never do the same as I asked. 永遠 永遠也別照我說的做
[01:04.60]Leave that. 別管了
[01:09.97]Here. 這樣
[01:13.61]Must be a cherished memory of his. 這肯定是他珍視的回憶
[01:17.11]I put it beside his bed. He hasn't even noticed. 我把它放在他床邊 他都沒注意到
[01:21.82]Robert... 羅伯特
[01:25.85]...we need to talk about a power of attorney. 我們得談?wù)務(wù)埪蓭煹氖铝?br /> [01:28.42]I know this is hard, Not now, 我知道這不容易 現(xiàn)在不行
[01:29.74]but it's imperative that we start to... Uncle Peter. 但這是必須的 彼得叔叔
[01:35.73]The vultures are circling. 禿鷹在盤旋
[01:37.70]And the sicker Maurice fischer becomes, 馬里斯·費舍爾病得越重
[01:39.61]the more powemul Peter Browning becomes. 彼得·布朗寧的權(quán)力就越大
[01:42.27]I've had ample opportunity to observe Browning... 我有足夠的機會觀察布朗寧
[01:45.30]and adopt his physical presence, 學(xué)習(xí)他的儀表神態(tài)
[01:47.15]study his mannerisms, and so on and so forth. 研究他的癖好 如此這般
[01:49.84]So now in the first layer of the dream, I can impersonate Browning. 所以在頭層夢里 我可以模仿布朗寧
[01:53.88]And suggest concepts to Fischer's conscious mind. 對費舍爾的顯意識進行暗示
[01:57.28]Then, when we take him a level deeper... 之后 我們帶他到更深一層的夢中...
[01:59.29]his own projection of Browning should feed that right back to him. 他對布朗寧的投射應(yīng)該馬上會給他回饋
[02:02.96]So he gives himself the idea. 讓他自己產(chǎn)生這想法
[02:05.06]Precisely. That's the only way it will stick. 不錯 這是唯一行得通的辦法
[02:07.95]It has to seem self-generated. 一定得是他自己想出的
[02:09.46]Eames, I am impressed. 埃姆斯 我被你震住了
[02:13.03]Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you. 像以前一樣 謝謝你的自大 亞瑟
[02:37.96]Were you going under on your own? 你要自己入夢嗎?
[02:40.13]No, no, I was just, uh, running some experiments. 不 我只是 呃 做個實驗
[02:43.80]I didn't realize anyone was here, so.... 我沒看到別人在 所以...
[02:45.93]Yeah, I was just I was working on my totem, actually. 是的 我其實是在做我的圖騰
[02:48.77]Here, let me take a look. 給我看看
[02:52.11]So you're learning, huh? 學(xué)到不少嘛 哈?
[02:53.57]An elegant solution for keeping track of reality. 以優(yōu)雅的方式跟隨現(xiàn)實
[02:57.71]Was it your idea? No, it was, uh.... 是你的主意嗎? 不 其實 呃...
[03:00.35]It was Mal's, actually. This.... 是瑪爾的 這...
[03:03.12]This one was hers. 這個是她的
[03:04.34]She would spin it in the dream and it would never topple. 她會在夢里轉(zhuǎn)動它 而它永遠不會停
[03:07.09]Just spin and spin. 一直轉(zhuǎn)啊轉(zhuǎn)啊
[03:11.53]Arthur told me she passed away. 亞瑟說她去世了
[03:15.36]How are the mazes coming along? 迷宮怎么樣了?
[03:17.60]Each level relates to the part of the subject's subconscious... 每一級都聯(lián)系著我們想進入的...
[03:20.67]...that we are trying to access. 目標的潛意識
[03:22.30]So I'm making the bottom level a hospital, 所以我把最底層做成醫(yī)院
[03:25.36]so Fischer will bring his father. 讓費舍爾帶出他父親
[03:28.11]You know, I Actually, I have a question about this layout. 要知道 我...其實我對這布局有個疑問
[03:31.04]No, no, no. Don't show me specifics. 不不不 別告訴我細節(jié)
[03:33.70]Only the dreamer should know the layout. 只有夢主才能知道布局
[03:35.95]Why is that so important? 這很重要嗎?
[03:37.52]In case one of us brings in our projections. 以免我們有人帶入了自己的投射
[03:39.45]We don't want them knowing the details of the maze. 我們不想讓他們知道迷宮的細節(jié)
[03:43.19]You mean in case you bring Mal in. 你是說以免你帶入了瑪爾
[03:45.83]You can't keep her out, can you? 你擋不住她 是不是?
[03:49.13]Right. You can't build... 是的 你不能筑夢
[03:50.83]...because if you know the maze, then she knows it. 因為如果你知道迷宮 她也會知道
[03:54.30]Well, she'd sabotage the whole operation. 她會破壞整個行動
[03:56.67]Cobb, do the others know? No. No, they don't. 柯布 他們知道嗎? 不知道
[03:59.64]You've gotta warn them if this is getting worse. 如果情況再惡化下去 你要警告他們
[04:02.04]No one said it's getting worse. 沒人說會惡化下去
[04:05.18]I need to get home. That's all I care about right now. 我要回家 我現(xiàn)在只關(guān)心這個
[04:09.35]Why can't you go home? 你為什么不能回家?
[04:14.52]Because they think I killed her. 因為他們以為是我殺了她
[04:19.79]Thank you. For what? 謝謝 為什么?
[04:22.60]For not asking whether I did. 沒問我有沒有殺了她
[04:24.70]"I will split up my father's empire. " "我要摧毀我父親的帝國"
[04:27.17]Now, this is obviously an idea that Robert himself would choose to reject 這個主意羅伯特肯定不會接受
[04:31.40]which is why we need to plant it deep in his subconscious. 所以我們要把它深深植入他的潛意識里
[04:34.37]The subconscious is motivated by emotion, right? Not reason. 潛意識是被情緒控制的 而不是理性 對嗎?
[04:38.30]We need to find a way to translate this into an emotional concept. 我們要想辦法把它轉(zhuǎn)譯成感情線索
[04:42.02]How do you translate business strategy into emotion? 要怎么把商業(yè)策略轉(zhuǎn)譯成感情?
[04:44.72]That's what we're here to figure out, all right? 那就是我們今天的主題
[04:46.33]Robert's relationship with his father 羅伯特跟他父親的關(guān)系...
[04:48.39]...is stressed, to say the least. Can we run with that? 說得好聽點 很緊張 能利用這一點嗎?
[04:51.29]We suggest breaking up his father's company 我們暗示他把搗毀他父親的公司
[04:53.91]as a "screw you"to the old man. 看作是對老頭子的報復(fù)
[04:55.15]No, because I think positive emotion trumps negative emotion every time. 不行 因為我認為積極的感情比消極感情更強大
[04:59.09]We all yearn for reconciliation, for catharsis. 我們都渴求和諧和宣泄

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