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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ) 盜夢(mèng)空間04

所屬教程:聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ) 盜夢(mèng)空間



[00:41.48]Yes, hello? 喂
[00:42.71]Hi, Daddy. Hi, Dad. 嗨 爸爸 爸爸
[00:45.85]Hey, guys. Hey. How are you? How you doing, huh? 嘿 寶貝們 你們好嗎?
[00:49.62]Good. Okay, I guess. 還不錯(cuò) 還行吧
[00:52.02]Okay? Who's just okay? Is that you, James? 是嗎 是誰(shuí)還行 是你嗎? 詹姆斯
[00:55.92]Yeah. When are you coming home, Dad? 是的 你什么時(shí)候回家 爸爸?
[01:00.83]Well, I can't, sweetheart. I can't. Not for a while, remember? 我不能回家 寶貝 現(xiàn)在還不行 記得嗎?
[01:05.63]Why? 為什么?
[01:07.30]Look, I told you, I'm away because I'm working, right? 告訴過(guò)你了 我離開(kāi)是要工作 對(duì)吧?
[01:13.18]Grandma says you're never coming back. 奶奶說(shuō)你永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)回來(lái)的
[01:16.68]Phillipa, is that you? 菲利帕 是你嗎?
[01:19.55]Put Grandma on the phone for me, will you? 讓奶奶接電話好嗎?
[01:22.05]She's shaking her head. 她在搖頭
[01:25.89]Well, just hope she's wrong about that. 希望是她說(shuō)錯(cuò)了
[01:29.26]Daddy? 爸爸
[01:31.16]Yeah, James? 我在 詹姆斯?
[01:32.36]Is Mommy with you? 媽媽跟你在一起嗎?
[01:36.67]James, we talked about this. 詹姆斯 這個(gè)話題我們談過(guò)了
[01:40.17]Mommy's not here anymore. 媽媽已經(jīng)不在了
[01:43.57]Where? 去哪兒了?
[01:46.54]That's enough, kids. Say bye-bye. 夠了 孩子們 說(shuō)再見(jiàn)吧
[01:49.35]Listen, I'm gonna send some presents with Grandpa, all right? 聽(tīng)著 我會(huì)讓爺爺帶禮物給你們的 好嗎?
[01:52.55]And you be good, you be... 你們乖乖的 你...
[02:04.09]Our ride's on the roof. Right. 飛機(jī)在屋頂了 好的
[02:13.47]Hey, are you okay? 嘿 你沒(méi)事吧?
[02:15.37]Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Why? 我很好 問(wèn)這干嗎
[02:16.84]Well, down in the dream, Mal showing up. 在夢(mèng)里 瑪爾出現(xiàn)了
[02:19.38]Look, I'm, uh, sorry about your leg. Won't happen again. 聽(tīng)著 你的腿我很抱歉 以后不會(huì)再這樣了
[02:22.85]It's getting worse, isn't it? 越來(lái)越糟了 是不是?
[02:24.33]One apology's all you're getting, all right? 你只能得到一個(gè)道歉 懂嗎?
[02:26.61]Where's Nash? He hasn't shown. You wanna wait? 納什在哪兒? 他沒(méi)來(lái) 要等嗎?
[02:29.25]We were supposed to deliver Saito's expansion plans... 我們應(yīng)該在兩小時(shí)之前把齊藤的擴(kuò)張計(jì)劃
[02:31.89]...to Cobol Engineering two hours ago. 傳送給康布工程公司
[02:33.82]By now, they know we failed. It's time we disappear. 現(xiàn)在他們已經(jīng)知道我們失敗了 該消失了
[02:37.59]Where you gonna go? Buenos Aires. 你要去哪兒? 布宜諾斯艾利斯
[02:40.26]I can lie low there, 我會(huì)在那里低調(diào)度日
[02:41.30]maybe sniff out a job when things quiet down. You? 可能等風(fēng)聲靜了再找份活 你呢?
[02:44.70]Stateside. 美國(guó)境內(nèi)
[02:46.10]Send my regards. 代我問(wèn)候
[02:53.94]He sold you out. Thought to come to me and bargain for his life. 他出賣(mài)了你 以為來(lái)找我可以換回一條命呢
[02:59.68]So I offer you the satisfaction. 那我就成全你了
[03:05.42]It's not the way I deal with things. 我不是這樣處事的
[03:20.24]What will you do with him? Nothing. 你要拿他怎樣? 不怎么樣
[03:23.50]But I can't speak for Cobol Engineering. 但我不知道康布公司會(huì)怎么想
[03:40.52]What do you want from us? Inception. 你想讓我們干什么? 奠基(植入觀念)
[03:45.13]Is it possible? Of course not. 可能嗎? 當(dāng)然不可能
[03:47.70]If you can steal an idea from someone's mind... 如果你能從別人腦子里偷走信息
[03:50.07]...why can't you plant one there instead? 為什么不能給他個(gè)新想法呢?
[03:52.10]Okay, here's me planting an idea in your head. 好吧 我現(xiàn)在給你植入個(gè)想法
[03:54.37]I say, "Don't think about elephants" What are you thinking about? 我說(shuō) "別想大象" 你會(huì)想到什么?
[03:57.84]Elephants. 大象
[03:59.04]Right. But it's not your idea, because you know I gave it to you. 是的 這不是你的想法 因?yàn)槟阒朗俏医o你
[04:02.41]The subject's mind can always trace the genesis of the idea. 目標(biāo)的大腦能追溯到想法的根源
[04:05.55]True inspiration's impossible to fake. That's not true. 真正的靈感不可能假冒 不是的
[04:11.29]Can you do it? Are you offering me a choice? 你能做到嗎? 我有的選嗎?
[04:14.56]Because I can find my own way to square things with Cobol. 因?yàn)槲夷茏约合敕ㄗ影芽挡寄沁吰较⑾聛?lái)
[04:17.39]Then you do have a choice. 那你就真有的選了
[04:19.59]Then I choose to leave, sir. 那我選擇離開(kāi) 先生
[04:26.27]Tell the crew where you want to go. 告訴機(jī)組你想去哪兒
[04:33.24]Hey, Mr. Cobb. 嘿 柯布先生
[04:37.48]How would you like to go home? 你想回家嗎?
[04:40.35]To America. To your children. 回美國(guó) 見(jiàn)你的孩子們
[04:44.09]You can't fix that. No one can. 你辦不到 沒(méi)人可以
[04:47.59]Just like inception. Cobb, come on. 就像奠基一樣 好了 柯布
[04:54.56]How complex is the idea? Simple enough. 你要植入的想法有多復(fù)雜? 簡(jiǎn)單得很
[04:57.63]No idea is simple when you need to plant it in somebody else's mind. 要想植入別人的大腦 任何想法都不會(huì)簡(jiǎn)單

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