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[00:00.00]Previously on "lost"... "迷失"前情回顧...
[00:02.30]some lawyers came to see me. 幾個(gè)律師上門(mén)見(jiàn)我
[00:03.91]They wanted to test to see if aaron's my son. 想要驗(yàn)證Aaron是否我親兒子
[00:06.34]You need to take care of them. 你得提防他們
[00:07.81]Wouldn't you do anything you had to in order to keep aaron? 你會(huì)竭盡所能留住Aaron吧?
[00:11.99]- Hello,kate. - He's with me. - 你好 Kate - 他跟我一邊的
[00:14.46]He's the one who's trying to take aaron. 他正是想搶走Aaron的人
[00:16.61]It was me. 對(duì)的是我
[00:19.18]Sorry. 對(duì)不起
[00:27.87]charlotte! Charlotte!
[00:28.63]We have to go back the orchid. 我們必須回去幽蘭站
[00:30.36]That's where all this started. Maybe it's where it'll all stop. 事情起于那兒 或許也會(huì)終于那兒
[00:32.69]This is happening because they left. 一切的發(fā)生都源于他們的離開(kāi)
[00:34.88]I think it'll stop if I can bring them back. 要是能讓他們回來(lái) 或許就能停止
[00:37.40]un homme a la mer! 有個(gè)男人在海里!
[00:42.35]What is your name? 你叫什么名字?
[00:43.93]Jin. Jin
[00:45.64]I am danielle. Danielle rousseau. 我是Danielle Danielle Rousseau
[01:11.44]********** 你好
[01:12.52]******* Sun 你在哪里?
[01:15.96]*********** 我還在洛杉磯
[01:19.10]*********** 正在結(jié)束手頭上的事務(wù)
[01:20.87]******** 明天坐飛機(jī)回去
[01:23.37]********** 智恩想跟你打個(gè)招呼
[01:33.66]************ 親愛(ài)的 知道嗎?
[01:38.50]************* 我在美國(guó)替你交了個(gè)新朋友
[01:44.95]********* 他叫Aaron
[01:46.97]************** 快回來(lái) 媽媽 我想你!
[01:50.85]******* 我很快回來(lái)
[01:53.74]*********** 我愛(ài)你寶貝
[01:56.34]******* 再見(jiàn)
[02:17.05]why don't you leave me and my son alone? 你為啥不能放過(guò)我和我兒子?
[02:19.16]Because he's not your son,kate. 因?yàn)樗皇悄銉鹤?Kate
[02:25.72]- Move away, kate. - Sun-- - 離遠(yuǎn)一點(diǎn) Kate - Sun--
[02:27.55]- I said,move away! - S-sun! What are you doing? Where's aaron? - 走開(kāi)點(diǎn)! - Sun! 你干嘛? Aaron呢?
[02:30.40]He's in the car. 他在車(chē)上
[02:33.73]Sun,listen. I know you think you're helping-- Sun 我知道你以為自己在幫忙
[02:35.18]if it wasn't for you, jin would still be alive. 要不是你 Jin還活著
[02:39.56]I didn't kill your husband,sun. 我沒(méi)害死你丈夫 Sun
[02:41.03]- Yes,you did. - No,I didn'T. - 不 你有 - 不 我沒(méi)有
[02:43.86]Neither did anyone else, because he's not dead. 誰(shuí)也沒(méi)害死他 因?yàn)樗緵](méi)死
[02:52.26]- You're lying. - No,sun. - 你撒謊 - 沒(méi)有 Sun
[02:55.71]Jin's still alive,********* Jin還活著 我能證明
[03:13.93]8,15,16,23,42. 8 15 16 23 42...
[03:21.17]8,15... 8 15...
[03:26.91]are you all right? 你還好嗎?
[03:29.29]You rousseau? Danielle rousseau? 你是Rousseau? Danielle Rousseau?
[03:31.54]YeS. Th-that's right. 是 我就是
[03:35.52]Where you from? 你從哪里來(lái)?
[03:37.25]- We sailed from tahiti. - When? - 我們從大溪地出發(fā) - 什么時(shí)候?
[03:39.38]- November 15th. - No. What year? - 11月15號(hào) - 不是 哪一年?
[03:43.42] 1988年
[03:46.38]- Why? - what's the matter? - 怎么了? - 有問(wèn)題嗎?
[03:50.36]I... I-I need go find my camp. 我得去找我的營(yíng)地
[03:53.38]W-what camp? 什么營(yíng)地?
[03:54.69]You were on this island before? 你從前到過(guò)這個(gè)島?
[03:56.48]You see helicopter? 你們見(jiàn)直升機(jī)嗎?
[03:58.97]*********** 先是船 之后直升機(jī) 接下來(lái)
[04:01.24]******** 他要問(wèn)潛艇了
[04:03.33]************** 走吧 我知道怎么走
[04:05.46]******* 你肯定?
[04:07.20]************ 信號(hào)很強(qiáng)
[04:08.84]******** 島上肯定有個(gè)天線發(fā)射器
[04:10.99]************* 我們?nèi)ツ抢?尋求幫助
[04:12.76]is there an antenna on the island? 島上有天線發(fā)射器嗎?
[04:14.25]Hey,jin! Is--uh,please. Is there,um... ra--a radio tower? Jin! 拜托 有沒(méi)有信號(hào)塔?
[04:25.50]okay. Like that. 你看 像那樣的
[04:28.76]Is there a-a radio tower here? 這里有信號(hào)塔嗎?
[04:32.34]Yes. 是的
[04:34.20]But I-I must find my camp because maybe,uh,helicopter go there. 但我得找到營(yíng)地 或許直升機(jī)去那里了
[04:38.36]Do you know where your camp is from here? 你知道從這出發(fā)怎么去營(yíng)地嗎?
[04:44.55]- no. - How about from the radio tower? - 不知道 - 從信號(hào)塔出發(fā)呢?
[04:50.39]Yes. 知道
[04:51.43]Then go with us to the tower. 那先跟我們?nèi)バ盘?hào)塔
[04:53.42]Then we'll find your camp. 再找到你的營(yíng)地
[04:58.97]Okay. 好吧
[05:00.11]************ 決定好了 那出發(fā)吧
[05:19.89]Are you ready to go? 準(zhǔn)備好出發(fā)了嗎?
[05:21.73]Yes. 是的
[05:22.86]Who are you hoping to find? 你想找誰(shuí)?
[05:27.92]My wife. 我的妻子
[05:37.05]8,15,16,23... 8 15 16 23...
[05:48.60]********** 走這邊
[05:55.33]******* Danielle 怎么了?
[05:56.66]*********** 我沒(méi)事
[05:58.05]******* 這是個(gè)錯(cuò)誤
[05:58.90]************* 你已經(jīng)懷孕7個(gè)月了
[05:59.97]****** Robert 我很好
[06:01.08]********** 她只是踢了我一小腳
[06:03.04]***** - 她? - 她!
[06:04.44]********** 你還要拗到什么時(shí)候?
[06:06.03]***** Alexder是個(gè)男孩
[06:07.87]************ Alexandra 會(huì)是個(gè)女孩
[06:13.36]******** 你坐在這休息一會(huì)兒吧
[06:16.54]********** 我去找點(diǎn)水喝
[06:20.17]****** 水?
[06:21.38]********** 水壺在Nadine那
[06:25.05]nadine? Nadine?
[06:32.30]nadine? nadine! Nadine? Nadine!
[06:38.12]************ 帶娘們就會(huì)這樣
[06:40.27]******* 她可能撲蝶去了
[07:03.61]did you hear that? 你聽(tīng)得到嗎?
[07:06.32]What is that? 那是什么?
[07:09.19]Monster. 怪物
[07:25.07]Lost Season05 Episode05 迷失 第五季 第5集
[07:31.58]************ 誰(shuí)最后見(jiàn)過(guò)Nadine?
[07:33.20]******* 她就跟在我后面
[07:34.86]********** 那我們回頭找
[07:36.00]- we go find her. - No. We must go. - 我們?nèi)フ宜?- 不 我們得離開(kāi)
[07:39.15]You shut up. 給我閉嘴
[07:42.54]AlleZ. 我們走
[07:48.45]nadine! Nadine!
[07:51.29]nadine! Nadine!
[07:54.02]Nadine! Nadine!
[07:59.23]nadine! Nadine!
[08:01.83]nadine! Nadine!
[08:03.72]Nadine! Nadine!
[08:06.21]********** 分散來(lái)找
[08:07.82]******** 她肯定在附近
[08:08.94]********** Brennan Lacombe 你們?nèi)ツ沁?br /> [08:25.54]nadine! Nadine! Nadine! Nadine!
[08:35.82]run! 快跑!
[09:47.72]what was that thing? 那是什么玩意兒?
[09:56.68]********** 救命啊
[10:00.26]****** 我受傷了
[10:02.96]********** 它已經(jīng)走了...求你們了
[10:05.35]**** 快來(lái)救我啊
[10:06.40]******** 咱們得進(jìn)去救他
[10:09.02]no! 不行!
[10:09.64]******** 我受傷了 救命啊 求你們了
[10:13.30]Do not leave anyone behind! 不能拋下任何一個(gè)人!
[10:17.47]********* 咱們進(jìn)去
[10:25.53]No! No. You don't go. 不行! 不行 你不能進(jìn)去
[10:29.29]With baby. No. 你還有孩子 不行
[11:05.12]what wrong? 怎么了?
[14:01.64]************* 把槍放下
[14:03.15]******* Danielle 別這樣! 是我啊
[14:04.89]************ 你不是Robert 你是別人
[14:06.89]******* 你被那東西附體了
[14:08.09]********** 求你了 Danielle
[14:10.04]************ 把槍放下
[14:11.34]************** 我愛(ài)你 你這是干什么
[14:13.39]********* 因?yàn)槟悴皇荝obert 你瘋了
[14:15.50]********* 那怪物把你弄瘋了
[14:16.90]********* 那不是什么怪物啊
[14:18.17]************* 那只是保護(hù)那廟的安全系統(tǒng)而已
[14:22.26]********** 現(xiàn)在...
[14:24.24]******** 把槍放下
[14:30.65]*********** 我愛(ài)你啊 Danielle
[14:33.28]********* 我不想有任何事情..
[14:35.69]*** 發(fā)生在你身上
[14:37.68]***** 或者咱倆寶寶的身上
[14:44.16]******** 求你了....
[14:45.95]********* 別這么干
[15:07.37]- you! - No! - 你! - 不要!
[15:09.34]- You disappeared! - No! Please,wait! - 你消失了! - 不要! 求你了 等等!
[15:11.63]- You're sick,too! You're a carrier! - No! - 你也瘋了! 你也被附體了! - 不要啊!
[15:46.92]turn around slowly. 慢慢轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)來(lái)
[16:01.90]Jin? Jin?
[16:03.03]Sawyer? Sawyer?
[16:04.59]Jin! Jin!
[16:07.87]you gotta be kiddin' me! 你一定是跟我開(kāi)玩笑吧!
[16:09.98]I thought you were on that boat. I thought you were dead. 我以為你在那船上 以為你死了呢
[16:11.55]No. No. I--in water. 沒(méi) 沒(méi) 我.. 在水里
[16:15.41]well,what do you say? 你說(shuō)的啥啊
[16:23.71]where is sun? Sun在哪里?
[16:30.20]where did that guy come from? 他是從哪兒來(lái)的?
[16:32.16]I thought he was on the boat. 我還以為他在船上呢
[16:34.36]The blast must've thrown him in the water. 肯定是爆炸把他蹦到水里了
[16:37.38]He's been moving with every flash,just like us. 每次閃傳的時(shí)候他都會(huì)被移動(dòng) 跟咱們一樣
[16:41.58]every time the sky lights up,we... 每次天空閃亮無(wú)比之時(shí) 我們...
[16:44.60]move through time. 會(huì)穿越時(shí)空
[16:52.01]translate. Please. Translate. 翻譯 幫幫忙 翻譯下
[16:55.71]You heard the man. Translate. 你聽(tīng)到他說(shuō)的了 翻譯下啊
[16:58.62]Uh,he's korean. I'm from encino. 嗯 他是韓國(guó)人 我是來(lái)自Encino的(洛杉磯轄區(qū))
[17:09.04]he wants to know how you're sure his wife is off the island. 他想知道你怎么確信 他妻子已經(jīng)離開(kāi)小島了
[17:13.66]You speak korean,red? 你會(huì)說(shuō)韓國(guó)話 紅頭發(fā)?
[17:15.11]Obviously. 很明顯嘛
[17:16.78]Tell him I'm sure,but none of it will matter if we don't make it to the orchid. 告訴他我很確信 但如果我們 不到達(dá)幽蘭站一切都是枉然
[17:23.43]******* 他確信 并且他說(shuō)...
[17:24.91]********* 我們需要去一個(gè)叫幽蘭站的地方
[17:26.92]***** 什么是幽蘭站
[17:28.39]********* 離開(kāi)小島的方法
[17:30.08]********** Locke正計(jì)劃著離開(kāi)這里 并且..
[17:32.80]******* 把你所有的朋友都帶回來(lái)
[17:34.60]******** 包括你的妻子
[17:36.96]********** 他認(rèn)為這是唯一 能阻止繼續(xù)閃傳的方法
[17:41.87]bring sun back? 把Sun帶回來(lái)?
[17:44.70]Why you bring her back? 為什么要把她帶回來(lái)?
[17:47.33]Because she never should have left. 因?yàn)樗?dāng)時(shí)就不該離開(kāi)
[18:02.14]I've spent the last three years thinking... 最近三年我一直在想...
[18:05.73]believing that he was dead. 以為他已經(jīng)死了
[18:09.36]You say you have proof that he's not. I want to see it. 你說(shuō)你能證明他沒(méi)死 我得看看
[18:11.65]Why don't you put down the gun? No one wants it to go off. 先把槍放下來(lái)好不? 沒(méi)人想擦槍走火的
[18:13.56]How do you know he's alive? 你怎么知道他還活著?
[18:20.07]there's someone... 有人...
[18:22.64]someone here in los angeles. 這個(gè)人就在洛杉磯
[18:25.09]Let me take you to them, and I'll show you the proof. 我?guī)阋?jiàn)他們 證明給你看
[18:28.33]"someone"? Who? 誰(shuí)是"這個(gè)人"? 是誰(shuí)?
[18:30.10]The same person that's gonna shous how to get back to the island. 這人能告訴我們?cè)趺椿氐侥切u
[18:34.35]Is that what this is about? 折騰半天就為這?
[18:38.22]- You knew about this? - No.No,I was-- - 你知道這事兒? - 不知道 我當(dāng)時(shí)....
[18:40.01]and that is why you were pretending to care about aaron,to convince me to go back there? 所以你裝作關(guān)心Aaron 就為說(shuō)服我回去?
[18:43.48]- I wasn't pretending anything. - This is insane. You guys are crazy. - 我沒(méi)裝啊 - 這真荒唐 你們都瘋了
[18:46.18]- Kate-- - jack,don't! - Kate.. - Jack 別說(shuō)了!
[18:51.61]Sayid,where areou going? Sayid 你要去哪里?
[18:53.29]I don't want any part of this. 我不想摻和這事兒
[18:55.22]And if I see you or him again? 如果再讓我看到你或者他
[18:58.96]it'll be extremely unpleasant for all of us. 到時(shí)候鬧得不愉快就不好了
[19:09.94]30 minutes,sun. 30分鐘 Sun
[19:11.66]We can be there in 30 minutes. 我們30分鐘就能到那里
[19:14.12]And you'll have proof-- proof that he's alive. 到時(shí)候你就能看到證據(jù)了 證明他還活著的證據(jù)
[19:18.27]Or you can shoot me and never know. 或者你開(kāi)槍打死我 那樣你就永遠(yuǎn)也不知道了
[19:26.71]Let's go. 咱們走
[19:39.24]how far? 有多遠(yuǎn)?
[19:41.80]It's just over the next ridge. 越過(guò)那座山就到了
[19:44.22]How you will leave the island? 怎么才能離開(kāi)小島?
[19:45.86]I'm not sure yet. 我也不確信
[19:47.54]I go with you. 我跟你一起去
[19:48.19]No,no. It doesn't work like that. It's a 1-man job. 不 不行 不是那么回事兒 這事兒得一個(gè)人來(lái)
[19:50.81]- Why? - I don't know why,jin. It just is. - 為什么? - 我也不知道為什么 Jin 事情就是這樣
[19:53.87]But I promise I'll bring sun back. 但我保證我會(huì)把Sun帶回來(lái)的
[19:58.61]you okay? You wanna take a break? 你沒(méi)事兒吧? 想歇會(huì)兒么?
[20:02.14]- let's just get there. - Yeah. - 咱們直接走就行 - 好
[20:05.48]So,uh... you speak any other languages? 那... 你還會(huì)說(shuō)其他外語(yǔ)么?
[20:09.57]Just klingon. 還有就是克林貢語(yǔ)(星際迷航)了
[20:13.09]dan,is this gonna work? Dan 這么著行得通么?
[20:15.37]It--it does make empirical sense that if this started at the orchid,then that's where it's gonna stop. 從經(jīng)驗(yàn)主義的角度來(lái)說(shuō)確實(shí)說(shuō)得通 從幽蘭站開(kāi)始 就要從幽蘭站終結(jié)
[20:20.12]But as far as bringing back people who left in order to stop these temporal shifts, 但說(shuō)到為了停止這種時(shí)空轉(zhuǎn)換 把離開(kāi)島的人找回來(lái)
[20:25.76]that's where we leave science behind. You okay? 這就是科學(xué)解釋不了的了 還好吧?
[20:34.04]oh,no! 哦 不!
[20:50.17]come on! 不是吧!
[21:09.46]charlotte! Charlotte!
[21:15.24]Charlotte. Charlotte
[21:16.51]Juliet. You have a little... Juliet 你鼻子也...
[21:22.61]you,too. 你也是
[21:26.10]charlotte! Can you hear me? Charlotte! 能聽(tīng)到我說(shuō)話么?
[21:28.63]Charlotte?******* Charlotte? 我是Daniel 你說(shuō)句話啊
[21:43.44]what'd she say? 她說(shuō)的什么啊?
[21:45.02]don't let them bring her back,no matter what. 別讓他們把她帶回來(lái) 不論什么都不要
[21:48.72]Don't let them bring her back. 別讓他們把她帶回來(lái)
[21:53.32]This place is death. 在這兒遲早都要死
[22:06.89]you said we'd be there in 30 minutes. 你說(shuō)過(guò)30分鐘能到的
[22:10.01]I didn't account for traffic. 我沒(méi)算上堵車(chē)
[22:25.05]Sun,I'm sorry. Sun 我很抱歉
[22:27.47]Sorry for what? 抱歉什么?
[22:30.77]For leaving jin behind. 當(dāng)時(shí)丟下Jin
[22:33.55]When we landed that chopper on the boat... 當(dāng)時(shí)直升飛機(jī)降落在船上時(shí)
[22:37.27]everything was just happening so fast. 事情發(fā)生的太突然
[22:40.69]I knew he was down below,but I... 我知道他在下面 但我...
[22:44.74]should've waited for him. 我本該等他的
[22:48.17]Why are you telling me this now,jack? 你為什么現(xiàn)在告訴我這些 Jack?
[22:51.36]Are you going to ask me not to kill ben if he's lying about my husband? 你是想如果我丈夫確實(shí)死了的話 求我不要?dú)en?
[22:54.41]After what he just did to kate, if you don't do it,sun,I will. 沖他對(duì)kate的所作所為 就算你不下手 Sun 我也會(huì)的
[23:01.55]what are you doing? 你干嘛呢?
[23:02.76]What I'm doing is helping you. 我是在幫你
[23:04.98]And if you had any idea what I've had to do to keep you safe, 你要是起碼知道 我為保護(hù)你
[23:08.07]to keep your friends safe, you'd never stop thanking me. 和你朋友 付出了什么 你就會(huì)對(duì)我感恩戴德的
[23:16.43]You wanna shoot me? Then shoot me! But let's get on with it. 你想斃了我么? 那你開(kāi)槍啊! 但這事得說(shuō)清
[23:19.80]What's it gonna be? 你到底想怎樣?
[23:24.39]Drive. 開(kāi)車(chē)
[23:43.00]Why can't daddy come with us? 為什么爸爸不能跟咱們一起來(lái)啊?
[23:45.04]Charlotte,can you hear me? Charlotte 能聽(tīng)到我說(shuō)話么?
[23:47.80]You know what my mum would say about me marrying an american? 我要是嫁給個(gè)美國(guó)人 你知道媽會(huì)怎么說(shuō)的?
[23:52.13]Yeah,I know more about ancient carthage than hannibal himself. 對(duì) 我比漢尼拔本人還了解 古代迦太基人
[23:57.95]What the hell is she talking about? 她這兒說(shuō)什么胡話呢?
[23:59.96]Have no idea. 不知道
[24:00.84]Let's go. We have to keep moving. 咱們走 繼續(xù)走
[24:02.28]All right,somebody help me with charlotte. We're gonna have to carry her,. 好吧 來(lái)個(gè)人幫Charlotte一把 咱們得背上她
[24:04.61]no.She's gonna hold us up. 不 她會(huì)托大家后腿的
[24:08.21]We--we can't just leave her. 我們不能扔下她吧
[24:09.22]The flashes are getting closer together. 閃傳的頻度越來(lái)越高了
[24:10.90]Maybe when your nose starts bleeding, you'll realize we tta get out of dodge now. 可能等你開(kāi)始留鼻血的時(shí)候 你就知道咱們得加緊了吧
[24:14.43]We'll come back for her just as soon as we can. 我們會(huì)盡快回來(lái)找她的
[24:16.56]No. No way. We're not gonna leave her behind. 不 絕不 我不會(huì)丟下她不管的
[24:19.63]Let them go without me,daniel. 讓他們丟下我走吧 Daniel
[24:21.13]No,charlotte. No. I'm not gonna leave you behind. 不 Charlotte 我不會(huì)丟下你不管的
[24:30.52]the hell? 什么玩意兒?
[24:31.23]- We have to move now! - He's right. Go. - 怎們必須快點(diǎn)走! - 他說(shuō)的對(duì) 快走
[24:33.11]- Charlotte-- - just--no,just go! - Charlotte.. - 快走吧!
[24:35.08]charlotte... Oh,turn it up. Charlotte... 哦 聲音大點(diǎn)
[24:39.21]i love geronimo jackson. 我愛(ài)Geronimo Jackson樂(lè)隊(duì)
[24:43.72]we're running out of time,dan. 我們沒(méi)多少時(shí)間了 Dan
[24:47.47]Go. 走吧
[24:50.48]I'm gonna stay with he 我留下陪她
[24:53.80]let me ask you something,john. 我問(wèn)你點(diǎn)事兒 John
[24:55.38]If we don't even know when the hell we are. 如果我們甚至都不知道 現(xiàn)在是什么時(shí)候
[24:57.12]What happens if the orchid ain't around anymore? 怎么才能知道幽蘭站還在?
[25:01.95]Look for the well. 找一口井就行
[25:04.62]You'll find it at the well. 在井附近能找到
[25:08.51]Yeah,we'll be sure and do that. 我們會(huì)記得那樣做的
[25:11.97]Let's go. 咱們走
[25:53.18]we're here. 咱們到了
[25:56.52]Thank god. 謝天謝地
[25:58.37]What are the odds that we would end up in the same time as this thing? 怎么這么巧咱就這時(shí)出現(xiàn)在這兒了
[26:13.24]you just had to say somethin'. 不說(shuō)點(diǎn)什么能憋死啊
[26:51.38]How the hell did charlotte know this was here? Charlotte怎么知道這兒有這個(gè)?
[27:01.84]- daniel? - Yes? - Daniel? - 怎么了?
[27:05.93]I've been here before. 我以前來(lái)過(guò)這里
[27:09.93]You've been... you've been here before? 你來(lái)過(guò)... 你以前來(lái)過(guò)這里?
[27:13.38]I grew up here,on the island. 我在這兒長(zhǎng)大的 這座島
[27:17.09]mm,there was this thing... the dharma initiative. 有個(gè)東西...叫達(dá)摩計(jì)劃
[27:20.86]And then I moved away with my mum. 然后我跟母親搬走了
[27:24.29]Just my mom,and I never saw my dad again. 只有我母親 我再也沒(méi)見(jiàn)過(guò)我父親
[27:28.46]And then when I got back england,w-when I would ask my mum about this place,yeah? 當(dāng)我回到英國(guó)的時(shí)候 我問(wèn)我母親關(guān)于這地方?
[27:33.64]But she would say that it wasn't real and that I'd made it up. 她就會(huì)說(shuō)這地方不是真的 都是我瞎編的
[27:38.81]that's why... 這就是為什么...
[27:40.94]I became an anthropologist-- to find this island again. 我成為了一名人類(lèi)學(xué)家 好找到這座小島
[27:47.17]It's what I've been searching for my whole life. 這就是我這輩子一直所找尋的
[27:52.00]Charlotte... Charlotte...
[27:55.45]why are you telling me this? 你告訴我這些干什么?
[28:00.90]Because I remember something now. 因?yàn)槲椰F(xiàn)在記起了些事情
[28:04.76]when I was little... 小時(shí)候的事情...
[28:07.08]living here,there was this man-- 離開(kāi)這兒的事情 當(dāng)時(shí)有個(gè)人...
[28:12.77]a crazy man-- he really scared me. 有個(gè)瘋子...我挺還怕他的
[28:15.47]And he told me that I had to leave the island... 他說(shuō)我必須離開(kāi)這島...
[28:18.10]and never,ever come back. 再也不要回來(lái)
[28:20.04]he told me that if I came b-back,I would die. 他說(shuō)如果我敢回來(lái) 就必死無(wú)疑
[28:28.13]Charlotte... I don't understand. Charlotte...我不明白啊
[28:33.59]daniel. I... I think that man was you. Daniel 我...我覺(jué)得那個(gè)人就是你
[28:48.76]You're going down there? 你要下去?
[28:53.54]What exactly e you hoping to find? 你想找什么啊?
[28:55.48]A way off the island. 離開(kāi)島的方法
[28:57.99]You expecting a subway? 你覺(jué)著有地鐵還是咋地?
[29:00.81]good-bye,james. Juliet,miles. I'll see you when I get back. 再見(jiàn) James Juliet Miles 回來(lái)再見(jiàn)
[29:06.15]No. Stop. 不 停
[29:08.75]You don't bring sun back. 別把Sun帶回來(lái)
[29:11.85]No,I have tobring them all back. That's--that's how it works. 不 我得把他們都帶回來(lái) 只有這樣才行得通
[29:14.68]How you know? 你怎知道?
[29:17.25]I-I... I just know. 我 我....我就是知道
[29:20.81]I will cut this. 我切斷了啊
[29:21.70]N-no. You do that,you'll kill every one of us. 別 你這么干 咱們就都死定了
[29:23.92]This island is bad. 這島不好
[29:26.34]You don't bring sun back. You promise. 你別把Sun帶回來(lái) 保證我
[29:28.29]You promise you don't bring my baby! 你想我保證 不把我的寶貝兒帶回來(lái)!
[29:29.79]All right. All right. You have my word. 好吧 好吧 我向你保證
[29:33.53]Promise,john. 你保證 John
[29:38.93]I promise. 我保證
[29:51.20]I won't go to sun,jin, but she might find me. 我不去找Sun Jin 但她有可能來(lái)找我的
[29:55.74]If she does,what do I tell her? 如果她來(lái)找我 我怎么說(shuō)?
[30:00.12]You tell her I'm dead. 你告訴她我已經(jīng)死了
[30:04.20]You say I wash up. 你說(shuō)我被沖到岸邊
[30:06.96]You bu me. 你把我埋了
[30:13.40]Proof. 這是證據(jù)
[30:23.94]I'll be back as soon as I can. 我會(huì)盡快回來(lái)
[30:45.49]you sure you don't want us to lower you down? 你確定不要我們幫忙放你下去么?
[30:48.82]Where would be the fun in that? 那樣還有什么樂(lè)趣?
[30:53.09]john. John
[30:54.73]If whatever you're attempting to do actually works? 不管你現(xiàn)在在做什么 如果真的起到了作用
[30:59.84]Thank you. 謝謝你
[31:03.28]You're welcome. 不客氣
[31:49.74]what? 不會(huì)吧
[31:53.06]John! Damn it,hold on! John 他媽的 堅(jiān)持住
[32:06.53]I think you can let go of that now. 我想你現(xiàn)在可以放手了
[32:15.29]No. No! No! 不 不 不
[32:17.06]- James,stoP. - No! No! - James 別這樣 - 不 不
[32:18.78]James,stop James 別這樣
[32:19.89]come on and help me! 快過(guò)來(lái)幫我
[32:22.10]JameS. James
[32:25.34]we can't help him. 我們無(wú)能為力了
[32:33.63]hold on. Hold on. It's okay. Okay. Okay,hold on. 堅(jiān)持住 堅(jiān)持 沒(méi)事的 沒(méi)事的 堅(jiān)持
[32:38.09]you gotta hold on. stay. Sta stay with me. just stay,okay? 你要堅(jiān)持住 堅(jiān)持 和我一起堅(jiān)持 堅(jiān)持 好嗎?
[32:42.67]You're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be okay. 你會(huì)好起來(lái)的 沒(méi)事的
[32:45.81]I've got a plan. I've got a plan. 我有計(jì)劃的 我有個(gè)計(jì)劃的
[32:49.02]When we were back at the hatch,I talked to desmond. 當(dāng)我們?cè)谂摽诘臅r(shí)候 我和Desmond交談過(guò)
[32:53.49]I told him to find my mother. 我叫他去找我的媽媽
[32:56.88]She can help us,charlotte. 她能幫助我們的 Charlotte
[32:58.87]She will help us. 她會(huì)幫助我們的
[33:00.59]How can your mother help us? 你媽為什么能幫到我們?
[33:02.35]She can. She-- 她可以的 她...
[33:11.24]- Listen,listen. - Yeah? - 聽(tīng)著 聽(tīng)著 - 什么?
[33:16.43]What? 什么?
[33:19.82]I'm not allowed to have chocolate before dinner. 晚飯前我不能吃巧克力
[33:29.59]charlotte? Charlotte?
[33:32.69]Charlotte? Charlotte?
[33:36.14]Charlotte. Charlotte
[33:40.67]no. 不
[34:08.20]james! James
[34:10.90]Can you hear me? 聽(tīng)到嗎?
[34:14.76]Can anyone hear me? 有沒(méi)有人啊?
[34:24.72]who's there? 誰(shuí)?
[34:43.03]hello,john. 你好啊 John
[34:45.20]You? 你?
[34:49.51]what are you doing down here? 你在這下面做什么?
[34:51.71]I'm here to help you the rest of the way. 我來(lái)幫你做剩下的事
[34:58.45]I don't-- I don't understand. 我不 我不明白
[35:00.53]You came to see me in the cabin. 你到小屋來(lái)見(jiàn)我
[35:03.17]You asked me how to save the island, and I told you you had to move it. 我問(wèn)我怎樣才能拯救這個(gè)島 我說(shuō)你必須移動(dòng)它
[35:08.24]I said that you had to move it,john. 我是叫你去移動(dòng)它 John
[35:17.82]but ben said he knew how to do it. 但是Ben說(shuō)他知道怎么搞
[35:20.01]He told me that I had to stay here and lead his people. 他說(shuō)我必須待在這帶領(lǐng)他的人
[35:25.11]And since when did listening to him get you anywhere worth a damn? 他說(shuō)的話算個(gè)屁啊?
[35:35.40]The good news... is that you're here now. 好消息是 現(xiàn)在你來(lái)了
[35:40.37]Are you ready to go? 你準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?
[35:42.26]I-I d--I don't know... 我 我不知道
[35:45.17]what to do once I get there. 我到了要干嘛
[35:47.51]There's a woman living in los angeles. 有個(gè)女的 住在洛杉磯
[35:50.75]And once you get all of your friends together-- 當(dāng)你把所有朋友都集合起來(lái)時(shí)
[35:52.67]and it must be all of them,everyone who left. 必須是所有人 所有離開(kāi)了島的人
[35:56.03]And once you've persuaded them to join you... 當(dāng)你說(shuō)服他們和你一起
[35:59.18]this woman will tell you exactly how to come back. 這個(gè)女的會(huì)告訴你怎么回來(lái)
[36:03.55]who--who is she? 誰(shuí) 她是誰(shuí)?
[36:05.95]Her name is eloise hawking. 她叫Eloise Hawking
[36:09.84]What if can only convince some of them to come back? 如果只能說(shuō)服其中幾個(gè)呢?
[36:13.89]I believe in you,john. 我相信你 John
[36:17.52]You can do this. 你做得到
[36:23.68]richard said I was going to die. Richard說(shuō)我會(huì)死
[36:27.86]Well,I suppose that's-- that's why they call it sacrifice. 這大概就是所謂的犧牲吧
[36:42.12]All right. okay. 好吧 好
[36:44.97]oh,yeah,I'm ready. 好 我準(zhǔn)備好了
[36:50.55]good. 好
[36:54.39]Now... 現(xiàn)在...
[36:56.90]On the other side of this column here is a wheel that slipped off its axis. 這柱子的另一邊 是一個(gè)滑出了主軸的輪盤(pán)
[37:02.52]And all you have to do is give it a little push. 你要做的只是推它一把
[37:13.17]could-- could you help me 你可以幫我嗎
[37:16.21]******* 不行 抱歉我?guī)筒涣四?br /> [37:58.40]******* 祝你好運(yùn) John
[38:25.72]say hello to my son. 向我兒子問(wèn)個(gè)好
[38:29.23]Who's your son? 你兒子是誰(shuí)?
[39:03.80]May I? 我可以拿點(diǎn)東西嗎?
[39:11.88]Take it. 拿著
[39:23.70]how do you have this? 你怎么會(huì)有這個(gè)?
[39:25.14]John gave it to me. John給我的
[39:27.28]You said john never came to see you. 你說(shuō)John從來(lái)沒(méi)找過(guò)你
[39:29.18]That's true,jack. I went to see hiM. 是的 Jack 是我去見(jiàn)他的
[39:33.64]Jin gave it to him before he left the island. 他離開(kāi)島前Jin給他的
[39:35.71]Why didn't locke tell me himself? Locke為什么不自己來(lái)告訴我?
[39:37.34]I don't know. 我不知道
[39:38.98]Maybe he never had a chance before he died. 也許在他死之前沒(méi)有找到機(jī)會(huì)
[39:41.87]I'm sorry I had to bring you here before I gave it to you,sun. 很抱歉我把你帶到這里后才給你 Sun
[39:44.89]But all those people back on the island,jin included,need our help. 但是所有還留在島上的人 包括Jin 需要我們的幫助
[39:51.73]There is a woman in this church,and she can tell us how to get back to your husband. 這間教堂里有個(gè)女的 她可以告訴我們?cè)趺椿啬阏煞蚰?br /> [39:55.74]But we're running out of time, sun,I need you to decide right now. 但是我們已經(jīng)沒(méi)有時(shí)間了 Sun 你現(xiàn)在必須馬上做個(gè)決定
[40:01.45]Will you come with me? 你會(huì)跟我走么?
[40:12.25]Yes. 會(huì)
[40:16.52]what are you doin' here? 你怎么會(huì)在這里?
[40:29.91]I assume the same thing you are. 我想可能和你一樣
[40:33.12]You're looking for faraday's mother,too? 你也在找Faraday的母親?
[40:59.35]Hello,eloise. 你好 Eloise
[41:11.40]Hello,benjamin. 你好 Benjamin
[41:18.96]I thought I said all of them. 我說(shuō)過(guò)要帶來(lái)所有的人
[41:21.83]This is all I could get on short notice. 時(shí)間這么緊 我只能帶來(lái)這么多人了
[41:27.28]well,I suppose it'll have to do for now. 好吧 現(xiàn)在不得不做了
[41:34.68]All right. Let's get started. 好吧 我們開(kāi)始吧
[41:40.29]迷失 第五季 第5集 完

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