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> 影視聽說 > 影視原聲 > 迷失 > 迷失第三季 >  第20篇





[00:01.04]Previously on Lost: "迷失"前情提要...
[00:02.88]I don't know how it happened, 我不知道這是怎么發(fā)生的
[00:04.32]but you seem to have some communion with this island, John. 但你和這個(gè)島似乎有緊密的聯(lián)系 John
[00:08.60]And that makes you very, very important. 這讓你變得非常 非常重要
[00:11.04]In time, you'll have a better understanding of things. 時(shí)候一到 你就會(huì)更清楚這一切了
[00:16.76]Kwon is pregnant. 權(quán)太太懷孕了 胎兒很建康
[00:17.88]- The foetus is healthy... - What's that?
[00:20.76]Juliet is gathering information for us at your camp. - 那是什么? - Juliet在為我們搜集你們那個(gè)營(yíng)地的情況
[00:23.52]She's determining if any women are pregnant. Then we're going to take them. 她會(huì)確定哪些女人懷孕了
[00:29.32]Juliet is a mole. She's working for Ben. Juliet是奸細(xì) 她在為Ben干活
[00:34.76]- We're moving. - Moving? Where are we going? 我們要離開了
[00:37.20]We are not going anywhere, John. You are going to stay behind. - 離開? 你們要去哪里? - 我們哪都不去 John
[00:41.28]We'll leave a trail, one you can track. 我們會(huì)留下蹤跡...你能找到的蹤跡
[00:43.12]And John, unless you're carrying your father's body on your back, 還有 John 除非你背上你爸爸的尸體...
[00:48.12]don't bother. 不然的話你還是別來了
[00:55.32]Come on, damn it, push! 加油! 該死的 用力!
[01:00.88]Something's wrong. I can't... 不對(duì)勁 我不能...
[01:04.80]Emily, you can do this! Now, push! Emily 你可以的! 用力啊!
[01:08.96]Come on, come on, baby. 加油 加油 寶貝 你可以的 用力吧
[01:11.16]You can do it, now, come on. 加油 快行了! 用力!
[01:12.80]Come on, there you go. Come on.
[01:21.60]It's a boy. You did it. 是個(gè)男孩
[01:26.20]It hurts. 好痛
[01:34.32]Oh. You did it. 噢 你做到了
[01:39.48]Oh, my God. Roger, it hurts. Roger 我很痛
[01:46.36]Emily. No one knows we're out here. We gotta get back, OK, honey? Emily 沒人知道我們?cè)谶@里 我們要回去 好嗎 親愛的?
[01:50.96]Can you hold on to the baby? 你能抱著孩子嗎?
[01:53.20]Emily! Can you hold the baby? Hold him tight. Emily 你能抱著孩子嗎? 把他抱緊
[02:09.12]Hey! Help! 嘿! 救命! 救命!
[02:11.72]Help. 救命!
[02:14.96]Help! 救命!
[02:19.36]Help me... 快點(diǎn) 幫幫我
[02:21.20]Hey, what happened, man? 嘿 怎么了 伙計(jì)?
[02:23.48]We were hiking. She went into labour. She wasn't due yet. She's bleeding. 我們本來在遠(yuǎn)足 她在途中分娩 她早產(chǎn)了
[02:28.12]We'll put her in the car, OK? We'll get you to the hospital. - 她在出血 - 好 好 聽著
[02:28.94]- 我們把她抱到車上 好嗎? - 好的
[02:31.16]OK, OK, honey... 我們會(huì)帶你們?nèi)メt(yī)院
[02:33.20]OK, it's all right, let's keep her warm, all right? 噢 好 好 親愛的
[02:33.58]好 可以了 給她保暖 好嗎?
[02:36.48]- How's the baby? - Fine, I guess. I don't know. - 孩子還好嗎? - 還好吧 我想 我不知道
[02:39.56]Roger... Roger... Roger
[02:41.88]- I'm right here... - Call him Benjamin. - Roger... - 我在這
[02:43.06]- 叫他Benjamin... - 不要離開我
[02:45.16]Stay with me...
[02:49.36]Stay with me. Emily! 不要離開我 Emily!
[02:55.12]Emily! Oh, God, no! Emily! 噢 天哪 不!
[03:05.40]What ya got there? - 那是什么? - 是個(gè)生日禮物
[03:07.00]It's a birthday present. Mine just happens to be today.
[03:12.48]You do remember birthdays, don't you, Richard? 你記得生日吧 Richard?
[03:16.24]So, do you want me to bring the tape back to Juliet? 你要我?guī)莻€(gè)磁帶回去給Juliet嗎?
[03:19.52]What? - 什么? - 你錄了指示給Juliet的那個(gè)帶子..
[03:20.60]The tape with instructions for Juliet. Do you want it at the Medical Station?
[03:24.52]I recorded it yesterday, before we left. I thought you took it. 昨天我們走之前我就錄好了
[03:27.80]- No. - Where's Tom? - 我以為你已經(jīng)拿了 - 沒有
[03:31.64]Tom? Have you seen my recorder? Tom!
[04:00.48]You said that if I killed my father, 你說如果我殺了我爸爸
[04:04.68]you'd tell me everything I wanted to know about the island. 你就會(huì)告訴我一切 我想知道的關(guān)于這個(gè)島的東西
[04:12.32]So, why don't you start at the beginning? 不如你現(xiàn)在就開始說吧?
[04:36.32]I know I promised to tell you everything, John, 我知道我答應(yīng)了會(huì)告訴你一切 John
[04:38.80]and I wish it was as simple as me taking out a dusty old book and opening it up. 我希望這個(gè)可以簡(jiǎn)單得 像拿出一本堆塵的舊書打開給你看
[04:53.84]But it's not that simple. 但其實(shí)并沒有那么簡(jiǎn)單
[04:55.44]How about you just tell me. 你告訴我不就好了嗎?
[04:58.76]You probably think I'm the leader of this little community. 你也許會(huì)以為我是這個(gè)小群體的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)
[05:02.36]But that's not entirely true. 但這并不是完全正確
[05:05.76]We all answer to someone, John. 我們都得聽某人的指示 John
[05:07.96]And who might that be? 那會(huì)是誰(shuí)呢?
[05:11.28]His name is Jacob. 他的名字叫Jacob
[05:13.32]OK, then, take me to Jacob. 好 那么 帶我去見Jacob
[05:16.48]I can't do that. 我不能那么做
[05:19.84]Where are you going? - 你去哪里? - 你管不著 Ben
[05:21.04]If you don't want to take me, maybe someone else will. 如果你不想帶我去 也許有其他人會(huì)
[05:23.76]I'll just go and ask Richard. - 我會(huì)去問Richard - 為什么Richard會(huì)帶你去?
[05:25.72]Why would Richard take you? He doesn't talk to Jacob. 他不知道Jacob在哪里 他不跟Jacob交談
[05:29.04]- Well, who talks to him? - I do. - 那么 那誰(shuí)跟他交談? - 我
[05:30.72]- You're the only one? - That's right. - 噢 你是唯一一個(gè)跟他交流的人? - 沒錯(cuò)
[05:32.64]And no one else knows where he is? 而且沒有其他人知道他在哪里?
[05:34.52]I was born here on this island. 我在這個(gè)島上出生
[05:37.24]I'm one of the last that was. 我是上一批人中的一員
[05:39.48]Most of these people you see, I brought them here. So, Jacob talks to me, John. 你看到的大多數(shù)人...是我?guī)麄儊磉@
[05:41.56]所以Jacob只跟我交流 John
[05:44.28]He tells me what to do, trusts me. 他告訴我該做什么 他相信我
[05:47.72]And no one else has ever seen him. - 沒有其他人見過他? - 是的
[05:51.80]- That's right. - How convenient. 真方便 你知道我在想什么嗎 Ben?
[05:55.24]You know what I think, Ben? I think there is no Jacob.
[05:59.76]I think people are idiots if they believe 我覺得如果你的人相信 你聽命于他人的話 他們就是笨蛋
[06:01.96]you take orders from someone else.
[06:04.00]You are the man behind the curtain, the Wizard of Oz. 你就是幕后黑手...
[06:07.76]奧斯之巫 (電影"綠野仙蹤")
[06:11.28]And you're a liar. 你是個(gè)騙子
[06:14.64]And what might you base that theory on, John? 你有什么根據(jù) John?
[06:16.92]Because if you were telling the truth, your hand wouldn't be shaking. 因?yàn)槿绻阏f的是真話
[06:54.28]你好! (印度語(yǔ)) 達(dá)摩計(jì)劃
[06:57.64]Namaste. - 你好 - 謝謝
[07:00.36]- Thanks. - Namaste. 你好
[07:03.64]Hey, welcome to the island, man. Namaste. 嘿 歡迎到島上來 伙計(jì)
[07:05.40]- 你好 - 你好 對(duì)
[07:06.92]- Namaste, yeah. - So, what do ya think? 你覺得怎么樣?
[07:10.88]Well, this is some place. Thanks again for the opportunity, Mr Goodspeed. 哇 這真是個(gè)地方 謝謝你給我這個(gè)機(jī)會(huì) Goodspeed先生
[07:15.12]- Horace, please. - Horace. - 請(qǐng)叫我Horace - Horace
[07:16.52]- And this must be Ben. - Yeah. - 這個(gè)一定就是Ben吧 - 是的
[07:19.12]Mr Goodspeed was there the day you were born. - 你出生的時(shí)候 Goodspeed先生就在你身邊 - 對(duì) 沒錯(cuò)
[07:21.36]Yes, I was.
[07:23.68]He's doing us a big favour here, gave your old man a job. 他幫了我們一個(gè)大忙 他給了你爸爸一份工作
[07:28.00]He don't say much. - 呃 他不太愛說話 - 沒關(guān)系
[07:29.40]That's OK. I bet he will when he has something to say. Right, Ben? 我打賭若是有話他就自然會(huì)說了 對(duì)嗎 Ben?
[07:34.32]Hey, you hungry, kiddo? 嘿 你餓了嗎 小鬼?
[07:38.00]Great. Tell you what, after you're done processing, we'll have some lunch. 啊? 很好 知道嗎
[07:39.84]你們辦完手續(xù)之后 我們就可以吃午餐了 開心嗎?
[07:42.08]How's that sound? - 呃 謝謝你 - 你會(huì)喜歡這里的
[07:43.16]- Yeah, thanks you. - You're gonna love it here.
[07:47.12]Welcome to the island. For your own comfort and safety, 歡迎來到島上
[07:50.56]we ask that you stay within the confines of your new quarters. 我們請(qǐng)你留在你們新居住區(qū)的 活動(dòng)范圍內(nèi)
[07:53.76]Our barracks are surrounded by a high frequency sonar fence 我們的營(yíng)地被高頻率的聲納防護(hù)欄包圍
[07:57.84]to protect us from the island's abundant and diverse wildlife. 保護(hù)我們遠(yuǎn)離島上 大量的各種野生動(dòng)物
[08:01.88]You are now a member of the Dharma Initiative. 你現(xiàn)在是達(dá)摩計(jì)劃的一員
[08:04.32]What kind of wildlife you think this fence is protecting us from? 你覺得這個(gè)防護(hù)欄會(huì) 保護(hù)我們遠(yuǎn)離什么野生動(dòng)物?
[08:07.56]- Roger Linus? Roger Linus? - Yeah. - Roger Linus? Roger Linus? - 這里
[08:10.84]Every morning, you will be given a new code, 每天早上你都會(huì)接到一個(gè)新代號(hào)
[08:13.00]which will allow you to cross outside the fence. 如果你真的渴望 可以用它穿越這個(gè)防護(hù)欄出去
[08:17.08]There are properties on this island that exist nowhere else on Earth. 這個(gè)島上有地球上 其他地方?jīng)]有的特性
[08:20.68]Our mission is to study these properties 我們的任務(wù)就是要研究這些特性
[08:23.44]for the betterment of mankind and advancement of world peace. 目的就是要改善人類和促進(jìn)世界和平
[08:30.32]Should you be assigned to zoological studies... 如果你是被分配到地質(zhì)研究...
[08:32.80]Hey. You're new, huh? 嘿 你是新來的吧 對(duì)嗎?
[08:38.44]I'm Annie. 我是Annie
[08:41.28]Want one? 要吃一個(gè)嗎?
[08:45.88]We can have as many as we want. 我們想要多少都有
[08:48.84]"Work Man"? What is this? "Work Man"? 工人?
[08:50.80]這是什么? 工人?
[08:55.56]- I'm a janitor? - I'm sorry, Mr Linus. - 我是個(gè)看工嗎? - 對(duì)不起 Linus先生
[08:57.60]Goodspeed told me you people were doing experiments, changing the world. Goodspeed告訴我你們是在做實(shí)驗(yàn) 要改變世界
[09:01.20]I didn't come here to clean up. 我不是來這里跟你們收拾善后的
[09:02.84]If anything else opens up, you can feel free to apply for it. 聽著 如果有新職位開放 你盡可以去申請(qǐng)
[09:08.92]Come on. 走吧
[09:13.76]Dude, you know, this can't be worse than haggis. 你不覺得有點(diǎn)太大了嗎?
[09:13.72]- 老兄 說實(shí)話吧 這不可能比肉餡羊肚更難吃 - 噢 我現(xiàn)在就能去吃肉餡羊肚
[09:21.40]Hey. Sayid. 嘿 Sayid
[09:27.08]- What happened to you? - I was with Locke. 你怎么了?
[09:28.12]- 我見過Locke了 - 那么 他在哪里?
[09:30.08]- Well, where is he? - He went back. - 他回去了 - 回去哪里?
[09:32.92]Back where? 和他們?cè)谝黄?別問我他們?cè)谀睦?因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)在那并不重要
[09:34.00]With them. Don't ask me where the hell it is 'cause it don't matter.
[09:37.40]What does matter, is this. 重要的...是這個(gè)
[09:50.84]Where is Ben? Where is he? Ben在哪里?! 他在哪里?!
[09:58.64]I thought you were dead. 我以為你死了
[10:01.96]I'm fortunate the pylons were not set to a lethal level. 我很幸運(yùn)那個(gè)高壓塔 并沒有設(shè)置到致命的級(jí)別
[10:08.24]- What is he doing here? - It's all right. 他在這里干什么?
[10:11.96]He's the one who tried to kill me. - 沒事 - 就是他要?dú)⒘宋?br /> [10:16.08]He's with us now. 他現(xiàn)在是我們的人了
[10:18.80]Where have you been, Mikhail? 你去哪里了 Mikhail?
[10:20.36]I encountered several of his people in the jungle. 我在森林里遇見了他們的幾個(gè)人
[10:23.36]They had an injured woman with them. 有一個(gè)受傷的女人跟他們?cè)谝黄?br /> [10:25.48]Apparently, she just parachuted onto the island. 很明顯 她是剛剛跳傘掉落到這島上
[10:28.04]- What? - Her helo crashed in the water. - 什么? - 她的直升機(jī)在海上墜毀
[10:30.68]She says her ship is approximately 130 klicks to the west of us. 她說她的船就在大約在離我們130千米以西
[10:35.40]- She has a radio-telephone. - Where is she now? - 她有一個(gè)無線電話 - 她現(xiàn)在在哪里?
[10:38.16]I assume they have taken her back to their camp. 我想他們已經(jīng)帶她回自己的營(yíng)地去了
[10:41.28]We'll be visiting their camp day after tomorrow. We'll take care of it. 后天我們就會(huì)去他們的營(yíng)地了 我們到時(shí)候再處理
[10:44.64]Day after tomorrow? We have to go now. 后天? 我們現(xiàn)在就得去
[10:46.84]Ben's not going anywhere with you. Ben不會(huì)和你去任何地方
[10:50.08]- Excuse me? - He and I are going to see Jacob. - 什么? - 他和我要去見Jacob
[10:59.92]Please tell me this isn't true. 請(qǐng)告訴我這不是真的 Benjamin
[11:07.80]I'm sorry, I have to deal with this now, John. Our excursion will have to wait. 對(duì)不起 我現(xiàn)在得先處理這個(gè) John
[11:13.56]Since when do you explain yourself to him, an outsider? 什么時(shí)候開始 你會(huì)對(duì)一個(gè)...外來人解釋了?
[11:19.96]Tom! Tom
[11:22.32]Richard! Richard?!
[11:35.08]So, when do we leave? 那么我們什么時(shí)候出發(fā)?
[11:42.04]You know, you didn't have to beat Mikhail senseless to make your point. 你知道 你不需要把Mikhail 打得不省人事來達(dá)到你的目的 John
[11:46.56]Yes, I did. 我需要這么做
[11:48.72]Locke... Locke
[11:54.44]I hear you're gonna go see Jacob. 我聽說你要去見Jacob
[11:57.36]You're gonna need this. 你會(huì)需要這個(gè)
[12:05.88]Thanks. 謝謝
[12:14.08]Happy birthday, Dad. 生日快樂 爸爸
[12:28.92]So, once water is added to the bicarbonate, 那么一旦把水加到碳酸氫鈉里
[12:32.16]we will get our very own volcanic reaction. 就形成了特有的火山反應(yīng)
[12:36.28]Yes? 你說
[12:37.36]Is that what happened to the volcano on this island? 這島上的火山也是這樣的嗎?
[12:39.92]Exactly, Annie, but that was a long time ago. 說的對(duì) Annie 但那是很久以前的事了
[12:43.76]OK, so let's get ourselves an eruption. 好了 來做個(gè)我們自己的火山爆發(fā)吧
[12:45.88]Oh, cool. 真酷!
[12:47.36]Just add water and, voila. Now, I know it's not lava, but... 只要加水 哇
[12:49.78]我知道這不是火山巖 但是...
[12:53.48]What was that? 怎么回事?!
[12:59.16]OK, everyone into your positions. 行了 大家各就各位
[13:01.30]大家趴下! 快點(diǎn)! 過來!
[13:04.56]That's right, all together. Annie, lock the back door, please. 沒錯(cuò) 大家都呆在一塊兒
[13:05.82]Annie 請(qǐng)把后門鎖了
[13:10.96]Ben, come on, honey, you've gotta move. Ben 親愛的 快動(dòng)起來
[13:14.12]Ben! Ben!
[13:19.44]Come on. 快點(diǎn)!
[13:26.00]Don't worry, it's just the hostiles. 別擔(dān)心
[13:30.40]We'll be OK. 我們會(huì)沒事的
[13:33.16]Get down! 趴下!
[13:37.28]Hey, man. Heard you ran into a little trouble. 嘿 伙計(jì) 我聽說你惹了點(diǎn)小麻煩
[13:39.60]We're driving back from the Flame and we hear this huge explosion. 我們正驅(qū)車從飛機(jī)那兒往回趕 然后就聽見了巨大的爆炸聲
[13:43.80]Next thing I know, there's a siren wailing 然后我意識(shí)到 警笛在呼嘯
[13:46.36]and we're driving through a shoot-out. 我們正驅(qū)車穿越槍戰(zhàn)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)
[13:48.32]We're having some skirmishes with the natives. 聽著 我們和當(dāng)?shù)厝擞行_突
[13:50.84]What do you mean, "natives"? 你什么意思 當(dāng)?shù)厝?
[13:52.24]Well, we're not exactly sure who they are. 我們不確定他們的身份
[13:54.36]Well, this ain't what I signed up for. 我入伙可不是為了這個(gè)
[13:56.64]Roger, I did you a favour, man. You were having trouble finding work. Roger 我?guī)瓦^你 伙計(jì)
[13:58.98]你當(dāng)時(shí)找不到工作 還有別忘了Ben
[14:00.84]Don't forget about Ben. He's getting a quality education. 他在接受素質(zhì)教育
[14:03.68]I don't give a damn about his education. 我才不在乎他的教育
[14:05.68]If I'm gonna get shot at, I want hazard pay! I want another thirty grand. 如果我中搶了 我要風(fēng)險(xiǎn)津貼
[14:09.40]Calm down, man. 冷靜 伙計(jì)
[14:10.48]And don't try to tell me you don't have it, you hear me? 別告訴我你沒有
[14:15.40]Get the hell out of my house! 現(xiàn)在滾出我的屋子
[14:27.80]I thought I told you to go to bed. 我告訴過你上床去的
[14:56.24]- She's not here. - I noticed. 她不在這兒
[14:59.84]- What are you doing? - Looking for Juliet. 你在干嘛?
[15:03.48]You're not gonna find her in there. She left with Jack. 在那兒你們可找不到她
[15:06.20]Juliet left with Jack? 她和Jack走了
[15:07.56]He took off right after I told him about Naomi. Juliet和Jack走了?
[15:07.38]我告訴他關(guān)于Naomi的事之后 他立馬就走了
[15:09.92]Who's Naomi? 誰(shuí)是Naomi?
[15:11.48]And why would you do that, Kate? Kate 你為什么要那么做?
[15:13.24]Because she's hurt, because he's a doctor, 因?yàn)樗軅?他是醫(yī)生 而且他有權(quán)知道
[15:15.40]and because he has a right to know.
[15:17.80]- Where is he now? - I don't know, Sayid. 他現(xiàn)在在哪兒?
[15:19.76]Of course you don't. Sayid 我不知道
[15:21.64]It might be time for you to tell everybody else about Naomi. 你當(dāng)然不知道
[15:21.66]也許現(xiàn)在是時(shí)候 告訴其他人關(guān)于Naomi的事了
[15:24.56]Play her the tape. 給她聽錄音
[15:27.24]What tape? 什么錄音?
[15:34.24]Something you should know, John, before we go... 在我們出發(fā)之前 有些事情你應(yīng)該知道
[15:38.84]...whether or not you think he's the Wizard of Oz, 不管你認(rèn)不認(rèn)為他是奧斯之巫
[15:41.24]I can assure you that Jacob is very, very real. 我向你保證 Jacob絕對(duì)是真實(shí)的人
[15:47.88]And we're going to go see him, and he's not going to like it. 我們?nèi)ヒ娝?他可不樂意
[15:51.68]In fact, I have a feeling he's going to be very angry. 事實(shí)上 我覺得他會(huì)非常惱怒
[15:57.96]That's why my hand was shaking, because this is not a man you go and see. 這就是我雙手顫抖的原因 因?yàn)樗皇悄闳ゾ湍芤姷娜?br /> [16:02.96]This is a man who summons you. 他就是召喚你的人
[16:07.60]Well, I guess there's a first time for everything. 我想凡事都有第一次吧
[16:49.92]It's us. That's you, and that's me. 這是我們
[16:51.54]那個(gè)是你 那個(gè)是我
[16:56.68]Now we never have to be away from each other. 現(xiàn)在我們永遠(yuǎn)都不會(huì)離開對(duì)方了
[17:03.48]Happy birthday, Ben. Ben 生日快樂
[17:06.92]- Thanks. - You're welcome. 謝謝
[17:54.08]It's your birthday. 今天是你生日
[17:58.72]Sorry I forgot. 對(duì)不起我忘了
[18:04.52]Kinda hard to celebrate on the day you killed your mom. 在你害死母親的日子里慶祝生日 好像有點(diǎn)困難
[18:09.16]She was just seven months pregnant. We went for a hike. 她才懷了7個(gè)月的身孕
[18:12.60]But you had to come early...
[18:16.96]Now she's gone, 現(xiàn)在她走了
[18:20.76]and I'm stuck here on this island... with you. 現(xiàn)在我... 和你被困在這個(gè)島上
[18:35.56]Happy birthday, Ben. Ben 生日快樂
[19:02.00]Mom? 媽媽?
[19:08.92]Ben, don't! Ben 別!
[19:14.60]- Mom. - It's not time yet, Benjamin. 媽媽!
[19:15.78]Benjamin 現(xiàn)在還不是時(shí)候
[19:25.60]Mom! 媽媽!
[20:04.52]- Let's go, John. - John. John 我們走
[20:17.04]So, what, the world thinks we're dead? 這么說 全世界都以為我們死了?
[20:19.24]- That's not important. - Not important? - 現(xiàn)在這事兒無關(guān)緊要 - 無關(guān)緊要?
[20:21.24]- What do you mean, not important? - Excuse me... Sayid 你什么意思 這事兒無關(guān)緊要?
[20:24.84]I'm sorry, don't you people want to be rescued? 我很遺憾
[20:27.28]We kept her a secret to keep her safe. 我們藏匿她是為了保證她的安全
[20:29.28]Safe from what, Sayid? Sayid 為了提防什么?
[20:30.76]Safe from Jack. 提防Jack
[20:32.92]He spent a week with the Others, and he brought one of them back with him. 他和那伙人呆了一周時(shí)間
[20:34.34]他還帶回了他們中的一員 就在我們之中
[20:36.92]Here, amongst us.
[20:39.40]And every time we try to get answers from this woman, 每次我試圖從這女人那得到答案
[20:42.24]he prevents her from giving them. 他都會(huì)阻撓她說出答案
[20:43.92]But, it's Jack. He would never do anything to hurt us. 但他是Jack
[20:48.72]And Juliet, I believe she is a good person. 還有Juliet... 我相信她是好人
[20:51.80]Good person? And you're basing that on what? 好人?
[20:54.80]It wouldn't involve her taking you to one of their medical stations, would it? 包括她帶你去醫(yī)藥站吧 權(quán)太太?
[21:01.32]- How... - Kwon is pregnant. 怎么...
[21:03.04]The foetus is healthy and was conceived on island with her husband. 權(quán)太太懷孕了
[21:02.58]胎兒很健康 是在島上和他丈夫懷的孕
[21:06.72]He was sterile before they got here. 來這兒之前他是不能生育的
[21:09.44]I'm working on getting samples from the other women. 這是什么啊?
[21:12.28]I should have Austen's soon. I'll report when I know more. 等了解到更多情況我再匯報(bào)
[21:15.16]Where'd you get that? 你在哪兒得到的?
[21:18.52]- Where have you been, Jack? - I asked you where you got it. Jack 你去哪兒了?
[21:21.20]You're in a position to ask us questions? 你還真以為你有資格向我發(fā)問嗎?
[21:23.40]- Turn the tape over. - Stay out of it! 把磁帶翻面
[21:25.24]You want to burn me at the stake? Here I am. But first, 你要把我綁在樹上燒死我? 我人在這兒
[21:26.06]但首先把磁帶翻面 按"播放"鍵
[21:27.84]turn the tape over, press play.
[21:39.60]Juliet, it's Ben. Juliet 我是Ben
[21:40.88]I'm sending three teams to extract Kwon the night after tomorrow. 后天晚上我會(huì)派三個(gè)小隊(duì) 來帶走權(quán)太太
[21:44.84]We won't have time to run Austen's sample, 我們沒時(shí)間搜集Austen的樣本了
[21:46.92]so if you determine that she or anyone else is pregnant, 所以如果你確定她或者其他人懷孕了 在他們的帳篷上做好記號(hào)
[21:49.72]mark their tents and we'll take them, too. 我們也會(huì)帶走她們
[21:54.20]Good luck. 祝你好運(yùn)
[22:01.32]The night I saw your baby on the ultrasound, 我在超聲波心電圖上 看到你寶寶的那晚
[22:03.88]I told Jack what they were making me do. 我告訴了Jack他們強(qiáng)迫我做的事
[22:08.12]Why didn't you tell us? 你為什么沒告訴我們?
[22:09.84]Because I hadn't decided what to do about it yet. 因?yàn)槲疫€沒決定怎么處理這事
[22:13.40]Yet? "還沒"?
[22:21.88]I think we've got some catching up to do. 我想我們得收拾東西了
[23:37.64]Mom? 媽媽?
[23:45.64]Mom? 媽媽?
[23:48.92]Mom! 媽媽!
[23:50.76]Mom! 媽媽!
[23:52.52]Mom! 媽媽!
[24:12.80]Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, hey, hey. 喔... 嘿 嘿
[24:16.36]I didn't mean to scare you... Wait. Are you lost? Wait. 喔 我沒想要嚇唬你
[24:18.00]等等 你迷路了嗎?
[24:22.80]Are you one of them? 你是他們中的一員嗎?
[24:25.00]- One of who? - A hostile. 誰(shuí)的一員?
[24:30.72]Do you even know what that word means? 你知道這個(gè)詞的意思嗎?
[24:33.48]What's your name? - 你叫什么? - Ben
[24:34.56]- Ben. - Ben?
[24:36.60]You wanna tell me what you're doing in the jungle all by yourself? Ben.
[24:37.10]那么告訴我 你一個(gè)人在叢林中干嘛?
[24:42.28]I left home, and... I'm looking for my mom. 我離開了家 然后...
[24:46.64]- You think she's out here? - You wouldn't believe me. 我在找我母親
[24:50.88]Try me. 說來聽聽
[24:54.40]She's dead. 她死了
[25:00.92]Did she die here? On the island? - 她死在這 死在島上的? - 不
[25:03.68]No. When I was a baby.
[25:08.28]Did you see her... out here, Ben? In the jungle? Ben 你在這看見她了? 在叢林里?
[25:14.00]She talked to me. 她和我說過話
[25:17.92]What'd she say? - 說什么了? - 我不能跟她走
[25:19.36]That I couldn't come with her.
[25:22.44]She said it wasn't time yet. 她說還不是時(shí)候
[25:31.36]You should go home now. Your people will be looking for you. 你該回去了 大家會(huì)到處找你的
[25:34.36]I don't want to go back there! 我不想回到那里
[25:37.68]I hate it there. 我恨那里
[25:43.80]Take me with you. 帶我走吧
[25:47.44]Maybe that can happen. Maybe. 我可以帶你走...
[25:51.68]If it that's what you really want, Ben, I want you to think about that. 如果這真是的想要的 如果你真想這樣...
[25:58.00]And you're going to have to be very, very patient. 你必須非常非常的耐心
[26:23.00]We're here. 我們到了
[26:37.04]You'll want to turn off your flashlight, John. - John 你最好能關(guān)上手電筒 - 為什么?
[26:43.76]Jacob feels the same way about technology as you do. Jacob和你一樣不喜歡科技產(chǎn)品
[27:22.80]Once I open this door, there's no turning back. 我一旦打開門 就不能反悔了
[27:28.44]Are you sure this is what you want? 你確定要這么做嗎?
[27:38.48]So be it. 那好吧
[27:42.52]Jacob? Jacob
[27:45.24]I'm here with John Locke. 我和John Locke一起來的
[27:48.00]We're coming in now. 我們準(zhǔn)備進(jìn)來了
[28:11.92]Jacob... Jacob
[28:15.32]This is John. 這位是John
[28:18.76]Aren't you going to say hello, John? 不去打聲招呼嗎 John?
[28:23.48]- What? - I told you he wouldn't. 什么?
[28:27.88]Who... What are you talking about? 誰(shuí)...你說什么呢?
[28:31.52]You can't see him? 你看不到他嗎?
[28:33.48]- See who? - Jacob. - 看誰(shuí)? - Jacob
[28:38.04]He's sitting right here... in this chair. 他就坐在這把椅子上啊
[28:40.72]Yes, I know, but he insisted. 是 我知道 可他堅(jiān)持要這樣
[28:45.20]- What is this? - You wanted the secrets of the island. - 這是什么意思? - 你想知道這島的秘密?
[28:49.28]Well, here they are. This is the man who can answer every single... 好了 答案在此
[28:55.36]I am not. He made me bring him here. Did you think that that was my... 而不是我
[29:00.36]- Sorry... May I finish? - You're crazy. - 對(duì)不起 請(qǐng)讓我說完 - 你瘋了
[29:05.04]Excuse me? 你說什么?
[29:07.68]You don't know anything about the island, do you? You just made it all up. 你對(duì)這島一無所知 對(duì)嗎?
[29:11.84]- Jacob, please, I can't hear him if... - Stop. Stop it. Shut up! - Jacob 拜托 我聽不清他在說什么... - 夠了
[29:13.38]- 如果你想蓋過他的聲音... - 夠了 閉嘴
[29:17.84]Are you putting on a show for me? 你是在給我看戲?
[29:21.48]Or do you... 還是你...
[29:24.40]Do you really think there's someone there? 你真認(rèn)為那里坐著個(gè)人?
[29:27.48]I know there's someone there. 我當(dāng)然知道這里坐著個(gè)人
[29:34.08]You don't know anything. 你什么都不知道
[29:44.40]I'm sorry you feel that way, John. 很遺憾你這么想 John
[29:49.04]And I'm sorry that you're too limited to see. 很遺憾 你的所見如此有限
[29:52.56]You're pathetic. 你真可悲
[29:58.16]Help me. 救...我
[30:08.44]What did you just say? 你剛才說什么了?
[30:11.28]I... I didn't say anything. 我...我什么也沒說
[30:13.88]Oh, yes you did. I heard you. You said... 哦 你說了 我聽見的
[30:37.96]That's enough! You've had your fun! 夠了 你玩夠了
[31:28.16]What was that? 那是怎么回事?
[31:34.20]That was Jacob. 是Jacob
[31:44.12]What did you hear in there, John? What did Jacob say to you? John 你聽見什么了?
[31:51.08]- He didn't say anything to me. You did. - What are you talking about? 他什么也沒說 是你說的
[31:56.08]There is no Jacob, Ben. - 你說什么呢? - Ben 根本沒有Jacob
[31:58.28]I'm not gonna be taken in by the little... show you put on last night. 我不會(huì)被你昨晚的小把戲蒙騙
[32:02.40]You're a fraud. And it's time your people were told the truth. 你是個(gè)騙子 這回你們的人會(huì)說實(shí)話
[32:07.80]And this is not the way we came. 這不是我們來時(shí)的路
[32:11.56]I'm taking us back another way. I wanted to show you something first. 我換了一條路
[32:16.04]I've seen enough. 我看夠了
[32:18.40]You know, John, you're not wrong. John 我告訴過你或其他人的一些事 其中有些不是真的
[32:20.04]Some of the things I've told you...
[32:22.20]...some of the things I've told everybody... are simply not true.
[32:25.52]Like what? 比如?
[32:27.20]Well, for starters, I wasn't born on this island. 我并不是在這個(gè)島上出生的
[32:32.16]Then where did you come from? 那你從哪來的?
[32:36.40]That's what I want to show you. 這正是我要帶你去看的
[33:27.12]Morning. 早上好 稍等
[33:29.00]OK, wait. Put it right... right down there. 放在那吧
[33:35.32]What's your problem now? 怎么了?
[33:37.40]You're usually Chatty Cathy in the morning. 你早上通常都是玩娃娃的
[33:39.96]It's my birthday. 今天是我生日
[33:45.16]I don't know why I keep fooling myself into thinking 我不知道為什么要欺騙自己 認(rèn)為這么些年來你總會(huì)記得一次
[33:47.80]that one of these years you're actually going to remember.
[33:53.48]Well, I'll tell you what, 好吧 聽我說
[33:55.56]all we gotta do this morning is run this stuff out to Pearl Station. 我們今天早上的任務(wù) 就是把這些貨運(yùn)到珍珠站
[34:00.80]Why don't we go up to the mesa, drink some beers? 不如咱們上臺(tái)地去喝點(diǎn)啤酒
[34:07.36]Have some... I don't know, father and son time? 享受些...我也不知道...
[34:15.20]- I'd like that. - OK. - 我贊成 - 好的
[34:35.88]You sure can't say it ain't beautiful. 這里怎一個(gè)美字了得
[34:50.72]Do you really blame me? - 你真的在怪我嗎? - 什么?
[34:55.72]Do you really think it's my fault that she died? 你真認(rèn)為她的死是我的錯(cuò)嗎?
[35:02.52]What do I know? 我怎么知道?
[35:09.08]Why do you keep looking at your watch? You got a date? 你干嘛老是看表 有約會(huì)嗎?
[35:13.48]Listen... 聽著...
[35:16.84]...if it makes you feel any better... 如果能讓你開心點(diǎn)
[35:20.56]...I will do my best to remember your birthday next year. 我會(huì)盡可能的記住你明年的生日
[35:27.64]I don't think that's gonna happen, Dad. 我想不會(huì)了 爸爸
[35:32.24]What do you mean? 你什么意思?
[35:33.76]You know, I've missed her, too. Maybe as much as you have. 我也很想她 也許思念程度和你差不多
[35:38.44]But the difference is, that for as long as I can remember, 不同的是從我記事起 就得不斷忍受你
[35:42.52]I've had to put up with you.
[35:46.84]And doing that required a tremendous amount of patience. 而這需要極大的耐力
[35:58.80]Goodbye, Dad. 再見 爸爸
[36:08.88]Ben? Ben
[38:16.88]You want us to go get his body? 想讓我們?nèi)』厮氖w嗎?
[38:24.88]No, leave him out there. 不 留在那好了
[38:48.64]This is where I came from, John. John 我就是從這來的
[38:54.12]These are my people. The Dharma Initiative. 這些都是我們的人...
[39:01.28]They came here seeking harmony. 他們來此尋求和諧
[39:06.36]But they couldn't even coexist with the island's original inhabitants. 但他們卻無法和島上的原著民共存
[39:12.92]When it became clear that one side had to go. 一山不容二虎 必有一方得被肅清
[39:16.48]One side had to be purged.
[39:21.56]I did what I had to do. 我不得不做出選擇
[39:24.92]I was one of the people that was smart enough to make sure that I didn't end up 我是個(gè)聰明的識(shí)時(shí)務(wù)者 所以沒有隨他們躺進(jìn)壕溝
[39:28.72]in that ditch. 顯然也比你要聰明 John
[39:30.36]Which makes me considerably smarter than you, John.
[39:47.32]What did Jacob say to you? Jacob和你說什么了?
[39:48.88]Why did you do this? 你為什么要這么做?
[39:50.68]Because you heard him. 因?yàn)槟懵犚娝脑捔?br /> [39:55.20]Now, I need to know what he said. 現(xiàn)在我要知道他說了些什么
[39:57.52]Help me. - 救我 - John...
[39:59.36]John, I'm not going to ask you again.
[40:03.64]What did he say to you? 他和你說什么了?
[40:07.76]He said, "Help me." 他說...
[40:22.32]Well, I certainly hope he helps you, John. 哦 我真希望他能來救你 John

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