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[00:01.00]Previously on Lost: <迷失>前情提要:
[00:02.76]I think Michael has been compromised. 我認為Michael已經(jīng)妥協(xié)了.
[00:04.44]This camp Michael is leading you to is where they will set their trap. Michael帶我們?nèi)サ臓I地 是他們設(shè)下的圈套.
[00:07.60]- I can go ashore undetected. - How? - 我可以從岸邊走不被發(fā)現(xiàn) - 怎么走?
[00:09.80]We will sail the boat and scout them. 我們駕船去偵察他們的情況.
[00:12.24]This time, they will know that we are coming. 是時候讓他們知道我們來了.
[00:19.44]- Hi, Jack. I'm Juliet. - Where are my friends? - 嘿, Jack. 我叫Juliet. - 我的朋友在哪兒?
[00:24.28]Tell me where my friends are! 告訴我他們在哪兒!
[02:03.00]Sun 開門
[02:14.56]Jin 等等
[02:27.16]My husband says it's time to leave. 我丈夫說該走了
[02:30.48]Jack and the others aren't coming. 他認為Jack和其他人不會來了
[02:32.60]It's been over a day since we lit the fire. 我們生火后都過了一天了
[02:35.84]- They should be here by now. - Jack knows we're out here. - 他們早該到了. - Jack 知道我們在這里.
[02:38.76]He's counting on our signal. 他指望著我們的信號呢.
[02:48.28]Perhaps he's not able to see the smoke. 可能他看不見煙.
[02:50.40]If he's north of us, the mountains would block his view. 如果他在我們北面, 山脈會遮擋他的視線
[02:53.64]We need to sail along the coast, clear the mountains, and start another fire. 我們要沿著海岸前進, 越過這座山, 重新生火.
[03:01.60]No. 不行.
[03:03.88]I told Jack I would light a fire. I'm not abandoning him. 我跟Jack說過我會生火. 我不會丟下他.
[03:24.12]My husband thinks we have to do as he says, 我丈夫說得按他說的做,
[03:26.84]because he's the only one who knows how to sail. 因為只有他會駕船.
[03:31.28]But he's wrong. 但他錯了.
[03:35.48]I can help you sail the boat. 我可以幫你開船.
[03:57.68]Are you feeling any better? 感覺好點了嗎?
[04:05.12]I made the soup myself, but I won't take it the wrong way if you don't like it. 我自己做的湯, 但你不喜歡我也不會生氣.
[04:41.88]You never made soup for me. 你從沒做湯給我喝.
[04:48.68]- Am I interrupting something? - Would it really matter if you were? - 我打斷你們了? - 真的打斷你會在乎嗎?
[04:54.32]We have a situation. Brian radioed in. The Iraqi found the decoy village. 我們有狀況了. Brian發(fā)來無線電. 伊拉克人發(fā)現(xiàn)了做圈套的村莊.
[04:59.20]- Good. That's what we wanted. - Brian followed him back to the shore. - 好. 是我們想要的. - 跟著他回了海灘.
[05:03.00]- Ben, they have a sailboat. - How? - Ben, 他們有條船. - 怎么會?
[05:05.44]I have no idea. 我不知道.
[05:06.64]So they have a boat. Sailing in circles will keep them busy. 那么他們有條船. 繞著島兜圈可以讓他們忙上一陣.
[05:10.48]They could find us. 他們會發(fā)現(xiàn)我們的.
[05:16.48]- Ben... - I'm thinking. - Ben... - 我在想.
[05:20.48]- How quickly to gather a team? - Within the hour. - 你組織一支隊伍要多久? - 一小時內(nèi)可以搞定.
[05:22.96]Then don't waste time talking to us. 那就不要在這里浪費時間跟我們講話了.
[05:29.56]Hey, Colleen. 嘿, Colleen.
[05:32.68]I want that boat. 我要那條船.
[06:05.12]- Nice alarm clock. - I've woken up to worse. - 不錯的鬧鐘. - 我醒來覺得更糟了.
[06:09.76]You want half a fish biscuit? 還有一半魚餅干你要不要?
[06:30.40]- What's this? - Lunch. - 這是什么? - 午飯.
[06:31.64]- We need you to keep up your strength. - Is that right? - 我們要你們留點力氣. - 是嗎?
[06:42.88]- Danny, wait. - Hold up. - Danny, 等等. - 等等.
[06:46.32]They have a boat. 他們有條船.
[06:50.88]OK. Be careful out there. OK. 小心離開那里.
[06:59.56]What are you looking at? 你看什么看?
[08:14.92]What's wrong? 有什么問題?
[08:19.84]What's wrong is I'm married. 問題就是我已經(jīng)結(jié)婚了.
[08:22.68]Right. That. 沒錯. 那個.
[08:31.52]Jae 我不能
[09:10.04]I don't wanna share you anymore. 我再不想與別人分享你了
[09:14.84]Your English is excellent now. You can go to America. 你的英語已經(jīng)很好了 我們可以去美國
[09:22.52]- Does anyone know you're? - No. - 有沒有人知道你... - 沒
[09:40.28]抱歉 我沒有意識到...
[10:16.84]All right, here's the jig. 好了,這是礦篩
[10:18.84]You see these rocks here? That's where you two come in. 看見這里的石頭沒? 這就你們派用場的地方了.
[10:21.96]You're gonna chop 'em loose and you're gonna haul 'em outta here. 你把它們敲碎并把它們運走
[10:25.44]- You expect me to work in this dress? - It's up to you. - 你讓我穿著這條裙子干活? - 隨你
[10:29.04]You can take it off if you want. 不喜歡可以脫了
[10:37.48]How dare you. 你竟敢這樣講話
[10:39.48]Now, if you need anything, you raise your hand. 現(xiàn)在,有什么事情就舉手.
[10:42.16]- Ten minutes for lunch... - I got a question. - 午飯有10分鐘時間 - 我有個問題
[10:44.48]- No questions. - She asked a question. - 不準 - 她問了一個問題 (我為什么不可以?)
[10:46.36]If you try to run off, you will be shocked. 要是想逃跑,會被電擊
[10:49.88]- Shot? We don't even get a warning? - Shocked. I said shocked. - 槍擊? 連警告都不給? - 電擊。我說了電擊
[10:53.64]If you talk to each other, touch each other, 互相講話 會被電擊
[10:56.60]if you're slacking, you're gonna get shocked. 干活怠工 會被電擊
[10:59.08]You do anything at all that pisses me off, you're gonna get shocked, OK? 事實上 只要做了任何讓我覺得不爽的事 都會被電擊, 知道嗎?
[11:04.08]- Let's get to work. - Not until I see Jack. - 干活吧 - 沒見到Jack前,我什么也不干
[11:16.92]Now, that was a quarter charge. You got any more questions? 這才是個小小警告哦(四分之一的量) 還有問題么?
[11:29.92]Soon as you're able to walk, wheelbarrow's right over there. 等會你就能走路,手推車就在那邊
[11:46.28]你要見我, 先生?
[12:34.36]先生, 我的工作不是 ...
[13:00.56]你娶了我的女兒, Jin
[14:01.16]Why should there be a dock all the way out here? 為什么這里會有個碼頭?
[14:05.96]Others. 是那些人
[14:07.64]The dock's decaying. It's overgrown. 這碼頭已經(jīng)衰敗了. 周圍雜草叢生.
[14:09.68]It looks like it hasn't been used in some time. 看起來已經(jīng)好久沒人用過了
[14:12.12]Whoever built it, they're not here now. 建它的人現(xiàn)在不在這里
[14:15.36]Let's bring the boat in, tie it to the dock and build a fire on the beach. 我們把船靠過去吧, 我們把船停靠在碼頭, 然后在海邊生火
[14:19.08]The visibility's excellent, 這里的可視性很高,
[14:21.52]and Jack will be able to see us from miles around. Jack在幾里之外都可以看見
[14:29.36]- Safe? - Yes, Jin. Of course it's safe. - 安全嗎? - 是的, Jin. 當然安全.
[14:57.92]Hey! Get back to work. 嘿! 繼續(xù)干活
[15:06.04]Whatever you say, boss. 聽你的, 老板
[15:24.28]Hey. 喂!
[15:27.08]Careful. Don't let them see you talking to me. 小心. 不要讓他們看到你在和我講話.
[15:34.44]Are they keeping you in the cages? 他們把你關(guān)在籠子里嗎?
[15:36.92]Did you see another guy in there with you, about my age, named Karl? 你在那里還見到別人了嗎? 和我差不多大, 名叫Karl?
[15:41.56]No. It's just Sawyer and me. 沒有. 只有Sawyer和我.
[15:45.48]You're not even supposed to be in that cage. 你根本都不該被關(guān)在那個籠子里
[15:49.44]What are you talking about? Who are you? 你在說什么? 你是誰?
[15:55.04]Where'd you get that dress? 你從哪搞到的這件衣服?
[15:58.84]- They gave it to me. - It's mine. - 他們給我的. - 它是我的.
[16:02.84]You can keep it. Looks better on you anyway. 你留著吧. 穿在你身上還好看些.
[16:07.48]Wait. 等等
[16:11.64]Having fun yet, Freckles? 覺得好玩嗎, 雀斑女?
[16:13.64]Quit staring at my ass. 別再盯著我屁股看了
[16:16.84]Give me something else to stare at. 那給我找些別的看
[16:19.44]Hey! 嘿!
[16:22.40]Shut up. 閉嘴
[16:25.72]Yes, sir, boss. 是的, 老板
[16:36.56]Thank you. 謝謝
[16:40.20]- What else can I do? - Help your husband. - 還需要我做些什么? - 幫幫你丈夫
[16:42.52]We need as much wood as we can find. 我們需要盡可能多的木頭.
[16:46.40]We're building quite a large fire. 我們要生一個很大的火堆
[16:48.92]We have to make sure Jack will see the smoke. 我們要確保Jack能看到煙
[16:56.36]Why are you lying to me, Sayid? 你為什么要騙我, Sayid?
[17:00.24]And what would you know about lying, Sun? 你對欺騙這回事知道多少, Sun?
[17:07.96]You're putting our lives in danger. 你使我們陷入危險的境地.
[17:14.40]I'm fairly certain our friends have been captured. 我相當肯定我們的朋友被抓了
[17:17.92]There are tracks all over the dock. 碼頭附近到處都是腳印
[17:21.40]- They're fresh, as recent as yesterday. - You said this dock was abandoned. - 都是新的, 昨天才留下的 - 你說這個碼頭被廢棄了
[17:25.88]That would be part of the lying you mentioned. 那是你剛才提到的我的謊言的一部分
[17:32.28]You're not building this fire for our people. 你生火不是為了引起我們的人的注意
[17:35.16]You're building it for The Others. 是為了引起那些人的注意
[17:37.96]I suspect that when they see the smoke, 我推測當他們看到煙后,
[17:40.36]they'll send a scout party to investigate. 他們會派一組人來調(diào)查
[17:42.68]By then, it will be night. When they arrive, I'll ambush them. 那時應(yīng)該已經(jīng)到晚上了 當他們來了, 我會伏擊他們
[17:46.68]I'll take two of them hostage and I'll kill the rest. 我會把兩人做為人質(zhì), 而殺掉其余的
[17:49.52]Two? 兩人?
[17:51.00]One to make the other cooperate. 一個來說服另一個和我們合作
[18:00.68]- What do you need me to do? - Lie to Jin for another 20 minutes. - 你需要我做什么? - 很抱歉, 但我需要你繼續(xù)欺騙Jin20分鐘
[18:10.52]Why? 為什么?
[18:11.64]Because once the fire is lit, it will be too late to go back. 因為一旦火生起來了, 要回去就已經(jīng)來不及了
[19:35.56]不, Jin
[19:56.20]如果我們逃走, 你父親會...
[20:05.68]我做這些是為了你, Sun
[20:58.44]Gun. 槍
[21:02.00]I don't think I understand. 我不懂他的意思
[21:18.20]- What is it? - He knows what we're doing. - 他說什么? - 他知道我們在做什么
[21:21.80]He knows it's a trap. 他知道這是個陷阱
[21:32.96]He says he understands English better than I think he does. 他說他懂的英語比我想象的要多
[21:42.40]He knows I betrayed him. 他知道我背叛了他
[21:46.00]Gun. 槍
[21:50.00]Can you handle one of these? It's an automa... 你會用它嗎? 是自動手槍...
[22:08.48]I think you'll be safer on the boat. 我認為你在船上會安全一些
[22:18.24]Sun, if by chance they get past us, there's another gun. Sun, 如果他們越過了我們這道防線, 還有一把槍.
[22:23.84]It's inside the blue tarp beneath the galley counter. 在船上灶臺底下的藍帆布里
[22:26.24]If they get past you, 如果他們越過了你們,
[22:29.04]that means my husband is dead, 就意味著我丈夫死了...
[22:32.92]and I won't care anymore. 我就不再在乎了
[22:36.44]As I said, the gun is inside the tarp. 再說一遍, 槍在帆布里面
[23:48.12]Hey! Hey! Hey! 嘿, 嘿! 嘿!
[24:07.60]- Back off! - James! - 退后! - James!
[24:12.32]Put the gun down right now. 把槍放下
[24:18.84]Put the gun down. 把槍放下
[28:17.72]I don't think they're coming. 我想他們不來了吧
[28:52.16]I want you to let me off this boat. 你讓我下船吧
[28:55.88]I can't do that. 不行
[28:58.88]- Why not? - It's not my decision to make. - 為什么不? - 這可不是我說了算的
[29:04.56]- There are five of my friends up there. - Lower your voice. - 你知道上面可有我的五個朋友哦 - 小聲一點
[29:09.08]OK. 好吧
[29:13.04]- Stop. I'll shoot. - No, you won't, Sun. - 站住. 我要開槍了. - 你不會的, Sun.
[29:18.88]I know you, Sun-Hwa Kwon, and I know you're not a killer. 我了解你, Sun-Hwa Kwon, 我知道你不是個殺手
[29:24.60]Despite what you may think, I am not the enemy. 你可能不信 但我不是你的敵人
[29:29.16]We are not the enemy. 我們不是敵人
[29:32.32]But if you shoot me, that's exactly what we'll become. 但如果你開槍打我...我們就會變成敵人了
[29:39.16]Stop. I will. I'll shoot you. 站住. 我會的 我會開槍打你的
[30:02.68]Sun! Sun!
[30:04.32]No! 不!
[30:22.96]No! 不!
[30:33.48]There! 這里!
[30:40.08]No! 不!
[32:16.48]回家 去你丈夫身邊
[33:09.80]I'm sorry I dragged you into this. 很抱歉把你們拖了進來
[33:12.68]And please communicate to your husband, 請跟你丈夫溝通一下,
[33:15.92]the next time I will listen to him. 告訴他下回我會聽他的
[33:19.96]We should go. We have a long walk ahead of us. 我們該走了 前面還有很長的路等著我們?nèi)プ?br /> [33:57.12]- You OK? - Never better. - 你還好吧? - 從沒這么好
[34:04.40]- What the hell were you thinking? - I couldn't help myself. - 你到底是怎么想的? - 我情不自禁啊
[34:09.04]You just looked so damn cute swinging that pickax. 你揮舞鋤子的時候看起來還真可愛
[34:13.72]- The chain gang looks good on you. - Sawyer... - 監(jiān)獄服很適合你啊 雀斑女 - Sawyer...
[34:27.08]Two guards got some real fight in 'em. 那群看衛(wèi)里有兩個是真正能打的
[34:29.20]The rest of 'em I ain't that much worried about. 其他的 我才不擔心呢
[34:32.04]That heavy-set guy packs a hell of a punch. 那最重量級的家伙一拳下來還真狠
[34:36.40]Shaggy-haired kid's got some martial arts training, 頭發(fā)亂糟遭的小鬼似乎練過武術(shù),
[34:39.32]but I could take him if I had to. 不過如果真有必要 我應(yīng)該可以搞定他
[34:41.16]And FYI, those zapper things got a safety on 'em. 哦 還有 那些電擊玩意上有保險裝置
[34:46.56]Did you see the look on their faces when you got ahold of that rifle? 他們看你拿到來復(fù)槍時的表情 你注意到?jīng)]有?
[34:57.00]I'm guessing most of these boys never seen any real action. 我估計這群孩子里的絕大多數(shù) 都沒見過真槍實戰(zhàn)
[35:00.56]But that blonde who had a gun pointed at you, 但那個拿槍指著你頭的金發(fā)女郎,
[35:04.20]she would have shot you, no problem. 她可以開槍打你 沒問題
[35:08.56]Why'd she call you James? 她為什么叫你James?
[35:15.44]Because that's my name. 因為那就是我的名字
[35:19.52]I noticed something else, too. 我還注意到其他一些事
[35:22.92]You taste like strawberries. 你嘗起來就像草莓
[35:28.00]You taste like fish biscuits. 你嘗起來像魚餅干
[35:39.00]So, what do we do now? 那我們現(xiàn)在該怎么辦?
[35:41.40]Well, Shortcake, 甜餅(類似"甜心"的昵稱呼)...
[35:44.48]now we wait for these bastards to make a mistake. 我們現(xiàn)在就等這些雜種犯錯
[35:48.80]Sooner or later, they're gonna let their guard down. 遲早 他們會放松警惕的
[35:51.96]And when they do, we're gonna be there to put 'em in their place. 他們一放松 我們就出去教訓(xùn)他們
[36:08.48]Hello, Jack. 你好, Jack.
[36:25.88]You know what's crazy, Jack? 你知道什么是不可思議的嗎, Jack?
[36:28.32]A week ago, you and I were in exactly the opposite situation. 就在一個星期之前, 我們的角色正好和現(xiàn)在互換
[36:32.48]I was the one locked up, and you were the one coming in for visits. 我是被關(guān)著的那個 你是進來探望我的那位
[36:40.76]And I know that you were angry 我知道你很生氣
[36:44.24]that I lied to you about who I was, but... 關(guān)于我的身分我撒了謊 但是...
[36:48.00]hell, do you blame me? 你能怪我嗎?
[36:51.96]I mean, let's face it, if I'd have told you I was one of those people 我的意思是 我們實際點, 如果我告訴你我就是
[36:55.28]you and your friends have been calling Others all this time, 你和你朋友一直稱為others的那群人的一員,
[37:00.12]it would've been right back to Sayid and his... 我肯定就直接回到Sayid和他的...
[37:03.48]...fists. 拳頭待遇了
[37:06.52]Wouldn't it? 不是嗎?
[37:08.92]What do you want from me? 你想我怎么樣?
[37:14.52]I want for you to change your... perspective. 我想你改變一下你的...觀點
[37:19.84]And the first step in doing that would be for me to be decent enough 要這么做 第一步就是我自己也得開誠布公
[37:23.32]to introduce myself honestly, so... 先老老實實介紹一下我自己
[37:33.76]Hi. 你好
[37:37.68]My name is Benjamin Linus, 我叫Benjamin Linus ,
[37:40.32]and I've lived on this island all my life. 我一輩子都住在這個島上
[37:53.04]You're not gonna shake? 你不跟我握手?
[38:05.68]Bring it in, please. 請送進來
[38:10.96]- Where are Kate and Sawyer? - They're fine and they're close. - Kate和Sawyer在哪里? - 他們很好 就在附近
[38:14.56]That's all I'm able to tell you right now. 我現(xiàn)在只能告訴你這么多
[38:16.72]- You can tell me anything you want. - Fair enough. - 隨你怎么說都行 - 這樣講也算公平
[38:21.92]It's all I want to tell you. 我想跟你說的全部內(nèi)容就是這個
[38:25.80]I'm gonna make this really simple, Jack. 我會簡明扼要, Jack.
[38:29.12]If you cooperate, we send you home. 如果你合作 我們就送你回家
[38:34.80]- With what? - When the time is right... - 跟什么合作? - 等到時機成熟了,我會告訴你的
[38:36.84]- You tell me now. - Patience, Jack. Patience. - 現(xiàn)在你就告訴我 - 多點耐心, Jack. 多點耐心.
[38:41.68]Home. Is that where you sent Walt and Michael? 家. 就是你送Walt和Michael去的地方?
[38:46.44]Yes. 是的.
[38:53.28]If you could leave this island, why would you still be here? 如果能離開這個島, 你們?yōu)槭裁催€在這里?
[38:56.36]Yes, Jack. Why would we be here? 說得沒錯, Jack. 我們?yōu)槭裁匆谶@里?
[39:00.84]You're lying. You're stuck here just like we are. You don't have any... 你在撒謊. 你們跟我們一樣 困在這里動不了 你們沒有...
[39:04.68]Your flight crashed on September 22nd, 2004. 你們的航班是2004年9月22號墜毀的
[39:08.24]Today is November 29th. You've been on our island for 69 days. 今天是11月29號 也就是說你們在我們島上已經(jīng)待了69天
[39:11.76]And, yes, we do have contact with the outside world, Jack. 還有 沒錯, 我們的確和外面的世界有聯(lián)系, Jack.
[39:14.72]That's how we know that during those 69 days 這就是我們?nèi)绾沃涝谶^去的69天里
[39:16.88]your fellow Americans re-elected George W. Bush, 美國人又選了George W. Bush當總統(tǒng),
[39:20.28]Christopher Reeve has passed away, Christopher Reeve(超人扮演者)去世了,
[39:23.52]Boston Red Sox won the World Series. Boston Red Sox隊贏了棒球世界杯.
[39:31.48]- What? - If you wanted me to believe this, - 什么? - 如果你要我相信這個,
[39:35.28]you should've picked somebody else besides the Red Sox. 你不應(yīng)該選Red Sox隊
[39:38.32]They were down three games to none against the Yankees. 他們對紐約隊先輸了三局
[39:41.96]- Then they won eight straight. - Sure. Sure. Of course they did. - 然后連贏了八局 - 當然 當然 他們當然贏了
[39:56.80]Back to Foulke. Red Sox fans have longed to hear it. 回到Foulke這里 (Keith Foulke,著名棒球球員) Red Sox的球迷等這個好消息很久了
[40:01.08]The Boston Red Sox are world champions. Boston Red Sox終于是世界冠軍了!
[40:06.88]A clean sweep of the St Louis Cardinals, 橫掃St. Louis Cardinals隊
[40:09.84]and the Red Sox celebrate in the middle of the diamond here at Busch Stadium. Red Sox隊就在Busch體育場的鉆石中心慶祝!
[40:20.20]That's home, Jack, right there on the other side of that glass. 那就是家 Jack 就在玻璃的那一邊
[40:25.72]And if you listen to me, if you trust me, 如果你聽我的 如果你相信我
[40:28.84]if you do what I tell you when the time comes, 并按照我的話去做 時機成熟了
[40:31.40]I'll take you there. 我就帶你回去
[40:33.72]I will take you home. 我會帶你回家

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