[00:00.00]Previously on "lost"...
[00:00.62]help me!
[00:01.83]he's one of them.
[00:02.70]My name is henry gale. I'm from minnesota.
[00:05.33]You're making a serious mistake.
[00:08.04]For a long time, he will lie.
[00:12.34]He is one of them.
[00:21.26]She's okay.
[00:23.10]She's gonna be all right.
[00:24.22]- Where did you find her? - Just outside our garden.
[05:03.68]You were running like the devil's chasing you.
[05:08.35]Maybe he is.
[05:11.65]Good for you, keeping in shape.
[05:14.36]What do you want, Locke?
[05:17.40]What do I want?
[05:18.90]I've been here over a week.
[05:20.82]You've never said two words to me,
[05:22.91]and now you're sitting outside my tent?
[05:26.83]We got a man locked up down in the hatch.
[05:29.62]There's a possibility he's one of them--
[05:32.29]the others.
[05:33.71]- Who's we? - Me and Jack.
[05:36.76]He's keeping watch right now.
[05:39.47]How long has he been down there?
[05:41.93]Three days.
[05:44.85]I'd like you to talk with him.
[05:48.18]You have experience with the others. You were a cop.
[05:51.15]Seems to me you're the most qualified to figure out
[05:53.61]if this man's telling the truth.
[05:56.23]Does jack know you're coming to me with this?
[06:01.99]We got a serious problem, Ana Lucia--
[06:05.74]all of us.
[06:09.66]I'm taking the necessary steps to solve it.
[06:12.29]I don't need Jack's permission to talk with you,
[06:14.71]because right now, there's a man sitting in a room in my hatch,
[06:18.09]and I want him out.
[06:31.43]It's the thought that counts, and you just didn't think.
[06:35.23]I think all the time.
[06:36.90]Maybe you should think about giving me a little bit of a break here.
[06:39.56]Oh, just hush, Bernard. Just hush.
[06:45.86]Are you all right?
[06:47.86]I'm... I think I'm just a little lightheaded.
[06:52.70]Well, you look as pale as a sheet.
[06:54.54]Well, give her some water.
[06:56.87]Yes, ma'am.
[06:58.38]Don't pay him any mind, honey.
[07:00.00]He's just mad at the world because he forgot my birthday.
[07:04.17]I didn't forget.
[07:05.72]I don't even know what day of the week it is, Rose.
[07:07.80]It's saturday, Bernard.
[07:09.85]Can you walk, honey?
[07:11.26]Really, I'm all right.
[07:13.43]Maybe we should go get jin.
[07:17.98]I think I was just out in the sun too long.
[07:21.57]Well, you spend a lot of time around the baby.
[07:23.53]Maybe you caught something. At least talk to Jack.
[07:26.15]Really, I'm okay. Thank you, both of you.
[08:51.86]In english?
[08:59.41]I would like an iced tea. Please.
[09:04.67]- Very good. - Thank you.
[10:06.94]Morning, Jack.
[10:10.53]You couldn't wait until I was done in here?
[10:14.15]The steam opens up my pores.
[10:17.12]Man's got no shaving cream, he's got to improvise.
[10:20.37]I also thought this might be a good time
[10:23.67]to talk about our problem.
[10:25.42]- Our problem. - Our Henry problem.
[10:27.88]We've had him locked up for three days now,
[10:30.21]and I can't help but get the sense that he's just not
[10:34.30]motivated to cooperate with us.
[10:35.59]And how are we gonna motivate him, John?
[10:37.64]I don't think there's anything we can do.
[10:39.72]I think we need to bring in some new blood.
[10:41.97]Obviously you have someone in mind.
[10:44.31]What do you think about Ana Lucia?
[10:47.69]Why her?
[10:49.73]She's the one you went to to start an army to fight these people.
[10:53.36]Why not her?
[10:55.15]Unless you're worried about what she'll do to him.
[11:01.41]I'll talk to her.
[11:03.04]I already did.
[11:06.04]She's in there with him now.
[11:14.72]Were you on the plane, too?
[11:18.51]I was in the tail section.
[11:21.22]We crashed on the other side of the island.
[11:24.18]You walked across? All the way here?
[11:28.98]That must have been fun.
[11:31.23]It had its moments.
[11:34.90]So are you gonna tell me your story, Henry?
[11:37.40]Why bother? I've already told it to everyone--
[11:39.91]Jack, Locke, the big black guy that cut off his beard in front of me.
[11:43.54]Oh, yeah, and my buddy Sayid.
[11:45.58]You can see how much he liked my story.
[11:48.33]So how about you try me?
[11:50.08]I don't mean to be ungrateful, but
[11:52.21]why are you gonna help me get out of here?
[11:55.63]On the other side of the island,
[11:58.59]there was this guy with us.
[12:00.30]I was 100% convinced that he wasn't on the plane.
[12:04.43]So I dug a hole, and I threw him in it.
[12:10.15]And what happened?
[12:13.15]I was wrong.
[12:15.98]And now he's dead.
[12:19.70]But good news for you, Henry--
[12:21.57]I don't make the same mistake twice.
[12:24.49]So how about you tell me your story?
[12:39.55]Well, hey there, sunshine.
[12:41.68]What can I do for you?
[12:43.89]How's your book?
[12:48.14]Not nearly enough sex.
[12:56.02]I heard that you have all the, uh, medical supplies.
[13:01.95]You heard correct.
[13:04.70]May I look through them?
[13:06.24]No, you may not. But if you'll tell me what you're lookin' for...
[13:10.83]Forget it.
[13:14.43]Okay, hold on.
[13:17.75]Now I'm intrigued.
[13:20.47]Tell you what--
[13:21.88]tell me what you're lookin' for, and it's yours. Gratis.
[13:25.05]Can't I just look myself?
[13:27.22]It's not a drugstore, sweetheart.
[13:35.77]I need...
[13:40.69]a pregnancy test.
[13:54.45]I can't hear anything.
[13:56.08]She's only been in there about 30 minutes.
[13:58.45]How do you know he hasn't snapped her neck, John?
[14:00.46]How do you know she hasn't snapped his?
[14:03.50]So let me get this straight--
[14:05.04]you and your wife travel around the world and crash here
[14:07.92]in a smiley face balloon. Then she dies.
[14:11.13]You get captured by a french chick who brings you here,
[14:14.14]and then they lock you up.
[14:16.22]Sounds kind of silly when you say it like that.
[14:18.93]Why don't you have a beard?
[14:20.60]Because I shaved.
[14:23.19]Because I needed something normal.
[14:28.27]So why don't you draw me a map to your balloon?
[14:31.65]We'll go out there. We'll find it, and everybody will believe you.
[14:35.03]That's what they all keep asking me to do--draw a map.
[14:37.74]And if I mess up, they'll crucify me.
[14:39.49]You flew around the world in a balloon.
[14:42.16]And you don't think you can draw up a good map?
[14:44.33]Air travel...
[14:45.92]it's a different animal. It's about wind currents--
[14:48.50]Do you or do you not know where it is?
[14:52.05]Yeah, I know where it is.
[14:56.54]I went back there to bury my wife.
[15:03.00]Why did you do that?
[15:05.63]Because that balloon was the closest thing we had to home.
[15:13.47]You people have been looking for someone to punish for everything that's happened to you--
[15:17.56]someone to blame. And now you've got him.
[15:22.20]Doesn't matter what I do. I'm dead already.
[15:29.78]You draw up that map, henry.
[15:32.61]I'll find your balloon.
[15:35.95]But if you don't...
[15:38.91]things are gonna play out just like you said.
[16:07.80]Hey, sun.
[16:12.52]Look what I found in the middle of the jungle.
[16:15.23]It's not even melted or nothing.
[16:17.73]Crazy, huh?
[16:21.86]You want to split it?
[16:24.15]No. No, thank you.
[16:28.74]I was just heading to the beach.
[16:33.33]Okay. Well, later, dude.
[18:45.21]I need out.
[19:04.86]He told me the same story he told you.
[19:08.11]You believe him?
[19:09.40]I don't know yet.
[19:10.36]I need more time with him.
[19:12.57]He's all yours.
[19:14.07]Tomorrow. I want to give him some time to think.
[19:21.25]That's okay with you?
[19:24.79]I didn't tell anyone, Ana.
[19:27.92]No worries, man.
[19:41.93]Bit large for a dining room table, isn't it?
[19:44.48]We cut them in two, it will suit the purpose.
[19:47.19]Sayid, can I talk to you?
[19:53.36]Of course.
[20:00.24]Whatever you need to say, you can say it here.
[20:03.50]It's about the hatch.
[20:05.04]Oh, you mean the guy locked in the closet there?
[20:09.59]What about him?
[20:22.77]It's to his balloon.
[20:25.39]How did you get him to do this?
[20:27.65]I asked nicely.
[20:31.40]Do Jack and Locke know about this?
[20:33.53]Jack and Locke are a little too busy worrying about Locke and Jack.
[20:40.12]All I want to know is if this guy's telling the truth.
[20:43.41]Why come to me?
[20:45.00]Judging from what you did to his face, that's what you want, too.
[20:50.34]This is at least a day's walk.
[20:53.34]Then we should get going.
[21:15.94]- You okay? - Fine. Thank you.
[21:30.16]That cliff there appears to be this.
[21:34.46]Score one for Henry.
[21:36.04]Pointing out a geographical touchstone does not mean he's leading us to a balloon.
[21:40.05]Maybe not, but at least we're on the right island.
[21:47.18]Humor's not his strong suit.
[21:50.23]And I'm saying this to you.
[22:04.16]You looking at my bum?
[22:05.87]No, I'm looking at your gun.
[22:08.58]My what?
[22:09.62]Maybe you should give the gun to somebody who knows how to use it.
[22:14.04]Maybe I will.
[22:15.42]As I recall, the last time you had a gun, you murdered someone.
[22:18.67]That's enough.
[22:31.77]We'll go as far as the base of the cliff, and we'll camp there.
[22:43.82]How long is it supposed to take?
[22:45.86]Uh, up to two minutes.
[22:54.54]- I'm sorry. I'm just-- - I know.
[22:59.17]Where did sawyer find one of these, anyway?
[23:02.05]I mean, who flies with a pregnancy test, right?
[23:06.72]Have you ever taken one?
[23:16.73]Thank you for waiting with me...
[23:20.52]and not asking why you're here and not Jin.
[23:26.74]You're welcome.
[23:35.08]It's time.
[23:51.76]You're pregnant.
[23:58.52]Is it 100% sure?
[24:02.44]There's only one way to find out.
[24:06.86]These tests are pretty accurate.
[24:09.61]You know, false negative in the first week maybe, but a positive is a positive.
[24:15.54]- But it's impossible. - Oh, no. It's possible.
[24:20.13]You feeling queasy? Light-headed?
[24:22.29]Please, Jack. This is private. Nobody can know.
[24:27.42]You're not gonna tell Jin?
[24:29.09]In time, I will. It's just...
[24:34.01]it's complicated.
[24:35.81]As complicated as Jin being the last one on the island to find out you spoke english?
[24:40.85]Sun, my advice--
[24:43.23]and it's just that, because I'm the last person to ask about this,
[24:46.94]but you should tell him.
[24:48.70]And when you do, you should tell him everything-- the whole truth.
[24:54.49]I'm gonna get back to the hatch. Congratulations, Sun.
[25:01.04]You've been down there a lot, Jack.
[25:04.63]Is everything okay?
[25:06.96]Sure. Yeah. Everything's fine.
[25:15.76]You okay?
[25:30.61]Sun, are you all right?
[25:35.53]Yes, I'm fine.
[25:37.49]You were distracted for our entire lesson.
[25:40.16]You're not fine.
[25:51.17]Jin and I went to see a doctor.
[25:56.64]He said I cannot have children.
[26:00.85]I'm... very sorry, Sun.
[26:06.36]I was glad.
[27:06.08]I'm not saying you should stay for jin.
[27:37.95]You mind?
[27:48.88]You should sleep while you can.
[27:51.38]Yeah... I can't sleep.
[28:02.35]People don't like me.
[28:07.81]I've tried to get them to most of my life.
[28:13.28]I guess I just gave up awhile back.
[28:18.24]I mean...
[28:22.62]I am what I am.
[28:28.54]But you...
[28:32.00]you've got a good reason to hate me.
[28:42.43]I'm sorry.
[28:45.77]I'm sorry for what I did.
[28:57.69]You were trying to protect your people.
[29:03.45]It wasn't you that killed Shannon. It was them.
[29:10.29]And once we find out he is one of them...
[29:14.79]then something will have to be done.
[29:38.31]It's gonna rain.
[29:40.27]We should get moving.
[29:41.98]Morning! Who wants breakfast?
[29:44.44]I have papayas and papayas.
[29:46.91]Let's go.
[29:48.91]Right. Why eat?
[30:03.80]This is it.
[30:11.81]His balloon would be rather large, right?
[30:15.56]Why am I not surprised?
[30:19.48]We need to look some more.
[30:21.44]This is where he said it would be.
[30:23.53]If I'm gonna back your play on this, Sayid, we need to be sure.
[30:32.12]I'll divide the area into three grids.
[30:37.00]We'll search as thoroughly as you please.
[30:55.10]Oh, for the love of god!
[31:05.98]Oh, no, no, no, no. It's not for fish.
[31:09.20]No, no, no. Oysters.
[31:13.20]Oyster. Pearl. For rose.
[31:18.50]- Ah! - Pearl.
[31:23.34]No oyster.
[31:25.25]No oyster here.
[31:27.21]Ah. Of course not.
[31:29.76]Why would there be?
[31:31.68]Yo, daddy-o!
[31:35.51]Way to go, papa-san. You didn't waste much time.
[31:39.85]I'd give you a cigar, Bernie, but I'm fresh out.
[31:42.35]Sun's pregnant?
[31:43.94]Keep it down there, Suzy. I don't think Jin Sr. here knows yet.
[38:29.22]I... love... you.
[39:18.78]How is it?
[39:21.87]"Men reject their prophets and slay them.
[39:24.99]"But they love their martyrs and honor those whom they have slain."
[39:29.50]So what's the difference between a martyr and a prophet?
[39:33.71]Either way, sounds like you end up dead.
[39:38.01]That's the spirit.
[39:44.10]You in the mood for some breakfast?
[40:01.95]What's the computer for?
[40:13.17]Wow, where did you guys get cereal?
[40:15.63]It was down here all along. The pantry's full of food.
[40:22.09]How old is it?
[40:28.10]You guys don't know much, huh?
[40:31.02]I mean, I'd be asking all kinds of questions about all this stuff down here.
[40:35.19]You guys don't even seem that curious.
[40:37.48]Do you want the cereal or don't you?
[40:43.07]This must be my reward for good behavior, huh?
[40:45.57]I guess I earned myself some goodwill for finally drawing that map for Ana.
[40:51.58]What map?
[40:54.08]To my balloon.
[40:57.09]- Did you-- - No.
[41:02.01]Wow. You guys have some real trust issues, don't you?
[41:07.64]Guess it makes sense she didn't tell you.
[41:10.60]I mean, with the two of you fighting all the time...
[41:17.23]'course if I was one of them-- these people that you seem to think are your enemies--
[41:22.74]what would I do?
[41:29.37]Hmm. There'd be no balloon.
[41:32.87]So I'd draw a map to a real secluded place
[41:37.00]like a cave or some underbrush...
[41:40.55]good place for a trap.
[41:45.18]An ambush.
[41:49.22]And when your friends got there, a bunch of my people would be waiting for 'em.
[41:56.27]And then they'd use them to trade for me.
[42:00.94]I guess it's a good thing I'm not one of them, huh?
[42:10.62]You guys got any milk?
[04:34.60]迷 失 第二季 第十六集
[00:04.25]我叫Henry Gale 從明尼蘇達(dá)來(lái)
[00:23.13]她很好 她會(huì)沒(méi)事的
[00:26.15]- 你在哪兒找到她的? - 在她菜園邊上
[00:56.12]噢 真是的
[01:58.66]你為什么這么在意那個(gè)你 也許見(jiàn)都見(jiàn)不到的孩子?
[02:02.12]不要指責(zé)我的工作 Sun 我努力干我們才...
[02:06.19]當(dāng)你滿手是血的回家 這不叫工作
[02:14.12]都是因?yàn)槟愀赣H 是他讓我做的
[03:34.77]你知道我找了你多久么? 你在這兒干什么?
[03:38.46]你說(shuō)什么啊? 我在菜園里干活啊
[03:42.36]來(lái)吧 我們回去
[03:43.37]什么? 不要
[03:46.33]走吧 我們現(xiàn)在就回去
[03:54.49]我們說(shuō)過(guò)這事了 跟我走
[04:07.66]什么? "我的菜園"?
[04:11.39]停下 拜托 住手
[05:05.74]跑得這么快 后面有鬼追你么?
[05:16.88]你想要干嗎 Locke?
[05:25.27]現(xiàn)在你卻坐在我?guī)づ裢饷?br />
[05:37.33]我和Jack 他現(xiàn)在在看著他
[05:46.90]我想讓你和他談?wù)?br />
[05:49.99]你有和其他人接觸過(guò)的經(jīng)驗(yàn) 你曾經(jīng)是個(gè)警察
[06:04.13]我們大家有個(gè)大問(wèn)題 Ana Lucia
[06:14.64]和你談話我不需要Jack的允許 因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)在
[06:17.44]在艙里有個(gè)人 我想放他出來(lái)
[06:35.23]只要想想就好了 但你沒(méi)去想
[06:42.21]噢 別說(shuō)了 Bernard 別說(shuō)了
[06:45.93]親愛(ài)的? 你沒(méi)事吧?
[06:59.38]好的 夫人
[07:00.90]別理他 親愛(ài)的 他瘋了
[07:06.53]我沒(méi)忘 我只是不知道 今天到底是星期幾 Rose
[07:10.14]星期六 Bernard
[07:12.24]親愛(ài)的 你還能走么?
[07:13.96]可以 我還好
[07:16.00]- 也許我們得叫Jin來(lái) - 不
[07:26.09]也許得了什么病 至少問(wèn)問(wèn)Jack
[07:29.08]真的不用了 我很好 謝謝你們兩個(gè)
[08:39.74]這是作為經(jīng)理和酒店老板 的獨(dú)子的難得空閑啊
[09:35.34]但他問(wèn)起我是怎么學(xué) 向誰(shuí)學(xué)時(shí) 我該怎么說(shuō)呢
[09:41.15]如果你覺(jué)得我們這樣會(huì)面有問(wèn)題 就不用繼續(xù)下去了
[09:46.95]- 這是你希望的么? - 不是
[10:09.72]早上好 Jack
[10:19.62]我們沒(méi)有剃須沫 得隨時(shí)等機(jī)會(huì)
[10:29.23]Henry的問(wèn)題 我們已經(jīng)關(guān)了他三天了
[10:32.50]我愛(ài)莫能助 只是覺(jué)得我們
[10:37.62]那我們可以有什么辦法呢 John?
[10:47.03]你看Ana Lucia怎么樣?
[10:52.46]你要建軍隊(duì)和那些人戰(zhàn)斗時(shí) 她是你找的人
[11:04.13]我去和她談?wù)?br />
[11:37.71]那么你來(lái)講講你的故事吧 Henry
[11:40.16]用的著么? 我已經(jīng)和所有人說(shuō)過(guò)了 Jack Locke
[11:46.36]噢 還有我的伙伴Sayid
[11:52.70]我不是不領(lǐng)情 但是
[12:06.81]所以我挖了個(gè)洞 把他扔了進(jìn)去
[12:16.19]是我錯(cuò)了 現(xiàn)在他死了
[12:22.52]但是有個(gè)好消息 Henry 我不會(huì)兩次犯同樣的錯(cuò)誤
[12:41.83]噢 好啊 有事么?
[12:48.54]情節(jié)猜都猜得到 性描寫(xiě)也不多
[13:16.74]好了 等等
[13:23.00]我和你說(shuō) 告訴我你想找什么 我就白送給你
[13:29.85]親愛(ài)的 這可不是在藥房里
[14:00.88]你怎么知道他沒(méi)有扭Ana的脖子 John?
[14:10.13]做環(huán)球旅行墜毀在這兒了 然后她死了
[14:13.60]你被一個(gè)法國(guó)人抓了 并被她帶來(lái)這里
[14:33.80]我們?nèi)ツ莾赫业降脑?br />
[14:40.13]但如果我畫(huà)錯(cuò)了 他們就會(huì)把我釘死在十字架上
[14:46.65]飛行...完全是兩碼事 這是有關(guān)于氣流的...
[14:53.97]當(dāng)然 我知道
[15:19.34]找人頂罪 現(xiàn)在你們總算找到了
[15:24.20]不管我做了什么 我是死定了
[15:32.60]你畫(huà)好地圖 Henry 我會(huì)找到你的熱氣球的
[16:09.44]嘿 Sun
[16:17.80]一點(diǎn)都沒(méi)有化掉 很奇怪 不是么?
[16:26.02]不了 不了 謝謝
[16:35.05]好的 恩 再見(jiàn) 伙計(jì)
[17:00.19]你們好 Kwan先生Kwan太太
[17:10.32]他很好 謝謝關(guān)心
[17:14.58]當(dāng)然 也再次謝謝你
[17:18.88]醫(yī)生 有結(jié)果了么?
[17:31.97]超聲波顯示子宮內(nèi)膜異位 疤痕組織堵塞了輸卵管
[17:44.80]就算做了手術(shù) 懷孕也是不可能的
[17:55.21]你能治好么? 你肯定可以做點(diǎn)什么
[17:59.70]我無(wú)能為力 很抱歉
[18:24.87]噢 是啊 我要誘拐一個(gè)漁民的兒子
[19:11.71]我還不知道 我需要再和他呆段時(shí)間
[19:16.46]就明天 我給他點(diǎn)時(shí)間考慮
[19:26.38]我沒(méi)和任何人說(shuō)起過(guò) Ana
[19:43.37]大得可以放下一張餐桌了 不是么?
[19:58.22]單獨(dú)談?wù)?br />
[20:01.53]不管你要說(shuō)什么 你可以在這兒說(shuō)
[20:06.70]噢 你是指那個(gè)被鎖在儲(chǔ)藏室里的人么?
[20:46.65]從他臉上的傷痕來(lái)看 你對(duì)這個(gè)也有興趣
[21:19.57]沒(méi)事 謝謝
[21:42.54]也許不會(huì) 但至少我們沒(méi)有走錯(cuò)島
[22:07.93]不是 我在看你的槍
[22:15.85]我會(huì)的 我記得你上次持槍時(shí) 有人被你謀殺了
[22:33.32]我們要走到巖壁腳下 在那兒露營(yíng)
[22:57.06]- 我很抱歉 我只是... - 我知道
[23:04.76]我是說(shuō) 誰(shuí)會(huì)帶著測(cè)孕棒坐飛機(jī) 對(duì)么?
[24:12.18]你知道 可能在第一周會(huì)出現(xiàn)錯(cuò)誤的陰性
[24:20.34]噢 不 這是可能的
[24:23.20]你感到走路不穩(wěn)? 頭很輕?
[24:25.31]拜托 Jack 這是私事 不要告訴任何人
[24:32.14]合適時(shí)我會(huì)的 只是...
[24:39.08]就像Jin是這個(gè)島上最后一個(gè)知道 你會(huì)說(shuō)英語(yǔ)的人?
[24:43.43]Sun 我建議...只是個(gè)建議 因?yàn)槲沂亲詈笠粋€(gè)這么說(shuō)的
[24:59.71]恭喜你 Sun
[25:03.24]你經(jīng)常去那兒 Jack 沒(méi)什么事吧?
[25:09.76]當(dāng)然 一切都好
[25:26.14]Sun? Sun?
[25:33.68]Sun 你沒(méi)事吧?
[25:38.21]恩 沒(méi)事
[26:03.99]我...很遺憾 Sun
[26:18.66]因?yàn)槟憬涛矣⑽?br />
[27:00.29]Jin呢? 他是我生活的一部分么?
[29:06.25]殺死Shannon的不是你 而是他們
[29:44.41]早上好 誰(shuí)要吃早飯?
[29:51.10]對(duì)啊 干嗎要吃呢?
[30:13.96]他的熱氣球應(yīng)該很大 是么?
[30:26.16]如果我們要回頭 Sayid
[30:57.68]哦 天哪
[31:08.52]哦 不不不不 這不是用來(lái)抓魚(yú)的
[31:10.91]不不不 是抓牡蠣的
[31:17.77]珍珠 給Rose的珍珠
[31:26.03]沒(méi)有牡蠣 這兒沒(méi)有牡蠣
[31:29.61]當(dāng)然了 這兒怎么會(huì)有?
[31:34.10]喲 伙計(jì)們
[31:42.04]我應(yīng)該給你根雪茄慶祝 可惜我給抽完了
[31:46.46]別大聲 伙計(jì) 我想Jin還不知道呢
[32:30.57]不 我要
[32:37.12]- 我需要你 - 什么?
[32:45.04]我不想再吵架了 而且我不能...
[33:06.84]我需要你 Sun
[33:11.40]- Jin 我... - 都過(guò)去了 我很抱歉
[33:17.57]- 我錯(cuò)了... - 我懷孕了
[33:23.81]什么? 你...
[33:29.03]我懷孕了 Jin
[33:38.60]Jin 你聽(tīng)我說(shuō)
[34:03.01]Sun Sun
[34:17.99]拜托 我有話和你說(shuō)
[34:23.46]等等 等下 Sun
[34:41.81]是他 是你的丈夫不能生育
[34:46.84]我不得已 我很抱歉 你的丈夫...
[35:11.48]因?yàn)槟阍撝勒嫦?br />
[35:44.24]如果是我...是我不能... 怎么會(huì)有孩子?
[35:59.88]我向你發(fā)誓 Jin
[37:04.34]我想用我父親的名字中的 一個(gè)字來(lái)給他取名
[39:23.86]人們拒絕先知 殺了他們
[39:26.90]但是他們又熱愛(ài)他們的殉教者 尊敬被他們殺了的人
[39:35.89]不管是哪個(gè) 最后都得死
[40:17.56]一直都是這下面的 食品室里都是吃的
[40:47.06]我想我給Ana畫(huà)了地圖后 終于得到你們一點(diǎn)好意了
[40:58.38]- 你知... - 不
[41:12.58]我是說(shuō) 你們一直在相互較勁...
[41:38.25]像是山洞或是草叢什么的 設(shè)圈套的好地方