"That's not it," he disagreed, but his eyes were too innocent. "They don't understand why Ican't leave you alone."
I grimaced. "Neither do I, for that matter."
Edward shook his head slowly, rolling his eyes toward the ceiling before he met my gaze again. "I told you — you don't see yourself clearly at all. You're not like anyone I've ever known. Youfascinate me."
I glared at him, sure he was teasing now.
He smiled as he deciphered my expression. "Having the advantages I do," he murmured,touching his forehead discreetly, "I have a better than average grasp of human nature. Peopleare predictable. But you… you never do what I expect. You always take me by surprise."
I looked away, my eyes wandering back to his family, embarrassed and dissatisfied. His wordsmade me feel like a science experiment. I wanted to laugh at myself for expecting anything else.
"That part is easy enough to explain," he continued. I felt his eyes on my face but I couldn'tlook at him yet, afraid he might read the chagrin in my eyes. "But there's more… and it's notso easy to put into words —"
I was still staring at the Cullens while he spoke. Suddenly Rosalie, his blond and breathtakingsister, turned to look at me. No, not to look — to glare, with dark, cold eyes. I wanted to lookaway, but her gaze held me until Edward broke off mid-sentence and made an angry noiseunder his breath. It was almost a hiss.