[18:16.16]There hasn't been an ''us'' with Justin 自從在你租來的Camaro(雪佛萊汽車) 后座上那時起 就沒當Justin是“我們”
[18:18.53]since the back seat of your rented Camaro.
[18:20.86]Uh-uh. You can leave now. l will handle this. 呃- 呃 你可以走了 我來處理
[18:24.13]Whether you like it or not, he asked me to pick him up from school today. 嘿 不管你喜不喜歡 他今天要我去學校接他
[18:31.71]You got a beer? 你有啤酒嗎?
[18:45.95](La Cucaracha ringtone on cellphone)
[18:48.32]l didn't pass out in a Mexican whorehouse again, did l? 我不是又暈倒在 墨西哥妓院里了 對吧?
[18:52.53]No, but could you check my phone for me? 不 呃 但你能幫我看看手機嗎?
[18:57.16]lt could be Daniel. 可能是Daniel
[19:02.24]And there's the back part. 再幫我放回去
[19:09.74]A guy with no chin and permanent bed-head. 是個沒下巴 頭發(fā)亂糟糟的家伙
[19:12.18]Oh, that's Walter, my boyfriend. 噢 那是Walter 我男友
[19:14.11]He says he has a big surprise for you. 他說他有驚喜給你 還有張笑臉
[19:16.88]And then a smiley face.
[19:19.49]Yeah, he does that. He also makes a clown face out of the ''a'' in Walter. 是啊 他就是這樣
[19:23.92]- Hot. - (cell phone rings again) 不錯啊
[19:26.83]This guy is a pain in the ass. Break up with him already. 這家伙煩死了 和他分了算了
[19:30.26]lt's not that easy. He loves me. 沒那么簡單
[19:33.40]Well, according to his latest message, he ''wuvs'' you. 他愛我
[19:33.57]嗯 據最新消息 他“愛”你 (用的是小孩的口吻)
[19:38.87]Why are you holding onto him? 你干嘛這么放不下他?
[19:42.21]- l'll stand up again. - OK, OK. 我要站起來啦
[19:43.25]好的! 好的
[19:46.78]Before my mother died, 我媽媽死前
[19:49.75]she told me the most important thing in life 她告訴我生活中最重要的事 就是找個愛你的人
[19:52.02]is to find someone who loves you.
[19:55.86]And when you do, 當你找到了 無論如何 把握好他們
[19:57.72]hold onto them no matter what.
[20:00.89]Because in the end, that's all that matters. 因為到最后 那才是真正重要的
[20:03.23]Honey, if your mother were still here, 親愛的 如果你母親還在這里
[20:06.03]all she'd want to know is that you're happy... 她只希望你開心
[20:09.77]...and you're not happy right now. 而你現在并不開心
[20:14.68]l gotta pee. 我要去尿尿
[20:20.85](Alexis) Thank you all for coming. 感謝光臨
[20:22.82]l'm sure by now you've all heard about the injunction. 我肯定你們現在都 聽說了強制令的事
[20:25.92]l can assure you it's nothing more than a stalling tactic. 我可以告訴你們 那不過是個緩兵之計
[20:29.22]Within a week, l will assume control of Meade Publications. 不到一星期 我將控制Meade出版社
[20:32.56]Actually, that's not true. 事實上 這不是真的
[20:35.10](sighs) 啊 各位 這是我弟弟Danny
[20:36.70]My brother Danny, everyone.
[20:38.93]You probably remember him from his recent humiliation by Sofia Reyes. 你們大概還記得他 他最近受了Sofia Reyes之辱
[20:42.80]When it comes to family humiliations, l'll definitely take mine over yours. 說到家族之辱 我那點跟你比起來又算得了什么
[20:47.31]Oh, and Alex, it's Daniel. 哦 Alex 我叫Daniel
[20:50.44]OK, well, this has been fun, Danny, but if you have more to say, 好的 嗯 這倒挺有意思 Danny
[20:53.98]l suggest you call your own press conference. 但如果你還有什么要說的 我建議你招開自己的新聞發(fā)布會
[20:56.68]Under my leadership, Meade Publications will become a force in new media also. 在我的領導下 Meade出版社 也將在新媒體中大有作為
[21:01.56]l have a four-point plan for making us a major player in... 我有4點計劃 我們將成為主導者…
[21:06.39]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[21:08.16]l'm calling my own press conference... right now. 召開自己的新聞發(fā)布會… 就現在
[21:10.96]And any of you who come over to mine gets to see a photo of Alexis 哦 任何想來我這邊的人