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[17:04.52]ls that Sofia? Don't tell her it's me. l can't deal with this today.
[17:06.23]別- 別說(shuō)是我
[17:09.22]Daniel, l can't hear you! You're breaking up! 我今天沒(méi)辦法應(yīng)付
[17:09.49]呃-- Daniel Daniel 我聽(tīng)不清
[17:11.93]l need to ask him. l need his input on this. - 你斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的 - 我要問(wèn)他 我要聽(tīng)聽(tīng)他的意見(jiàn)
[17:14.09]Call me when you get off the gift wrapping floor! Bye! 你從禮品包裝層出來(lái)后 再給我打電話吧
[17:16.83]- Sorry. - Did he ask about me? 好的 再見(jiàn)
[17:19.33]Uh, maybe. l couldn't hear very well. 他問(wèn)我了嗎?
[17:23.90]Thanks. 謝謝
[17:32.58]Brilliant. Metal is a nice homage. 太棒了
[17:35.85]Tim did that King Arthur movie in armor last year. 去年Tim在亞塞王的電影中穿了盔甲
[17:39.25]Oh, if you freeze-frame the fight scene, he is not wearing a cod piece. 要是你停下… 定格戰(zhàn)斗的那個(gè)場(chǎng)景 就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)他戴的不是裝飾口袋
[17:42.99]l know. Could this be tailored?
[17:45.56]Maybe with a blowtorch. 這能定做嗎?
[17:48.23]Let's go with this. lt's edgy. 就用這個(gè)吧
[17:50.86]Don't you think that we should wait for Daniel's opinion? 很前衛(wèi)
[17:54.67]And where is he? 他在哪?
[17:56.10]He's coming. But l just don't think he's gonna go for a baby in chainlink. 他快到了
[17:57.29]只是我想 他不會(huì)贊同 穿鎖子衣的娃娃的
[18:00.77]- lt's chain mail. - Whatever. 是鎖子甲
[18:03.18]lf she tries to move in that she's gonna need first aid. 隨便吧
[18:03.59]如果她要穿這個(gè) 得有人幫忙
[18:06.01]You know, 'cause their skin... it's tender... 你知道嗎?
[18:09.15]- ls this your opinion or Daniel's? - Daniel's. 因?yàn)樗麄兊钠つw-- 很柔嫩
[18:09.40]這是你的想法 還是Daniel的?
[18:12.09]Really? l could've sworn it was yours. Frankly, l'm not about to take critiques Daniel的
[18:13.42]我肯定 這是你的
[18:16.72]from someone who trims her bangs with a lighter. 坦率的講 我不會(huì)接受 一個(gè)拿打火機(jī)修劉海的人的批評(píng)的
[18:19.36]Your boss has five minutes to get here, or he forfeits his vote. 你老板還有5分鐘可以來(lái)著 否則 他就得放棄自己的權(quán)力了
[18:26.53]- Look. - Oh. 瞧
[18:28.67]You made that? 哦
[18:29.87]No, that was Betty. Years ago. From her glitter period. 你做的?
[18:30.62]不 是Betty 很多年前 在他她還討人喜歡的時(shí)候
[18:33.31](all chuckling)
[18:35.01]Justin, hand me that one, will you? Justin 把那個(gè)給我 行嗎?
[18:39.08]What's that supposed to be? A cow? 那是什么 奶牛嗎?
[18:41.42]- (lgnacio) Reindeer. - Ah. 馴鹿
[18:43.68]My late wife made this for me our first Christmas in New York. 我亡妻為我做的 我們?cè)诩~約的第一個(gè)圣誕節(jié)
[18:48.16]Her feet were always cold so she put boots on everything. 她的腳總是很冷 所以她給什么都穿上靴子
[18:51.53]- So most of these are homemade? - Oh, yeah. 所以 這些都是自己做的?
[18:54.36]Careful with that. lt's older than you. 哦 是的
[18:58.63]- Your mother was busy. - l made this one. 你媽媽很忙呢
[19:01.64]- When l was pregnant with Justin. - Here come the tears. Just watch. 這是我在懷justin的時(shí)候做的
[19:05.61]Listen, you, l am proud of this. lt took me weeks to weave this straw. 又要煽情了…
[19:06.83]我為此而驕傲 花了我?guī)讉€(gè)禮拜來(lái)編織這些稻草
[19:09.71]Hormone's will make you do strange things. 荷爾蒙會(huì)讓你做些古怪的事
[19:12.21]lt's the only thing in the house she didn't try to eat. 這是整棟房子里 她唯一不會(huì)吃的東西
[19:15.08]- (all chuckling) - lt's not funny! - 一點(diǎn)都不好笑 - 對(duì)不起
[19:17.99]- (lgnacio) Sorry. - (Hilda) OK, all right.
[19:21.56]- You wanna hang it? - Uh, sure, yeah. 想把它掛起來(lái)嗎?
[19:22.90]呃 當(dāng)然 好的
[19:24.76]Um... l'm kind of new at this. 我…
[19:30.86]Uh, sh... l guess l should start at the top, or... 我應(yīng)該…
[19:33.67]我猜我應(yīng)該從樹(shù)頂開(kāi)始… 或者
[19:35.64]...um... Bottom?
[19:40.64]- Middle. - Your family never had Christmas trees? 樹(shù)中間?
[19:43.28]Oh, sure. We had amazing trees. 你家從來(lái)沒(méi)有過(guò)圣誕樹(shù)?
[19:43.67]哦 有的 當(dāng)然
[19:45.78]Um... Electric trains running underneath, Waterford icicles. 我們的樹(shù)很漂亮… 呃 電動(dòng)小火車(chē) 在下面跑 Waterford式冰凌 要什么有什么
[19:50.38]You name it. Just weren't allowed to touch anything.
[19:52.58]只是 呃 我們什么都不能碰
[20:05.90]- How's that feel? - Ow! Like my braces slipped. 感覺(jué)怎樣?
[20:08.54]l can't believe a mother would let her baby wear that. 覺(jué)得我牙套要掉了
[20:08.93]不敢相信有母親 會(huì)讓她的小孩穿這玩意
[20:11.21]We're gonna have to find something safer. Maybe a plastic bag! 哦 我們得找些合適嬰兒穿的東西 也許塑料袋可以
[20:14.47]lsn't there anything that'd work for a six-month-old? 這里有什么東西適合 六個(gè)月嬰兒的嗎?
[20:17.28]No, nothing... Yes, there is. Kate Moss's spandex dress! 不 沒(méi)有 沒(méi)有….有 有… Kate Moss的彈力長(zhǎng)裙
[20:20.71]No, no, no. 'Cause l'm gonna have to take it out a bit. Oh. - 哦 - 不 不 不 那我還得去申請(qǐng)一點(diǎn)
[20:25.55]Daniel! Hey, listen, so they wanna put baby Chutney in chain mail. Daniel!
[20:26.48]聽(tīng)著 他們想給小chutney寶寶穿上 鎖子甲 一碰水會(huì)生銹的
[20:29.32]Which would rust once they soaked her.
[20:31.63]That's great. 很好啊
[20:33.39]No, no, no, it's not great, Daniel. lf she burps, she'll get lockjaw. 不 不 不
[20:34.12]一點(diǎn)都不好 Daniel
[20:35.39]如果她打個(gè)嗝 會(huì)得破傷風(fēng)的
[20:37.06]- Are you feeling any better? - A little. 你感覺(jué)好點(diǎn)了嗎?
[20:40.37]We're decorating your tree. You know, your family has a lot of cool ornaments. 我正在裝飾你的圣誕樹(shù)
[20:42.31]要知道 你家有好多有型的裝飾物
[20:44.40]l really like your glitter period. 我真的喜歡你討人喜歡的時(shí)候
[20:47.11]- What? - This is all so new to me, Betty. 什么?
[20:48.12]對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)很新鮮 Betty
[20:50.31]ln my family, we'd go away on Thanksgiving, 你知道 在我家 我們感恩節(jié)時(shí)候出去 星期天回來(lái)的時(shí)候 樹(shù)已經(jīng)布置好了…
[20:53.65]we come back on Sunday and the whole tree was done.
[20:57.45]- By professionals. - Daniel, look, we need decisions. 專(zhuān)業(yè)人士布置的
[20:58.80]Daniel 聽(tīng)著

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