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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:40:27

[00:00.53](Narrator) Previously on Grey's Anatomy: 前情提要...

[00:02.26]Her or me? 她還是我

[00:03.33]I need him to stop talking to Meredith. 我要她停止和meredith說(shuō)話.

[00:05.83]- You're staying with her? - She's my wife. 你留在她身邊了.

[00:08.00]I broke up with Derek. 她是我老婆

[00:07.91]我和 derek分手了.

[00:10.11]- So where are we? - We are a couple. 說(shuō)到哪里了?

[00:12.17]I know the rules, but I don't want to have a relationship in secret. 我們是一對(duì)了.




[00:17.35]Boys are stupid. 男人都是笨蛋

[00:20.68]- What, you got a date? - Yes, yes I do. 什么,你有約會(huì)?


[00:23.45]- You're married? - Ten years today. 你已經(jīng)結(jié)婚了?

[00:25.52]- How come I didn't know? - You never asked. 今天整整10年了



[00:33.83](Meredith) In the eighth grade, 在初二的時(shí)候,

[00:36.10]my English class had to read Romeo and Juliet. 我們英文課要閱讀課文


[00:39.57]Then, for extra credit, Mrs. Snyder made us act out all the parts. 為了獲得額外的加分

[00:41.25]mrs. Snyder 讓我們


[00:48.34]Sal Scafarillo was Romeo. Sal scaffarillo扮演羅密歐.

[00:51.75]As fate would have it, I was juliet. 就像命中注定一樣


[01:04.83]All the other girls were jealous. But I had a slightly different take. 其他所有的女生都嫉妒我


[01:10.17]I told Mrs. Snyder that juliet was an idiot. 我告訴mrs. Snyder


[01:17.24]For starters, she falls for the one guy she knows she can't have. 作為一個(gè)剛開始戀愛的人,


[01:21.51]Then she blames fate for her own bad decision. 明知不能愛的人



[01:29.85]- (Lzzie) You kissed me. - I did. 你吻我了

[01:31.62]Should we... There's a discussion we could have if you wanted to have one. 是,我吻了.




[01:37.16]Izzie. I kissed you. With tongue. And I plan to do it again and again. izzie,我舌吻了你


[01:43.13]Get used to it. End of discussion. 慢慢習(xí)慣吧


[01:50.47]OK. Okay.

[01:51.84]Mrs. Snyder explained to me that when fate comes into play, Mrs. Snyder向我解釋說(shuō)


[01:55.84]choice sometimes goes out the window. 選擇往往不知所蹤.


[02:05.85]Congratulations. 上帝.恭喜啊.

[02:07.72]- What? - Fellowships. 因?yàn)樯?

[02:09.96]Five applications, five offers. 你的獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金啊.


[02:12.36]Do you know how rare that is? This is your year. 你知道這有多罕見嗎?

[02:15.10]Everybody wants to dance with you. 這簡(jiǎn)直就是你的幸運(yùn)年.


[02:17.17]Of course, Seattle Grace's fellowship program is the best. 當(dāng)然,seattle grace的


[02:20.70]Oh, yeah. Yeah. (coughs) Oh,yeah.

[02:22.55]Yeah. Ahem.

[02:29.81]You are taking my fellowship, aren't you? 你會(huì)選擇我給的獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金的,對(duì)吧?

[02:32.18]I don't know. I haven't made a decision yet. 嗯...我不知道


[02:36.18]At the ripe old age of 13, I was very clear 在13歲的最后一段時(shí)間里

[02:39.82]that love, like life, is about making choices. 我終于清楚了,


[02:42.79]I would not wish this on anyone. It's like someone ripped my guts out. 我沒指望任何人.


[02:46.69]- Baby, you had food poisoning. - I had one, lousy restaurant clam. 掏出我的內(nèi)臟



[02:53.30]- Wait a minute. Where's Billing again? - (Meredith and Derek) The basement. 等等,付款處在哪里來(lái)著?

[02:55.61]地下室 地下室

[02:57.51]And fate has nothing to do with it. 而命運(yùn)對(duì)此無(wú)可奈何.

[02:59.71]We're going the wrong way. 我們走錯(cuò)了

[03:04.01]- (Cristina) Coffee? - Oh, thank you. It's date night. 咖啡?



[03:08.82]Yeah, it's a night, with a date. 是啊,今晚約會(huì)

[03:11.85]- You forgot. - No. 你忘了


[03:15.02]Yes. 嗯,忘了.

[03:16.82]You want to cancel? 你要取消嗎?

[03:19.93]No. 不要.

[03:27.27]Everyone thinks it's so romantic. 每個(gè)人都認(rèn)為羅密歐與茱莉葉如此浪漫 真愛難尋,多悲哀哦.

[03:29.80]Romeo and juliet. True love. How sad.

[03:35.14]Oh, crap! 啊,真tmd!

[03:37.11]If juliet was stupid enough to fall for the enemy, drink a bottle of poison, 如果茱莉葉再笨一些



[03:42.08]and go to sleep in a mausoleum... 然后誰(shuí)在陵墓里...

[03:44.92]What the... 她實(shí)在罪有應(yīng)得.

[03:45.99]...she deserved whatever she got.

[03:49.62]Grey's Anatomy 208 Let It Be

[03:53.56](& Psapp: Cosy in the Rocket)

[04:21.42]Window washer, fell from fifth-floor scaffolding. 從5樓的腳手架

[04:24.33]Obvious open tiblfib fracture, but otherwise OK. 窗內(nèi)掉下來(lái)的,


[04:27.90]After a five-story fall he's got equal breath sounds. 其他的,沒問(wèn)題




[04:30.80]This is unbelievable! Do you want to hear? 不可思議

[04:33.07]Somehow I believe you. Yang, get in there and palpate his abdomen. 想聽聽嗎?




[04:37.07]- Does this hurt anywhere? - No. 哪里疼嗎?

[04:39.14]You fell from the sky. Five stories. You only injured your leg. 沒有



[04:42.38]- George. - No. Don't "George" me. 而你只是弄傷了大腿


[04:44.65]A few seconds earlier, he'd have landed on me. 別,別叫我.


[04:47.05]OK, rolling on three, please. One, two, three. 他差點(diǎn)掉在我身上



[04:50.15](Groans) Eww.

[04:54.82]- Are these feathers? - My life was saved by that pigeon. Oh.



[04:58.76]Let's get some X-rays. 去做x光吧,

[05:00.63]And after that you might want to get in there and look for the rest of Tweety. 之后,



[05:05.43]Thank you. 謝謝

[05:07.04](Man) Esme wanted to wait until tomorrow to see her doctor. Esme 想等到明天


[05:10.00]But she hasn't been able to keep anything down since yesterday. 但是從昨天開始


[05:13.37]So I brought her in. 所以我?guī)齺?lái)了

[05:15.51]Mrs. Sorrento, you have acute cholecystitis. Okay,mrs. Sorrento,


[05:19.85]Which means that your gallbladder may have to come out. 也就是說(shuō),你的膽囊


[05:22.82]She has gallstones? 她是膽結(jié)石嗎?

[05:24.25]He watches cable. He thinks he's a doctor. 他看太多電視劇了 (ER.House)


[05:28.89]I'm giving you antibiotics and IV fluids to cool the gallbladder down. 我給你一些抗生素



[05:33.73]Then I'm going to call Dr. Bailey 然后我回去

[05:35.53]and I'm going to see if surgery is the best way for us to go. 叫dr. Bailey,



[05:38.60]- Do you have any questions? - What happened to your forehead? 還有什么問(wèn)題嗎?


[05:43.30]Nothing. 沒事

[05:45.91]I've told you. I don't need an appointment. 我已經(jīng)告訴你了


[05:48.34]I am not a patient. I am a friend from New York. 我不是病人


[05:52.48]Weiss? Weiss?

[05:53.58]Derek! I've been looking for you! Derek.

[05:56.38]Sav, why didn't you tell me you were coming? 我還四處找你呢




[06:01.86]If I knew you were coming I would have taken a day off. 如果我知道你要來(lái)


[06:04.66]- It was kind of last minute. - Are you all right? 呵呵,最后一刻才下的決定



[06:10.13]A month ago, her mother died. Ovarian cancer. 一個(gè)月前,她媽媽過(guò)身了


[06:13.03]Catherine died? Catherine過(guò)身了?

[06:16.00]I'm sorry. 真遺憾

[06:18.91]And Savvy, she's... I mean, you know how close they were. savvy,她-我是說(shuō),

[06:22.21]I mean, all she can think about is this breast and ovarian cancer gene. 你知道他們有多親近.



[06:26.05]BRACA. 乳房癌(BRCA)

[06:28.02]A positive test result isn't the end of the world, Sav. 陽(yáng)性測(cè)試結(jié)果


[06:32.52]It just means you have a gene mutation that could... 只是說(shuō)


[06:35.32]I know what it is. 我知道那是什么

[06:36.72]I've talked to the genetic counselor. I've been to my gynecologist. 我和遺傳學(xué)家咨詢過(guò),


[06:41.53]And now I'm here. 而現(xiàn)在,我來(lái)這里了.

[06:48.34]Addy, you're the best surgeon there is. Addie,你是最棒的醫(yī)生.

[06:51.34]True. 沒錯(cuò)

[06:55.34]- But this isn't surgical. - Yes, it is. 但是這并不用手術(shù).

[06:57.45]No. Sav, you understand you don't have cancer? 是的,需要.

[06:57.49]No,sav. 你要理解,


[07:00.78]And I have no intention of getting it. 而我也決不想要有

[07:09.39]So you want me... 那么你要我...

[07:11.06]I want you to take out my ovaries and the uterus, 我要你幫我切除


[07:14.06]and when that's done, 當(dāng)手術(shù)之后...

[07:16.60]you're going to find me the best person out there to cut off my breasts. 你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)



[07:32.55]- Beak? - Claw. 喙.

[07:34.95]We need to widen this incision to take a better look. 爪,爪.




[07:41.32]- Does your leg hurt a lot? - I'm fine, man. Just do your thing. 你的腿很疼嗎?


[07:44.78]只是... 忙你的吧.

[07:47.13]Is there anyone you'd like me to call? 需要我?guī)湍憬o誰(shuí)打電話嗎?

[07:49.36]What for? 為啥?

[07:51.07]You fell five stories and lived to tell about it. 你從5樓掉下來(lái)了

[07:53.60]I'd kind of want to shout it from the rooftops. 還活下來(lái)了,可以告訴給誰(shuí)啊.



[07:57.51]So to speak. 說(shuō)說(shuō)而已

[07:59.24]It's a miracle. You may not understand the medicine of it. 真是奇跡


[08:02.78]A five-story fall, your lungs should be collapsed, your back should be broken. 這對(duì)醫(yī)學(xué)界意味著什么



[08:06.88]- Your aorta should be totally severed. - George, enough. 你的后背也應(yīng)該損傷嚴(yán)重,





[08:16.02]I'm just saying, you know, there's a reason for this. 我只是說(shuō)


[08:19.73]You lived. We both did. 你活下來(lái)了,我們都是.

[08:22.96]Carpe diem, man. Seize the day. 及時(shí)行樂(lè),朋友


[08:28.44]- Any chance you can make him leave? - I really, really wish I could. 有什么機(jī)會(huì)你能趕走他嗎?

[08:32.27]Mr. Vargas, your lower left leg bones are shattered. 我也非常希望我能.

[08:33.31]Mr. Vargas,


[08:37.45]- We'll need to get you in for surgery. - Oh, great. Just my luck. 我們要做手術(shù)了.


[08:42.78]Beak! 我真幸運(yùn).

[08:44.95]Could I... Would you mind, could I keep that? 喙



[08:49.46]My mother died of it, my aunt. My cousin. She's 37, has ovarian cancer. 我媽媽就是因?yàn)檫@個(gè)死的,

[08:51.22]我阿姨,我表姐--她才 37--

[08:54.06]But you don't. You don't have cancer. 卵巢癌

[08:56.13]But I have the gene. 但是你沒有


[08:57.80]Which gives her up to an 85% chance of getting cancer, Weiss. 這太瘋狂了,savvy.



[09:01.37]- And a 15***** chance she won't. - I'm not betting my life on 15*****. 得癌癥,weiss.


[09:04.44]- Were you invited? - Weiss asked me. 對(duì)不起,有人邀請(qǐng)你嗎?

[09:06.44]- I thought it might help. - Help what? 我可不想賭那15%.


[09:08.38]I'm sorry, Derek, I'm really glad to see you. 我想會(huì)幫上忙的


[09:10.71]But until you grow a uterus and watch your mother die from this, 因?yàn)槲覑勰?/p>



[09:14.05]- you don't get... you don't get a vote. - Did she say they tried for a baby? 而你又眼睜睜的看著你媽媽



[09:17.65]- She did. - Having a hysterectomy is... 你沒投票權(quán)


[09:19.89]- Derek! - We've tried for months. 嗯,她說(shuō)了.



[09:21.99]- Why give up now? - Come on, we've talked about this. Derek,我們?cè)嚵藥讉€(gè)月了.


[09:25.19]There are other ways to make a family. We can adopt. 算了.



[09:27.86]- Savvy, I just... - No. No! I'm not talking about this. 來(lái)完整一個(gè)家庭,weiss.




[09:33.94]Let's just take a step back. All right, take a deep breath and think about this. 讓我們退一步來(lái)看.



[09:39.47]I've already thought about it, Derek. This... This is going to happen. 我已經(jīng)想的很清楚了,derek.


[09:45.55]Dr. Stevens, get a complete history and do her pre-op labs. Dr. Stevens,

[09:48.62]Schedule her for a double-mastectomy and consult Dr. Quenar for a reconstruction. 詢問(wèn)完整病歷




[09:52.85]- Derek? - Addison, this conversation isn't over. 叫dr. Cwynar來(lái)會(huì)診


[09:55.49]She is my patient, Derek. Derek addison,這個(gè)談話還沒結(jié)束呢


[09:57.33]We're doing a bilateral prophylactic oophorectomy and hysterectomy tomorrow. 我們還要做一個(gè)



[10:01.83]Get moving. 快去

[10:03.90](Derek) Prophylactic surgery is extreme. 絕育手術(shù)太絕對(duì)了.

[10:06.50](Addison) This has nothing to do with you. oh!跟你一點(diǎn)關(guān)系也沒有.

[10:09.17]She came to me for a medical consultation, Derek. I'm her doctor. 你去那里干嗎啊?



[10:12.54]Those are some of our closest friends. This is personal. 我是她的醫(yī)生,我



[10:15.51]Fine. If it's personal, we should deal with them as a couple. 這不是醫(yī)學(xué),個(gè)人問(wèn)題



[10:18.65]- Acting like a couple. - What? What does that mean? 那么我們可以幫助他們



[10:21.85]- See the ring? - Don't go to the ring. 什么?這是什么意思?

[10:24.09]The ring, Derek. Remember? 看到戒指了嗎?


[10:26.02]When we're here at work, you won't talk to me. 戒指,derek,記得嗎?

[10:28.56]Or on the ferry, you pretend not to see me. 當(dāng)我們這里工作的時(shí)候



[10:30.73]Or in couple's therapy, where we argue about whether we should be in therapy. 你又假裝沒看到我,




[10:35.53]- What are we doing? - It's not about us. 參加婚姻咨詢--

[10:37.60]It is! Medicine aside, our friends are going through hell in there, 我們到底在做什么?



[10:41.14]and we can't even act like we like each other long enough to help them. 正遭受著極端的痛苦




[10:49.91]What's that other animal that's monogamous? 還有其他什么動(dòng)物是

[10:52.35]I think it's voles. 一夫一妻制的?

[10:54.35]I know it's hard. I'm a pincushion. 我覺得野鼠類是


[10:56.72]It's OK, don't worry. I won't stick until I find a good one. 我簡(jiǎn)直就是個(gè)針墊



[11:00.42]- Otters mate for life, you know. - Excuse me? 知道嗎,水獺是因?yàn)樯疃Y(jié)合

[11:04.19]As do voles, I suppose. 什么?


[11:06.69]OK, I got it. Hold still, it's going to take a second for the tube to fill. Okay,找到了


[11:12.97]I've always liked otters. 我需要幾秒


[11:14.84]I've always been more of a dog person myself. Mm,我一直就很喜歡水獺.


[11:17.71](Esme laughs) 很喜歡狗的人.

[11:21.81]Shouldn't he be more excited? 他是不是應(yīng)該很興奮啊

[11:24.05]Maybe he's in shock. I don't know. I mean, he survived. That's huge. 也許他有點(diǎn)嚇呆了.


[11:28.32]He's got to realize, things happen for a reason. 實(shí)在不得了.


[11:30.92]Oh, yeah. My ex-boyfriend moved his wife to Seattle. Reason? To torture me. 所有事情都有原因的

[11:31.80]Oh,yeah. 我前男友


[11:35.36]- I'm serious. - So am I. 原因?折磨我啊.

[11:37.06]- What's with the Hello Kitty? - I don't want to talk about it. 我認(rèn)真的


[11:37.97]你額頭上的hello kitty是怎么回事?

[11:40.19]- Can I sign out to you early? - You don't want in on Stu's surgery? 我不想談這個(gè)


[11:43.56]Can't. I have a test date. Burke is testing me. 你不想?yún)⒓觭tu的手術(shù)嗎?



[11:47.00]I've already spent an hour picking bird parts out of the guy. I'm over it. Burke在測(cè)試我



[11:50.84]Carpe diem. 挑了一個(gè)小時(shí)

[11:51.91]I have a zit on my forehead and I am beginning to look how I feel. 我受夠了



[11:55.11]- Carpe that. - This is the luckiest day in the world. 我已經(jīng)開始



[11:59.21]Tell that to the bird. 和那鳥說(shuō)去

[12:05.99]Thank you. 謝謝.

[12:07.96]Is it the kid thing? 是因?yàn)楹⒆訂?/p>

[12:10.12]I saw your face upstairs. 我在樓上看到你的臉就很不開心

[12:13.79]It's the kid thing for most people. 對(duì)大多數(shù)人來(lái)說(shuō),孩子都是重要的

[12:16.06]And the breasts. 還有乳房

[12:18.07]Oh, and the total menopause, like, overnight. 還有完全絕經(jīng)期

[12:21.34]- It's a big step. - I think it's brave. 就像,過(guò)夜了一樣


[12:23.94]Thank you. 我覺得非常勇敢

[12:25.41]And, yes, I'd love to be pregnant. 謝謝.

[12:27.48]I want a lot of things. I want to skydive. I'd like to learn Italian. 是的,我很想懷孕



[12:31.81]I want to go to St. Tropez with my husband and lie topless on the beach. 我想學(xué)意大利語(yǔ)



[12:35.65]They do excellent implants these days. 裸體躺在沙灘上.


[12:38.25]Won't even know the difference. Plus, you'll never have to wear a bra again. 并且重新幫你做一個(gè)胸部



[12:42.16]- That's something, right? - Alex. 你甚至永遠(yuǎn)也不用穿胸罩了.


[12:44.99]Didn't I see your service on the OR board for a biopsy right about now? Alex...


[12:48.56]Yeah. 在手術(shù)室公告版上



[12:53.53]- It's not the kid thing. - OK, what? 不是因?yàn)楹⒆?/p>


[12:58.71]It's not like I have a lot of options. 并不是因?yàn)槲矣泻芏噙x擇

[13:01.08]One, take my chances and never get cancer. 1,也許有機(jī)會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)也沒得癌癥.

[13:03.31]- Two, take my chances and die young. - There's a third option. 2,也許很年輕就死了

[13:06.51]OK, I'm listening. 還有第三個(gè)選擇,知道嗎?

[13:08.45]Take your chances, get cancer, and fight like hell to survive. Okay,我聽著呢.



[13:16.76]Uh... They're both really nice. Uh... 都非常漂亮.

[13:19.49]I know. I bought them. But which one is right? 我知道,所以都帶來(lái)了.

[13:22.16]For what? You're going to look hot in either one. 但是哪一個(gè)合適?


[13:24.80]Well, clearly. That's not the point. 非常火辣無(wú)論穿哪件.


[13:27.40]You look hot. 你等于沒說(shuō)一樣.

[13:28.87]Yeah. Burke and I are going to talk about how hot I am over dinner. Wow,你好性感.


[13:32.34]- This date is such a mistake. - It's easy to get nervous on dates. 晚餐中我到底會(huì)有多性感


[13:36.28]It's especially hard if you're out of practice. 約會(huì)很容易讓人緊張.


[13:38.78]- So, you just got to be mellow... - I know how to date. I'm not you. 對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)會(huì)特別難


[13:42.25]I have her scheduled for the mastectomy, 輕聲細(xì)語(yǔ),放松--


[13:44.42]and I stay while Plastics does a TRAM flap reconstruction. 我不是你




[13:47.35]- I couldn't do it. - Do what? 等著義乳的移植.

[13:49.09]Make yourself all hot and sexy for your boyfriend like Yang? 我做不了



[13:52.63]Go wrestle something. 為了你的男朋友而做,像yang一樣?

[13:54.20]Cut off my ovaries and breasts just 'cause I might have cancer. 見鬼去吧你



[13:57.43]Think of it like a hand. 只是因?yàn)槲铱赡軙?huì)得癌癥.

[13:58.67]If you knew you'd die if you didn't chop off your hand, you'd do it. 把它當(dāng)作手來(lái)想



[14:02.34]Except when you chop off a hand, you don't kill your sex drive, 你的手,你就會(huì)做了


[14:05.91]have silicone breasts, get hot flashes, and lose your ability to bear children. 你沒有殺死你的性征




[14:10.11]I wouldn't have the test. What's the point? 如果是我,我甚至不去做檢查.

[14:12.68](Meredith) We're all going to die anyway, right? 我是說(shuō),意義何在?


[14:16.52]It's the Hello Kitty Band-Aid on my head. It's freaking me out. hello kitty的創(chuàng)可貼在我額頭上.


[14:21.02]I say slice 'em and dice 'em. They're body parts. 我說(shuō)聽天由命吧

[14:23.92]- So you'd cut off your penis? - If it kept me from dying. 管它呢,不過(guò)是身體的一部分罷了.


[14:26.79]Besides, I've got plenty to spare. 如果能免一死的話



[14:34.67]I can do hot in my sleep. 我睡覺的時(shí)候也火辣

[14:36.74]I look hot in scrubs. I'm a hot person. 手術(shù)的時(shí)候也火辣.


[14:41.54]- He's seen me naked 1,000 times. - Bad, bad images in my head. 他看我裸體看了成千上萬(wàn)次了

[14:45.31]But he's never seen you outside the hospital. 糟糕,壞想像在我腦子里



[14:49.58]Thank you. 謝謝

[14:55.62](Burke) You look lovely. 你看起來(lái)很可愛

[14:59.46]Thanks. 謝謝.

[15:04.43]Oh. Oh.

[15:09.24]Very polite. Thank you. 好紳士哦

[15:19.85](Bailey) OK, Grey. Adhesions are down. What next? Okay,grey,支持下降了

[15:25.32]Put in graspers to lift the gallbladder so we can dissect it out. 下一步怎么辦?


[15:28.72](Bailey) Good. And what are we looking for in Calot's triangle? 然后我們能將之切除


[15:32.36](Meredith) The cystic artery. 我們?cè)赾alot的三角區(qū)找什么呢?

[15:33.99](Bailey) That's right. Wait a minute. What do you see? 膽囊動(dòng)脈



[15:39.37](Meredith) Porcelain gallbladder. 你看到什么了?


[15:41.67](Bailey) That's not good. 不妙啊

[15:48.04]Mr. Sorrento, when we removed your wife's gallbladder, Mr. Sorrento,


[15:51.71]we found that there were calcifications. 切除你老婆的膽囊的時(shí)候,


[15:54.15]What does that mean? 什么意思

[15:55.68]It's often a sign of gallbladder cancer. We sent it off to Pathology. 那同時(shí)也是個(gè)征兆



[16:04.12]- She has cancer? - I'm afraid so. 她得癌癥了?

[16:07.56]We can keep her comfortable, 恐怕是

[16:09.30]but she's going to need more tests to see what our next steps are. 我們可以讓她感覺好一些



[16:12.60]This might include more surgery. 我們接下來(lái)做什么


[16:15.80]But this surgery will save her, right? 但是這個(gè),這個(gè)手術(shù)

[16:18.14]The cancer appears to be advanced. 會(huì)救她的命,對(duì)嗎?


[16:21.28]There are palliative surgeries we can do. 我們所能做的

[16:23.94]That is, surgeries to help with the pain, but it won't cure it. 只是減輕她的痛苦而已



[16:31.59]How long has she got? 她還有多久時(shí)間?

[16:33.09]From what we can tell so far, she has about four to six months. 就我們的資料來(lái)看



[16:39.66]I'm so sorry. 我很遺憾

[16:46.23]I don't want Esme to know. 我不想讓esme知道

[16:49.37]- What? - Esme. 什么?

[16:51.41]- I don't want her to know she's dying. - You don't want to tell her? Esme--我不想她


[16:55.04]Please. You saw her. She's happy. 你不想告訴她?



[17:00.68]Let me take her home. 讓我?guī)丶野?

[17:02.85]I don't want her to be afraid before she dies. She doesn't need to know. 我不想她害怕



[17:18.73]No, please don't. 不要,請(qǐng)不要.

[17:21.47]No more carpe diem, man. I don't want to seize the day. 別和我聊什么及時(shí)行樂(lè)了

[17:24.47]That's what I don't get. 我不想抓住眼前事

[17:25.77]I'm standing here, and I'm just incredibly happy to be alive. 這就是我不明白的地方.



[17:28.98]I'm looking at the sky, it's bluer, food tastes better, 知道嗎'


[17:33.21]and I didn't survive a five-story fall. 食物也更好吃了


[17:46.56]You jumped, didn't you? 你自己跳下來(lái)的,是嗎?

[17:58.77]The whole way down, all I could think about was Daisy. 當(dāng)全世界崩塌的時(shí)候

[18:01.68]She's my ex-girl. She works in this hospital. 我所能想到的只有daisy.


[18:05.48](Exhales sharply) 她在醫(yī)院工作

[18:07.18]What kind of joke is that? Pfft. 那是什么爛笑話?

[18:12.59]Maybe... Maybe you got a second chance. 也許你得到了第二次機(jī)會(huì)

[18:18.33]Daisy. Daisy--你要幫我去找她

[18:19.89]You got to go and find her for me.

[18:22.13]I wanna talk to her. 你知道,和她談?wù)?..

[18:24.70]Tell her she's the reason I'm alive. 告訴她,她是我活下來(lái)的原因

[18:31.51](Weiss) We had a future. You know, we had plans. 你知道,我們還有未來(lái)


[18:35.74]We picked out baby names together. 我們甚至一起選孩子的名字

[18:38.31]She betrayed that without even asking my opinion. 她背叛了那些..


[18:44.18]Without even giving me time to process it. 甚至沒給我時(shí)間來(lái)適應(yīng).

[18:49.19]It's a difficult time for both of you. 對(duì)你們倆來(lái)說(shuō),都是困難的一段

[18:53.46]- She's emotional. - And hormone changes, mood swings. 她很情緒化


[18:59.17]They say she could lose her sex drive. 他們說(shuō)她也許會(huì)失去性征.

[19:01.40]You'll get through this. All right? 你們會(huì)挺過(guò)來(lái)的,

[19:05.14]You can do this. 好嗎?


[19:08.11]You guys love each other. 你們彼此相愛

[19:11.91]Is that what you said about you and Addy? 這是你想要說(shuō)的關(guān)于你和addie?

[19:14.95]What? 什么?

[19:16.88]- You left her. - That was different. 你離開了她.

[19:19.75]Was it, Derek? Really? 那是不同的



[19:25.99]You know, I got to check on a patient, then get ready for dinner. 那個(gè),我要去


[19:30.73]See you later. 待會(huì)見

[19:33.37]Sure. 好的.

[19:46.68]Where's the butter? 黃油在哪里?

[19:51.08]Oh, no, that's olive oil. I want butter. Oh,no. 那是橄欖油.


[19:57.29]Should I send the sommelier over? 需要我叫來(lái)一個(gè)斟酒的嗎?

[19:59.36]That won't be necessary. What is a nice, oaky Chardonnay? 哦,不用了

[20:03.66]I want Bordeaux. Uh,那個(gè)


[20:05.33]The Chardonnay is better with lobster. Oh,我想要波爾多葡萄酒

[20:07.47]I'm having steak. 夏敦埃酒會(huì)好一些



[20:12.11]You... You eat red meat? 你吃紅肉?

[20:14.31]You don't? 你不吃?

[20:23.28]You're seriously going to try to find this girl? 你真要去

[20:26.42]Hunt her down while she's working? 找這女孩嗎

[20:28.49]Look... OK, I know it's crazy, but someone's got to tell her how he feels. 當(dāng)她在工作的時(shí)候抓住她?




[20:33.99]I mean, he's alive, right? Something good has got to come out of this. 需要告訴她,他的感覺.


[20:37.56]I mean, this could change everything. 好的一面需要來(lái)



[20:41.03]- See, I thought you were a romantic. - (Elevator bell) 看到了.我...

[20:44.84]Was. Past tense. 我以為你是個(gè)浪漫的人.


[20:49.28]Well, this is fun. Again. 這個(gè)好玩.


[20:53.95]I like the Hello Kitty, by the way. Very pink. Very cheerful. 順便說(shuō)一句,我喜歡那hello kitty


[21:00.29]Daisy works in Billing. Which is where? daisy在收款處工作,在哪里啊?

[21:02.42](Both) In the basement. 地下室 地下室

[21:05.96]- (pager beeps) - (Guttural sound) Oh.


[21:13.93]You need something, Chief? I have one more surgery and then I'm free. 你要干嗎,頭兒?

[21:17.57]- No, no, no. - OK. 我還剩一個(gè)手術(shù)了,




[21:21.41]- Have you made a decision yet? - Sir? 你做出決定了嗎?

[21:24.34]The fellowship. The Seattle Grace fellowship. 嗯?


[21:26.88]- I thought you'd have accepted. - I haven't had a chance... seattle grace的獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金.


[21:29.95]We're a private hospital with extensive resources. 太忙了,我還沒有機(jī)會(huì)選擇--


[21:32.72]You'll get more surgical experience here. 我們有豐富的資源



[21:35.19]Write your own ticket. Why aren't you excited? 比任何其他地方都多


[21:37.72]No! I'm excited. I... Excuse me, sir, I just need to scrub in. Thanks. 為什么你一點(diǎn)也不興奮呢




[21:43.06](Woman on PA) Dr. Hines to the OR. 我要進(jìn)手術(shù)室了

[21:51.74]- What? - Oh, nothing. 怎么?

[21:53.79]Oh. 沒事

[21:59.35]You know, we should probably skip dessert. I have an early morning. 我想我們可以不要甜品了.

[22:03.42]Oh. Right. Not a problem. 我明天要早起

[22:04.39]Oh. 好


[22:14.03](Glass shatters) Ugh!

[22:15.86](Woman) Help! Is there a doctor in here? Oh,天啊,救命啊!


[22:20.10](Both) Yes! Yes!

[22:26.77]Call 911. 打9-1-1.

[22:28.01]- He said he had heartburn. - (Burke) Is there a pulse? 他說(shuō)他有心痛.

[22:30.78]Yes. It's rapid and unequal. 我以為他開玩笑呢



[22:36.78]- Look. The length of his fingers. - He's got to be at least six-foot-four. 看這個(gè)-


[22:41.02]- (Both) Marfan's. - What does that have to do with it? Oh,他至少有 6'4". Marfan'S.


[22:43.66]He's showing classic markers for Marfan's syndrome. 他的手指怎么了?



[22:46.63]- His blood vessel walls are weak. - We need that ambulance. 也就是說(shuō)


[22:49.86]- Fast. We need to get him to the OR. - Before his aorta ruptures. 我們需要救護(hù)車


[22:53.27]What are you talking about? Who are you people? 我們需要帶他去手術(shù)室--



[22:55.74]We have a dissecting thoracic aorta. We need a CT cleared and an OR ready. 你們到底是誰(shuí)?



[22:59.64]Start another large-bore IV. 再做一個(gè)大的靜脈注射

[23:01.68]Continue high flow O2. Transport sirens and lights to Seattle Grace. 保持氧氣的高流量

[23:03.02]亮警笛和警燈直接去seattle grace.

[23:05.81]- Who the hell are you? - Hey! 你tmd是誰(shuí)啊?

[23:07.38]He's the cardio-thoracic surgeon who'll operate on him. hay,他可是胸科主治醫(yī)生

[23:10.42]And she's with me. 要給這男人做手術(shù)的.


[23:14.09](Distant siren)

[23:19.53]Oh, I didn't... Have you been discharged? Oh,我還沒--你可以出院了嗎?

[23:22.90]No. I'm going out to dinner with my surgeon and our husbands. N-no.



[23:28.70]Sort of a last supper, I guess. 我猜有點(diǎn)像最后的晚餐

[23:30.77]I know, I know. Nothing after midnight. 我明白,不會(huì)超過(guò)午夜的

[23:34.17]You're disappointed, aren't you? 你失望了是嗎?

[23:36.84]How do I look? 我看起來(lái)如何?

[23:39.58]- You're a beautiful woman. - And so are you. 你是個(gè)漂亮的女人.


[23:46.95]Is that why this is so hard to understand? 是因?yàn)檫@個(gè)才這么難理解嗎?

[23:50.46]Ugh. Menopause. I know. Oh...

[23:54.23]The boobs. 絕經(jīng)期,我知道.


[23:57.23]But they have hormone replacement, reconstructions. 但是他們會(huì)做荷爾蒙修復(fù)

[24:01.60]But the sexy Savvy, 但是性需求...

[24:05.27]the Savvy that gets noticed when she walks into the room... 性需求很容易被看出來(lái)


[24:10.68]The Savvy that wakes her husband up in the middle of the night to make love. hmm...




[24:17.42]Yeah, I wonder if that Savvy is still going to be there. yeah,我想知道,是否這種需求


[24:22.46]Honestly, I haven't a clue. 坦白說(shuō),我沒什么線索

[24:26.73]But then I think, is that why Weiss married me? 但是我想

[24:28.85]這是 weiss娶我的原因嗎?

[24:34.37]God, I hope not. 天,我希望不是

[24:49.72]Could this place be any further away? It's like Siberia down here. 這地方還能再遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)嗎?

[24:53.15]That's 'cause we don't like sick people. 好像西伯利亞在這下面似的.


[24:55.39]Oh. Oh.

[24:57.16]You know, you're in a hospital. 你知道,你在醫(yī)院里

[25:01.29]Uh, are you Daisy? 你是daisy?

[25:04.10]I don't deal with billing questions after 7:00p.m. 7點(diǎn)之后我不解答任何關(guān)于billing的問(wèn)題

[25:07.00]- I'm just data entry at night. - No, actually, Stu sent me. 晚上我只是個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)輸入員.



[25:13.34]- Is this some kind of joke? - No. He's in this hospital. 你在說(shuō)笑嗎?

[25:17.04]He's had an accident. I'm his doctor. He's fine. No.他在醫(yī)院里


[25:19.61]We're taking him into surgery. But he wanted me to find you. 我是他的醫(yī)生,他沒事了



[25:26.72]You just tell that bastard that he could have come looking for me ten years ago. 那就就告訴那混蛋



[25:44.64]- (Man) OK, hold it here. Is this good? - (Woman) Yeah.

[25:47.37](Man) Lock it.

[25:48.58]- What are you pissed about? - You look at everything in a skirt. 你在生什么氣?

[25:53.71]I'd look at you in a skirt. Short. Maybe something schoolgirl? Pleated. 在你眼中所有事情都是穿裙子的



[25:59.15]If that skirt didn't have a pair of big boobs attached, you'd stop looking. 如果那裙子下面


[26:02.99]When you cut 'em off, you build 'em back up. 來(lái)依附它


[26:05.23]Maybe you get to upgrade. Life goes on. 當(dāng)你把他們切下來(lái)的時(shí)候



[26:08.26]If there was a test for testicular cancer, 生活在前進(jìn).


[26:10.66]you think men who tested positive would have surgery? 是關(guān)于睪丸癌的,



[26:13.53]No. You know why? It's castration. No.知道為什么嗎?

[26:16.00]What man would willingly get rid of the part of his anatomy 那是閹割.


[26:19.07]that makes him a man? 做這種來(lái)結(jié)束他男人生涯

[26:21.21]This woman is having herself castrated. 的手術(shù)呢?


[26:24.08]And we book an OR and act like it means nothing. It's not nothing. 而我們?cè)诳粗中g(shù)室


[26:28.42]God, how can you possibly act like it's no big deal? I mean, what if it was me? 根本不能若無(wú)其事



[26:32.62]Lzzie. You're making... Freaking out... You know that, right? 如果是我的話呢?


[26:36.46]If I was the one with the cancer gene, 你知道,對(duì)吧?

[26:38.39]if tomorrow my boobs were made of plastic 如果是我



[26:40.69]and my skin had aged ten years and my sex drive had dried up, 然后我的胸部都是硅膠的



[26:45.60]if it was me, Alex, would you be so fine with it then? 如果是我的話,alex

[26:49.87]Yeah, you'd be really hot to kiss me with tongue then, wouldn't you? 你還會(huì)如此輕松嗎?




[27:02.72]Dr. Bailey's scrubbing in, so we're going to get started. Dr. Bailey來(lái)了

[27:05.72]OK. Hey, George, listen, did you find her? 我們就開始

[27:06.57]Okay. Hey,george.


[27:13.93]I'm very sorry, Stu. They said she was on vacation. 非常對(duì)不起.stu.

[27:17.96]Oh, yeah? 他們說(shuō)她去度假了.


[27:21.47]Maybe her parents. 也許是她的父母.

[27:23.37]I bet you she went up to New Hampshire. That's where she's from. 我和你打賭她去 new hampshire了.

[27:27.01]- I'm going to push the joy juice. - Up, up and away. 那是她故鄉(xiāng).


[27:29.71]Maybe you can see her after your surgery. When you recover. Ooh.開始吧


[27:33.11]It's all good, man. 當(dāng)你康復(fù)后,也許那個(gè)時(shí)候

[27:35.25]Thanks for trying. 沒問(wèn)題

[27:37.45]It really meant a lot to... 謝謝你的幫忙'.

[27:38.35]對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)意義重大 大家等一下.

[27:41.79]- (woman) Hold on, we have a problem. - He's crashing? Dr. Bailey?



[27:46.29]- (rapid beeping) - (Bailey) O'Malley, start CPR. Dr. Bailey.


[27:50.93](Bailey) Push epi. 推epi.

[28:02.34]- You'll need to notify the family. - What happened? 你需要通知家里

[28:05.08]There'll be an autopsy. Sometimes people get on the table and they just die. 發(fā)生什么了?



[28:09.32]There's no way of knowing beforehand, or of controlling it. 病人送上手術(shù)臺(tái)的時(shí)候,就死了.


[28:12.49]But he fell five stories and lived. It doesn't make any sense. 也沒辦法控制.


[28:15.86]He survived, so I could go and find Daisy 這說(shuō)不過(guò)去啊.

[28:18.12]and then she didn't even want to see him. So what's the point? 他活下來(lái)了,



[28:21.33]We're all part of the cosmic joke, O'Malley. Now leave me alone. 那么重點(diǎn)是什么?



[28:27.00]- Oh, Dr. Bailey... - What? Oh,dr. Bailey.

[28:29.40]Mr. Sorrento doesn't want me to tell his wife that she's dying. 干嗎?

[28:30.16]Mr. Sorrento 不想我

[28:33.24]- You haven't told her yet? - No. 告訴她老婆她就要死了.

[28:35.21]OK, I didn't hear you say that. You're her doctor. 她還沒告訴她呢?



[28:38.65]It's your responsibility to give patients the information necessary 你是她的醫(yī)生.



[28:42.32]to make an informed decision. Now, I'm hungry. I'm tired. You're in my way. 所有必要的信息




[28:48.79]- (Burke) Can you see the echo? - A dissection isn't subtle. 從這里可以看到回波嗎?

[28:51.93]Did you see that wing span? And the pectus carinatum? 那解剖不是很精細(xì)


[28:54.73]- What about his palate? - The definition of high arched. 還有其他的



[29:07.84]- You're being wooed, aren't you? - Excuse me? 你被人追逐,對(duì)吧?

[29:10.91]The fellowship. LA Med, Chicago Central, they're wooing you. 什么?



[29:15.05]You're fielding offers, looking at bonuses, letting yourself be wooed. 他們正對(duì)你展開攻勢(shì)



[29:18.85]- No, Chief... - No, it's fine, it's fine. 你想被這樣追逐

[29:19.93]沒有,頭兒,我沒有, 那沒什么

[29:21.62]Go be a hotshot somewhere else. But tell me... 真的沒什么



[29:28.96]how could you do this to me? 你怎么能對(duì)我這么做?

[29:31.40]You know, I'm hurt. 我是說(shuō)..你知道,我受傷了

[29:34.77]Really hurt. 很受傷.

[29:36.70]After all I've done for you. 在我為你做了那么多事情之后

[29:38.61]You're gifted, and you're ungrateful. And that's all I'm saying. 你是天才,同時(shí)也不領(lǐng)情,


[29:44.08]I'm pregnant, you blind moron. 我懷孕了,你這個(gè)瞎白癡

[29:49.15]You're what? 你什么?

[29:50.38]My heart rate is 110. I'm burning 3,000 calories a day. 我心率110,

[29:54.03]我一天燃燒 3,000卡路里,

[29:55.76]My legs are swollen. I've got indigestion and gas. 我的腿腫脹

[29:59.49]Did you know that carrying a boy in your uterus means you burn 10***** more calories 我還消化不良,經(jīng)常放屁



[30:04.06]than if you had a girl? Guess what I'm carrying. 那意味著你將多燃燒10%的卡路里


[30:07.07]I try for seven damn years, and a month before my fellowship notifications, 猜猜我需要背什么.



[30:11.60]the stick turns blue. Men. 的前一個(gè)月


[30:15.61]From the very beginning they just suck the life right out of you. 人啊.


[30:18.91]I'm not leaving. I'm pregnant. 他們就要折磨




[30:22.68]Um... Um...

[30:25.02]Congratulations. 恭喜

[30:29.56](Burke) Dr. Yang, you're handling the saw. Dr. Yang...你來(lái)處理這個(gè)鋸.

[30:40.27]Thank you, Dr. Burke. Thank you,dr. Burke.

[30:46.67]You won't let me pick the wine, but this you'll let me do? 你竟然不讓我挑酒

[30:49.44](Burke laughs) 但是這個(gè)就是你讓我做的?

[30:50.51]- Are we all set for bypass? - Almost there. 旁路設(shè)置好了嗎?


[30:58.59](& Nouvelle Vague: I Melt With You)

[31:13.67]So, apparently we both live in this elevator. 那么...很顯然我們都在這電梯里.

[31:21.14]Meredith. Meredith...

[31:24.01]You could at least acknowledge I exist. 你至少應(yīng)該

[31:27.35](Chiming) 接受我存在的事實(shí).

[31:35.56]Hello, Dr. Grey. hello,dr. Grey.

[31:37.52]Hello. Hello.

[31:40.63]- You ready to go? - I was on my way.



[31:55.31](Burke) Well, it took three hours, but the surgery went perfectly. 花了3個(gè)鐘頭

[31:58.85]All we have to do now is wait and see how he's doing when he wakes up. 但是手術(shù)很成功


[32:02.25]- Why did this happen? - Almost every patient with Marfan's 就是等著看他醒來(lái)之后會(huì)怎樣.


[32:05.32]has an aorta that fails. It's just a matter of when. 幾乎所有marfan的病人


[32:08.39]I guess it's lucky you two were having dinner at the next table. 只是時(shí)間的問(wèn)題.



[32:13.79]It was. 的確.

[32:16.90]Take care. 保重.

[32:19.00]And we can treat it with surgery and chemo, but... 我們可以治療



[32:31.88]We're supposed to go to Venice at the end of the month. 我們打算在這個(gè)月底

[32:35.18]- Do you know the story? - No. 去威尼斯啊.

[32:37.48]They say if you ride a gondola under the Bridge of Sighs, 知道那故事嗎?



[32:41.15]you're together for eternity. 在嘆息之橋下面經(jīng)過(guò),


[32:45.36]- You didn't tell Jed, did you? - Excuse me? 你沒告訴jed,對(duì)吧?

[32:48.13]He's always been so worried that I'd go first. 嗯?


[32:51.93]You don't want him to know? 會(huì)比他先走一步


[32:54.57]You're young. I don't expect you to understand an old broad like me. 你年輕.


[32:59.24]You can't have a relationship built on a lie. Can you? 像我這樣的老人的想法.


[33:03.41]Honey, it's not a lie. 能嗎?


[33:06.58]It's our future. 那是我們的未來(lái)

[33:11.02]I've been with the love of my life for 60 years, and now I'm dying. 我和我終生的摯愛



[33:20.59]We're going to Venice. 我們還要去威尼斯呢.

[33:23.83]We're getting in that gondola. 我們要坐那小船.

[33:36.64](Savvy) When Addy told me she was coming here, I had such a good feeling. 當(dāng)addie告訴我



[33:41.95](Savvy) You guys are going to make it. You were always meant to be. 你們會(huì)重修舊好

[33:45.42]A couple of clams on the half shell. Couple of peas in the pod. 你們總是這樣



[33:50.36]- We're working on the pod part. - It's about choices. 豆莢里的一堆小豌豆


[33:53.16]Well, here's to taking life in your own hands. 這是關(guān)于選擇.


[33:56.30]Cheers. Cheers. 干杯 干杯

[33:57.83]Yeah. And here's to bull. And here's to crap.



[34:03.84](Weiss) And here's to oophorectomy, 還有為了卵巢切除手術(shù)...天啊.

[34:06.01]hysterectomy, double bilateral mastectomy. 子宮切除手術(shù)

[34:08.81]Please. Stop. 乳房切除手術(shù)

[34:10.21]- How smart am I to know those words? - Stop. 求你別說(shuō)了


[34:12.71](Weiss) Here's to breast reconstruction, nipple reconstruction. 別說(shuō)了



[34:18.58]Here's to losing your wife. 為了失去你的妻子

[34:21.12]Here's to being the ass who can't be supportive. 為了作為一個(gè)沒人支持


[34:24.99]Here's to that. 為了所有的這些

[34:29.13](Contented sigh) Ahh.

[34:45.08](Derek) Weiss? Weiss.

[34:46.71]Don't talk to me. Keep walking. 別理我

[34:48.95]You should get some sleep, sober up so you're ready for Savvy's surgery. 離開這里



[34:52.69]Come on, I'll drive you. 為了 savvy的手術(shù)

[34:54.45]Oh. 來(lái)吧,我開車送你

[34:56.52]I'm supposed to hold her hand while they rip her apart? Oh...


[34:59.36]That's the definition of love? 當(dāng)他們切下她的零件的時(shí)候?


[35:02.50]- You can do this. - Maybe I can't. 你可以


[35:08.13]- Maybe I just like to screw my wife. - Weiss. 也許我只是一個(gè)

[35:11.14]And that's what she'll think if I'm not there. 喜歡強(qiáng)迫妻子的男人.


[35:13.61]You're going to be there. 如果我不在那里



[35:16.98]This from a guy who packed his bags in the middle of the night 這是來(lái)自一個(gè)

[35:20.05]and drove 3,000 miles to live in a trailer. 在午夜里


[35:22.72]Yeah, well, what am I doing with Addison now? 而且開了3,000英里



[35:26.72]Hm? I'm trying to work it out. Hmm?


[35:30.56]I don't know, am I out of my mind? I don't know, you tell me. 我不知道,我是瘋了嗎?



[35:41.67]It's about the ring. 這是關(guān)于戒指

[35:44.84]It's about the vows. 關(guān)于誓言.

[35:48.71]Savvy didn't screw around with you with your best friend. Savvy沒到處鬼混

[35:52.31]She's looking for support. 和你最好的朋友.


[35:55.48]If you don't give that to her now, if you don't give her that support, 如果你現(xiàn)在不給她,


[36:01.75]then what the hell am I doing? 那么我tmd在做什么呢?

[36:14.53]You didn't tell her, did you? 你沒告訴她吧?

[36:20.14]No. I didn't tell her. 沒有,我沒告訴她.

[36:50.10]- I thought he cheated fate. - Maybe he did cheat fate. 我以為他在欺騙命運(yùn).

[36:53.57]He died. 也許他的確是.

[36:55.14]I think you can't wait for someone to fly underneath you and save your life. 他死了



[37:00.31]I think you have to save yourself. 然后挽救你的生命


[37:04.88]You mean the pigeons aren't going to come? 你是說(shuō)那些鴿子會(huì)來(lái)嗎?

[37:09.79]The pigeons aren't going to come. 鴿子不會(huì)來(lái)了

[37:14.76]Hold still. 別動(dòng)

[37:16.56](Both giggle)

[37:18.30]Come on, make sure you get both sides. 來(lái)啊,確定你兩邊都拍到了.

[37:20.73]You know these are going to be next year's holiday cards. 你知道這些會(huì)成為

[37:24.14]I want them to be immortalized before they're gone. 明天的假期卡片.


[37:27.27]And this way, Weiss gets to look at them whenever he wants. 在他們離開我之前



[37:33.21]These are going to be great. 非常棒

[37:35.28]- We're scheduled to go in at eight? - Yeah. 我們預(yù)定在8點(diǎn)嗎?

[37:37.88]I'm taking you down to the pre-op in just a few minutes. Yeah.



[37:45.02]Weiss will show up, Addy, he always does. Weiss會(huì)來(lái)的,addie.

[37:49.16]Sav, as your doctor you know I'm 100***** on your side. 他肯定會(huì)


[37:53.77]But as your friend, are you absolutely sure about this? 作為你的醫(yī)生,你知道



[37:58.20](Sighs) 你絕對(duì)確定這個(gè)嗎?

[38:00.47]I know what I'm losing. 我知道我會(huì)失去什么

[38:02.84]I get it. 我明白.

[38:04.71]But think about what I'm gaining. 但是想想

[38:07.58]My life. 我得到了什么-我的生命.

[38:09.45]This gives me a shot. 這個(gè)會(huì)給我一個(gè)--

[38:11.55]A shot at the future. A shot at me and Weiss 機(jī)會(huì)得到未來(lái),


[38:15.32]becoming this crazy old wrinkled couple that argues all the time. 變成瘋狂的,



[38:23.63]I mean, wouldn't you want that? 我是說(shuō)...


[38:28.43]A chance to grow old with Derek? 一個(gè)和derek一起變老的機(jī)會(huì)?

[38:32.14]Yeah. Yeah.

[38:35.01]Yeah, I do. 是啊,我想

[38:41.88]- Oh, God. - Oh, Sav. Oh,天啊.Sav,sav.

[38:44.65](Meredith) Maybe Romeo and juliet were fated to be together, 也許羅密歐和茱莉葉

[38:48.12]but just for a while. 命運(yùn)注定會(huì)在一起,


[38:50.69]And then their time passed. 然后他們的時(shí)間就過(guò)去了

[38:53.96]If they could have known that beforehand, 如果他們無(wú)法預(yù)知

[38:56.83]maybe it all would have been OK. 未來(lái)會(huì)如何


[38:59.47]Here's the thing. I like your rack. 是這樣的

[39:01.90]What is wrong with you? Why do you have to be so... What is wrong with you? 我喜歡你的胸部.



[39:07.17]I like your rack. I'd want them around if I could have them. Trust me, I would. 天,你到底怎么了?!



[39:11.18]But it wouldn't be the end of the world if you got rid of them. 如果我能的話


[39:12.08]但是如果你要切除的話 也并不意味著就是世界末日.

[39:14.55]Because really, I'd want you. 因?yàn)?真的...


[39:21.65]Ow! What was that for? Ow.

[39:25.52]I told Mrs. Snyder that when I was grown up, 為啥打俺啊?

[39:26.31]我告訴mrs. Snyder

[39:27.96]I'd take my fate into my own hands. 當(dāng)我長(zhǎng)大之后


[39:35.40]I wouldn't let some guy drag me down. 我不會(huì)讓其他什么人左右我的生活

[39:40.54](& Anya Marina: Miss Halfway)

[39:55.12]Mrs. Snyder said I'd be lucky if I ever had that kind of passion with someone. Mrs. Snyder說(shuō)我很幸運(yùn)


[40:00.03]And that if I did, we'd be together forever. 有如此的激情



[40:04.56](Burke) We never really got our date. 我猜我們永遠(yuǎn)也沒有真正約會(huì)了.

[40:06.77]Are you kidding? That was the best date I've ever been on. 你開玩笑呢


[40:19.31]Even now, I believe that for the most part, love is about choices. 即使現(xiàn)在,



[40:35.19]He's not coming, is he? hey.他不會(huì)來(lái)了,對(duì)嗎?


[40:45.57](Weiss) You're shaking. 你在發(fā)抖

[40:50.88](Sobs) You're here. 你終于來(lái)了

[40:55.61]It's about putting down the poison and dagger 那是關(guān)于你

[40:58.02]and making your own happy ending, most of the time. 放下毒藥和匕首



[41:06.39]I'm going to get started now. Are you ready? 現(xiàn)在我要準(zhǔn)備開始了

[41:10.63]Yeah. 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?

[41:12.97]Ready. Yeah...


[41:23.78]And that sometimes, despite all your best choices 而有些時(shí)候

[41:27.31]and all your best intensions, fate wins anyway. 無(wú)論你做了多完美的選擇



[41:45.36]I miss you. 我想你.

[42:08.95]I can't. 我不能

[42:13.96]Grey's Anatomy 208 Let It Be 完

[42:16.16]Grey's Anatomy攜手ER,House醫(yī)務(wù)劇集三巨頭


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