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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:34:01
[00:00.20]緋聞女孩在此 為您提供曼哈頓上流社會(huì)的一手丑聞
[00:03.02]Into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite.
[00:06.00]You're one of my oldest friends. 我們是老朋友
[00:07.46]That's certainly not how it felt when you kissed me at eleanor's. 你在Eleanor家吻我的時(shí)候可不是
[00:10.01]He proposed before we left,and i'm going to say yes. 他走前向我求婚了 我準(zhǔn)備答應(yīng)
[00:13.10]I'm sure you'll make a beautiful bride. 你一定是個(gè)漂亮的新娘
[00:14.92]Last night was strange but very fun. 昨晚有點(diǎn)怪 不過很有意思
[00:17.02]Didn't we just say good-bye? 我們說再見了嗎?
[00:18.52]Somehow,you screwing blair for sport is my fault! 給你空子玩弄Blaire是我的錯(cuò)!
[00:20.51]All right,i know how long you and i have been best friends,okay? 我們那么深的交情 算了吧
[00:22.30]No,it's not okay. 不 不可能
[00:23.16]From now on,you stay away from me. 現(xiàn)在開始 你離我遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)
[00:24.62]Georgina. Georgina.
[00:25.61]What are you doing here? 你來這干嗎?
[00:26.51]I told you i was coming. 我跟你說過的
[00:27.58]Dan of all people cannot know georgie. 不能讓別人知道Georgie
[00:30.06]How about,um,dinner tonight with sarah instead? 今晚跟sarah一起吃飯?
[00:33.11]Oh,sarah again. 又是sarah
[00:33.92]What is she,your new girlfriend or something? 她誰啊 你的新女友?
[00:35.32]She's new in town,and she does want to meet you. 她是新來的 想要認(rèn)識(shí)你
[00:36.97]I'm sarah. 我是sarah
[00:38.72]What do you want from me? 你到底要怎么樣
[00:39.95]I want things to go back to how they were before that night,before things got so screwed up. 我只想回那晚之前 一切沒發(fā)生之前
[00:44.48]What's georgina got on you? Georgina有你什么把柄?
[00:45.97]What's so bad you can't even tell me? 到底什么事 連我都不能說?
[00:47.92]If you put the camera over there,she'll never know. 把相機(jī)放那 她不會(huì)發(fā)覺的
[00:50.59]You can tell me anything. 你什么都能跟我說
[00:52.17]I killed someone. 我殺過人
[00:56.76]And who am i?
[00:58.39]That's a secret i'll never tell.
[01:01.86]You know you love me.
[01:03.82]X.o.x.o.,gossip girl. 流言蜚女 第一季 第17集
[01:08.19]In our modern age,when you can call someone and can't find them,you can pretty much be sure they'll get the message. 在當(dāng)代 如果打電話找不到某人 那也能給他發(fā)短信
[01:15.52]Hey,s.,it's georgie. 嗨 s 是Georgie
[01:17.81]Listen,i know it's early,but i thought i'd... 可能有點(diǎn)早 不過我想...
[01:20.85]So this is my third call. 我已經(jīng)打了3個(gè)電話了
[01:22.21]Where are you? 你在哪?
[01:23.17]It's me again. 又是我
[01:24.44]I've left you a couple messages,and you haven't called me back. 我給你留了很多言了 你都沒回我
[01:27.67]I think we should hang out today. 我們今天該出去兜兜
[01:29.32]Friends hang out. 朋友們?cè)摮鋈ザ刀?br /> [01:30.26]Maybe you've lost your cell phone. 你大概丟了手機(jī)
[01:32.36]Can't wait to see you. 等不及見你了
[01:34.72]But if they don't call you back,it usually means they don't want to be found. 如果他們不回電 就意味著不想被你找到
[01:49.62]Hey,do you think "track me down" should come before or after "everytime"? "track me down" 該放在"everytime"前面還是后面?
[01:53.79]Is the "rolling stone" thing tonight? 今晚演滾石的?
[01:55.10]I guess i really am in one of the top ten forgotten bands of the '90s. 我肯定算是被遺忘的90年代十大樂隊(duì)之一
[01:58.00]It's true. 真的
[01:58.87]I forgot. 我忘了
[01:59.93]Yeah,but a lot of people remember. 但很多人都記得
[02:01.14]There's a reason that issue was one of the highest selling of the year. 那年這可是創(chuàng)下銷量第一的
[02:04.47]And i'm proud,dad. 很為你驕傲 爸爸
[02:05.73]I really am. 真的
[02:06.58]You got your follow-up article and a concert,surely followed by an overpriced cd 你有衍生產(chǎn)品 開演唱會(huì)
[02:10.70]sold at corporate coffeehouses for gen xers without taste buds... Or taste. 然后把高價(jià)CD賣給那些沒品位的人
[02:14.33]Hey,it' s gonna be cool. 那很酷
[02:15.48]I mean,they're even filming it for vh1. vh1還柏下來了 (VH1:美國一搖滾電視臺(tái))
[02:17.26]Vh1 classics. Vh1經(jīng)典
[02:18.33]The "classic" is kind of important. 經(jīng)典很重要
[02:20.55]I'm classic. 我很經(jīng)典
[02:22.93]Uh-oh,no retort. 沒話說了吧
[02:24.48]Signs of a sleepless night. 你好象沒睡好啊
[02:26.69]Disinterest in making your father feel old and irrelevant... 竟然沒興趣嘲弄你爸爸了...
[02:30.61]That can only mean one thing-- girl trouble. 只有一個(gè)可能性---跟女朋友怎么了
[02:32.64]Yeah,serena and i,we had a fight last night-- this new kind we keep having where Serena和我昨晚吵了 以前沒有過
[02:38.21]she says something,and i know it's not the whole truth. 她不肯說實(shí)話
[02:40.24]Well,have you asked her what's really on her mind? 你問她到底怎么了嗎?
[02:42.34]Only about 10,000 times,yeah. 只問了大概1萬次
[02:44.20]Yeah,but did you really mean it? 你認(rèn)真地問的嗎?
[02:45.48]Most times,when people don't offer the truth,it's because 人們不說實(shí)話 很多時(shí)候是怕
[02:47.54]they're afraid of what someone might think. 別人的看法
[02:49.00]And i don't know if you know this,but you can be a pretty judgmental guy. 我不知道 但你很會(huì)主觀行事
[02:52.21]So you're saying that i should learn to be someone else around her so she can be herself around me? 你是說要我裝成別人 她才可能放松警惕?
[02:55.92]I couldn't have said it better myself. 我可沒這么說
[02:59.65]Thank you,dad. 謝謝 爸爸
[03:01.47]I'm gonna go find her right now. 我現(xiàn)在就去找她
[03:03.15]See you tonight... 晚上見...
[03:04.98]Both of you. 叫她一起來
[03:15.46]And here i thought i had your schedule memorized. 我記得今天你當(dāng)班
[03:17.70]I switched shifts and just got off. 我換班了
[03:19.43]I'm dan's dad's roadie for the day,so i gotta bail in,like,five. 今天我要去Dan爸爸那里 所以5點(diǎn)就逃了
[03:22.65]Um,although i don't mind the stalking... 不過我不介意被跟蹤...
[03:26.29]When are you gonna ask me on a real date? 你什么時(shí)候正式約我?
[03:29.67]Uh... 哦...
[03:30.84]Hold that thought. 等等
[03:31.96]Sorry. 對(duì)不起
[03:32.82]Hello? 你好?
[03:36.93]Yeah. 是
[03:38.38]Yeah,okay,i'll be right there. 好的 我馬上到
[03:42.86]Look,i'm sorry. 真對(duì)不起
[03:43.83]I-i gotta go. 我得走了
[03:44.65]So i heard. 我聽到了
[03:45.52]No,no,no. 不不
[03:46.18]It's not what you think. 不是你想的那樣
[03:47.21]It's just... 只是...
[03:47.81]What are you doing tonight? 你今晚什么安排?
[03:50.06]Uh,me,lincoln hawk,a dirty van and a lot of cables? 我就跟“英雄” 面包車 電線在一起
[03:54.86]Can i meet you at the concert? 我去演唱會(huì)找你?
[03:56.23]Can you be there at 7:30? 你7:30到?
[03:57.51]It's a date. 是約會(huì)哦
[03:58.51]Finally. 終于
[03:59.55]Text me the address. 把地址發(fā)給我
[04:02.53]The guests will be checked into their suites as soon as they arrive. 客人到了會(huì)被領(lǐng)去客房
[04:05.49]The walk-through is at 2:00,and the rehearsal dinner starts promptly at 7:00 p.M. 走場(chǎng)在2點(diǎn) 預(yù)演餐7點(diǎn)整開始
[04:10.77]in The reid salon. 在Reid沙龍
[04:11.90]Oh,and don't forget. 別忘了 1小時(shí)后你們有滾石的約見
[04:12.71]You have your interview with "rolling stone" in one hour.
[04:14.75]The interview. 采訪
[04:15.86]How could we forget? 怎么會(huì)忘?
[04:18.05]Mm-hmm. 不好意思 Bass先生 Van der woodsen太太
[04:18.69]Hey,uh,excuse me,mr.Bass,ms.Van der woodsen. 快變了 謝謝
[04:20.12]Not for long,thank you very much.
[04:21.83]Morning,daniel. Daniel 早
[04:22.71]Morning. 早
[04:23.29]Good morning. 早上好
[04:23.85]Have either of you seen serena? 見過Serena嗎?
[04:24.58]She's not upstairs. 她不在樓上
[04:28.50]No. 不
[04:29.11]Sorry,daniel. 對(duì)不起 Daniel
[04:31.19]Okay. 好吧
[04:32.83]And her bed hasn't been slept in. 好象沒睡過的樣子
[04:34.67]Well,i knew housekeeping was hiring,but i had no idea their standards were so low. 雖然請(qǐng)了保姆 不過他們標(biāo)準(zhǔn)很低
[04:39.41]I hate that i have to ask you this,but have you seen serena? 真不想問你 不過 你見過Serena嗎?
[04:41.97]Oh,i've seen lots of serena. 見過很多Serena
[04:48.31]Are you drunk dialing again? 又喝醉拉?
[04:51.62]No,serena didn't come home last night. Serena昨晚沒回來
[04:54.82]I thought she was with you. 我以為她在你那
[05:22.28]Hey. 嘿
[05:44.46]Maybe this is blair's idea of a perverse double date. 大概是Blair想出來的 狂歡約會(huì)
[05:48.33]Miss blair asks that you should wait there. Blair小姐讓你們等在這
[05:50.48]She's on her way now. 她正在路上
[05:51.78]She's not even here? 她不在這?
[05:59.29]Well,this oughta be good. 這不錯(cuò)
[06:01.28]You're not calling me back,and you're not picking up. 你又不回電 又不接
[06:04.21]I thought you understood me,but maybe i should make myself a little more clear and come to you. 我以為你懂的 不過大概我該來找你
[06:09.80]We can talk about it over coffee. 喝杯咖啡談吧
[06:11.87]I brought it just the way you like it... 我?guī)砹?你喜歡的...
[06:14.49]Dark but sweet. 甜黑咖啡
[06:17.74]Oh,no. 不
[06:20.21]Hey,sarah! Sarah!
[06:23.22]Dan! Dan!
[06:24.32]Hey! 嗨!
[06:25.22]Oh,my gosh! 天啊!
[06:26.03]What a coincidence. 真巧
[06:27.60]Yeah.W-what are you doing here? 你在這干什么?
[06:28.78]Oh,um,i actually have an old friend from portland staying here. 我有個(gè)波蘭的朋友住這
[06:32.74]Oh,okay. 你在這干什么?
[06:33.31]What are you doing here? 我來找Serena
[06:34.28]Oh,i just--i came looking for serena,
[06:35.94]but she,uh,apparently didn't come home last night,so i-i'm just... 不過她昨晚沒回來...
[06:39.29]I don't know. 我不知道
[06:39.84]I'm trying to figure out what to think. 我在想怎么辦
[06:40.77]She's been--well,let's just say she's not been herself lately. 她最近不太對(duì)勁
[06:42.36]So i-i don't know. 我不知道
[06:43.85]I don't know. 不知道
[06:44.41]I don't know what to do exactly. 不知道怎么辦
[06:45.91]Why don't you try giving her a call again? 為什么不打電話給她?
[06:48.17]And when she sees it's you calling,she'll immediately pick up and tell you all about it. 看到你的電話她會(huì)接的
[06:56.53]Hey. 嗨
[06:58.03]Hey,i've been lookin' all over for ya. 我一直在找你
[06:59.67]Hey,is--is this dan? 是Dan?
[07:01.69]Who's this? 你是誰?
[07:02.45]My name's drew. 我叫Drew
[07:03.18]I'm the bartender at one oak. 是橡木酒吧的招待
[07:04.53]Some girl left this phone here last night. 昨晚一個(gè)女孩手機(jī)忘這了
[07:06.23]It's been ringing off the hook all morning. 今天早上一直在響
[07:07.63]You were the first number on the speed dial,so -- some girl? - 你是快速撥號(hào)的第一個(gè) - 女孩?
[07:09.70]What--what girl? 什么樣的?
[07:10.64]Tall,blonde. 高個(gè)子 金發(fā)
[07:11.74]Left here around 2:00 with 3 guys. 2點(diǎn)跟3個(gè)男人走了
[07:13.49]Skipped out on her tab,which was pretty substan -- hey. 沒付錢就走了
[07:17.88]What is it? 怎么了?
[07:19.33]Spotted--lonely boy on the upper east side learning the lesson that nothing stays missing for long. 新聞--孤獨(dú)男孩在東區(qū)學(xué)到一課 丟失的東西總會(huì)找到
[07:25.69]It's nothing. 沒什么
[07:26.71]Nothing. 沒什么
[07:28.67]Things always turn up,for better... 事情是會(huì)好轉(zhuǎn)...
[07:32.13]Well,is something actually wrong,or is this just some ploy to get us both here? 出什么事了 還是有什么陰謀?
[07:35.12]I meant what i said on the phone. 我電話里說的是認(rèn)真的
[07:36.52]I need your help. 需要你們的幫助
[07:38.10]We need your help. 我們需要你們的幫助
[07:45.16]Or for worse. 還是會(huì)惡化
[07:53.32]You okay? 你還好嗎?
[07:55.24]What's wrong with her? 她怎么了?
[07:56.19]Take her upstairs. 帶她上樓
[07:58.35]Dorota! Dorota!
[07:59.45]Coffee,fast. 咖啡 快點(diǎn)
[08:09.80]come on,serena. 來 serena
[08:11.43]We have to get her in the shower. 幫她洗個(gè)澡
[08:13.06]No,i just want to sleep. 不 我想睡覺
[08:14.37]Come on,come on. 這 過來
[08:15.49]Dorota,will you please get her a fresh change of clothes and a bathrobe? Dorota 拿件干凈衣服 和浴袍?
[08:19.15]Of course,miss blair. 好的 Blair小姐
[08:20.67]So we have every hangover cure known to man,plus bagels. 治療宿醉所有的藥 還有培果
[08:25.69]They should help soak up the alcohol and whatever else she took. 應(yīng)該有助于清理酒精 或者其他什么
[08:28.60]Thank you. 謝謝
[08:29.34]I'll take it from here. 我來拿
[08:31.30]Come on. 來
[08:35.99]Come on. 來
[08:37.35],it's cold! 很冷!
[08:38.29]It's cold! 冷死了!
[08:40.11]Just like old times. 跟以前一樣
[08:41.93]You know,why do i get the feeling you're actually enjoying this? 為什么讓人感覺你很享受?
[08:47.86]Call me sentimental. 算我不正常好了
[08:55.19]I may not need those bagels after all. 應(yīng)該不需要培果了
[08:56.88]What's going on with her? 她到底怎么了?
[08:58.34]She was here last night,scared. 她昨晚在這 嚇?biāo)懒?br /> [09:00.25]She... 她...
[09:01.68]She told me something totally crazy,but was too freaked out to find the words to explain it. 一切太瘋狂了 不過無沒辦法表達(dá)
[09:06.81]I went upstairs to find my mom's valium to calm her down,but when i got back,she was gone. 我上樓去找安定藥 下來的時(shí)候她就不見了
[09:12.27]It took me all night to find her. 我找了她整晚
[09:13.86]What exactly did she say to you? 她告訴你什么了?
[09:17.62]That's beside the point. 那不重要
[09:19.28]We're here to help serena,no matter what the problem is. 無論發(fā)生什么 我們都會(huì)幫Serena
[09:28.56]Hey,could you maybe read that somewhere else? 你能到別處去看嗎?
[09:35.80]I don't like the "post. 我不喜歡這海報(bào)
[09:37.67]" is that why you subscribe? 那你為什么訂?
[09:39.66]Another thing i don't like--my son depressed. 還一件事情我不喜歡 我兒子不高興
[09:42.58]I don't know if you've talked to him recently... 你們最近談過嗎...
[09:44.08]We've talked. 談過
[09:45.23]He and serena-- should i be worried? 他跟Serena-- 我需要擔(dān)心嗎?
[09:47.11]It's been a little bumpy lately,sure. 最近是有點(diǎn)問題
[09:49.18]I think the most recent bump is our friend sarah. 最大的問題應(yīng)該是Sarah
[09:51.13]Serena's a little jealous,but sarah's cool,so as soon as serena gets to know her,everything will be fine. Serena有點(diǎn)嫉妒 不過sarah很好 所以她了解sarah以后就會(huì)沒事了
[09:59.99]I love that picture of you! 我喜歡你那張照片!
[10:04.53]Yeah,me,too. 我也是
[10:07.93]Tell me where you took this photograph,what undoubtedly could be called the band's most well-known image? 你在哪拍的照片 這是樂隊(duì)最知名的照片了
[10:13.31]Uh,well,i wouldn't go that far. 不敢當(dāng)
[10:15.04]Well,i would. 只是問問
[10:15.77]It's positively iconic. 很不錯(cuò)的肖像
[10:17.81]Were you and rufus humphrey already involved when you took it? 你拍的時(shí)候跟Rufus Humphrey在戀愛嗎?
[10:20.58]Excuse me? 對(duì)不起?
[10:21.33]Rufus humphrey,lead singer of lincoln hawk. Rufus humphrey Lincoln Hawk的主唱
[10:23.75]Or... 還是...
[10:24.54]Was this before or after -- oh,well,i simply don't feel comfortable discussing anything other than my work. - 在這之前還是之后 - 除了工作 我什么都不想說
[10:29.03]I was talking about your work. 是在說你的工作
[10:30.63]Why'd you give up photography? 為什么放棄攝影?
[10:32.28]Was it too hard to continue shooting after you had broken his heart? 傷了他的心之后難以繼續(xù)了嗎?
[10:35.60]Um,just--just a moment,please. 等等
[10:41.30]You know,i see i'm interrupting,so i'll... 噢 我好象打擾你了...
[10:43.97]No,i have to say i have never been happier to see you,dan. 不 真高興見到你 Dan
[10:47.99]Oh. Oh.
[10:48.98]Well,i've been waiting downstairs for serena. 我在樓下等Serena
[10:50.98]I-i figured she has to come home... 我想她會(huì)回來...
[10:52.98]Sometime soon. 很快
[10:54.03]So have you heard from her? 她跟你聯(lián)系過嗎?
[10:55.92]Have you tried calling? 你打過電話嗎?
[10:57.51]Pretty sure she lost her phone. 她掉了電話
[10:59.10]Well,charles said he was going over to blair's to pick her up right after you left earlier. 你走后 Charles說要去Blair家接她
[11:02.70]Maybe try there. 去那看看
[11:03.74]Ah,yes. 好的
[11:04.61]"charles. Charles.
[11:05.79]" charles. Charles.
[11:06.45]Of course. 好的
[11:07.03]Thank you so much. 謝謝
[11:10.71]Listen,i really appreciate your coming all the way to the palace to conduct this interview, 你不遠(yuǎn)萬里來這里采訪我 很榮幸
[11:14.69]but i'm simply gonna have to ask you to leave because i have a wedding to attend--my own. 不過你得走了 我要出席婚禮了
[11:19.66]Do you think you were able to take such incredible photos of rufus humphrey because of 你能拍出那么好的照片
[11:23.25]how much you were in love with him? 是因?yàn)槟銗鬯麊?
[11:25.89]Well,i wasn't in-- in love with him... 我沒愛過他...
[11:30.24]That much. 沒那么愛
[11:33.78]Thank you for your time. 謝謝
[11:46.31]Dorota,can you bring the towels upstairs? Dorota 把毛巾拿上來?
[11:48.14]What's taking so long? 怎么那么久?
[11:50.56]Huh. 啊
[11:51.66]Guess i missed a chapter. 我好象錯(cuò)過了什么
[11:53.32]Or... 還是...
[11:54.33]Four. 別這樣...
[11:55.07]Don't,uh... 你們關(guān)系不太好吧?
[11:56.56]Don't all of you hate each other? 是的
[11:57.93]Yes. 當(dāng)然
[11:58.46]Absolutely. 不 真不錯(cuò) 值得心理學(xué)家研究下
[11:59.65]Well,that's fascinating and ripe for a psychiatrist's case study somewhere,but,um,
[12:04.09]i am looking for serena. 不過我在找Serena
[12:05.72]She's not here. 她不在
[12:08.16]I think she is. 她應(yīng)該在
[12:09.39]No,she just left. 她剛走
[12:10.43]You must've crossed paths. 你們大概錯(cuò)過了
[12:12.85]I-i-i don't believe you. 我不信
[12:15.03]Fine. 好
[12:16.67]I-i didn't want to have to tell you this,but... 真不想告訴你 不過...
[12:19.58]She doesn't want to see you. 她不想見你
[12:21.61]Come on. 好了
[12:22.55]Really? 真的?
[12:24.03]Yes. 是
[12:25.63]Really. 真的
[12:33.34]Serena! Serena!
[12:34.58]She's telling the truth. 她說的是真的
[12:35.83]Are you really gonna stop me from seeing my girlfriend? 你真不讓我見女朋友?
[12:43.33]Come on. 噢 朋友
[12:44.17]What are you doing? 好了 你們?cè)诟墒裁?
[12:49.70]S. S.
[12:50.55]It's okay. 沒事
[13:03.39]What's happening? 發(fā)生什么了?
[13:05.28]Dan... Dan...
[13:07.23]Something is going on,and i just want to be let in on what it is. 我知道有事 我只想知道
[13:11.35]It's hard to explain. 這很難解釋
[13:13.69]Why don't i make it easy for you? 還不明白?
[13:15.54]I know you're keeping something from me, 你有事瞞著我
[13:17.20]and i'm sick of being the only one you don't talk to about it. 我不想成為唯一不知情的
[13:19.73]I'm not talking to anyone. 我誰都沒告訴
[13:20.91]Then what are they doing here,while--while i get a call from a bartender who says you left a bar at 2:00 in morning with a bunch of guys? 那他們?cè)诟蓡?為什么我接了個(gè)招待的電話說你2點(diǎn)跟一群男人走了?
[13:27.87]What guys,serena? 什么男人 Serena?
[13:30.58]Who--who were they? 他們是誰?
[13:33.78]I don't know. 不知道
[13:37.08]Did something happen last night? 昨晚發(fā)生什么了?
[13:39.05]Please don't. 別這樣
[13:40.25]Is that--is that what you're so afraid to tell me,that you cheated on me? 你就那么害怕我知道?你背叛我了?
[13:46.67]Did you cheat on me last night? 昨晚有嗎?
[13:51.96]All i need is a yes or a no. 我只需要“是” 或者“不是”
[13:53.35]Did you sleep with someone else? 你跟別人睡了?
[13:59.21]Yes. 是的
[14:02.72]Yeah. 是的
[14:11.15]I'm done. 好了
[14:13.92]I'm done. 夠了
[14:36.85]Hey. 嘿
[14:37.81]Hey! 嘿!
[14:38.66]Did you find serena? 找到Serena了?
[14:42.21]Yeah,but i-i,uh,i kinda wish i hadn't. 是的 但我希望沒找到
[14:45.20]That doesn't sound so good. 好象不太好
[14:47.13]I'm just in the park. 我在公園
[14:48.52]Wanna meet me,maybe talk about it? 想見我嗎 可以談?wù)?
[14:51.06]I'm a pretty good listener. 我愿意聽聽
[14:54.47]Dan? Dan?
[14:59.63]Yeah. 好
[15:00.53]Yeah,i'd,uh,i'd like that. 好的 我知道了
[15:04.61]Well,i wanted cymbidiums,not hyacinth. 我要的是蘭花 不是風(fēng)信子
[15:07.18]And why did we choose fish? 為什么選魚?
[15:09.25]It's unseasonably warm. 最近季節(jié)有點(diǎn)反常地?zé)?br /> [15:10.55]You know,i knew we should've gone with the limoges instead of the lenox. 我們?cè)撟鳯imoges而不是Lenox (車名)
[15:14.83]What's the matter? 怎么了?
[15:15.99]You were fine this morning. 你早上還好好的
[15:17.13]Now you're finding fault with everything. 現(xiàn)在到處在挑刺
[15:18.69]Nothing. 沒什么
[15:19.27]Nothing at all. 沒什么
[15:19.95]I'm just... 只是...
[15:20.87]I've had three perfect weddings,and i want this one to be more perfect than perfect,that's all. 舉辦了3次婚禮 只想這次再好些
[15:26.41]Oh,finally. 終于來了
[15:29.00]So why are you still at blair's? 你怎么還在Blair家?
[15:30.81]You're supposed to be here. 你該回來
[15:31.75]Ms.Van der woodsen,it is dorota,ms.Waldorf's Van der woodsen太太 我是Dorota Waldorf家的
[15:35.57]-- i know who you are,dorota,but this is not a very good time. Dorota 我知道你是誰 不過現(xiàn)在不太好
[15:38.49]Oh,the wedding.I know. 婚禮 我知道
[15:40.63]Miss serena is here. serena小姐在這里
[15:42.67]Oh,yes,i know. 我知道
[15:43.44]I've heard several times today. 今天聽了好幾次了
[15:45.24]I know it's not my place,but... 我沒什么資格說 不過...
[15:48.12]Miss serena is... Serena小姐...
[15:49.72]Like the old days. 跟以前一樣
[15:51.68]What are you trying to say? 你想說什么?
[15:53.00]I think you should have worry about your daughter,worry like before she went away. 你該擔(dān)心下女兒 象她走之前那樣
[16:00.20]Well,um... 好了...
[16:01.59]Thank you,dorota. 謝謝 Dorota
[16:02.49]I'll take care of it. 我知道了
[16:08.60]I am so sorry,but i'm gonna have to go. 真對(duì)不起 我該走了
[16:12.15]Where do you have to go? 你要去哪?
[16:13.20]To do something i've done too many times before. 做些以前常做的
[16:15.67]Can i help you? 需要幫助嗎?
[16:16.44]No.Thank you. 不 謝謝
[16:17.35]I'll have to do it alone. 我自己會(huì)做好
[16:29.11]* but,oh * oh,your cities lies in dust * * whoa,oh **
[16:43.97]i can't believe i just did that. 真不相信 我做了什么
[16:45.94]Then why did you? 那為什么這么做?
[16:47.31]I mean,did you cheat on dan? 你真的背叛Dan了?
[16:48.63]No. 沒有
[16:49.21]I remember last night. 昨晚的事我記得
[16:50.22]I didn't do anything. 我什么都沒做
[16:51.12]Then why would you say that to him? 那你為什么那么說?
[16:52.57]Because i would rather dan think i cheated on him than know what i really did. 我情愿Dan以為我背叛他 而不知道我到底干了什么
[16:58.07]What you really did? 你到底干什么了?
[17:00.75]Dan puts me on a pedestal. Dan逼的我無路可走
[17:03.71]If he knew the truth,he would never look at me again. 他要知道真相 就再也不會(huì)理我了
[17:06.46]You're starting to scare even me. 連我都開始害怕了
[17:08.05]What did you do? 你到底干什么了?
[17:09.66]Come on. 好了
[17:10.21]You can tell us. 告訴我們
[17:13.00]We've seen you with vomit in your hair,making out with investment bankers in the men's room at p.j.clarke's. 你都吐到頭發(fā)上了 在p.j.clarke投資銀行男廁所里
[17:17.14]You don't have to hide anything from us. 別再隱瞞了
[17:18.72]She's right,serena. 沒錯(cuò) Serena
[17:19.53]I mean,none of us are saints. 我們都有錯(cuò)
[17:20.93]Yeah,i had sex with him in the back of a limo. 我跟他在limo后坐做愛
[17:23.11]Several times. 好幾次
[17:24.70]I had sex with you at a wedding while i was her date. 我跟她戀愛的時(shí)候 跟你做愛
[17:28.39]Once. 一次
[17:34.00]I'm chuck bass. 我是Chuck Bass
[17:38.39]You can tell us anything. 什么都能告訴我們
[17:40.46]We don't judge. 我們不會(huì)責(zé)怪你
[17:42.27]We're the non-judging breakfast club. 我們從來不主觀責(zé)怪別人
[17:45.77]We're your best friends. 我們是你最好的朋友
[17:48.18]Anything you do is something we did,too. 你做的 我們都做過
[17:59.06]If i tell you,it can never leave this room. 我告訴你們 你們告訴別人
[18:06.00]You all know georgina sparks. 你們都認(rèn)識(shí)Georgina Sparks
[18:08.43]Some of us better than others. 某些人很熟
[18:10.88]It's not like you didn't lose your virginity to her in seventh grade. 你不是7年紀(jì)的時(shí)候跟她上床了
[18:13.47]Sixth,actually,and i've been avoiding her ever since. 6年級(jí) 后來我就一直躲她
[18:15.71]The bitch is a psycho. 她是個(gè)瘋子
[18:16.76]What about her? 她怎么了?
[18:19.51]Well,something happened the night of the shepherd wedding. 那個(gè)婚禮的晚上的事情
[18:22.18]I think we're all aware of what happened that night. 我們都知道
[18:23.77]No,something else,something i've tried to escape,but georgina won't let me. 不是 別的事情 我想逃避 但是Georgina 不放過我
[18:28.89]And now she's blackmailing me. 現(xiàn)在她敲詐我
[18:30.58]Blackmailing you? 敲詐你?
[18:31.43]With what exactly? 用什么?
[18:33.34]Well... 實(shí)際上...
[18:34.63]It started when blair thought you and i had too much to drink. 剛開始Blair覺得你跟我喝多了
[18:38.34]She told us to go outside,get some air,sober up. 她告訴我們出去 呼吸下新鮮空氣
[18:42.01]Oh,if the happy couple didn't want to put up the cash for the premium bar, 如果新婚燕爾不想付吧臺(tái)費(fèi)
[18:45.50]they should've made their wedding b.y.o.b. 他們應(yīng)該自助式
[18:47.64]Instead,we went into the empty bar,i opened the bottle of champagne,and we... 我們進(jìn)了間空酒吧 開了瓶香賓...
[18:54.85]We can skip that part,okay? 跳過那段吧?
[18:56.72]Go ahead. 繼續(xù)
[18:57.79]I'll fill her in later. 我一會(huì)補(bǔ)充
[19:00.76]I left in a hurry. 我餓著離開了
[19:03.54]I felt so terrible,so guilty for what i had just done. 我覺得很內(nèi)疚 很糟糕
[19:09.41]I just--i had to get out of there. 我要離開
[19:11.16]i had plans to meet up after,so i headed straight to her. 我約了她
[19:14.86]Little did i know she had a surprise waiting for me. 可是我不知道 等待我的是
[19:28.59]She's gonna lose her mind. 她會(huì)瘋了的
[19:30.64]A genuine serena van der woodsen sex tape... Serena Van Der Woodsen性愛錄象...
[19:34.11]How are we gonna do this,exactly? 我們要怎么做?
[19:36.59]Well,if you put the camera over there,she'll never know. 你把相機(jī)放那里她不會(huì)發(fā)覺的
[19:45.84]Are you sure she's gonna be down for this? 真的管用嗎?
[19:48.36]It's serena. 她是serena
[19:49.99]She goes down foranything. 什么都管用
[19:55.53]Hey,baby. 寶貝
[19:57.04]How are the new mr.And mrs.Shepherd? Shepherd夫婦怎么樣?
[19:58.59]I didn't know it at the time,but she was taping me. 我不知道 她在拍我
[20:01.54]Lucky for me,i was--i was too stuck on what had just happened to be much fun for anyone. 幸運(yùn)的是 剛發(fā)生的我還沒回過神
[20:06.51]I can't believe i just did that. 真不相信 我竟然做了那種事
[20:08.38]Blair's my best friend. Blair是我最好的朋友
[20:09.64]What--what sort of person does that to her best friend? 什么樣的人才是她最好的朋友?
[20:11.97]All right,this is a therapy session,g. 這是心理咨詢 G.
[20:14.02]You promised a party. 你說是開舞會(huì)
[20:15.24]So break out the favors. 那把那個(gè)拿來
[20:24.30]Thank you. 謝謝
[20:25.56]I don't-- i don't feel so good. 我感覺不好
[20:31.52]she always gets frisky after she hurls 她吃后總會(huì)很興奮
[20:38.73]No,pete. 不 Pete
[20:39.50]I'm not in the mood,okay? 我沒那心情 好不?
[20:40.86]Come on. 來吧
[20:44.89]I'm--i'm too hot. 我太熱了
[20:45.79]Oh,you are too hot. 你真熱辣
[20:46.51]No,it's--it's hot. 很熱
[20:47.71]Why is it so hot in here? 這里怎么那么熱?
[21:21.00]What is it? 干什么?
[21:23.16]I can't. 不要
[21:23.98]Yes. 別
[21:24.55]Yes,you can. 你可以的
[21:27.63]I'm scared. 我很害怕
[21:29.35]We're right here. 我們跟你在一起的
[21:36.93]You know,i can't. 你知道 我不能
[21:37.75]I can't. 我不能
[21:38.29]I can't do this,pete. 我不能這么做Pete
[21:39.51]Okay? 好嗎?
[21:40.37]I can't. 我不能
[21:42.28]Yeah,how about,um... 要不...
[21:44.21]How about we do a couple lines first,okay? 先吸點(diǎn)藥怎么樣?
[21:45.86]Whatever,baby. 隨便吧 寶貝
[21:51.82]Here. 給
[21:52.72]Go ahead. 你繼續(xù)吧
[22:06.57]Pete? Pete?
[22:07.73]Pete,are you okay? Pete你還好嗎?
[22:09.43]Pete,what's happening? Pete怎么了?
[22:10.27]Are you okay? 你還好嗎?
[22:11.15]Georgie. Georgie
[22:12.23]Georgie! Georgie!
[22:12.67]Georgina! Georgina!
[22:15.83]What? 什么事?
[22:16.56]Why are you screaming? 干嗎叫這么大聲?
[22:20.27]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[22:21.56]I'm calling 9-1-1. 撥9-1-1.
[22:22.87]You--you can't! 你不能!
[22:24.70]There's drugs everywhere. 毒品到處都是
[22:25.78]We could get in so much trouble. 那樣我們會(huì)有更多的麻煩
[22:26.72]We can get arrested. 我們會(huì)被抓的
[22:27.79]We have to go. 我們必須得走了
[22:28.65]No! 不!
[22:29.11]We can't leave him! 我們不能留下他!
[22:29.96]We have to. 我們不得不這樣
[22:30.56]Get everything out that has you on it. 把你所有的東西都帶上
[22:31.57]Go. 走
[22:40.16]Where's his phone? 他的電話在哪?
[22:41.21]Where's his phone? 他的電話呢?
[22:43.97]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[22:44.75]- I'm calling. - 9-1-1 emergency. - 我在撥 - 9-1-1 求救
[22:46.08]Hi,uh,we have an emergency. 我們遇到了緊急情況
[22:47.81]Uh,can you send someone right away to the eastview hotel? 你能派人來下Eastview酒店嗎?
[22:50.09]Room,uh,1411,please. 1411號(hào)房間 拜托了
[22:52.38]There's a guy. 這里有個(gè)人
[22:53.13]He's having seizures. 他出了點(diǎn)狀況
[22:53.97]I don't know what's wrong. 我不知道怎么回事
[22:54.90]Get off the phone! 掛掉電話!
[22:55.75]- We have to go! - Ma'am,i'm gonna need your name and,uh... - 我們得走了! - 我需要你留個(gè)名字...
[22:58.46]So georgina told me we had to split up. Georgina告訴我 我跟她得分開
[23:00.90]Then she said that people might be looking for us. 然后他說 有人可能會(huì)找我們
[23:03.86]But i-i couldn't go. 但是我不能走
[23:06.11]I just couldn't. 我不能
[23:08.84]So i-i waited near the hotel,across the street. 所以我在酒店附近的街道上等著
[23:12.86]All i wanted was to see the paramedics helping pete. 我只想看著醫(yī)護(hù)人員救救Pete
[23:18.16]But that's not what i saw. 但是卻事與愿違
[23:23.73]I didn't know what to do. 我不知所措
[23:25.52]I-i just knew i had to leave right away. 我知道我必須得離開了
[23:28.93]I-i took a train heading north,and i got a room and convinced my mom that boarding school was a good idea,and... 我搭了火車 找到了住處 然后去了寄宿學(xué)校...
[23:36.43]Never said good-bye. 不曾說再見
[23:39.93]It makes sense now. 我能理解
[23:42.38]But what does she even want from you? 但是她到底想從你這里得到什么?
[23:45.18]Well,when she came back,i-i told her that i moved on from the lifestyle 當(dāng)她回來的時(shí)候 我告訴了她我不再像以前那樣生活了
[23:49.01]that she was still in,but she didn't like that. 但是她卻堅(jiān)持 她不喜歡我現(xiàn)在這樣
[23:52.13]So somehow,she became friends with dan and--and vanessa and--and called herself "sarah. 不知道她怎么會(huì)認(rèn)識(shí)Dan-還有Vanessa--她自稱Sarah
[23:57.57]" why don't you just tell dan about her? 你為什么不告訴Dan有關(guān)她的情況呢?
[24:00.44]Because she has that tape of me,and she'll use it. 因?yàn)樗心潜P錄象帶 她會(huì)用的
[24:03.80]It's practically a snuff film. 上面有吸毒的鏡頭
[24:05.98]We need to find her. 我們得找到她
[24:07.74]No. 不
[24:08.31]Please. 求你們了
[24:09.67]Promise me,please. 拜托你們 答應(yīng)我
[24:11.81]Promise me you won't do anything. 答應(yīng)我 你們不會(huì)做什么的
[24:14.28]Because if you do,then she'll show dan... 因?yàn)槿绻銈冏隽?她就會(huì)把錄象放給Dan...
[24:19.90]** if he even ever speaks to me again. 他永遠(yuǎn)都不會(huì)理我了
[24:24.78]Watch out,s. 當(dāng)心了 S
[24:26.16]Just because you finally tell the truth doesn't mean there won't be consequences. 不會(huì)因?yàn)槟阏f出了真相 就不會(huì)有下文
[24:30.60]God. 天啊
[24:31.45]What have i done? 我都干了些什么?
[24:48.80]** sylvia.How are you? Sylvia 你好嗎?
[24:49.92]I'm wonderful. 我很好
[24:51.29]Good to see you again. 真高興見到你
[24:52.48]So good to see you,too. 我也一樣
[24:58.60]** thanks for coming with me,b. 謝謝你能陪我來 B
[24:59.98]I'm really not feeling up to being social. 我現(xiàn)在出席社交場(chǎng)合感覺不太好
[25:01.87]Of course. 當(dāng)然
[25:03.35]Excuse me. 失陪一下
[25:06.95]You were supposed to be home hours ago. 你幾個(gè)小時(shí)前就該回家了
[25:08.71]Come with me. 跟我來
[25:09.47]I-i'm--i'm sorry,mom. 媽媽 我很抱歉
[25:10.57]And you look beautiful. 你看起來很漂亮
[25:12.01]I hope you don't mind. 我希望你不要介意
[25:13.21]I asked blair to come tonight. 我叫Blair一起來的
[25:14.51]What happened to you last night? 昨天晚上發(fā)生了什么?
[25:15.94]Why didn't you come home? 你為什么沒回家?
[25:16.99]Why was dan looking for you all morning? 為什么Dan 找了你一上午?
[25:18.82]And why did i get a call informing me that you were on drugs? 為什么我接到電話 說你磕藥了?
[25:22.03]I wasn't on drugs. 我沒有嗑藥
[25:23.25]Don't lie to me. 別撒謊
[25:24.56]I saw that little home movie that you and your friends made. 我看了你朋友錄的小電影
[25:28.88]You--you watched that? 你看了那個(gè)?
[25:30.31]Well,only part of it. 是的 只看了一部分
[25:31.55]I stopped when that guy had his tongue down your throat. 我看到你和一個(gè)家伙舌吻的時(shí)候就停了
[25:34.30]But i can pretty much guess how it ends. 但是我也能想到結(jié)果是什么樣的
[25:36.72]No,it--it--it was just a joke. 不 這只是個(gè)惡作劇
[25:37.98]We were kidding. 我們?cè)陂_玩笑
[25:38.63]It's not what it looked like. 不是你看的那樣
[25:39.57]You know what? 你知道?
[25:40.16]You are out of control. 你已經(jīng)失去控制了
[25:41.37]I always knew you had a wild side. 我一直都知道你有野性的一面
[25:44.40]But how can you look at yourself? 但是你怎么不看看自己?
[25:46.44]What have you become? 你都變成什么樣子了?
[25:50.46]I thought we were past all of this,serena. 我還以為我們已經(jīng)度過困難時(shí)期了 Serena
[25:53.24]I thought you were doing so well. 我還以為你做得很好
[25:55.31]I have nothing left but to send you to reformatory school. 我不得不送你去感化院
[25:58.02]What do you think about that? 你怎么會(huì)想到那個(gè)?
[26:07.68]What's wrong? 怎么了?
[26:09.17]What happened? 發(fā)生什么了?
[26:20.90]Hey,guys. 嘿 伙計(jì)們
[26:21.69]Sorry to interrupt. 抱歉打擾了
[26:22.68]Tuned to f-sharp minor. 調(diào)到F小調(diào)
[26:23.83]And,lisa,sheckman told me to tell you you're almost up. Lisa Sheckman讓我告訴你快到你了
[26:26.32]Okay. 好的
[26:26.79]Thanks. 謝謝
[26:27.29]Thanks,vanessa. 謝謝你Vanessa
[26:28.16]Hey. Hey.
[26:29.38]Hey. 嘿
[26:30.03]This is incredible,dad. 爸爸 這真難以置信
[26:31.68]I hope you're sufficiently nervous,'cause there's,like,a hundred people out there,which is 我想你會(huì)很緊張吧 100個(gè)人里
[26:35.95]80 more than the last time you played,i think? 有80個(gè)上次來過
[26:38.40]Lisa,this is my sarcastic son dan and his friend sarah. Lisa我兒子 他朋友Sarah
[26:41.00]Nice to meet ya. 很高興見到你們
[26:41.88]Pleasure. 你好
[26:42.64]nice to meet you 見到你很高興
[26:43.63]Hi i'll see y'all later. 一會(huì)見咯
[26:46.43]Ah,no serena? Serena怎么沒來?
[26:48.53]I'll take good care of him,mr.humphrey. 我會(huì)照顧好他的 Humphrey先生
[26:51.02]Promise. 我保證
[26:52.08]Uh,jenny's already called me about 15 times from mom's to make sure that i call her during "something like that" so she can hear you mess up the bridge. Jenny已經(jīng)打了15次電話給我了 確保從"something like that" 開始聽到高潮
[26:58.81]So break a leg. 放心吧
[27:00.76]I'll be in the front row. 我會(huì)坐在前排的
[27:02.21]Okay. 好的
[27:02.92]Okay. 好的
[27:06.83]Hey,georgina! 嘿 georgina!
[27:10.32]Georgina. Georgina
[27:12.85]Uh,i think she thinks she knows you. 我想她覺得她認(rèn)識(shí)你
[27:15.22]I've never seen her before in my life. 我從來沒見過她
[27:16.46]Um,let's go get a drink. 我們?nèi)ツ命c(diǎn)喝的
[27:25.82]Don't send her away. 別那么對(duì)待她
[27:27.34]Blair,it's--it's,uh,not polite to interrupt. Blair這樣打擾可不太禮貌
[27:29.65]I don't care who hears. 我不管誰聽到了
[27:31.89]Just don't send her away. 我只是想說 別那么對(duì)她
[27:33.51]Excuse me. 失陪一下
[27:34.98]Thank you,blair,but it's not exactly your business what i do with my daughter. 謝謝你Blair 但這不關(guān)你的事
[27:38.80]If anything,you're one of the reasons i'm having to take such strong actions. 莫非你跟她的事有關(guān)
[27:43.42]I say this with all due respect,lily, 我說這些都是我出于對(duì)你的尊重 Lily
[27:46.43]but you have no idea what your daughter's been going through. 你對(duì)她所經(jīng)歷的一無所知
[27:49.49]She's in a lot of pain,and i don't think the pain's gonna go away if she goes away. 她很痛苦 如果那女人不走 她會(huì)一直痛苦下去的
[27:54.98]I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. 我不明白
[27:58.40]Serena has a secret,and she's been holding on to it for a long,long time. Serena 有一個(gè)隱瞞了很久很久的秘密
[28:03.91]And now it's finally catching up with her. 終于煩惱纏上她了
[28:08.06]I-i'm out of my league here. 我離開我的那圈朋友了
[28:10.47]I can't do any more than i've done,and it's not enough. 我所能做的 還完全不夠
[28:14.90]She needs you. 她需要你
[28:16.64]I saw the video. 我看了那盤錄象帶
[28:17.63]She doesn't need me. 她不需要我
[28:18.41]She needs boundaries. 她需要?jiǎng)澢褰缦?br /> [28:19.80]What you saw isn't the whole story. 你所看到的不是全部
[28:23.55]Hey,v.,it's me. 嘿 V 是我
[28:25.16]You're not calling to cancel,are you? 你不能取消 是吧?
[28:26.50]Because waiting 20 minutes before the concert maybe isn't the best way to let a girl down. 不該讓一個(gè)女孩在音樂會(huì)開場(chǎng)前20分鐘等待
[28:30.62]No,i'm calling to let you know i may be ten minutes late because 不 我打電話給你是想說 我可能要遲到10分鐘
[28:34.80]--drumroll,please-- i'm actually gonna take the subway to the show. --拜托-- 我會(huì)坐地鐵趕過來的
[28:39.17]Subway,huh? 地鐵 是嗎?
[28:40.02]Nate archibald,man of the people. Nate archibald 有錢人
[28:41.69]Oh. 噢
[28:42.20]Well,thank you. 謝謝你
[28:43.26]Uh,and your name's on the list,but if you don't see me,just look for dan and our friend sarah. 名單上有你 但是你不是來看我的 是看Dan和Sarah
[28:47.39]They'll know where i am. 他們知道我在哪
[28:48.48]Wait,sarah's there? 等等 Sarah在那兒?
[28:49.52]With dan? 和Dan一起的?
[28:50.35]As strange as it may seem,dan is here. Dan在這里沒什么奇怪的吧
[28:52.99]It is his dad's gig. 這是他爸爸的演唱會(huì)
[28:54.78]No,no,no. 不 不 不
[28:55.41]I'm not talking about dan. 我沒說Dan
[28:56.05]I'm talking about sarah. 我在說Sarah
[28:57.70]Okay,now you're totally weirding me out. 好吧 我有奇怪了
[29:00.03]Sarah is not her real name. Sarah不是她的真實(shí)名字
[29:01.42]It's georgina. 她叫Georgina
[29:02.72]Serena just told us this really messed up story about her. Serena 只是在給我們編故事
[29:05.63]Just do not trust anything she says,please. 她說什么都不要相信
[29:07.83]Wh-what are you talking about? 你在說什么呢?
[29:09.43]Listen,i'll tell you what i can when i get there,okay? 聽著 等我到了 你就會(huì)明白了?
[29:11.74]Okay. 好的
[29:13.12]Okay. 好的
[29:13.72]I'll see you soon. 一會(huì)見
[29:18.05]Excuse me. 打擾下
[29:18.96]Here's the address you asked for. 你要的地址
[29:20.12]Thank you,charles. 謝謝你Charles
[29:21.59]Um,excuse us. 我們失陪一下
[29:26.04]Hello? 你好?
[29:27.55]Hey,i only have a second. 嘿 我沒多少時(shí)間了
[29:28.73]I'm on my way to queens. 我在路上
[29:29.95]Ugh. 噢
[29:30.47]Gross. 真不錯(cuò)啊
[29:30.97]Why? 為什么?
[29:31.52]To meet vanessa at a concert. 去演唱會(huì)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)找Vanessa
[29:33.10]It got grosser. 更惡心餓
[29:34.59]We've been hanging out. 我們以前也一起出去玩過
[29:35.68]Not that i owe you any explanation,but i do feel like i should tell you apparently,georgina's with her and dan. 我不想多說什么 但我該告訴你 Dan和Georgina在 一起
[29:41.08]She--she's there? 她也在那里?
[29:42.61]Yeah. 是的
[29:43.14]And you know serena doesn't want us to do anything,but i just thought you might want to know. 你知道Serena不想我們做什么 但是我覺得你很想知道
[29:47.67]Where are you right now? 你現(xiàn)在在哪?
[29:49.32]Uh,74th and lex. 74號(hào)
[29:51.80]Don't move. 站那別動(dòng)
[29:52.96]Pick you up in ten. 10分鐘以內(nèi)來接你
[29:54.47]I have to go handle this thing with serena. 我得和Serena把這事情解決了
[29:56.66]Now? 現(xiàn)在?
[29:57.21]Yes,now. 是的 現(xiàn)在
[29:59.03]It's our rehearsal dinner,and you're the bride. 這是我們的試演 你是新娘啊
[30:01.94]I know,but i'm also a mother,and... 但是 我也是個(gè)母親...
[30:04.96]That's more important. 那更重要
[30:06.68]So your problems are my problems. 你的難題也是我的難題
[30:08.39]Let me come and help. 讓我?guī)湍惆?br /> [30:09.20]I can't. 我不能
[30:09.89]I,uh... 我...
[30:10.96]I wish i could explain. 我希望我能解釋給你聽
[30:12.94]There seems to be a lot lately that you can't explain. 但是已經(jīng)有點(diǎn)晚了
[30:15.81]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[30:17.74]But this is between me and my daughter. 但是這只是關(guān)系到我和我女兒
[30:29.49]What's gotten into you? 你怎么了?
[30:31.65]What if i told you i knew where georgina sparks was right now? 如果我現(xiàn)在告訴你Georgina在哪 你會(huì)怎么樣?
[30:36.99]I'd say,let's get the bitch. 我會(huì)說 讓我們?nèi)ププ∧莻€(gè)婊子
[30:38.84]Spotted--blair and chuck reunited to defend serena's honor. 發(fā)現(xiàn)--Blair和Chuck聯(lián)合起來維護(hù)Serena的尊嚴(yán)
[30:43.81]With friends like these,who needs armies? 有這樣的朋友 誰還需要軍隊(duì)?
[30:52.80]So where are we? 我們現(xiàn)在在哪?
[30:55.95]It's the fairman's house. 這是Fairman的家
[30:58.71]This is where the boy who died grew up,and his parents are expecting you. 這是那個(gè)男孩長大的地方他的父母很想見你
[31:04.23]Mom,i can't go in there. 媽媽 我不能進(jìn)去
[31:05.88]Sweetie... 寶貝...
[31:08.45]If i've learned anything in life,it is that sometimes things get in your path, 如果我在生活中學(xué)到了什么 也會(huì)影響到你的
[31:13.59]and you have a choice-- you can either smash right into them,or you can adjust and move around,but you have to do one or the other in order to move forward. 你能選擇-- 被擊潰或者前進(jìn) 但是你不得不選
[31:24.03]How can i do this? 我要怎么做?
[31:27.47]I'm gonna be right by your side. 我會(huì)一直支持你的
[31:34.36]Ladies and gentlemen,how about a round of applause for lisa loeb? 女士們 先生們 掌聲歡迎Lisa Loeb
[31:37.98]Hey,everyone. 大家好
[31:38.81]How you doing? 你們還好嗎?
[31:40.96]I'm lisa loeb,and i'm your host for tonight,and i am so happy you're all here. 我是Lisa Loeb 我是今天的主持人 很高興你們都來了
[31:45.76]Thanks so much for coming. 感謝你們的光臨
[31:48.64]Hey.B! --I didn't realize you'd be able to hang during the concert. 嘿 B! --我沒想到你會(huì)在演唱會(huì)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)
[31:52.89]Do you have something you want to say to me? 你有什么事情要給我說的嗎?
[31:56.29]Not that i know of. 我想沒有吧
[31:58.60]You sure about that... 你確定...
[31:59.88]Georgina? Georgina?
[32:03.84]My friend says serena told him some story about you,and he's on his way to fill me in,unless Serena告訴了我朋友一些你的故事 他馬上到
[32:09.43]you want to do that first? 除非你想先下手為強(qiáng)?
[32:12.83]I don't know what you're talking about. 我不明白你在說什么
[32:16.79]I'm not a big fan of liars,and neither is dan. Dan和我都不喜歡說謊的人
[32:20.43]I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself here. 我在給你一個(gè)解釋自己的機(jī)會(huì)
[32:31.53]Where's sarah going? Sarah 去哪了?
[32:33.03]I don't know who she is. 我不知道她是誰
[32:34.43]Nate just called me and said her name is georgina. Nate 剛打電話告訴我她叫Georgina
[32:36.67]That's what that girl-- that's what that girl back there called her. 那就是-- 就是剛才看臺(tái)上女孩叫的名字
[32:39.48]Why would she lie about her name? 為什么她要說謊?
[32:40.98]I think there's some other stuff,too. 我也覺得這里面有什么原因
[32:43.21]Vanessa,rufus can't find the set list. Vanessa Rufus找不到坐位表了
[32:45.31]Do you know where it is? 你知道在哪嗎?
[32:46.18]I taped it into the top of his gibson case. 我放在裝酒的箱子里的
[32:48.52]Uh,i'll get it. 這樣吧 我去拿
[32:50.70]This will just take two minutes. 我只去一會(huì)兒
[32:52.18]Just don't go anywhere. 哪里都別去
[32:53.15]Stay right here. 呆在這別動(dòng)
[32:53.74]I'll be right back. 我馬上就回來
[33:15.01]You okay? 你還好吧?
[33:16.66]No. 不
[33:20.21]No,i feel terrible,mom. 我覺得很糟 媽媽
[33:22.24]Oh,you heard what they said. 你聽見他們說的了?
[33:24.59]Look,peter was an addict for ten years. 聽著 peter吸毒有十年了
[33:27.36]His own parents couldn't get him to stop using. 他的父母拿他都沒辦法
[33:29.51]There's no way that a 16-year-old girl could have. 一個(gè)16歲的女孩幫不上什么忙
[33:32.48]They don't hold you responsible. 他們沒責(zé)怪你
[33:34.69]You don't need to blame yourself. 你沒必要自則
[33:36.32]But i am responsible,mom. 但是我有責(zé)任 媽媽
[33:38.75]I'm the one that gave him the line that killed him. 我是那天晚上給他毒品的人 我殺了他
[33:41.42]Look,serena,those were his drugs,okay? 聽著Serena 那些毒品是他的 好嗎?
[33:43.86]If you hadn't given them to him,he would have taken them himself. 你不給他 他也會(huì)自己拿的
[33:47.11]Then why do i still feel like this? 為什么后來我會(huì)有這種感覺?
[33:49.52]Because contrary to what i might have said earlier, 是因?yàn)槲以缧r(shí)候說了些什么
[33:52.88]you are a good person who,since that night,has been living your life with care and compassion and respect for yourself and for others. 你一直是個(gè)有同情心 尊重自己和他人的好孩子
[34:04.01]I'm sorry i doubted you. 我很抱歉 我懷疑你
[34:14.66]Thank you. 謝謝
[34:18.44]There's something else i have to do. 有些事情我還得做
[34:20.71]Will you help me? 你會(huì)幫我嗎?
[34:22.08]Absolutely. 當(dāng)然
[34:25.15]Take me to see dan. 帶我去見Dan
[34:33.80]* you say * i only hear what i want to **
[34:45.30]* and i thought what i felt was simple *
[34:49.18]okay,so your name is really georgina. 好吧 你真的叫Georgina
[34:51.27]Well,i don't understand why you felt like you had to lie to us. 但是我不明白為什么你要騙我們呢
[34:55.20]Because... 因?yàn)?..
[34:57.20]My boyfriend-- well,my ex-boyfriend-- when we broke up,he wasn't too happy about it, 我的男朋友-- 前男朋友-- 分手時(shí) 他很不開心
[35:05.13]and things got out of control. 他也失去了控制
[35:09.86]Okay,well,what happened? 發(fā)生了什么?
[35:13.26]* i only hear what i want to...*
[35:15.71]i came home one day,and... 有一天我回家...
[35:19.23]My car was broken into,and then a week later,my room was trashed,and i got really scared. 我的車壞了 一周后 我的房間被毀了 我很害怕
[35:28.23]I changed all my numbers,i moved in with a friend,and yet he still tracked me down. 我換了電話號(hào)碼 搬去和朋友一起住 他仍來找我麻煩
[35:34.79]It was my mom's idea to change my name and move out of town. 用假名字 搬出去住是我媽媽的主意
[35:38.32]I hate being away from my family,but... 我不喜歡離開家人 但是...
[35:42.90]It's better than getting hurt,right? 總比受傷好吧?
[35:44.94]Yeah,right. 是啊
[35:47.18]I'm sorry i didn't tell you. 我很抱歉我沒告訴你
[35:48.43]I just--i wasn't supposed to tell anybody. 我只是 沒打算告訴任何人
[35:50.76]No,no,no. 不 不 不
[35:51.67]I-i get that. 我明白
[35:53.33]* and i thought i'd live forever *
[35:55.85]and i also didn't want you to think less of me,because i haven't wanted to admit it,but,um... 我也不想你過多的懷疑我 因?yàn)槲也幌氤姓J(rèn) 但是...
[36:04.34]From the moment that i met you,i've been falling for you. 從我見到你的那一刻起 我對(duì)你有感覺
[36:08.82]Oh,my god. 噢 我的天啊
[36:09.39]I'm sorry.I'm sorry. 抱歉 抱歉
[36:10.52]I don't-- i don't know what i'm saying. 我不知道 我在說什么
[36:12.60]You know,um,you know,it's really loud here. 你知道 這里有點(diǎn)鬧
[36:15.05]Well,do you wanna go somewhere else,someplace quiet we can talk? 你要去安靜點(diǎn)的地方談?wù)剢?
[36:19.21]But your dad's about to go on. 但是你爸爸要出場(chǎng)了
[36:20.76]He'll understand. 他會(huì)理解的
[36:22.07]It's not like we won't be watching this on youtube for the next five years.
[36:27.17]* you say * i only hear what i want to * *
[36:53.65]* * everytime you walk away or run away * * you take a piece of me with you there *
[37:00.73]*and everytime you walk away or run away * * you take a piece of me with you there * hmm.
[37:11.30]Some date we've got here. 我們?cè)谶@約會(huì)
[37:12.60]You even brought your friends,the ones i can't stand. 我真不能忍受 你還帶了你的朋友來
[37:15.17]Where's georgina? Georgina在哪?
[37:16.80]What are you gonna do? 你要怎么辦?
[37:18.20]You heard what serena said. 你聽到了Serena說的嗎
[37:19.40]Yeah,like we care. 是啊 我們很關(guān)心
[37:20.53]Georgina left. Georgina走了
[37:21.58]Left for where? 去哪了?
[37:22.33]I don't know. 我不知道
[37:22.90]She just took off. 她只是離開了
[37:23.64]If i could only find dan-- he's around here somewhere. 要是我能找到Dan--他剛才這附近
[37:25.95]Well,let's go look for him-- alone. 我們分頭去找吧
[37:33.80]- Hey,what are you doing here? - Hey,what are you doing here? - 嘿 你在這干嗎? - 嘿 你在這干嗎?
[37:35.83]I-i'm a big leaky hawk fan. 我是Leaky Hawk的歌迷
[37:39.16]I'm looking for dan and georgina. 我在找Dan和Georgina
[37:41.12]You're out of luck. 你很不走運(yùn)
[37:41.81]Georgina's gone. Georgina走了
[37:42.66]And dan? Dan呢?
[37:43.53]I'm out of luck. 我很不幸
[37:44.28]He's still around. 他還在這附近
[37:46.81]It's all over now. 一切都結(jié)束了
[37:48.20]I can finally tell dan everything. 我們把所有的事情告訴Dan了
[37:50.42]Will you help me find him? 你能幫我找找他嗎?
[38:00.72]** * all you ever promise,everything to me *
[38:05.02]* i'm trying really hard to believe *
[38:08.95]* everytime you walk away or run away *
[38:11.90]* you take a piece of me with you there *
[38:15.73]* and everytime you walk away or run away *
[38:18.70]* you take a piece of me with you ** there*
[38:25.89]* come back to me *
[38:30.43]* you smile and you make my life complete *
[38:38.28]* everytime you walk away or run away *
[38:41.25]* you take a piece of me with you there *
[38:45.66]* everytime you walk away or run away *
[38:48.33]* you take a piece of me with you there *
[38:52.65]* and everytime you walk away or run away *
[38:55.96]* you take a piece of me with you there *
[39:01.66]all right. Everybody,that was lincoln hawk. 好的 大伙們 這是Lincoln Hawk
[39:04.35]Let's hear it. 來聽聽(觀眾的掌聲)
[39:07.05]Let's hear an encore from rufus and the band. 讓我們要求Rufus的樂隊(duì)再來一首
[39:09.08]The -- excuse me. 失陪一下
[39:19.00]Get out of my way,rufus. 讓開Rufus
[39:21.22]No. 不
[39:25.55]Get out of my way. 讓開
[39:27.38]No. 不
[39:45.78]Okay,thanks. 好的謝謝
[39:47.59]So we're gonna take a break. 讓我們休息下
[39:49.20]It's gonna be two minutes before... 2分鐘后回來...
[39:51.83]Hey. 嘿
[39:52.68]Psst. 嘿
[39:53.76]I think it's for you. 你的電話
[39:57.60]Hey,thank god you called. 嘿 謝天謝地 你終于打電話來了
[39:59.34]I'm here looking for you right now. 我正找你呢
[40:00.42]Where are you? 你在哪?
[40:01.48]With me. 跟我在一起
[40:04.73]Georgina? Georgina?
[40:07.21]I hear you told our little secret. 你聽說你把小秘密說出去了
[40:10.01]If that's the way you wanna play it,that's how we'll play it. 如果你想玩的話 我們就玩吧
[40:14.27]No,i'm not afraid of you anymore. 不 我不會(huì)在怕你了
[40:16.08]Oh,you should be. 噢 你會(huì)的
[40:20.96]'Cause all bets are off. 因?yàn)槟銢]有賭注了
[40:23.04]Why? 為什么?
[40:23.54]What are you gonna do? 你要干什么?
[40:24.46]It's not what i'm gonna do,sweetie. 這不是我要干什么 寶貝
[40:26.39]It's who i'm gonna do it with. 是我要和誰干什么
[40:28.40]No. 不會(huì)的
[40:29.62]I know dan. 我了解Dan
[40:31.06]He's too good. 他很好的
[40:32.39]You sure about that? 你確定嗎?
[40:38.93]How did everything go with your mom? 和你媽媽談得怎么樣了
[40:40.37]Good. 還好
[40:43.01]Yeah. 當(dāng)然
[40:44.59]She was glad i finally found someone i could trust. 很會(huì)很高興我找到了一個(gè)能夠信任的人
[40:52.85]Um... 額...
[40:56.07]Are you sure that you don't mind missing the after party to have coffee with me? 你真的不介意里開演唱會(huì)和我喝咖啡嗎?
[41:03.72]You know what? 你知道嗎?
[41:04.55]After the day i've had,there's no place i'd rather be. 自從那天后 就沒有屬于我的地方了
[41:37.46]If i were you,s.,i'd be worried. 如果我是你 我會(huì)很擔(dān)心的
[41:40.19]In the city that never sleeps,a lot can happen in one night. 在不夜的城市里 一個(gè)晚上能發(fā)生很多事情
[41:44.79]Sweet dreams,serena. 做個(gè)好夢(mèng) Serena
[41:46.73]X.o.x.o.,gossip girl.
[41:49.72]* with your hook and line,i still blow away *

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