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欲望都市第六季 落幕 Splat!





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:49:07



[00:36.32](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:50.92]When you Iive in New York City, it can take aII your energy to stay in vogue. 住在紐約光是走在時(shí)尚尖端 就會(huì)花掉你所有力量

[00:55.64]So when Enid Frick, my oId boss at Vogue, wanted to meet me for Iunch... 我在時(shí)尚雜志的前老板 伊妮德菲瑞克約我吃午餐

[00:58.16]I was eager to hear what she had for me. 我急著想知道 她約我到底有什么目的

[01:01.48]Carrie, l need to ask you a favor. 凱莉,我要你幫我一個(gè)忙

[01:03.36]ApparentIy, this wouId be about what I had for her. 很明顯地她有求于我

[01:06.76]l wanted to invite you to a party that l'm throwing a week from Saturday. 我要邀請(qǐng)你參加 下星期六的派對(duì)

[01:12.04]lt's for an amazing couple, Rama Patel and Andre DiBiachi. 那是為拉瑪佩泰 跟安德烈狄貝奇夫妻辦的派對(duì)

[01:15.56]They make documentary films. -他們?cè)谂募o(jì)錄片 -聽起來似乎很好玩

[01:16.60]Well, unless l'm doing the catering, it sounds like a fun favor.

[01:20.56]There'll be a lot of couples from the art world... 一些藝文界的情侶都會(huì)來 你可以帶佩特洛夫斯基一起來

[01:21.84]and maybe you could bring your Aleksandr Petrovsky.

[01:26.80]-Done. ls that it? -No. -沒問題,就這樣嗎? -不

[01:26.84]l was hoping you might.... 我希望你可以…

[01:30.08]l can't believe l have to ask this. 我不敢相信 我會(huì)提出這樣的要求

[01:34.36]Does he have a single friend that you could bring along for me? 他有沒有單身的朋友 你可以介紹給我認(rèn)識(shí)?

[01:40.72]A date? -當(dāng)你的男伴? -大部分情侶都是相親認(rèn)識(shí)的

[01:39.12]The thing is, it's shaping up to be mostly couples...

[01:44.00]and l'm not a couple, and there are no exciting prospects... 我是單身,生活枯燥無味

[01:47.96]so l thought that someone from his crowd might be right for me. 我想或許他有適合我的朋友

[01:55.88]Please never mention this conversation to anyone at Condé Nast. 別跟康泰納仕的人提起這件事

[01:60.52]-Excuse me. Do you know what you want? -Yes, l'll have the dorado. -你們要點(diǎn)菜了嗎? -我要點(diǎn)鲯鰍

[02:02.60]The dorado. This is a much larger fish, so this fish we recommend for two people. 鲯鰍蠻大的 我們建議由兩個(gè)人一起食用

[02:08.04]See? You have to be a couple just to order lunch in this town. 在這個(gè)城市里 連點(diǎn)菜都得點(diǎn)雙人份

[02:12.44]-l'll have the dorado as well. -Do you even like dorado? -我也要點(diǎn)鲯鰍 -你喜歡鲯鰍?

[02:15.84]Because if this is a pity dorado, l can have crab cakes. 如果你是為了配合我 我可以改點(diǎn)蟹肉煎餅

[02:17.28]-We'll have the dorado. -Very good. -我們就點(diǎn)鲯鰍 -非常好

[02:24.48]The only thing is, l'm not sure if Aleksandr is... 問題是我不確定亞力山大

[02:31.76]a ''Let's set people up'' kind of guy. 喜不喜歡撮合別人

[02:33.80]Carrie, l got you a job, you get me a man. 凱莉,我給你了一份工作 你得給我一個(gè)男人

[02:39.60]Later that evening, the coupIe I was in had a coupIe of hours... 那天晚上我跟另一半

[02:41.76]to prepare a dinner party for a coupIe of coupIes. 花了好幾個(gè)小時(shí)為我的朋友 及她們的另一半準(zhǔn)備晚餐

[02:47.64]Your friends enjoy red wine? 你的朋友喜歡喝紅酒嗎?

[02:49.60]My friends enjoy all wine. 我的朋友什么酒都喜歡喝

[02:57.40]Yes. We'll have the Barolo. 我們就喝巴魯洛紅酒


[03:02.16]-Do you have any single male friends? -Are you tired of me already?


[03:10.00]lt's for this friend of mine. 這是為了我的朋友

[03:14.40]l have a friend. -我有個(gè)朋友是美食評(píng)論家 -太棒了

[03:14.88]-He's a food critic. -Perfect.

[03:19.56]ls this really how one finds love? 人真的得這樣尋找愛嗎?

[03:21.44]No, it's just what we do to distract ourselves until the real thing comes along. 不,我們藉此打發(fā)時(shí)間 等待真愛來臨

[03:25.20]-Now, l have a question for you. -Sorry, all my friends are taken. -我要問你一件事 -抱歉,我朋友全都名花有主

[03:29.68]Wow. l've never said that before. 我從來沒有那樣說過

[03:33.16]You know, l'll be in Paris for some time with my exhibition. 我會(huì)到巴黎待一陣子 準(zhǔn)備展覽的事

[03:37.12]l'm going next week, and l am not sure when l'll come back. 我下星期要出發(fā) 不知道什么時(shí)候會(huì)回來

[03:38.44]UnfortunateIy, having a man Ieave me for Paris was not foreign to me. 不幸地男人拋下我去巴黎 對(duì)我來說不是第一次了

[03:43.100]l am hoping you will come. 我希望你也能來

[03:49.56]Sure, l'll come for the opening... 當(dāng)然,我會(huì)去參加開幕儀式 或許會(huì)待上一個(gè)星期

[03:52.24]and maybe another weekend also.

[03:55.44]No, you misunderstand. l am hoping you'll come and be with me. 不,你誤會(huì)了 我希望你能跟我去

[03:59.40]-ln Paris? -Yes. -到巴黎? -對(duì)

[04:05.68]For who knows when we'll come back? 不知道我們什么時(shí)候會(huì)回來?

[04:08.36]Yes. l need you there. 我需要你到那里去

[04:12.60]But this was foreign to me. 但這對(duì)我來說是第一次

[04:15.40]The caviar. 魚子醬

[04:19.28]For most women, the goaI of a dinner party... 大多數(shù)的女人 希望朋友喜歡她的男朋友

[04:22.48]is to have your friends feeI comfortabIe around your boyfriend.

[04:26.04]l think my maid is using my vibrator. 我想我的女仆 偷用我的按摩棒

[04:26.64]Other times, you wish your friends were not quite so comfortabIe. 有時(shí)候你希望朋友別那么親切

[04:30.12]l don't think you're supposed to say ''maid'' anymore. -你不該再說“女仆”的 -也不該在吃飯時(shí)說按摩棒

[04:34.52]l don't think we're supposed to say ''vibrator'' over dinner.

[04:38.48]l'm telling you, l went into the kitchen to get it-- 我走到廚房拿它…

[04:39.76]-Wait, why was it in the kitchen? -l like to mix it up. -它為什么在廚房里? -一物二用

[04:42.32]But yesterday, the batteries were dead. 但昨天電池沒電了

[04:46.40]They were new the last time l used it. -史密斯回來后我沒用過它 -那真的是太棒了

[04:48.68]And l haven't used it since Smith came back.

[04:51.60]Baby, that's sweet. 或許在其他國(guó)家 人們喜歡共用按摩棒

[04:51.60]Now, maybe in the Dominican Republic people like to share vibrators...

[04:57.84]but this is America, land of plenty! 但這里是富庶的美國(guó)

[04:59.36]l think you could have a potential lawsuit on your hands. 你一定可以告贏她

[05:02.12]What, breaking and vibrating? -因?yàn)樗涤冒茨Π? -只要她不插進(jìn)去就行了

[05:02.64]As long as it's not entering.

[05:13.68]-lt's a beautiful piano. You play? -Yeah, l do. -好漂亮的鋼琴,你會(huì)彈嗎? -我會(huì)的

[05:18.40]You know any Billy Joel? 你會(huì)彈比利喬的歌嗎?

[05:20.04]l am not familiar. -我對(duì)他不熟 -“住宅區(qū)女孩” “女人味”

[05:23.20]-Uptown GirI? AIways a Woman? -Piano Man?


[05:31.96]Tell us about your sculpture exhibition in Paris. 跟我談?wù)勀愕牡袼苷?/p>

[05:33.76]They are not technically sculpture. 技術(shù)上來說它們不是雕塑

[05:37.72]Oh, sorry. 抱歉

[05:38.24]They are large-scale light installations, integrated with video imaging-- 它們是加上影像的 大型燈光裝置

[05:43.48]That's fine. 那很棒

[05:46.08]l don't like Paris. Too much attitude. And what's with the toilet paper? 我不喜歡巴黎,它太做作了 那里的衛(wèi)生紙是怎么了?

[05:50.16]Paris is the best city in the world. -巴黎是全世界最棒的城市 -別激動(dòng),你在跟紐約客說話

[05:52.20]Easy, fella, you're talking to New Yorkers here.

[05:53.04]New York is wonderful, but there is nowhere like Paris. 紐約很棒 但沒有地方比得上巴黎

[06:01.16]You'll see, Carrie. 你會(huì)了解的,凱莉

[06:03.96]-Are you going for the opening? -Yes, she's coming with me to live. -你要去參加開幕儀式? -不,她要跟我住在巴黎

[06:10.00]No, we hadn't actually discussed the details... 我們還沒有討論過細(xì)節(jié) 但是…

[06:15.40]but, yes, l have been invited to go to Paris. 對(duì),他要我搬到巴黎去

[06:25.56]Later, my friends wanted a tour of the apartment... 稍后我的朋友想?yún)⒂^房子

[06:29.80]a.k.a..: time to ask me what the heII was going on. 趁機(jī)問我到底發(fā)生了什么事

[06:31.80]-You would go live with him? -l don't know. -你要跟他一起住? -我不知道

[06:33.20]When were you planning to tell us? -你打算什么時(shí)候告訴我們? -他剛剛才問我

[06:36.88]No, he just sprang this on me two hours ago.

[06:39.04]-How long would you go? -Where would you live? -你要去多久? -你要住在哪里?

[06:41.32]-ls there a guest room? -You really thinking of going? -有客房嗎? -你真的要去?

[06:42.32]l'm not sure! l haven't digested it yet. l'm still digesting dinner. -我不確定,我還沒有想過 -這真的太刺激了

[06:46.68]This is so exciting!

[06:48.72]l know! My boyfriend has just asked me to go to Paris with him. 我的男朋友要我跟他搬到巴黎

[06:49.28]This is the most romantic thing that has ever happened to me. 這是我遇過最浪漫的事

[06:55.84]What are they doing down there? -你覺得他們?cè)谧鍪裁? -絕對(duì)不是合唱比利喬的歌

[06:56.92]Not having a Billy Joel sing-along, that's for sure.

[07:01.80]Ladies, time's up. 女士們,時(shí)間到

[07:04.08]l can't pretend to be one of the boys any longer. 我無法假裝我是男人

[07:10.68]So, l spoke to my girlfriends... 我跟我的女朋友們談過 關(guān)于巴黎的事她們有些問題

[07:14.32]and they have a few questions about Paris.

[07:17.92]But you are the one who's going. 但是你要去巴黎

[07:21.32]We don't know about that yet. 我們還不知道

[07:22.68]l mean... 我們要怎么做? 我該自己去找房子嗎?

[07:26.56]how could this work? Would l get my own place?

[07:30.24]Why would you get your own place? 你為什么要去找房子?

[07:31.72]Well, l don't know. l've never done this before. 我不知道,我沒有這么做過

[07:34.52]You will live with me. 你跟我一起住 我在左岸地區(qū)有間漂亮公寓

[07:37.80]l have a beautiful apartment on the Left Bank...

[07:39.20]but it's being remodeled, so we would stay at the Plaza Athénée. 但它正在裝修 我們先住在典雅妮飯店

[07:44.16]Okay, but are we talking a year? lndefinitely? 但我們要去一年或不確定? 我不需要學(xué)法文嗎?

[07:48.96]Don't l need to learn French? Would l be able to work there?

[07:49.40]And what about my cell phone? Would it work there? 我可以在那里工作嗎? 我的手機(jī)到那里會(huì)通嗎?

[07:53.52]So many questions. Which is yours? 在那么多問題里 哪些問題是你想問的?

[07:58.60]l can't remember. l think l drank too much Barolo at dinner. 我記不得了 我想吃飯時(shí)我喝了太多紅酒

[08:04.36]Okay. 好吧

[08:07.00]Here's one of mine: 我有一個(gè)問題

[08:09.52]What about my apartment here, would l sublet it? 我在這里的公寓怎么辦? 我要把它轉(zhuǎn)租出去嗎?

[08:10.72]-l will pay for your apartment. -That's crazy. l can't let you do that. -我會(huì)幫你付公寓租金 -我不能讓你那么做

[08:14.08]Why? l have plenty of money. 為什么?我的錢多得是 但我只有一個(gè)凱莉布雷蕭

[08:17.84]What l don't have: plenty of Carrie Bradshaws.

[08:28.28]And l've always wanted to learn French, and drink wine before noon. 我一直想學(xué)法文 在中午前喝葡萄酒

[08:31.48]So, basically, it's my fantasy... 基本上那是我的美夢(mèng) 參加巴黎的派對(duì)跟博物館開幕

[08:34.44]complete with Parisian parties and museum openings.

[08:37.12]-But for how long? -As long as it's fun. lndefinitely. -但你要去多久? -只要好玩就待著,我不知道

[08:41.52]-So you'd be moving there. -No, 'cause l'd still have my apartment here. -你要搬到那里去? -不,我會(huì)保留這里的公寓

[08:45.28]-Which he'd be paying for. -He can certainly afford it. -他會(huì)幫我出租金 -他絕對(duì)負(fù)擔(dān)得起

[08:49.88]Do you think you might get married? -你覺得你們會(huì)結(jié)婚嗎? -不,我想那不是重點(diǎn)

[08:52.16]No, that's.... l don't think that's the point.

[08:53.36]-Then what is he promising you? -The world? -他跟你承諾了什么? -全世界

[08:58.92]But what about your job? Your column is all about New York. 你的工作呢?你的專欄 在描寫紐約,你怎么能…

[09:01.52]-You're all about New York. How would-- -l don't know!

[09:03.80]我不知道 你們?cè)趺催€有問題?

[09:03.80]How can you people still have questions?

[09:06.36]l got all your questions answered, and they were good answers, by the way. 我回答了你們所有的問題 那些答案都很棒

[09:09.32]So this is the time... 這時(shí)候大家應(yīng)該為我感到高興

[09:13.40]when everybody should be really excited for me.

[09:16.48]-We are excited, it's fabulous. -No, forget it. -我們很高興,太棒了 -不,算了吧

[09:18.60]-No, l think it's really romantic. -Then stop killing it with questions. -我覺得它很浪漫 -別用問題掃我的興

[09:22.64]We just want to make sure you think this through. -我們只希望你考慮清楚 -我考慮清楚了

[09:26.12]l am thinking it through. But it's a nice offer.

[09:30.84]And it would be nice if my friends could be happy for me... 但這是件好事 我希望我的朋友為我高興

[09:34.60]especially when l've always been happy for them. 何況我一直都為她們感到高興

[09:38.64]Carrie, we are happy for you. 凱莉,我們?yōu)槟愀械礁吲d

[09:43.92]Anyone want to talk about cancer? 誰想談癌癥的事?


[09:49.32]They say the unexamined Iife is not worth Iiving. 俗語說未經(jīng)思考省察的人生 是沒有價(jià)值的人生

[09:52.76]But what if the examining becomes your Iife? 但如果你的人生 都得經(jīng)過思考省察呢?

[09:55.48]Is that Iiving, or just procrastinating? 那是人生或是耽誤?

[09:58.04]And what if aII those heIpfuI Iunches... 如果朋友間的午餐匯報(bào) 跟深夜電話談心

[10:01.72]and Iate-night phone caIIs to friends...

[10:04.00]have made us aII girI-taIk and no girI-action? 讓我們變得只會(huì)空談 不敢行動(dòng)呢?

[10:09.88]Is it time to stop questioning? 我們?cè)撏V官|(zhì)疑了嗎?

[10:22.48]Certain questions shouId never be asked by anyone, especiaIIy a husband. 有些問題最好永遠(yuǎn)別問 特別是別人的老公

[10:27.76]You think someone's getting a little chunky? 你覺不覺得有人變胖了?

[10:30.44]Harry! 哈利

[10:32.84]l'm talking about the dog. 我是說狗

[10:42.56]EIizabeth TayIor had gained four pounds... 伊麗莎白泰勒胖了四磅

[10:43.56]which, for a dog who used to weigh eight pounds, seemed excessive. 對(duì)一只體重八磅的小狗來說 那太過分了一點(diǎn)

[10:56.12]Hi. Can you tell me where the diet dog food is? 請(qǐng)問減肥狗食在哪里

[10:59.40]Oh, a Cavalier! She's beautiful. May l? 是騎士查理王獵犬 它好漂亮,我能抱一下嗎?

[11:01.48]Yes, she is beautiful, but she's getting a little fat. 對(duì),它很漂亮 但它變得有點(diǎn)胖

[11:07.36]She's not fat. 它不是變胖

[11:08.44]You're right, that is an ugly word. She's full-figured. 你說得對(duì),那么說太過分了 它只是有點(diǎn)豐腴

[11:11.80]No, she's pregnant. 不,它懷孕了

[11:16.48]Honey. l got your message. So the dog's knocked up? 甜心,我收到你的留言 狗狗懷孕了?

[11:21.08]Yes, she's pregnant. 對(duì),除了我之外 每個(gè)人都懷孕了

[11:24.92]Because everyone around me gets pregnant, just not me.

[11:25.32]-lt's not like she planned it. She's a dog. -Exactly! -它不是故意的,它是狗 -沒錯(cuò)

[11:30.20]She's not even thinking about it, and bam! On her first try. 它連想都沒想就懷孕了 畢其功于一役

[11:33.28]lt might have been her first time, but it was with at least eight dogs. 那可能是它的第一次 但它至少跟八只狗交配

[11:38.64]Eight mutts! 八只壞狗 我們得撫養(yǎng)它的雜種小孩

[11:38.12]And now we are going to have to raise her whole trampy, un-pedigreed family!

[11:48.88]Elizabeth, Mommy can't look at you right now. 伊麗莎白,媽媽甚至不敢看你


[12:02.92]Miranda just doesn't like him. This is all about Billy Joel. 米蘭達(dá)不喜歡他 一定是比利喬的關(guān)系

[12:05.48]lt's not about Billy Joel, it's about you. 不,是你的關(guān)系 我們不要你搬到大西洋另一端

[12:06.48]We're not going to encourage you to cross an ocean.

[12:10.64]We're selfish bitches who like you in New York. 我們是自私的壞女人 希望你能待在紐約

[12:13.84]l like me in New York, too. But l really like him. 我也想待在紐約 但我真的喜歡他,他很棒吧?

[12:15.20]-He's great, isn't he? -Yes. 對(duì),雖然有點(diǎn)傲慢 但他算是恃才傲物

[12:18.80]A bit arrogant, but he's got the goods to back it up.

[12:21.92]-And he can be really sweet. -Then he's got it all. -他很溫柔 -那么他是個(gè)完美男人

[12:23.60]Then why does Miranda not like him? -為什么米蘭達(dá)不喜歡他? -她是不了解他

[12:25.08]She doesn't not like him. She doesn't know him.

[12:28.28]She didn't try to get to know him. 她根本不想了解他 她整晚都沒有問他問題

[12:30.44]She didn't ask him one question all night. And she is all about the questions.

[12:34.84]Well, here's a question: Why do you care? 我有個(gè)問題,你干嘛在乎呢?

[12:37.88]Have you ever heard me once ask what anybody thinks about my boyfriend? 你聽過我問任何人 對(duì)我男朋友的感覺嗎?

[12:40.60]l've never heard you use the term ''boyfriend.'' -你不認(rèn)為他們是男朋友 -我的意思是那根本不重要

[12:44.24]My point is, it doesn't matter.

[12:47.72]Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors. 沒有人知道 門后面發(fā)生了什么事

[12:52.04]You know the most annoying thing? -你知道什么事最討厭嗎? -什么?

[12:52.92]-What's annoying? -Miranda has a point. 米蘭達(dá)說得對(duì) 我的工作跟生活該怎么辦?

[12:57.76]What about work, and everything?

[12:60.44]Maybe l can't leave New York. l don't know how l'd do someplace else. 或許我沒辦法離開紐約 我不知道到別的地方該做什么

[13:05.92]Believe me, your fabulousness will translate. 相信我,你一定可以名揚(yáng)四海

[13:08.92]And nobody says he gets to dictate the terms. 誰說他可以決定一切呢? 你可以跟他商量出一套作法

[13:10.72]Figure out how to do it so you're comfortable.

[13:11.08]Maybe half the time you're there, half the time l'm there. 你可以一半的時(shí)間待在那里 一半的時(shí)間我到那里去

[13:15.96]Now you're being too supportive. 你支持得太過火了


[13:24.32]你要去機(jī)場(chǎng)嗎? 你要去餐廳嗎?

[13:28.40]Later, I stiII had questions fiIIing my head, but at Ieast they were in French. 稍后我還是滿腦子疑問


[13:36.92]-Are you coming? -Yeah, l'm just putting my earrings on. -你要來嗎? -我戴上耳環(huán)就能出發(fā)

[13:39.72]No, to Paris. -不,我是說去巴黎 -喔


[13:48.56]l haven't decided yet.

[13:48.08]l'm inviting you to go to France, not to jail. 我邀請(qǐng)你去法國(guó),不是去監(jiān)獄

[13:54.24]-l just have.... -More questions? ls it possible? -我只是有… -更多問題?是嗎?

[13:58.12]Things to figure out. 有些事情我得弄清楚

[14:03.20]My whole life is here. 我的生活都在這里


[14:08.16]Could we stay in New York, and then...

[14:14.52]just go to Paris for a few months for your show? 到巴黎住幾個(gè)月 準(zhǔn)備你的個(gè)展?

[14:16.20]Then it wouldn't feel like we're moving. 那樣子就不會(huì)有搬家的感覺

[14:18.40]l need to be in Paris now. 我得待在巴黎

[14:22.00]l have been here for three years. l'm finished with New York. 我在這里待了三年 我受夠了紐約

[14:25.04]lt's time for Paris. 我該到巴黎去了

[14:30.72]But l'm not finished with New York. 但我還依戀著紐約

[14:42.64]Maybe we could do long-distance for a while. 或許我們可以暫時(shí)談遠(yuǎn)距戀愛

[14:45.20]You mean, back and forth? lt's never worked for me. 你是說有人得來來回回的? 我受不了那個(gè)樣子

[14:52.40]You know, someone meets someone, someone gets bored. 總會(huì)有人認(rèn)識(shí)了別人 有人覺得無聊

[14:56.04]l don't know. 我不知道

[14:57.84]Voulez-vous an uItimatum? 你要最后通牒?jiǎn)?

[15:01.52]NormaIIy, a coupIe doesn't go from an uItimatum to a party. 通常下最后通牒的情侶 不會(huì)一起參加派對(duì)

[15:03.64]But we were in charge of bringing something very important. 但我們肩負(fù)非常重要的責(zé)任

[15:06.28]Carrie, so glad you came. 凱莉,我好高興你來了

[15:11.08]-Enid, this is-- -Aleksandr Petrovsky. l'm thrilled. -伊妮德,這位是… -亞力山大佩特洛夫斯基

[15:17.64]Pleasure to meet you. -能見到你我真是受寵若驚 -很高興能認(rèn)識(shí)你

[15:17.64]And this is Martin Grable. 這位是馬丁葛拉伯

[15:21.84]Hi. Looks like it's going to start snowing out there. 看起來快下雪了

[15:23.100]They say it's going to be reminiscent of the '7 4 nor'easter. 據(jù)說它會(huì)讓我們回想起 74年東北部的大雪

[15:30.96]Hello. 你好

[15:32.36]Martin is a food critic for Bon Appetit. 馬丁是好胃口雜志的 美食評(píng)論家

[15:34.92]Fascinating. 太棒了

[15:38.32]The coat check is right around the corner. 衣物間就在角落那邊

[15:44.40]He's very sweet and smart. 他既溫柔又聰明

[15:49.56]He's a hobbit. 他是個(gè)矮子

[15:54.12]Carrie Bradshaw! 凱莉布雷蕭 你躲到哪里去了?

[15:55.100]Where the fuck have you been hiding?

[15:60.00]Lexi Featherston was one of New York's Iegendary party girIs... 麗絲費(fèi)瑟絲頓 是傳奇性十足的紐約派對(duì)女郎

[16:02.16]who aIways ended up on Page 6... 她的暴露衣著跟風(fēng)流韻事 總是能登上封面人物特寫

[16:05.24]because of her barhopping and her bedhopping.

[16:07.44]l'm going to go up to the roof and have a smoke. l'll be back in five. 我要去抽根煙,五分鐘后回來

[16:16.16]He's just so pretentious. -他太狂妄了 -我們還在談他嗎?

[16:18.08]-Are we still talking about him? -lt's not him.

[16:21.64]l've been thinking about this, and it's how she is around him. 不是他,我一直在想這件事 還有她在他身邊變成什么模樣

[16:24.96]She's different, and not in a good way. 她變得不一樣,那不是好事 整晚她根本沒笑

[16:29.12]She didn't laugh all night. Not once.

[16:30.80]Miranda, no offense, but you never think... 米蘭達(dá),你覺得任何人 都配不上你跟你的朋友

[16:33.76]anyone is good enough for you and your friends.

[16:36.80]-You didn't think l was good enough. -That's not true. -你以前也覺得我很爛 -才沒有

[16:38.28]Yes, it is, and it's fine. l knew you'd come around. 真的是那樣,沒關(guān)系 我知道你會(huì)改觀的

[16:44.20]''Large-scale light installations.'' What the fuck is that? 大型燈光裝置 那是什么鬼東西?

[16:49.48]-All right, he is kind of full of himself-- -Thank you! -他太自大了 -謝謝

[16:50.68]Let's not wake the kid. 別吵醒孩子了

[17:01.24]米蘭達(dá),如果她搬走 那也沒有關(guān)系

[17:01.40]lf she moves, it'll be okay. You'll talk, you'll visit.


[17:11.56]l bet she won't go. 我賭她不會(huì)去

[17:15.72]She can't leave New York. She's got too much here. 她不能離開紐約 她的根就在這里

[17:18.28]The best raw-milk white cheddar l ever had was from a farm in.... 你猜最棒的生奶巧達(dá)干酪 來自哪里的農(nóng)場(chǎng)?

[17:24.60]-Guess where? -Oh, l don't-- -我不… -紐約

[17:27.76]New York! 我們跟英國(guó)競(jìng)爭(zhēng) 全球最佳生奶巧達(dá)干酪的頭銜

[17:27.08]We now rival England for the best cheddar in the world.

[17:29.16]An hour Iater, I had somehow ended up on Enid's date. 一小時(shí)后 我跟伊妮德的男伴粘在一起

[17:33.92]Actually, raw milk couldn't even be used in the States until recently... 最近美國(guó)才開始使用生奶

[17:39.92]because it isn't pasteurized. l mean, it basically goes from the cow right to you. 因?yàn)樗鼪]有經(jīng)過低溫殺菌 直接取用剛擠出來的牛奶

[17:45.64]And Enid had somehow ended up on mine. 伊妮德跟我的男伴聊得很開心

[17:47.44]That's priceless. l never liked l.M. Pei either. 那真的太可笑了 我也不喜歡貝聿銘

[17:50.24]Martin, can you excuse me just for a minute? 抱歉我得離開一下

[17:53.68]-Sure. -Thank you.

[17:59.28]Excuse me. 我一直很喜歡你的作品 久到我都不好意思承認(rèn)

[17:60.96]l have to tell you, l have been a fan of your work...

[18:04.24]for longer than l'd like to admit.

[18:06.92]l have been doing my work for longer than l'd like to admit. 我一直都在創(chuàng)作 久到我都不想承認(rèn)

[18:10.20]-Carrie, l love this man. -Yes, l see that. -嗨 -嗨

[18:12.08]-我愛這個(gè)男人 -對(duì),我看得出來

[18:13.100]Would anybody like a drink? -有人想要喝點(diǎn)飲料嗎? -你一向都這么體貼嗎?

[18:17.48]Are you always this attentive? l'd love a vodka martini.


[18:22.36]-Carrie? -No, l'm fine, thanks. -我不要,謝謝 -一杯伏特加馬丁尼,馬上來

[18:23.80]One vodka martini coming up.

[18:30.56]Carrie, why aren't l with him? -為什么我跟他不是一對(duì)? -因?yàn)槲腋谝黄?/p>

[18:34.08]Because l am?

[18:36.16]-What are you doing? -What? -你在做什么? -什么?

[18:43.32]All right, l'm sorry. lt's not fair. 好吧,抱歉,那一點(diǎn)都不公平

[18:51.96]He's my age, and you've got him. 他跟我一樣大,你跟他交往 我卻找不到適合我的男人

[18:54.32]And l am in no-man's-land, literally.

[18:57.00]No man anywhere. 我找不到另一半

[18:59.92]Men can date anyone, any age, but let's be frank... 男人能跟任何年紀(jì)的女人交往 面對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)吧,他們喜歡波霸

[19:02.68]most of them prefer the bimbos.

[19:03.16]So if you're a successful 50-something woman... 如果你是事業(yè)成功的50歲女人

[19:09.68]there's a very small pool. 你的選擇不多

[19:11.60]lt's very small. lt's a wading pool, really. 選擇真的很少 事實(shí)上你的選擇是越來越少

[19:16.48]So why are you swimming in my wading pool? 你為什么要挑上 跟我同年紀(jì)的男人?

[19:19.100]It was another question I wasn't prepared to answer. 那是另一個(gè) 我還沒有準(zhǔn)備好要回答的問題

[19:23.24]-l need to go to the bathroom. -Yeah, it's down the hall. -我得去洗手間 -就在走廊底

[19:28.92]Outside, the snow was starting to come down. 屋外開始下大雪 屋內(nèi)的氣氛正熱絡(luò)

[19:32.32]And inside, it was going up.

[19:34.48]Want some? -你要來一點(diǎn)嗎? -不,謝謝

[19:35.96]-No, thanks. -Close the door. 把門關(guān)上

[19:43.08]-Wow, do people still do coke? -No, unfortunately. -現(xiàn)在還有人吸古柯堿? -很不幸地已經(jīng)沒有了

[19:45.36]God, Carrie, l'm 40 years old. Can you fucking believe it? 天啊,我40歲了 你相信嗎?別回答

[19:48.64]Don't answer that. 還記得我們以前常去酒吧嗎? 那時(shí)我們就像五歲大的孩子

[19:51.20]Remember when we used to go to Tunnel? We were, like, 5.

[19:54.08]Do you need to use the john? -你要上廁所嗎? -不,我只是想清靜一下

[19:54.60]No, l was just trying to get away for a minute.

[19:58.08]Euro-intellectuals. 歐洲知識(shí)分子,我不知道 我干嘛來參加這個(gè)派對(duì)

[19:59.44]l don't know why l pulled strings to get an invite to this piece-of-shit party.

[20:02.80]l'm so glad to see you, though. We're the only two single girls here. 我很高興能見到你 我們是這里唯一的單身女郎

[20:09.32]-Well, actually, l'm with someone. -Fuck you! 事實(shí)上我是跟男朋友來的


[20:23.88]And speaking of IittIe piece-of-shit parties.... 說到該死的派對(duì)…

[20:26.20]-Babe? -No, Harry, l cannot come to bed right now... 寶貝

[20:26.20]不,我睡不著 因?yàn)橛腥怂徒o我一份禮物

[20:29.48]because someone left me a little present.

[20:31.76]Because someone is too pregnant to hold it in. 因?yàn)橛腥藨言辛?還故意跟我炫耀

[20:35.72]Well, someone isn't holding it in anymore. 有人撐不下去 就要在浴室里生孩子了

[20:36.72]ln fact, someone is giving birth in the bathroom.

[20:41.08]-Right now? -Honey, it's time. -現(xiàn)在嗎? -老婆,它要生了

[20:44.68]Elizabeth Taylor, Mommy's coming! 伊麗莎白泰勒,媽媽來了

[20:52.44]That night, CharIotte embraced her maternaI instinct... 那晚夏綠蒂擁抱她的母性直覺 跟三只小狗

[20:57.72]and three puppies.

[20:58.52]Little babies. 我的寶貝們

[21:01.36]And I embraced my boyfriend for as Iong as I stiII had him. 我及時(shí)行樂擁抱著我的男朋友

[21:04.44]So, now Rama and l split our time between Los Angeles and Calcutta. 拉瑪跟我分住在 洛杉磯跟加爾各答

[21:08.56]-He splits his time. -Rama hates Los Angeles. -他兩地奔波 -拉瑪討厭洛杉磯

[21:11.60]Frozen yogurt is not culture. 冷凍優(yōu)格毫無文化可言

[21:13.88]So she stays in our home in Calcutta, while l edit our movies in Los Angeles. 她待在加爾各答的家 我在洛杉磯剪接電影

[21:17.96]But l get final Calcutta. 但我在加爾各答做后制

[21:22.36]-Nice to meet both of you. -You, too. -很高興能認(rèn)識(shí)你們 -我也是

[21:25.20]They aren't together all the time. They seem happy. 他們不是每天都在一起 但他們非常幸福

[21:30.00]Carrie, l don't want that. 我不要那樣,我要醒來時(shí) 我們可以看到彼此

[21:31.20]l want: You wake up, you see me, l see you.

[21:36.16]We go for dinner, we sit in cafes. 我們一起吃晚餐 坐在咖啡廳里享受生活

[21:36.88]Life. 我也希望每天都能看到你 但我在這里有我的生活

[21:38.12]l want you every day, too, but l have a life here.

[21:44.64]Yes. But what do you want to come home to? 對(duì) 你希望回家后看到什么呢?

[21:48.88]What do you want your life to be? 你希望過什么樣的生活?

[21:52.56]-Carrie, do you have a lighter? -No, sorry, l don't smoke anymore. -你有打火機(jī)嗎? -我戒煙了

[21:56.04]Fuck you! 去你的

[21:59.32]Anyway, l'm just a huge fan of the pomegranate. -我超喜歡吃石榴的 -你們有打火機(jī)嗎?

[22:04.80]Do either of you have a light?

[22:05.80]There's no smoking in here. Please go outside. 這里不準(zhǔn)抽煙,請(qǐng)到外面去

[22:07.76]There is no outside. lt's fucking snowing. 誰要去外面,外面正在下雪 有蠟燭

[22:12.88]Careful. -她真的太沒有禮貌了 -我甚至不知道她怎么進(jìn)來的

[22:14.32]-She was rather rude. -l don't even know how she got in here.

[22:18.24]How do you open this fucking thing? 這玩意要怎么打開?

[22:21.32]Excuse me, miss, could you keep it down? 對(duì)不起,小姐 你能不能小聲一點(diǎn)?

[22:27.48]You keep it down. Fucking geriatrics. 你才小聲一點(diǎn),老太婆

[22:29.52]Now, our hostess has already said there's no smoking. -女主人說不準(zhǔn)抽煙 -什么時(shí)候大家都戒煙了?

[22:32.52]When did everybody stop smoking?

[22:34.20]When did everybody pair off? 什么時(shí)候大家都成雙成對(duì)了?

[22:36.100]This used to be the most exciting city in the world. 以前這是全世界最刺激的城市

[22:41.48]And now it's nothing but smoking near a fucking open window. 現(xiàn)在變成 我只能在打開的窗戶旁邊抽煙

[22:44.64]New York is over. 紐約完了

[22:49.56]O-V-E-R. 真的完了

[22:51.40]Over. 沒錯(cuò),這里的人一點(diǎn)都不好玩

[22:54.80]No one's fun anymore!

[22:56.80]Whatever happened to fun? 為什么會(huì)那樣呢?

[22:59.60]God, l'm so bored l could die! 天啊,我無聊到想死

[23:07.100]It was the first time Lexi had ever Ieft a party earIy. 這是第一次麗絲提早離開派對(duì)

[23:14.76]An hour Iater, the snow reaIIy started to faII... 一小時(shí)后天空降下大雪

[23:18.44]the first time that winter. 這是冬天的第一場(chǎng)雪

[23:24.32]And it didn't stop. 雪下個(gè)不停

[23:26.40]The city was siIent. 城市陷入寂靜

[23:34.48]There were no more questions. 不再有問題

[23:35.88]OnIy white noise. 只有下雪的聲音


[23:46.28]l want to go to Paris. 我想去巴黎

[23:53.52]It was a day made for first snows. 那一天很適合下初雪

[23:57.40]Look, Brady. Look, snow angels. 布萊迪,你看,是雪天使


[24:10.36]And staying home with famiIy. 跟家人待在家里

[24:11.52]See that? That's called snow. 看到了嗎?那就是雪

[24:23.44]Two days Iater, we said goodbye to our snow angeI. 兩天后我們跟雪天使說再見

[24:28.56]Wait, she tripped on her Manolo? 等一下 她穿著曼諾羅的鞋子墜樓?

[24:32.20]Stanny, the girl died. lt's sad. The end. 史丹尼,那個(gè)女孩死了 那是個(gè)悲劇,故事結(jié)束

[24:35.68]l'll say it's sad. 沒錯(cuò),紐約社交界的大丑聞 我竟然錯(cuò)過了

[24:37.28]The scandal of the New York social scene, and l missed it.

[24:41.28]l need details. Last words. 我要知道細(xì)節(jié)跟她的遺言

[24:44.72]''l'm so bored l could die.'' -“我無聊到想死” -不


[24:53.80]This funeral is better than Fashion Week. 這場(chǎng)葬禮比時(shí)尚周還精彩

[24:55.76]l know. Marcus is saving us seats next to Hugh Jackman. 我知道,馬可斯幫我們占了 休杰克曼隔壁的位置,再見

[24:58.44]l'll see you in there.

[25:00.36]l didn't know Lexi had so many friends. -我不知道麗絲有那么多朋友 -她不是一直都那么可悲

[25:03.72]She wasn't always so tragic. Remember the '80s? She was the ''it'' girl.

[25:04.80]-80年代她是它雜志女郎 -我以為我是它雜志女郎

[25:07.08]l thought l was the ''it'' girl.

[25:08.28]lt's your word against a dead girl's, so you win. 你的天敵已經(jīng)死了 所以你贏了

[25:11.16]You guys, we're supposed to be in mourning. 我們是來哀悼她的

[25:16.08]We are. lt's the end of an era. -沒錯(cuò),這是個(gè)時(shí)代的結(jié)束 -派對(duì)真的結(jié)束了

[25:17.36]Yep, the party's officially over.

[25:30.96]Ladies, if you are single in New York, after a certain point... 如果你是紐約的單身貴族 到了一定的時(shí)候

[25:32.28]there is nowhere to go but down. 你只能降低自己的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

[25:35.92]Eighteen stories down, to be exact. 事實(shí)上是從18層樓往下跳

[25:38.04]l'm going to Paris. 我要去巴黎

[25:40.12]-That's so exciting! -Good for you! -那真的太棒了 -我為你感到高興

[25:45.68]Because you're afraid of going out a window? -你怕自己也會(huì)跳窗? -不,我想開啟一個(gè)新世界

[25:48.88]No. Because l want to open a new one.

[25:51.36]-What about your job? -l quit. -你的工作怎么辦? -我辭職了

[25:53.12]-What? When did you-- -Stop. -什么?你什么時(shí)候… -別說了

[25:56.40]We are done with the question portion of the program. 別再問問題了

[26:00.60]l'm happy. 我很快樂

[26:02.64]l'm going. 我要離開

[26:06.16]Now, let's go say goodbye to Lexi. 我們?nèi)ジ惤z說再見吧

[26:10.80]lt really is the end of an era. 這真的是一個(gè)時(shí)代的結(jié)束

[26:19.84]After the funeraI, a coupIe of friends waIked a coupIe of bIocks. 葬禮過后兩個(gè)朋友走過幾條街

[26:25.84]You want to go get something to eat? -你要吃點(diǎn)東西嗎? -我不餓,但我可以陪你

[26:27.32]-l'm not hungry, but l'll go sit with you. -Okay.

[26:30.72]-lsn't Gordon's around here? -lt's two blocks. -好吧,葛登餐廳在附近吧? -只隔兩條街遠(yuǎn)

[26:36.28]l can't believe you quit your job. 我不敢相信你辭職了

[26:41.44]Couldn't you write the column there? -你不能在那里寫專欄嗎? -不行

[26:43.44]No. They weren't really into my ''American girl in Paris'' angle. 他們不喜歡 住在巴黎的美國(guó)女孩觀點(diǎn)

[26:47.32]New York paper, New York girl. 紐約報(bào)紙要紐約女孩 那會(huì)有很多爭(zhēng)議,所以…

[26:51.76]lt got to be such a hassle, so....

[26:53.84]Are they going to have someone new write it or-- -會(huì)有別人來代替你嗎? -我不知道

[26:56.92]Don't know. 或許會(huì)有個(gè)29歲的單身女孩 寫一些全新的問題

[26:58.72]Probably some 29-year-old single girl with all-new problems.

[27:03.40]-l think you're making a mistake. -Miranda, please. -我想你犯了一個(gè)天大的錯(cuò)誤 -米蘭達(dá),拜托

[27:06.72]Carrie, you can't quit your column. lt's who you are. 你不能放棄你的專欄 它就是你

[27:08.76]No, it's not who l am, it's what l do. 不,它不是我 它只是我的工作

[27:12.12]That's my column. 它是我的專欄

[27:17.24]-l think l should go home. -What? l'm not allowed to have an opinion? -我應(yīng)該回家了 -我不能有意見嗎?

[27:22.40]You have an opinion. You've had it for quite some time. 你一直都有意見

[27:25.80]What are you going to do over there without your job? Eat croissants? 沒有工作你在那里做什么? 吃可頌面包嗎?

[27:28.28]-Why can't you be happy for me? -l'm sorry, but.... -你為什么不能祝福我? -對(duì)不起,但是…

[27:33.80]l don't understand why you have to move away and give up your life. 我不了解你為什么要搬走 放棄你的生活

[27:38.60]-You moved to Brooklyn. -lt's just Brooklyn. -你搬到布魯克林 -那只是布魯克林

[27:41.88]l cannot stay in New York and be single for you. 我沒辦法待在紐約 為你們永遠(yuǎn)保持單身

[27:44.64]-What? -This is about you. -什么? -你只想到自己

[27:46.24]As long as l'm here, in the same place, writing my column... 只要我待在這里寫專欄 一切都不會(huì)改變

[27:50.72]then nothing has really changed.

[27:51.92]No, this is about you. 你只想到自己

[27:54.68]No, you moved on, Charlotte's moved on, even Samantha's moved on. 你跟夏綠蒂都在往前走 連莎曼珊都找到了歸宿

[27:57.68]l can stay here and write about my life... 我可以待在這里寫我的生活 或跟他遠(yuǎn)走高飛過我的生活

[28:00.16]or l can go with him and live my life.

[28:03.44]You mean, his life. 應(yīng)該是他的生活吧

[28:09.88]Carrie, l love you, come on! 凱莉,我愛你,別這樣

[28:13.36]Just say it! You don't like him! -坦白說吧,你不喜歡他 -好吧,我不喜歡他

[28:17.48]Fine, l don't like him!

[28:18.68]Then don't you go to Paris with him! 你不必跟他去巴黎

[28:22.04]You're living in a fantasy! 你活在幻想中

[28:34.36]Maybe I was Iiving in a fantasy... 或許我的確活在幻想中

[28:37.16]but I found a man who couId make it a reaIity. 但我找到一個(gè) 能讓幻想成真的男人

[28:39.72]And I wasn't going to question any of it. 我不再質(zhì)疑

[28:43.72]Not even how he found a horse-drawn sIeigh... 甚至不問他怎么在曼哈頓鬧區(qū)

[28:47.92]in the middIe of Manhattan. 找到用馬拉動(dòng)的雪橇


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