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欲望都市第六季 骨牌效應(yīng) The Domino Effect





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:50:11



[00:35.92](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)



[01:01.48]There are some New York nights that are monumentaI... 有些紐約的夜晚 是不朽且具重大意義

[01:03.64]gigantic, historic.

[01:07.16]Others are just Big. 有些則只是不尋常

[01:10.80]Bet you can't get steaks like this in your little Napa village, can you? 打賭你在納帕 吃不到像這樣的牛排

[01:14.96]Where do you think this cattle comes from, a ranch on Canal Street? 你認(rèn)為肉是從哪里來的 卡納街上的牧場?

[01:18.44]Well, what we lack in livestock, we make up for in cabs. 我們用計(jì)程車 來彌補(bǔ)沒有牲畜的不便

[01:24.96]Napa has cabs. -納帕也有計(jì)程車 -好,算你贏

[01:25.12]Fine, you win. l don't want to fight about it. -我不想跟你吵 -吵一下,這樣我們才能和好

[01:28.72]Let's fight. Then we can make up.

[01:32.00]你這次來紐約有什么行程 談?wù)勆?、騙騙情感?

[01:32.80]So what's on your New York agenda?

[01:34.76]Making some deals, breaking some hearts?

[01:39.56]-Can l tell you a secret? -That's not your real hair? -告訴你一個(gè)秘密 -你戴了假發(fā)?

[01:45.60]l'm having a little heart thing done. -我來這里動一個(gè)心臟小手術(shù) -怎么了?

[01:47.32]What? 他們發(fā)現(xiàn)有栓塞 所以要做個(gè)血管造形術(shù)

[01:48.60]They found a blockage so l'm getting an angioplasty.

[01:52.04]Simple procedure, no big deal. But l can kiss these goodbye. 很簡單的手術(shù),沒什么


[02:04.68]Carrie, calm down. 凱莉,冷靜一點(diǎn)

[02:08.68]Come on, don't be such a sissy. 別這么情緒化

[02:11.44]lt's nothing. They do a million of these a day. 真的沒什么 這種手術(shù)他們整天都在做

[02:15.12]-lt's like having your teeth cleaned. -You are so sick. -就像洗牙一樣 -別說了

[02:18.80]Miss? 小姐

[02:23.56]She's fine. Could you bring some extra napkins... 她沒事 麻煩你再給我們一些紙巾

[02:26.96]and some violins? 還有小提琴手

[02:31.36]l'm sorry.

[02:35.80]Uptown, there was a different kind of dinner being prepared... 另一頓截然不同的晚餐 此時(shí)也在城外進(jìn)行

[02:36.48]with Iess choIesteroI and no tears. 少了些卡路里也少了淚水

[02:43.68]-Oh, my God! -Hey. -老天 -你好

[02:45.16]However you got in here, l don't care. l applaud you. 不管你是怎么進(jìn)來的 我都很佩服你

[02:48.64]Miranda's new neighbor, Dr. Robert Leeds, had quickIy become her new boyfriend. 米蘭達(dá)的新鄰居 很快成為她的新男友

[02:55.20]Doctor of aII trades. 全能醫(yī)生

[02:56.40]Magda let me in. She was very excited... 梅格讓我進(jìn)來的 她很高興終于有人使用廚房

[02:58.68]at the idea of someone using your kitchen to prepare food.

[03:01.28]Well, it's a first. 這是第一次 我不知道你也能煮

[03:02.44]-l didn't know you could cook. -l make one thing.


[03:06.60]Enchiladas, baby. 辣肉餡玉米卷餅

[03:11.96]Here. 來

[03:15.88]lt's spicy. 好辣

[03:19.92]You can handle it. 你應(yīng)付得來的

[03:22.64]Come on. 來吧

[03:26.28]Oh, my God! 老天,我家竟有餐墊?

[03:29.00]l have placemats?

[03:37.32]How am l gonna repay you for all this? l only make Lean Cuisine. 我要怎么回報(bào)你? 我只會做微波食物

[03:41.28]-l have one idea. -Done. -我有個(gè)主意 -行

[03:44.48]No, it's another idea. But it's related. 那是另一個(gè)主意 不過兩者有相關(guān)

[03:47.76]Take tomorrow off. 明天休假一天

[03:52.64]From work? 不去上班?我不這么做

[03:54.36]-l don't do that. -Just think about it. Brady's with his dad. 布萊迪在他爸爸那里 我明天晚上七點(diǎn)才上班

[03:57.04]l don't have to work until 7:00. We can spend the whole day together. 我們可以整天在一起 你一定還有假沒休完

[04:01.52]l bet you have a few personal days stored up.

[04:05.08]Just think about it. 考慮一下

[04:07.96]Truth be toId, Miranda had never taken a personaI day in her entire career. 事實(shí)上 米蘭達(dá)工作以來從未休過假

[04:14.92]Then again, no one had ever made her enchiIadas before. 但也從來沒人做過 辣肉餡玉米卷餅給她吃

[04:35.20]Whoa! Jeez! 老天

[04:37.20]What are you doing here? 史蒂夫,你在這里做什么

[04:40.84]Oh, my God, are you okay? -老天,你還好嗎 -我眼冒金星

[04:44.64]l'm seeing spots. -我?guī)湍憧纯?-你是什么人

[04:44.44]-Let me take a look at that. -Whoa! Who the hell are you?

[04:49.48]What are you doing here? -你來這里做什么 -我忘了布萊迪的耳藥,你呢

[04:49.32]l forgot Brady's eardrops. What are you doing here?

[04:54.40]l took a personal day. -我今天休假 -我是羅伯特

[04:54.68]-l'm Robert. -This is Robert. -他是羅伯特,是醫(yī)生 -我是醫(yī)生

[04:56.44]-l'm a doctor. -He's a doctor and my boyfriend.

[04:59.04]l'm sorry. ls it weird that l just called you that? 也是我男朋友 抱歉,這么說會不會很奇怪

[05:03.04]No, l like it. 不會,我喜歡

[05:04.24]Hey, do you wanna help me here, or what? -你到底要不要幫我看 -我們到浴室去

[05:06.68]Let's take this in the bathroom. Can you get us some ice?

[05:09.80]Bend your head forward slightly and sit. 你能不能去拿點(diǎn)冰塊 把頭往后仰

[05:11.16]So, how long have you two been hanging out? 你們兩人在一起多久了

[05:15.24]Oh, about a month. 大概一個(gè)月 我想找個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)機(jī)告訴你

[05:16.04]l was gonna mention it when the time was right.

[05:19.04]l was just waiting for the right time. -我在等候適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)機(jī) -繼續(xù)壓住

[05:20.72]Keep applying pressure. -他是史蒂夫,布萊迪的爸爸 -幸會

[05:22.68]-So anyway, this is Steve, Brady's dad. -Good to meet you.

[05:26.60]-Oh, my God! Who's watching the baby? -My ma... -誰在照顧嬰兒 -我媽

[05:30.36]-and Debbie. -He should be fine. lt's just bruised. -還有黛比 -只是有點(diǎn)瘀青

[05:33.76]-l'm gonna need a tampon. -What? -給我一個(gè)衛(wèi)生棉條 -你想做什么

[05:34.04]What the fuck? 我們經(jīng)常使用的小妙方 還有剪刀,來

[05:35.44]lt's a little trick we use at work. And some scissors. Here.

[05:41.08]What are you, some nose guy or something? 你是鼻科大夫嗎

[05:41.28]-No, l'm in sports medicine. -For the Knicks. -運(yùn)動醫(yī)學(xué) -尼克隊(duì)的醫(yī)生

[05:45.00]Adding insuIt to injury. 不但受了傷更受到屈辱

[05:50.52]This should do it. 這個(gè)很好用

[05:58.08]So that pretty much solves the problem... 總算解決安排羅伯特 和史蒂夫見面的問題

[06:01.96]of how Robert and Steve are going to meet.

[06:04.08]l guess l can check that off my list of things to do. 我可以在 待辦事項(xiàng)單上把這項(xiàng)勾除

[06:06.12]That's horrifying. 真是嚇人 我會整天因這事而受驚

[06:09.84]l will continue to be horrified by that story all day long.

[06:13.72]And poor Steve, he was in such a vulnerable position... 可憐的史蒂夫,他真夠慘的

[06:18.88]with the sex, and the bloody nose, and the doctor boyfriend. 撞見做愛、撞傷鼻子 還有醫(yī)生男友

[06:21.56]Well, you won. -你贏了 -又不是在比賽

[06:23.92]-lt's not a competition. -You're right.

[06:24.92]She's being fucked by a hot, black doctor, and Steve had a tampon up his nose. 沒錯(cuò),她交了性感黑人醫(yī)生 而史蒂夫鼻子里塞了衛(wèi)生棉條

[06:28.68]No contest.

[06:30.88]Okay, l hate to admit this... 我雖然很不想承認(rèn)

[06:32.08]but there is part of me that took some pleasure in the whole thing. 但一部分的我有點(diǎn)幸災(zāi)樂禍 這樣是不是很壞

[06:37.84]ls that terrible? 不會,那又不是你故意安排的 是嗎?

[06:36.76]No, it's not as though you planned it that way.

[06:42.96]-Did you? -No! 當(dāng)然不是,我很喜歡羅伯特 但我為何在乎史蒂夫的想法?

[06:42.52]l'm crazy about Robert.

[06:46.52]So why do l even care what Steve thinks?

[06:48.52]Because you've been through a lot with him. 因?yàn)槟銈児餐?jīng)歷了很多事 他已經(jīng)是你生命的一部分

[06:50.40]Some people just get under your skin and stay there.

[06:51.28]-When l saw Big the other night-- -Big is in town? -我去見了大人物… -他回來了?

[06:55.28]Yeah, he's here for a little heart thing. -關(guān)于心臟的問題 -他終于有心了?

[06:58.12]What, is he on the wait list to get one?

[06:60.40]No, and you're going to feel incredibly bad in a minute. 不是,你們一定會覺得很難過

[07:03.20]He's here because he's having heart surgery. 他來這里動一個(gè)心臟手術(shù)

[07:08.60]Okay, l'm officially a monster. Please continue. 好吧,我是冷血動物,請繼續(xù)

[07:12.16]No, it's okay. lt's actually a fairly routine procedure. 沒什么,只是一個(gè)例行的程序 他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了栓塞…

[07:13.84]They found a blockage.

[07:18.92]Honey. 親愛的

[07:20.20]l'm sorry. 抱歉,他跟我說的當(dāng)晚 我也是這么不爭氣

[07:22.28]This is exactly what happened the other night when he told me.

[07:27.68]l know he's gonna be fine, but.... 我知道他會沒事,但… 我這是怎么回事?

[07:32.32]What is going on with me?

[07:36.28]Ladies lunching! 小姐們的午餐約會

[07:36.52]Bitsy Von MuffIing had recentIy married cabaret singer Bobby Fine... 貝西馮馬芬林嫁給 夜總會歌手巴比范

[07:39.76]known to everyone, but Bitsy, as the gayest gay man aIive. 除了貝西之外 大家都知道他是同志中的同志

[07:45.36]My goodness, look at you. -我的天,看看你 -你相信嗎,我竟然能懷孕

[07:49.64]Can you believe it? Me, pregnant. lt's a girl.

[07:53.88]Bobby is so excited, he's already got two names picked out. 是個(gè)女孩 巴比已經(jīng)想好了兩個(gè)名字

[07:54.28]Judy or Barbara. We're gonna wait to see what she looks like. 茱蒂或芭芭拉 等她出生后再決定用哪個(gè)名字

[07:58.56]l like Judy. -我喜歡茱蒂 -這都得感謝毛醫(yī)生

[07:60.08]And l owe it all to Dr. Mao. Or as we call him, ''Dr. Wow.''

[08:03.32]我們也稱他神醫(yī) 神乎其技的針灸醫(yī)師


[08:09.12]Seriously, l couldn't take it anymore with the lUls and the lVFs and the l-give-up. 我再也受不了什么人工受精 或是試管嬰兒胚胎植入

[08:13.88]Anyway, then l go to this guy and poof! l'm with child. 我去找了這位醫(yī)生之后 我就神奇地懷孕了

[08:16.84]Just from going to acupuncture? -只是去針灸? -他能讓仙人掌懷孕

[08:18.32]l don't know how the hell it works, but this guy could get a cactus pregnant.

[08:21.52]Anyway, l've got to run, or shall l say waddle. 總之,我得走了 或我該“搖搖擺擺”地走?

[08:25.88]-lt was great seeing you girls. -Bye. -很高興看到你們,小姐們 -再見

[08:31.36]How is that physically possible? That woman is 50 years old. 這怎么可能 她已經(jīng)有50歲了吧

[08:37.76]And married to a fag. -還嫁給了一個(gè)假男人 -我一定要去看毛醫(yī)生

[08:37.84]l have got to go see that Dr. Mao.

[08:50.76]-Hello. -Hi. 你好,我和毛醫(yī)生約了三點(diǎn)

[08:52.56]l have a 3:00 with Dr. Mao.

[08:56.32]l said to her, ''Go see Dr. Mao.''

[08:59.84]l know someone who tried for five years and never saw results. 我認(rèn)識一個(gè)人 她已經(jīng)努力了五年

[09:02.72]Did she drink the teas religiously? 她有喝那種茶嗎 不好聞但很有效

[09:04.60]Tell her to drink them. They're smelly, but they work.

[09:05.64]My friend Lois got pregnant on her third visit. 我朋友來三次就懷孕了

[09:07.96]l know a woman who was told she'd never get pregnant. Ever. 我有位被宣判無法懷孕的朋友 你猜現(xiàn)在怎么樣了

[09:13.24]Because she wasn't ovulating.

[09:13.64]And guess what? She's expecting her fourth this Christmas. 今年圣誕節(jié)她即將產(chǎn)下第四胎

[09:15.60]Yes! That's fabulous.

[09:18.28]This woman said that the teas and the herbs are really important. 她說中藥很重要

[09:21.68]l'm just wondering, because l started fertility treatments with my first husband... 我在第一次婚姻時(shí) 曾治療過不孕

[09:25.72]but now l'm remarried. So this woman thought-- 現(xiàn)在我又再婚,因此…

[09:28.12]Mrs. Goldenblatt, l have all that information. 這些我都知道

[09:30.84]Let's just concentrate on what we're doing here, in this room. 請將精神集中在現(xiàn)在的治療上

[09:35.72]l'll be back in 20 minutes. Just relax with your own thoughts. 我20分鐘后回來 放輕松,集中注意力

[09:50.80]I know a woman who was toId she'd never get pregnant. Ever. 我有位被宣判無法懷孕的朋友 你猜現(xiàn)在怎么樣了

[09:52.40]Because she wasn't ovuIating.

[09:55.96]And guess what? She's expecting her fourth this Christmas. 今年圣誕節(jié)她即將產(chǎn)下第四胎

[09:58.12]From Eastern medicine on the Upper West Side... 從上西區(qū)的東方醫(yī)學(xué)

[10:02.44]Hello? 你好

[10:04.40]...to Western medicine on the Upper East Side. 到上東區(qū)的西方醫(yī)學(xué)

[10:13.04]-Hey, kid. -How are you? -你來了 -你覺得如何

[10:20.64]l'm alive! 我還活著

[10:22.08]You asshole! 你真壞

[10:25.100]What did you think, l'd be dead already? -你以為我死了嗎 -我怎么知道,我不喜歡醫(yī)院

[10:28.84]l don't know.

[10:30.16]Hospitals scare me. 我沒事,我很好 我覺得比以前更好

[10:33.84]l'm fine, l'm great. l've never felt better.

[10:36.72]Boy, you should have seen your face. 你該看看自己剛才的表情

[10:40.92]You're such an easy mark. 有什么事都寫在臉上

[10:46.08]lt's Ruby time. 露比來了 露比是我最喜歡的護(hù)士

[10:47.24]Ruby's my favorite. -他對每個(gè)護(hù)士都這么說 -至少不會出錯(cuò)

[10:49.16]-He says that to all the nurses, doesn't he? -lt's a safe assumption.

[10:56.00]All right, darling, come on. Up. 好了,起身,就這樣

[10:58.60]That hurts. That's it.

[11:01.96]Oh, boy, there she goes again, old waterworks. 你看,她又來了 像個(gè)漏水的水龍頭,別緊張

[11:02.08]-Come on, take it easy. -l'm sorry.

[11:06.16]Just ignore me. -別理我 -真貼心

[11:08.72]So sweet. She's worried about you.


[11:13.00]Don't cry. Your husband will be fine. 別哭了,你先生不會有事的

[11:16.16]No, he's not my husband. 我不是…他不是我先生

[11:21.36]MeanwhiIe, Samantha weIcomed Smith back from his movie Iocation with open arms. 在此同時(shí),莎曼珊張開雙手 迎接史密斯拍片歸來

[11:25.72]Now put your index finger on my clit. 把你的中指放在我的私處

[11:31.12]Good, but less pressure. 真好,不要太用力

[11:32.48]Okay, now two fingers. 現(xiàn)在用兩只手指…

[11:38.76]A little higher. 再高一點(diǎn)…再向左一點(diǎn)

[11:41.56]Little bit more to the left.

[11:44.00]You feel that ridge? 你感覺到那個(gè)隆起的部位嗎

[11:48.08]What, did you take a directing seminar while l was gone? -你去參加了研習(xí)營? -我做了點(diǎn)功課

[11:50.00]l did some summer reading.

[11:53.08]Okay, now keep your finger there but move your thumb higher. 好,手指停在那兒 拇指再高一點(diǎn)…再高一點(diǎn)


[11:59.04]l missed those hands. 真想念你的手

[12:05.52]So where do you want to eat? 不久,史密斯的手想更進(jìn)一步

[12:04.48]Later, without direction, Smith tried the most intimate hand position of aII.

[12:10.64]l don't know. What do you feel like? 你想吃什么

[12:14.96]Sushi, maybe, or Thai. 壽司吧

[12:16.44]No, l just had.... -或是泰國菜 -不,我才剛吃過泰…

[12:21.40]Babe? 寶貝

[12:26.20]You okay? 你還好嗎

[12:33.92]-l have a new sympathy for the disabled. -What happened to you? -我現(xiàn)在很同情殘障人士 -發(fā)生了什么事

[12:36.48]l'm fine. l just fell into one of those hatches on the sidewalk. lt was stupid. 我摔下人行道旁的地下室入口 丟臉極了

[12:41.28]God, that's my biggest fear. How did that happen? 老天,為什么會發(fā)生這種事

[12:44.24]lt was Smith's fault. 都是史密斯害的 他做出不該做的舉動

[12:44.52]He did something to me that was so perverse.

[12:48.52]Okay, l'm just gonna say it. He tried to hold my hand. 我要說了,他想牽我的手

[12:53.28]You mean to tell me that Smith is a hand-holder? 你的意思是說他是個(gè)牽手族?

[12:57.48]And to think he once served us food. 他還幫我們上過菜

[12:60.56]You laugh, but it's part of a bigger problem. 盡管笑好了 但這可是個(gè)大問題

[13:03.84]Do you know that l didn't fuck a single or a married guy... 史密斯不在的期間 我沒有和其他人上過床

[13:07.00]the whole time Smith was out of town? And l'll tell you something else.

[13:08.04]還有更糟的 我竟然會想念他

[13:12.40]l missed him. 看來他也很想念你 才會做出那種越軌的舉動

[13:11.36]Well, sounds to me like he missed you, too. Hence the deviant behavior.

[13:16.68]Like it or not, that little tadpole is wide open and there for you. 信不信由你 那個(gè)小男生對你可是很認(rèn)真

[13:21.76]Life's short. You might want to consider holding his hand. 人生苦短 你可能會想牽他的手

[13:28.20]Okay, it happened again. 當(dāng)我去醫(yī)院探視大人物時(shí) 又上演了一場哭戲

[13:29.56]The crying. When l visited Big at the hospital.

[13:33.68]That's three times now. -已經(jīng)是第三次了 -我建議你用防水睫毛膏

[13:33.56]l suggest waterproof mascara.

[13:36.76]l finally figured out the only way to have Big in my life... 容許大人物出現(xiàn)在我生活中 唯一的方法就是要封鎖情感

[13:38.100]was to block out certain feelings.

[13:41.12]And now every feeling that l ever had is bubbling up all over the place... 結(jié)果所有的情感無處可去 全都從我的眼睛里宣泄出來

[13:46.80]with nowhere to go except out my eyeballs.

[13:46.76]-What are you gonna do about it? -Nothing. -你打算怎么辦 -不怎么辦

[13:49.44]There's nothing to do. Big is who he is. He's never gonna change. 大人物永遠(yuǎn)不會改變 他有所保留,我也只能接受

[13:54.16]He's limited and l accept that.

[13:55.12]So he'll go back to Napa and l'll go back to not crying. The end. 他會回去納帕,我會停止哭泣 就這樣

[13:59.52]lf it hurts so much, why are we going shopping? 如果你會痛 為什么還要出來逛街

[14:04.48]l have a broken toe, not a broken spirit. 我是腳受傷,但精神可好得很

[14:07.64]Well, come on then. Move that booty. 好,那就走吧

[14:13.64]If New York City's signature fruit is the appIe... 如果蘋果是紐約的代表性水果

[14:15.72]then its signature sound is the ambuIance siren. 救護(hù)車聲 就是紐約的代表性聲音

[14:19.36]It seems Iike aII day, every day, peopIe are getting hurt... 仿佛整天都有人受傷

[14:24.48]and the whoIe city has to hear about it. 整個(gè)城市都可聽得見

[14:27.24]But what about the injuries that don't get a siren? 但對于那些 沒有發(fā)出警訊的傷害又如何?

[14:30.00]Whether you're faIIing into a hoIe in the street... 例如掉到路邊的洞里 或是重新墜入愛河?

[14:33.88]or possibIy faIIing back in Iove...

[14:36.56]just how dangerous is an open heart? 打開心房究竟有多危險(xiǎn)?

[14:52.88]HeIIo, Mount Sinai HospitaI. 你好,這里是西奈山醫(yī)院

[14:52.76]Hi, can l please be connected to Room 81 7? 能不能幫我接817號房

[14:58.88]Let me see. 我查一下 那位病人已于今天早上出院

[14:60.36]That patient Ieft the hospitaI this morning.

[15:10.48]How did you find me? 你是怎么找到我的

[15:10.08]When you weren't at the morgue, l figured you were at the Four Seasons. 既然你不在太平間 我猜想你會在這里

[15:15.36]And here you are. 我會請你進(jìn)來 但我的衛(wèi)生紙用完了

[15:16.88]You know, l'd invite you in, sniffles, but l've run out of Kleenex.

[15:18.64]Should l call the concierge or did you bring your own? 你有自備衛(wèi)生紙嗎

[15:23.40]l'm sorry. 很抱歉 我想你一定是搞錯(cuò)對象了

[15:24.08]You must have me confused with someone else.

[15:27.60]l'm Candy, your candy striper. 我是肯蒂,志愿助理護(hù)士

[15:31.68]Stop. Put your coat back on. Are you trying to kill me? 等一下,把外套穿回去 你想謀財(cái)害命嗎

[15:36.84]l can't smoke, l can't drink... 我不能抽煙、喝酒 也不能過度興奮

[15:36.24]and l can't get excited about anything.

[15:38.52]-什么都不行 -我很專業(yè),我當(dāng)然了解

[15:41.68]l'm in the union. l know the rules.

[15:45.08]lt's a damn shame, too, because l love a cute candy stripper. 真是可惜 我喜歡俏護(hù)士舞娘

[15:49.48]This isn't about stripping, it's about striping. 不是舞娘,是助理護(hù)士

[15:51.72]lt's a complete waste of the hotel room, if you ask me. 還真浪費(fèi)了這個(gè)高級套房 現(xiàn)在打算怎么做

[15:54.72]What are we gonna do now?

[15:56.88]Candy's got a whole bagful of peachy fun in here. 肯蒂帶了一整袋的好玩游戲

[15:59.68]-Oh, goody. -Starting with... -好東西 -有…

[16:04.96]dominoes. Classic and Day-Glo. 傳統(tǒng)及螢光色的骨牌

[16:05.36]Dominoes? Why don't you just take off your dress and kill me now? 骨牌?何不把衣服脫了 現(xiàn)在就殺了我吧

[16:10.80]Get it over with. -快來辦事 -耍嘴皮子對任何人都沒好處

[16:10.00]Nobody wins with that kind of attitude.

[16:18.08]MeanwhiIe, across town, another caregiver was taking precautions. 在城的另一邊 另一位看護(hù)正在做防護(hù)措施

[16:22.92]l know, almost done. 我知道,就快好了

[16:24.44]Yeah, there we are. Now we're.... 好了,現(xiàn)在…

[16:33.68]Steve might've gotten knocked out the other night... 史蒂夫也許撞昏了頭

[16:35.88]but Miranda had no idea his girIfriend was a knockout. 但米蘭達(dá)沒想到 他的女友竟然如此令人驚艷

[16:40.56]-Hey. -Hi, Miranda. -你好,米蘭達(dá) -你好,很高興…

[16:43.84]Hello, it's nice-- 老天

[16:43.92]-Oh, my gosh! -l'm fine. 我沒事,沒事

[16:50.16]lt's nice to meet you. l'm Miranda. -幸會,我是米蘭達(dá) -她是我的女友黛比

[16:51.16]This is my girlfriend, Debbie.

[16:53.44]You sure you're okay? You really came down hard there. -你真的沒事? -我真的沒事,謝謝

[16:57.96]l'm fine, really. Thank you.

[16:58.20]Hey there, Brady-licious. Hi. 你好,小布萊迪

[17:04.28]Oh, good. You're back. 太好了,你回來了

[17:06.88]羅伯特,這是黛比 你還記得史蒂夫吧

[17:08.36]Robert, this is Debbie. And you remember Steve?

[17:10.48]Yeah. You sure you're all right, babe? 'Cause l saw you go flying there. 你還好嗎?我看到你飛了出去

[17:16.92]What? 什么?

[17:19.80]l'm fine. lt was nothing. 我很好,沒事

[17:22.52]Robert is just overprotective because he's a doctor... 羅伯特總是過度保護(hù) 因?yàn)樗轻t(yī)生

[17:24.68]for the Knicks. -尼克隊(duì)的醫(yī)生 -不會吧,史蒂夫你聽到了嗎

[17:26.36]Get out! Did you hear that, Stevie? The Knicks!

[17:30.04]Yeah, l know. -我知道 -好酷的工作,超酷

[17:31.32]What a cool job! That is, like, crazy cool!

[17:33.84]Debbie works for MasterCard. Corporate headquarters. 黛比在萬事達(dá)卡工作

[17:39.52]Really? l have a MasterCard. -在總部 -真的?我也用萬事達(dá)卡

[17:41.20]Steve won't even let me talk on the phone when there's a Knicks game on... 史蒂夫看尼克隊(duì)賽球的時(shí)候 甚至連電話都不準(zhǔn)我講

[17:44.16]-even if l'm in the other room. -l didn't know you were a Knicks man.

[17:47.32]-你是尼克迷? -所有紐約的球隊(duì)我都看

[17:48.36]-l follow all the New York teams. -He lives for the Knicks.

[17:51.52]One time he took me to a game and our seats were so high up. 他是尼克的忠實(shí)球迷 我們?nèi)タ辞蛸惤Y(jié)果座位太高

[17:55.88]What do they call that section? -那叫什么區(qū)? -流鼻血區(qū)

[17:56.68]The nosebleed section. 如果你們有興趣的話 我可以拿到幾張場邊的座位

[17:56.28]l can usually scrounge up a few courtside seats, if you're ever interested.

[18:01.96]That's okay. l like my seats. -我喜歡原來的座位 -別客氣了

[18:02.52]-Take the seats. -l don't need his seats. -我不需要 -就拿去吧

[18:06.36]Take the seats.

[18:07.80]As Miranda and Steve continued needIing each other on the pIayground... 當(dāng)米蘭達(dá)和史蒂夫 在游樂場針鋒相對時(shí)

[18:11.40]Dr. Mao was busy needIing CharIotte in his office. 毛醫(yī)生在診所里替夏綠蒂扎針

[18:15.16]And this time she was determined to drown out the voices in her head. 她決心要摒除腦海里的聲音

[18:18.64]l'll be back in about 20 minutes. Just try to relax and find your center. 我20分鐘后回來 試著放輕松并專注在自己身上


[18:36.64]UnfortunateIy, she couIdn't drown out the voices on the street. 不幸的是 她無法摒除街上傳來的聲音

[18:43.80]When CharIotte opened her mind to Chinese medicine... 當(dāng)夏綠蒂對中醫(yī)療法 敞開胸懷時(shí)

[18:47.88]she didn't expect a visit from the Cuban Liberation Front. 她沒預(yù)期 會受到古巴解放陣線的干擾

[18:51.64]Dr. Mao? 毛醫(yī)生

[18:56.60]Hello? 對不起

[18:59.24]Dr. Mao, l can't get centered. 毛醫(yī)生,我無法集中精神

[19:05.96]ls there a quieter room? l'm trying to relax and find my center... 我試著想集中 但噪音讓我無法專注

[19:07.16]but l just can't do that with all this noise.

[19:10.72]夏綠蒂 這個(gè)城市永無安寧的一刻

[19:13.76]This city will never quiet down.

[19:14.84]You're going to have to learn to block out that New York noise... 試著摒除一切外在噪音 只聆聽自己內(nèi)在的聲音

[19:18.40]and listen only to yourself.

[19:22.56]CharIotte was beginning to think that the soIution to her probIem... 夏綠蒂不禁在想

[19:26.76]wasn't finding her center, but finding some earpIugs. 解決的辦法不是集中精神 而是找副耳塞

[19:30.24]No, the actors were cool, the location was great. 演員們很酷,外景地很棒 整件事都很順利

[19:35.72]The whole thing was off the hook.

[19:37.40]-But, man, l missed you. -Look... -我很想念你 -等一下

[19:41.08]l know where you want to put your hand... 我知道你的手想干什么

[19:43.88]and l'm sorry, but l'm just not that kind of girl. 但我很抱歉 我不是那種女孩

[19:47.92]Samantha, l like you. You like me. 莎曼珊,我喜歡你,你喜歡我 少來那套狗屁說辭

[19:50.08]l've had enough of this horseshit. Just fucking hold my hand.


[19:60.72]Fine, but only until my foot heals. 好,但只到我腳傷好了為止

[20:04.60]And that's how Samantha Iost her virginity to Smith. 就這樣,莎曼珊將她的童貞 獻(xiàn)給了史密斯

[20:19.44]You've got too many on that end and they're crooked. 那一頭積了太多所以扭曲了 尤其是最后四個(gè)

[20:21.40]Especially those last four.

[20:22.100]Hey, l'm doing all the heavy lifting here. You're sitting there like a log. 粗重的工作都是我在做 你只是在那里動張嘴

[20:28.20]l'm in recovery. -我還在復(fù)元當(dāng)中 -都是藉口

[20:29.28]Excuses, excuses.

[20:31.68]And they're too closely spaced together. 它們之間距離太近

[20:33.12]You don't understand the delicate balance of physics involved in this. 你不了解這個(gè)游戲的原理

[20:38.20]Well, that's true. This is more your generation's game... 沒錯(cuò),這是你那年代的游戲

[20:41.20]whereas l came of age in the Parcheesi era. 我們那個(gè)年代玩的是巴棋戲

[20:46.76]So, l guess this is what we'd be like in our 70s? 我想這就是 我們70歲以后的景象

[20:49.32]No sex, and board games? 不再有性愛只有棋盤游戲

[20:53.04]You're already thinking about your next birthday? 你已經(jīng)在盤算 你的下個(gè)生日了嗎

[20:58.20]Seriously, kid. 說真的

[20:59.08]You and me. 就我們兩人

[21:04.84]The early-bird special. 享用特價(jià)早餐

[21:07.56]Yeah, save me a baked potato. l'll meet you there. 幫我留一份烤洋芋 我會過去找你

[21:15.16]Are you okay? 你還好嗎

[21:22.44]Oh, my God. You're burning up. Here, come on, let's get you in bed. 老天,你在發(fā)燒 快點(diǎn)上床躺著

[21:31.80]Well, it's down to 101 . 已經(jīng)降到101度

[21:35.88]That's good to hear. 這是個(gè)好消息

[21:37.44]Right. So l'll just keep doing what l'm doing. 好,我就照這樣繼續(xù)做?

[21:44.60]Okay, thank you so much, Doctor. 好,醫(yī)生,非常謝謝你

[21:49.32]Well, he thinks you're gonna be fine. 應(yīng)該沒什么問題

[21:52.88]-ls this washcloth still cold? -Yeah, that feels nice. -毛巾還夠涼嗎? -還不錯(cuò)

[21:57.44]Good. 很好

[22:01.40]You're an angel, you know that? -你真是個(gè)天使 -不,我只做我該做的

[22:03.64]No, l'm just doing my job.

[22:07.68]l'm serious. 我是說真的 我們還在等什么

[22:10.56]What are we doing?

[22:13.24]l'm talking about us. 我指的是我們

[22:20.12]Life's too short. 人生苦短

[22:26.76]What are we doing? 我們還在等什么

[22:38.20]l don't know. 我不知道

[23:07.80]It took the best heart surgeon in New York... 紐約有最好的心臟手術(shù)

[23:08.92]but Big's heart was finaIIy unbIocked. 但大人物的心房終于打開

[23:13.80]In fact, it was wide open. 而且是門戶大開

[23:22.44]The next morning, by the Iight of day, both injured parties were rebounding niceIy. 第二天早晨 受傷的雙方重修舊好

[23:28.28]Hi. Hey, Bubs. 你好,小寶,他怎么樣

[23:30.36]-How was he? -Good. A little cranky when he woke up. 很好,只是醒來的時(shí)候有點(diǎn)鬧


[23:37.72]-That was funny, the other day. -Yeah. lt was fun. 是很有趣

[23:40.52]Wait, did you say it was fun or funny? -你是說有趣還是好笑? -我想我說的是好笑

[23:43.08]l said funny, l think. But l guess l meant fun.

[23:43.08]-但我意思應(yīng)該是有趣 -黛比看起來人很好

[23:46.72]Debbie seems really nice.

[23:48.20]Thanks. l think so. 謝謝,我也這么認(rèn)為

[23:52.64]So, does Robert.... ls it Rob or Robert? 所以,羅伯特… 是羅伯還是羅伯特?

[23:56.04]-羅伯特 -對

[23:58.04]He seems like a really good guy. 他看起來人真的很好

[24:12.44]Hey, good morning, Steve. How's that nose? Hey, little guy. 早,史蒂夫,鼻子怎么樣? 你好,小家伙

[24:18.28]Much better. l keep telling people that Debbie punched me. 好多了,我都說是黛比打的 她喜歡這種說法

[24:20.16]She loves that.

[24:22.96]Well, then, l'm out of here. 那么我要走了

[24:27.64]Later. 再見

[24:34.00]-Oh, my God, Charlotte! Hey there, hi there! -Good morning. 老天,夏綠蒂,你好

[24:39.68]Heather Grayson told me she saw you at Dr. Mao's. 希瑟桂森說 她在毛醫(yī)生那里看到你

[24:43.08]Didn't you love him? 我知道你會覺得像個(gè)針包 但不覺得很有效嗎

[24:42.16]You feel like a pin cushion, l know, but can't you feel it working?

[24:48.52]Sort of. -是有點(diǎn) -你認(rèn)識伊莎貝萊德嗎?

[24:47.04]Do you know lsabel Reed? Horrible woman, but she's got a great story.


[24:53.08]She tried everything, and l mean everything, before she went to Dr. Mao. 她在去看毛醫(yī)生之前 試遍了各種方法

[24:55.48]Anyway, she started going four times a week, taking the herbs. 總之,她開始吃中藥…

[24:58.92]You have to take the herbs. Are you taking the herbs? 你一定要吃中藥,你吃了嗎?

[25:04.04]It turned out that Dr. Mao was a miracIe-worker... 毛醫(yī)生果然是神醫(yī) 因?yàn)樵诙潭痰膬纱委煶?/p>

[25:04.40]because in just two short sessions...

[25:06.52]he taught CharIotte to bIock out aII the New York noise she didn't need to hear. 他教會夏綠蒂 如何將不想聽的聲音摒除在外

[25:20.04]Hey, how long have you been up? -你醒來多久了 -我才剛醒

[25:25.08]Just a few minutes. -你覺得如何 -好多了

[25:25.100]-How are you feeling? -Better.

[25:29.36]l feel like myself again. -我又恢復(fù)元?dú)饬?-我看看

[25:32.04]-Let's see. -l'm fine. 我沒事,很好

[25:35.04]Excuse me. 對不起

[25:45.96]It was a shift imperceptibIe to anyone but me. 別人也許察覺不出來

[25:50.32]But I knew Big's heart had cIosed again. 但我知道 大人物的心房又再度緊閉

[25:53.44]Maybe it wouId reopen in another five years, maybe it wouIdn't. 也許五年后會再度打開 也許不會

[25:57.60]But I knew myseIf weII enough to know that that's not enough. 但我自己非常清楚 這樣是不夠的

[26:08.76]l'm going to order breakfast. What do you want? -早餐你想吃什么 -果汁和玉米片就好,謝謝

[26:09.52]Just get me some cornflakes and juice. Thanks.

[26:14.52]For the first time aII week, I didn't feeI Iike crying. 這是這周以來第一次 我沒有想哭的感覺

[26:26.52]Life's too short. 人生苦短


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