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欲望都市第六季 往日情懷 Boy, Interrupted





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:50:20



[00:35.80](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問(wèn))


[00:54.52]I didn't go to my high schooI reunion. 我并沒有參加高中同學(xué)會(huì)

[00:55.40]So when my high-schooI sweetheart caIIed me for a reunion... 因此當(dāng)我高中男友打電話來(lái)時(shí)

[00:58.16]I was curious to see... 我很好奇地想看他是否仍是

[00:60.36]if he Iooked Iike the boy I used to make out with in front of my Iocker. 當(dāng)初和我陷入熱戀的那個(gè)人

[01:02.88]Can you tell me how to get to Chemistry class? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)化學(xué)教室怎么走

[01:06.36]ActuaIIy, he Iooked better. 事實(shí)上,他看起來(lái)更帥

[01:08.20]My God, Jeremy! 老天,杰瑞米

[01:12.60]That's my name. Don't wear it out. 沒錯(cuò),別叫得太濫

[01:16.88]Wow! You look great! 你氣色很好

[01:18.80]l knew you looked great 'cause l saw you on the cover of your book. 你在書的封面上看起來(lái)很棒 但你本人看起來(lái)更美

[01:20.16]But l have to say, even better in person.

[01:23.36]God, l'm so glad you called. -真高興你打電話找我 -我會(huì)在康乃狄格住一個(gè)月

[01:26.64]l'm going to be spending the month in Connecticut, so...

[01:28.44]l had to look you up. -我一定要過(guò)來(lái)看看你 -最近好嗎?聽說(shuō)你結(jié)婚了

[01:30.20]How are you? l heard you married somebody that you met in business school.

[01:32.48]Yeah. l got divorced, like, two years ago. 我兩年前離婚了

[01:37.44]Really miscalculated that one. 是我判斷錯(cuò)誤

[01:38.84]So l'm on my own again. 所以現(xiàn)在又回復(fù)單身

[01:41.00]How about you? Are you seeing anybody or.... 你呢?有沒有固定的對(duì)象

[01:45.80]-Nope. Wide open. -How is that possible? -沒有,正在等待機(jī)會(huì) -怎么可能

[01:49.76]My high school boyfriend spoiled me for life. 因?yàn)槲业母咧心杏寻盐覍檳牧?/p>

[01:50.00]Right. Me and my AMC Pacer. -沒錯(cuò),我和我的“溜馬” -“溜馬”,老天

[01:54.04]Oh, the Pacer! Oh, man!

[01:58.72]-l put our names down for a table. -Great. -我用我們的名字訂了位 -很好

[02:02.24]Look, earlier you said maybe you might have dinner plans. 但你說(shuō)你晚餐可能有事

[02:05.60]Was that in case l turned out to be a.... 那是不是為了預(yù)防萬(wàn)一我…

[02:09.56]Yeah, maybe. 也許

[02:09.56]But my fictional plans fell through... 我的虛構(gòu)計(jì)劃取消了 所以我現(xiàn)在有空

[02:13.04]so l'm available.

[02:18.04]Miranda had no pIans that night... 米蘭達(dá)的新鄰居來(lái)訪 讓她覺得很興奮

[02:18.88]so she was thriIIed when her cute, new neighbor stopped by.


[02:23.00]l didn't expect you home on a Saturday night. -你星期六晚上竟然在家 -照顧小孩


[02:28.52]So what's my excuse? -早該想到 -我才將布萊迪哄睡

[02:30.12]l just got Brady to sleep.

[02:32.04]-Now, do you sing to him? -Only if he's been bad. -你唱歌給他聽嗎 -只有在他不乖的時(shí)候

[02:39.28]Listen, l have these two courtside seats... 我有兩張下星期五 尼克隊(duì)慈善比賽場(chǎng)邊座位的票

[02:40.68]for the Knicks charity game at the Garden next Friday night.

[02:44.48]-Would you want to go? -l would love to. -你想去看嗎 -當(dāng)然

[02:45.76]Great. 好,我們到時(shí)候見

[02:50.60]-Great. l'll look for you there. -Okay.


[02:53.28]-Thanks so much. -Good night. -謝謝你 -晚安

[02:57.08]You, too. 晚安

[02:58.04]Miranda wasn't sure if it was a charity game or just charity. 米蘭達(dá)不確定那真是慈善活動(dòng) 還是只是同情她

[03:06.40]l didn't even ask what you were doing in Connecticut. 我還沒問(wèn)你在康州做什么

[03:07.80]Nothing, for a change. 沒什么,只是想轉(zhuǎn)換一下

[03:09.20]l spent the last decade working my ass off in Denver... 過(guò)去十年 我在丹佛工作得像狗一樣

[03:13.48]so l decided to take a month off. 因此我決定休一個(gè)月假 到海邊走走散心

[03:16.88]Spend some time at sea level.

[03:18.36]So l've just been relaxing in the country, sorting through some things, you know. 我想趁機(jī)休息一下 整理一下思緒

[03:23.40]Sometimes you need to get away. 有時(shí)是需要離開原有的環(huán)境

[03:29.76]Sometimes you wonder why you stayed away so long. 但有時(shí)你會(huì)懷疑 為什么會(huì)離開這么久

[03:35.96]Well, this is my place. 這是我住的地方

[03:42.08]-lt's a nice place. -Yeah, l love it here. -很棒的地方 -我很喜歡這里

[03:48.04]l feel like l want to kiss you, but l.... 我想親吻你,但不知…

[03:52.84]-l don't know what.... -l know. lt's very unclear. -我知道,情況有點(diǎn)曖昧 -這不是第一次約會(huì)

[03:57.04]l mean, this isn't a first date. We've already dated.

[03:58.12]-我們以前約過(guò)會(huì) -也接過(guò)吻

[03:58.92]-And we've kissed. -Many times. -無(wú)數(shù)次 -好幾小時(shí)

[04:00.28]-Hours. -We were in a lip-lock for most of 1982. 1982年時(shí)我們的嘴唇 幾乎是粘在一起

[04:06.84]So... 因此

[04:10.64]what's one more kiss? 再多吻一次又何妨

[04:16.52]You mean business. 你是認(rèn)真的?

[04:37.08]That's a lot better without the gearshift sticking up my ass. 沒有被排檔桿 頂住的感覺真好

[04:42.16]It was a romantic, hot summer night... 那是個(gè)浪漫的夏日夜晚

[04:46.60]foIIowed by a miserabIe, hot summer day... 在一個(gè)酷熱的炎夏之日

[04:49.100]which was the fourteenth miserabIe, hot summer day in a row. 那已經(jīng)是連續(xù)第14天的 熱浪襲人

[04:53.80]-Samantha Jones. How are you? -Great, Phoebe. How are you? -莎曼珊瓊斯,你好嗎 -很好,菲碧,你呢

[05:01.32]Refreshed. We just dropped by the Soho House for a dip. 清爽無(wú)比 我們剛從索霍屋泡水出來(lái)

[05:03.32]l mean, what else can you possibly do in this heat... 在這么熱的天氣 還有什么比坐在泳池邊

[05:06.48]except sit by the pool and drink cocktails while they mist you with Evian. 邊喝雞尾酒 邊讓人噴礦泉水更舒服的事

[05:11.64]-lsn't it the best? -lt's fabulous. 沒錯(cuò),我要趕赴午餐 否則我也會(huì)去索霍屋

[05:13.68]l'm running to a lunch, otherwise l'd be up there myself.

[05:17.20]Toodles. 再見

[05:19.92]There's a pool a block from my apartment and l can't get in. -竟然有我不能去的游泳池 -什么游泳池

[05:23.20]-What pool? -At the Soho House. 索霍屋,他們是會(huì)員制 我到現(xiàn)在還在等候名單上

[05:25.20]You have to be a member and l'm on a bullshit wait list.

[05:28.48]-Don't they know who you are? -And, more importantly, who we are... -他們知道你是誰(shuí)嗎 -更重要的是,我們是誰(shuí)

[05:31.56]who need to be at the pool with you. 要和你一起去游泳的人

[05:34.12]You know, in high school, all you had to do was jump a fence... 高中的時(shí)候我們只要跳過(guò)圍墻 就可進(jìn)入人家的泳池

[05:37.00]and you could be in somebody's pool.

[05:40.08]Speaking of high school, l saw my high-school sweetheart... 說(shuō)到高中 我見到了我的高中男友

[05:43.00]and l think l might like him. Again. 我想我可能又再度喜歡上他 這樣會(huì)不會(huì)很奇怪

[05:47.56]-ls that crazy? -No, l love this. 不,這樣很好 你可能重回高中男友的懷抱

[05:51.24]You could end up with your high-school boyfriend.

[05:51.72]Okay, let's not jump the gun. 現(xiàn)在這么說(shuō)還太早 但那是我最近最棒的一次約會(huì)

[05:55.24]lt was the best date l've had in a long time and l wasn't even thinking it was a date.

[05:59.56]-When he kissed me good night-- -He kissed you good night? -當(dāng)他跟我吻別時(shí)… -他跟你吻別?


[06:03.48]lt was wild. 讓我回想起當(dāng)年親吻他的心情

[06:06.12]Because l actually remembered what it felt like to kiss him.

[06:10.12]lmagine if you slept with him. Talk about a homecoming. 以前跟他上床 還要擔(dān)心隨時(shí)有人回家

[06:12.12]No! -不,我們從沒做過(guò) -為什么?

[06:15.96]-We never went all the way. -Why not?

[06:17.80]Because we were kids. We wanted to wait. 我們那時(shí)還小 我們想等長(zhǎng)大一點(diǎn)

[06:19.48]And now, l think we've waited long enough. 現(xiàn)在 我想我們已經(jīng)等得夠久了

[06:22.16]You're marrying him. -你要嫁給他 -還沒有

[06:24.52]Will you stop? He doesn't even live in New York. He lives in Denver. -他甚至不住在紐約 -搬家也沒什么,這真浪漫

[06:28.72]-People move. lt would be so romantic. -Or tragic. Seriously.

[06:33.56]lf l had the guy in high school... 或是悲慘,老實(shí)說(shuō) 如果我在高中就找到他了

[06:34.80]what have l been doing for the past 20 years? 那過(guò)去20年來(lái)我在干什么

[06:37.84]Why did you two break up? -你們?yōu)楹畏质?-是我提出的

[06:38.24]l broke up because l thought, ''There must be better guys out there.'' 我還以為會(huì)遇到更好的男人 結(jié)果并沒有

[06:43.80]Turns out, there aren't.

[06:47.20]That night I started thinking about my retro reIationship. 我開始考慮這段回春的關(guān)系

[06:50.40]Since high schooI, most women I know... 高中以后 女人的品味提升許多

[06:53.08]have acquired much better taste in cIothes, hairstyIes, and food.

[06:53.36]無(wú)論是在衣服、發(fā)型或食物 但對(duì)男人的品味?

[06:56.32]But what about in men?

[07:02.80]Maybe we were better off when we thought Iess and kissed more. 如果當(dāng)時(shí)我們不要想太多 只要隨心所欲反而更好

[07:06.08]Have we graduated past our abiIity to find true Iove? 我們畢業(yè)后 尋找真愛的能力真的提升了嗎

[07:09.44]When it comes to matters of the heart, did we have it right in high schooI? 當(dāng)說(shuō)到內(nèi)心的感覺

[07:13.84]我們?cè)诟咧袝r(shí) 就已經(jīng)有正確選擇了嗎

[07:17.20]Samantha was too cooI to beIong to any cIubs in high schooI... 莎曼珊在高中時(shí) 不屑加入任何社團(tuán)

[07:21.92]so she refused to beIieve that any cIub was too cooI for her now. 因此她不相信 竟然有地方會(huì)不讓她加入

[07:23.56]EspeciaIIy since New York in August is not cooI at aII.

[07:29.24]-May l help you? -l hope so. -能為你效勞嗎 -我為什么還不能入會(huì)

[07:30.56]l'd like to know what's holding up my membership.

[07:32.12]l've been on the wait list since June. -我從六月份就開始排了 -我們無(wú)法加收新會(huì)員

[07:34.80]Yes, l'm sorry, but we are not currently admitting any new members.

[07:38.72]The pool is so fabulous, we're at capacity every day. 游泳池太棒了 現(xiàn)在每天都客滿

[07:44.96]-Do you know who l am? -No, l don't. -你知道我是誰(shuí)嗎 -對(duì)不起,我不知道

[07:47.96]But we can't accommodate you right now. 但我們現(xiàn)在無(wú)法推薦你入會(huì)

[07:50.20]Can l at least use the restroom before l go, or is there a wait list for that as well? 我能借用一下化妝室 還是那也需要排隊(duì)等候?

[07:56.36]Down the corridor on your left, the door marked ''WC.'' 穿過(guò)走廊在左手邊 門上有洗手間標(biāo)示

[08:08.12]Miss, did you leave your card on the sink? 小姐 你是否將卡掉在水槽里了

[08:11.88]Oh, yes. Yes, l did. Thank you so much. 對(duì),沒錯(cuò),謝謝你

[08:15.48]Since they didn't seem to know who she was at the Soho House... 既然他們不知道她是誰(shuí)

[08:20.76]she figured she couId be AnnabeIIe Bronstein. 她想她應(yīng)該可以成為 安娜貝爾布朗斯汀

[08:29.80]The next day, Samantha tested the waters with her fake ID. 第二天莎曼珊以他人的名義 在游泳池好好地享受了一番

[08:36.08]Excuse me, can l get you something to drink, Miss Bronstein? 布朗斯汀小姐 你想喝點(diǎn)什么嗎

[08:40.24]Yes, but l'll just pay cash. 好,但我要付現(xiàn)金

[08:44.92]And please, call me Annabelle. 麻煩你…叫我安娜貝爾就好

[08:50.88]MeanwhiIe, a fight was about to break out in the cafeteria. 在此同時(shí),一場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)即將引爆

[08:52.12]But this time, Cafeteria was a trendy restaurant in CheIsea. 在切爾西一家時(shí)尚的餐廳

[08:60.60]-Thank you. -God, l hate him. -謝謝你 -老天,我恨他

[09:04.60]Come on, we're going over there. -我們過(guò)去那里 -為什么

[09:06.88]-Why? -Because you're in a tank top. 因?yàn)槟愦┖股?/p>


[09:08.72]-Hi. -Oh, hi. -你好 -你好

[09:11.64]You're here. What a small world. -世界還真小 -因?yàn)槟阒荒茉谶@里混

[09:14.44]That's Chelsea for you. Can't swing a dick without running into someone you know. 走到哪里都會(huì)遇到熟人

[09:19.48]We'd love to stay and chat, but we have to go get our tuxes for the prom. 我們很想聊聊 但我們要去挑舞會(huì)的禮服

[09:24.96]Did you say ''the prom''? 舞會(huì)?

[09:25.52]Yes, it's a big fundraiser at the gay-lesbian-bi-transgender center. 在同志友好中心 舉辦的募款活動(dòng)

[09:31.52]-l'm on the decorations committee. -What's the theme, ''Queer and Queerer''? 我是布置組成員


[09:37.16]l have the best memories of my prom. l was the prom queen. 我對(duì)舞會(huì)的印象很好 我曾是舞會(huì)女王

[09:40.36]Of course you were, darling. 你當(dāng)然是

[09:43.16]-l missed my prom in high school because-- -You were gay. 我懷念高中時(shí)的舞會(huì),因?yàn)?hellip;


[09:48.52]No. My girlfriend and l broke up the night before because-- 我和女朋友 在前一天晚上分手因?yàn)?hellip;

[09:51.48]You were gay. -你是同性戀 -不,我不是同性戀直到…

[09:54.68]-No, l wasn't gay until-- -You were born.

[09:54.88]-你出生那一刻? -算了

[09:58.04]Never mind. Goodbye, Charlotte. 再見,夏綠蒂

[10:01.64]-Bye. -Bye, Marcus. -再見 -再見,馬可斯

[10:08.00]Those two should be going to the gay-lesbian-and-prostitute prom. 他們應(yīng)去同志性交舞會(huì)

[10:13.76]-Be nice. -What? -別這樣 -怎么了

[10:13.28]l happen to know that Marcus used to be a gay escort. 我知道 馬可斯以前做過(guò)同志伴游

[10:17.76]-He was not. -Honey, wake up and smell the K-Y. -他沒有 -親愛的,別傻了

[10:21.12]l was flipping through a vintage issue of Honcho. 我看過(guò)他在過(guò)期的 “漢草”雜志上登的廣告

[10:24.72]l saw his ad in the Rauncho section. He called himself Paul.

[10:27.00]他自稱為保羅 是我所聽過(guò)最爛的騙子化名

[10:27.56]Worst hustler name l ever heard.

[10:31.68]He and Stanford are in love. 他和史丹佛兩人很相愛

[10:33.72]Well, according to Honcho, he used to be in love all over town. 從“漢草”上看來(lái) 他愛整個(gè)鎮(zhèn)的男人

[10:35.00]-You are mistaken. -There's a picture. l'll send you the ad. -你一定看錯(cuò)人了 -有照片為證,我拿給你看

[10:40.68]-l don't want to see it. -l'm sending it, prom queen. -我不想看 -我會(huì)拿給你看,侍者很正

[10:42.60]-What can l get you? -Cute waiter.

[10:47.68]l wish l didn't know this. 真希望我不知道這件事

[10:55.52]Do you think Stanford knows? -你想史丹佛知道嗎 -不,我們不該在這里討論它

[10:56.60]Probably not, so maybe we shouldn't talk about it in Madison Square Garden.

[11:01.24]l don't think that these people know those people. 我不認(rèn)為這個(gè)圈子的人 會(huì)認(rèn)識(shí)那個(gè)圈子的人

[11:09.84]-Look at how cute he is. -He is gorgeous. -看他多帥 -他的確很不錯(cuò)

[11:17.36]He looked at me. Did you see him look at me? -你看到他正在看我嗎 -他非常喜歡你

[11:19.48]-He totally likes you. -You think?

[11:19.56]Look at these seats. -看我們的座位就知道 -沒錯(cuò)

[11:23.24]You're right. These seats are too good to be casual. 這些座位可不是隨便拿得到的


[11:27.100]Ladies and gentIemen, pIease weIcome the Knicks City Dancers. 各位女士、先生 歡迎尼克城市舞者進(jìn)場(chǎng)

[11:33.76]Did l ever tell you l was a cheerleader? -我告訴過(guò)你我曾是啦啦隊(duì)長(zhǎng) -沒有,你明知道我會(huì)取笑你

[11:36.40]No, because you knew l would mock you endlessly.

[12:04.48]Did you used to do that? 你們以前都這么做嗎

[12:05.96]No, we just did some herkies and some kicks. 沒有 我們只做一些踢腿的動(dòng)作

[12:22.80]-What is she doing? -The blonde one in front? -她在做什么 -金發(fā)的那位嗎?

[12:36.12]-She's flirting with your boyfriend. -He's not my boyfriend. -她在挑逗你男朋友 -他不是我男朋友

[12:41.88]What is she, like, 21? 她多大?21歲?

[12:46.04]It was Friday night, it was the big game... 現(xiàn)在是星期五晚上 比賽正激烈地進(jìn)行

[12:47.16]and Miranda was jeaIous of a cheerIeader. 米蘭達(dá)正忌妒著一位啦啦隊(duì)長(zhǎng)

[12:52.52]Two hours Iater, the game ended and Miranda feIt Iike the Ioser. 兩個(gè)小時(shí)后比賽結(jié)束 米蘭達(dá)自覺像個(gè)失敗者

[12:58.76]Okay, let's just go. -我們走吧 -你要過(guò)去跟他說(shuō)個(gè)話

[12:59.44]No, you have to go over there and talk to him.

[13:03.44]-He's talking to her. -You are better than her. -他正在和她說(shuō)話 -你比她好

[13:06.84]Go on. You can do it. -去吧,你一定能辦到 -你會(huì)替我加油嗎

[13:07.60]-Are you gonna do a herkie now? -Just you go over there and flirt a little bit.


[13:15.96]Go. Go. 去,快去

[13:18.44]The Knicks and Madison Square Garden thank you for coming.

[13:20.24]Have a safe trip home. 算了,我認(rèn)輸

[13:22.32]That's it. l'm out.

[13:25.08]MeanwhiIe, I invited Jeremy to come over and watch a movie... 在此同時(shí) 我邀請(qǐng)杰瑞米過(guò)來(lái)“看電影”

[13:30.88]which in high schooI was code for, ''Come over and make out. '' 在高中時(shí)這是“纏綿”的代稱

[13:32.56]And happiIy, it stiII was. 幸好這代稱現(xiàn)在仍舊適用

[13:36.16]l've gotta run. Last train leaves in half an hour. 我要走了 最后一班車再半個(gè)小時(shí)要開

[13:41.92]l think you should stay. 你可以留下來(lái) 我們應(yīng)該可以更進(jìn)一步

[13:43.32]l think we should go all the way.

[13:45.60]-All the way? -We never did. -更進(jìn)一步 -我們以前沒做,但現(xiàn)在可以

[13:47.100]And now we can, and your mother won't walk in with her laundry and her TaB. 你媽也不會(huì)突然闖進(jìn)來(lái)

[13:53.76]That's true. 是沒錯(cuò) 但有些事我必須向你坦白

[13:58.20]Carrie, l need to be honest with you about something.

[14:01.48]That's the worst thing you can hear from someone you reaIIy Iike. 這是你最不想 從喜歡的人口中聽到的話

[14:04.08]l'm not really just taking time off. 我并不是真的在休假 我是…

[14:09.32]l'm sort of in a... 我現(xiàn)在住在一個(gè)…

[14:13.04]mental institution. 精神治療中心

[14:16.12]No, actuaIIy, that's the worst thing you can hear. 事實(shí)上 這才是最不想聽到的話

[14:19.36]l wanted a man who would commit, not a man who was committed. 我希望找能托付終身的男人 而不是被關(guān)進(jìn)精神病院的男人

[14:23.08]Apparently, we have to be more specific. 我們還是謹(jǐn)慎一點(diǎn)比較好

[14:25.92]-But how is he able to see you? -Did he escape? -他怎么能出來(lái)見你 -他逃出來(lái)的嗎

[14:29.24]No, he's voluntary. 不是,他可以自由行動(dòng) 那不是真的精神病院

[14:32.08]He says it's not really a mental institution...

[14:36.48]it's a therapeutic community. -那是個(gè)治療團(tuán)體 -哪一個(gè)?

[14:38.56]-Which one? -Juno-Spears. -朱諾史畢爾 -那間不錯(cuò),我有客戶在那

[14:40.04]That's supposed to be a good one. l've had clients go there.

[14:42.36]Really? Why haven't we heard about that? -我們?cè)趺床恢?-我有保密的義務(wù)

[14:43.72]Because l'm good at my job. No one wants to admit they're in a loony bin. -沒人會(huì)想承認(rèn)這種事 -尤其在第一次約會(huì)

[14:48.72]-On a first date. -lt's all humiliating.

[14:52.00]Think about what we have to go through to date. 真丟人 試想我們歷經(jīng)了多少事

[14:52.48]l am 38, and l am competing with a cheerleader. 我現(xiàn)年38歲 還要跟一個(gè)啦啦隊(duì)長(zhǎng)爭(zhēng)

[14:58.56]And even when you get the guy, you never know what fun surprise might be revealed. 不知道還會(huì)爆發(fā)什么驚人事件

[15:02.44]Let me tell you something, ladies. 讓我告訴你們

[15:04.00]ln a good relationship, there are no surprises. 一段好的關(guān)系 是不該有任何隱瞞的

[15:06.68]l know everything about Marcus, and Marcus knows everything about me. 我知道馬可斯所有的事 他也知道我所有的事

[15:17.56]l don't think he knows everything. -我不認(rèn)為他知道所有的事 -怎么了


[15:24.20]What? 怎么了?

[15:26.68]CharIotte, Iike aII girIs, Iearned at an earIy age... 夏綠蒂很早就知道

[15:29.16]that the onIy way to get rid of information you don't want to have... 唯一能去除垃圾資訊的方法 就是把它傳出去

[15:31.28]is to pass it on.

[15:34.92]Oh, my God! ls this real? 老天,這是真的嗎

[15:36.44]Anthony found it in an old issue of Honcho magazine. 安東尼在過(guò)期的 “漢草”雜志上看到的

[15:40.08]Let me see that. 讓我看看

[15:42.60]Oh, my! ls that Marcus? 老天,那真是馬可斯?

[15:47.64]-What is that? -Nothing. -那是什么? -沒什么

[15:51.84]Okay, hand it over. 拿出來(lái)

[15:54.12]Okay, hand it over. 拿出來(lái)

[16:02.16]Where did this come from? 這是從哪里來(lái)的

[16:07.84]Someone better tell me where this came from right now. l'm not kidding. 快告訴我,我可不是開玩笑

[16:10.12]-l got it from Carrie. -l got it from Miranda. -凱莉給我的 -米蘭達(dá)

[16:11.68]-l got it from Charlotte. -l got it from Anthony... -夏綠蒂 -安東尼

[16:15.52]but l told him you and Marcus were very much in love. 但我告訴過(guò)他 你和馬可斯很相愛

[16:17.08]CharIotte was stiII a cheerIeader for Iove. 夏綠蒂仍是愛情啦啦隊(duì)長(zhǎng)

[16:19.16]But Iike the Knicks, her team was having a bad season. 但她的隊(duì)伍 本季的表現(xiàn)并不好

[16:24.72]Well, you think you know somebody....


[16:30.20]Excuse me, which one of you is Annabelle Bronstein? 抱歉 請(qǐng)問(wèn)哪位是安娜貝爾布朗斯汀

[16:34.76]-l am. -Well, that's impossible. -我就是 -不可能

[16:37.08]Miss Bronstein is in London for the week. 布朗斯汀小姐本周人在倫敦

[16:38.76]No, l am Annabelle Bronstein. 不,我就是安娜貝爾布朗斯汀

[16:45.32]And she's British. 她是英國(guó)人

[16:46.08]As l was saying, dear sir... 我剛說(shuō)過(guò),先生 我是安娜貝爾布朗斯汀

[16:48.96]l am Annabelle Bronstein.

[16:53.36]l'm fairly certain you're not Annabelle. l've spoken to her on the phone. 我確定你不是 我已經(jīng)和她通過(guò)電話

[16:56.76]l am absolutely Annabelle Bronstein... 我絕對(duì)是安娜貝爾布朗斯汀

[16:60.32]and l do not pay $900 annually... 我一年花了900美元 卻得到這種待遇

[17:03.20]to be treated like this.

[17:06.60]Now, ring round the waiter and have him tally up the drinks. 快叫侍者過(guò)來(lái)幫我們補(bǔ)充飲料

[17:11.24]-What's with the accent? -She's got a case of the Madonnas. -那口音是怎么回事 -她是千面女郎

[17:15.16]l'm sorry, but l know for a fact that Annabelle lost her card. 很抱歉,但我知道 安娜貝爾遺失了會(huì)員卡

[17:19.12]Yes, l thought l did... 沒錯(cuò),我以為我掉了 結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)它在電視機(jī)上

[17:22.20]but it was on top of the telly.

[17:26.20]And Miss Bronstein is from Sussex, as am l... 布朗斯汀小姐 跟我一樣來(lái)自索塞克斯

[17:30.24]and l'd venture to guess that you are not, in fact, from the UK. 我大膽猜測(cè) 你應(yīng)該不是來(lái)自英國(guó)

[17:34.24]That's true. 沒錯(cuò),我是在印度長(zhǎng)大

[17:36.80]l was raised in lnja.

[17:40.16]On any given day, there are a Iot of versions of ''crazy'' right here in New York. 在紐約,每天都可能 發(fā)生許多瘋狂的事

[17:43.84]Today, AnnabeIIe Bronstein had muItipIe personaIities... 而今天,安娜貝爾布朗斯汀 就有了多重人格

[17:49.44]and at Ieast two accents. 以及兩種以上的口音

[17:51.00]Hey, Hobbes. Where did you disappear to after the game? 霍布斯 你怎么球賽后就消失了

[17:58.36]l was gonna thank you, but you were talking to that girl. 我本來(lái)要過(guò)去向你致謝 但你正和那個(gè)女孩在談話

[18:02.64]-What girl? -Some cheerleader. -哪個(gè)女孩 -那個(gè)啦啦隊(duì)長(zhǎng)

[18:08.92]-Do you like her? -No. -你喜歡她嗎 -不

[18:11.68]l like someone else. 我另有心上人

[18:16.36]You. 就是你

[18:18.16]This cheered Miranda up immediateIy. 這讓米蘭達(dá)喜出望外

[18:19.96]Now, see, how would l know that? 我怎么知道

[18:22.80]Well.... 那

[18:28.48]Would it be any clearer... 如果我這么做的話

[18:30.36]if l did this? 你會(huì)明白嗎

[18:43.52]-Hi, Mrs. McCaffrey. -Hello, Mrs. McCaffrey. -你好,麥卡弗瑞太太 -你好,麥卡弗瑞太太

[18:49.96]l wanted you to have these. Marbles. 我想請(qǐng)你留著這彈珠(理智) 免得我又再弄丟

[18:52.64]ln case l lose any more of mine, l want to know where l can find a stash. -至少我知道哪里可找到它們 -要進(jìn)來(lái)嗎

[18:58.20]-How are you? Do you want to come in? -She asked with trepidation.

[18:59.52]-你語(yǔ)帶驚恐 -才沒有,你這樣做很好

[19:01.28]No, l think it's great what you're doing--

[19:03.00]l know l probably threw you for a loop the other day, but.... 我知道我那天嚇著你了,但…

[19:05.04]l should probably just come right out and say something about this, but l.... 我當(dāng)時(shí)應(yīng)該把話說(shuō)清楚

[19:10.24]Truth is, l haven't worked out my rap on it yet. 但我還沒辦法討論它

[19:14.80]-Well, it's a tough thing to slip in. -Yeah, it is. -這件事很難啟齒 -我知道

[19:17.08]''Hi, l might be crazy. Would you like to share an appetizer?'' 你好,我可能是瘋子 想不想跟我吃個(gè)飯?

[19:22.48]The thing is, l think l made it sound worse than it is. 我想我越描越黑了

[19:24.36]lf you saw Juno-Spears, you'd see it's not a cuckoo's nest. 朱諾史畢爾并不是瘋?cè)嗽?/p>

[19:29.56]lt's more like Canyon Ranch for the brain. 比較像是為大腦所設(shè)的 峽谷農(nóng)場(chǎng)健康度假中心

[19:31.84]-Do they have pilates? -They do have pilates. -他們也有彼拉特斯運(yùn)動(dòng) -他們有彼拉特斯運(yùn)動(dòng)

[19:37.36]l don't want to lie to you. l am going through some pretty heavy stuff. 我不想騙你 我正在接受一些吃重的治療

[19:40.04]l mean, soul-searching, really. 亦即心靈探索

[19:42.44]Trying to figure out why... 試圖了解為什么有些事 我比別人更難克服

[19:46.20]some things seem to be harder for me than they are for other people.

[19:51.12]l think my family has something to do with it. 那和我的家庭有關(guān) 總是能怪罪父母,對(duì)不對(duì)

[19:53.08]-lt's good to blame the parents, right? -Right.

[19:55.16]So l figured l could spend the next five years in therapy... -沒錯(cuò) -我可以花五年時(shí)間接受治療

[19:57.64]or spend the next month and deal with it intensively right now. 或是現(xiàn)在接受密集治療 這樣比較有效率

[20:01.16]lt's just more efficient. -你的進(jìn)展很好 -我的醫(yī)生也這么說(shuō)

[20:03.12]-You make a very good case. -That's what my doctors say.

[20:08.00]Well, that's it. Ta-da! 就是這樣,我是來(lái)解釋清楚的

[20:09.48]l just wanted to explain myself so that...

[20:12.04]l didn't become known eternally as that nut case you dated back in high school. 這樣我就不會(huì)成為 “你在高中時(shí)交往過(guò)的瘋子”

[20:19.52]How about ''my high-school boyfriend who was the best kisser ever''? “我的高中男友 最棒的接吻高手”如何?

[20:22.44]l could live with that. 可以接受,你也很不錯(cuò)

[20:24.32]You're not bad yourself, either, you know.

[20:28.40]That night we went aII the way. And we weren't the onIy ones. 當(dāng)晚,我們的關(guān)系更進(jìn)一步 而我們也不是唯一的一對(duì)

[20:42.80]The next afternoon, my other crazy boyfriend stopped by. 第二天下午 我的另一位瘋狂男友造訪

[20:46.44]lt's true. Marcus was a gay escort. 是真的,馬可斯做過(guò)同志伴游

[20:48.72]-But he's been off the market since 1992. -So you talked about it? 但他1992年以后就洗手不干了

[20:53.60]Yes, and he says he did it just to put himself through dance classes. -你們談過(guò)了 -對(duì)

[20:54.84]他說(shuō)那是為了支付 舞蹈課的學(xué)費(fèi)

[20:58.20]-But if that's true, then why keep it a secret? -Maybe he was embarrassed. 既然如此為何不早說(shuō)?

[21:01.08]-或許他羞于啟齒 -對(duì)

[21:03.64]Yes, but it's not the escort thing... 問(wèn)題不是出在伴游 而是他的刻意隱瞞讓我不舒服

[21:07.32]but the secret thing that's bothering me. l was the last to know.


[21:10.64]l don't want to hear the truth from some bitchy queen with back issues of Honcho. 我不想從一個(gè)低俗皇后的 過(guò)期雜志中得知此事

[21:16.08]So... 因此,我們分手了

[21:16.28]we broke up. -史丹佛,真的嗎 -對(duì)

[21:18.08]-Stanny, really? -Yes.

[21:23.04]And right before the prom. 就在舞會(huì)前夕

[21:24.16]And l still have to go, because l'm on the decorations committee. 但我還是要去 因?yàn)槲沂枪ぷ魅藛T之一

[21:27.72]And l have no date. Again. 我這次又沒有舞伴了

[21:31.92]-When is it? -Tomorrow night. -舞會(huì)是什么時(shí)候 -明天晚上

[21:33.60]Will you please go with me? 你能不能跟我一起去

[21:37.88]l can't. l have to visit my boyfriend at the asylum. 我要去療養(yǎng)院探視我的男友

[21:41.84]Of course you do. -你當(dāng)然要去 -他想讓我看看那個(gè)地方

[21:42.12]He wants me to see the place for myself. lt's supposed to be like Canyon Ranch.

[21:44.92]就像是個(gè) 峽谷農(nóng)場(chǎng)健康度假中心

[21:47.48]-Honey. -l know. -親愛的… -我知道,但我喜歡他

[21:49.12]-But l like him. -You'd have to. -你一定是 -還能說(shuō)什么

[21:52.76]Who are we to say, he's got issues, he's getting help?

[21:53.88]Usually, that's considered a good thing. lt's New York. Everybody's insane. 他正接受協(xié)助,那是件好事 何況在紐約,大家都是瘋子

[21:57.56]-You slept with him, didn't you? -Yes. -你還沒和他上床吧 -我有

[22:03.92]That's where the problems begin. 那就是問(wèn)題的開始

[22:03.60]You sleep with someone, you start rationalizing away all the red flags. 只要你一跟他上床 所有的警訊就被拋在一邊

[22:09.48]At least he was honest about it. -至少他坦誠(chéng)這件事 -沒錯(cuò),不像保羅

[22:11.64]Yes, unlike Paul.

[22:26.96]ApparentIy, the Juno-Spears Center was harder than the Soho House to get into. 朱諾史畢爾中心 比索霍屋更難進(jìn)去

[22:32.40]Or out of. 或出來(lái)


[22:40.08]Even as a visitor, I couId see how this was a very reIaxing pIace to get away to. 即使只是訪客也可以看出 這里是個(gè)避靜的好地方

[22:49.72]lt's kind of nice, huh? 這里很不錯(cuò) 到處都有健行步道

[22:50.92]There are great hiking trails all around here.

[22:53.92]-Maybe later we can do a hike. -l don't really hike. -或許待會(huì)我們可以試試 -我不太健行

[22:57.00]Neither do l. But l will fill you in on something l discovered. 我也一樣 但我會(huì)告訴你我的發(fā)現(xiàn)

[23:02.36]Hiking is walking. -健行其實(shí)就是散步 -真的?

[23:04.92]-Really? -Yes, hiking is walking. 我開始在想

[23:07.92]I started to think maybe the Juno-Spears Center...

[23:08.60]shouId be mandatory for New Yorkers. 應(yīng)該強(qiáng)制紐約客到這地方來(lái)

[23:11.12]Like the Hamptons or Fire IsIand. 就像漢普頓或火燒島

[23:13.80]Feces! 大便…

[23:17.28]-抓住他 -大便

[23:26.40]l guess that doesn't happen very often at Canyon Ranch. 我猜峽谷農(nóng)場(chǎng) 應(yīng)該不太會(huì)發(fā)生那種事

[23:29.20]l've never been. lt might. 我沒去過(guò),說(shuō)不定有

[23:31.80]Who am l kidding? This is a full-on psychiatric facility. 我還想騙誰(shuí) 這里是住滿精神病人的收容所

[23:37.76]With pilates. 但有彼拉特斯運(yùn)動(dòng)

[23:40.20]-You're definitely the sanest person here. -Thank you. 你是這里最清醒的人

[23:44.40]That's like being the best house on a bad block. 就像是貧民區(qū)里的高級(jí)住宅

[23:44.32]People would advise you against buying it. 但別人還是會(huì)勸你不要買

[23:50.16]Maybe it wasn't the wisest thing to start something while l was still in here. 也許當(dāng)我還在這里的時(shí)候 我們之間不該重新開始

[23:54.76]Maybe when l get out... 也許過(guò)個(gè)八到十個(gè)月 等我出去以后…

[23:57.44]in eight to ten months....

[24:01.92]Eight to ten months? 八到十個(gè)月?

[24:02.00]My doctor still thinks l have a lot of work to do. 我的醫(yī)生認(rèn)為我還有待努力

[24:07.24]To be honest with you, l'm comfortable here. l kind of like it. 老實(shí)說(shuō),我喜歡這里 覺得很自在

[24:10.64]l like that everybody's craziness is out in the open. 我喜歡大家都將瘋狂表露在外

[24:18.60]-我不介意和你約會(huì) -我也喜歡再和你約會(huì)

[24:21.80]-l loved seeing you. -l loved seeing you again.

[24:26.24]But l understand. 但我了解 我們現(xiàn)在的處境不同

[24:28.24]We're just in very different places right now.

[24:34.68]IronicaIIy, it was the sanest breakup I ever had. 諷刺的是 這是我最理智的一次分手

[24:39.68]And now, the Queen and Queen of our prom... 現(xiàn)在 讓我們歡迎舞會(huì)中的兩位女王

[24:44.16]Carrie Bradshaw and Stanford BIatch. 凱莉布雷蕭和史丹佛巴勒奇

[24:54.16]-Oh, my God! l love this song. -Me, too. -老天,我好愛這首歌 -我也是

[24:58.24]Thank you very much. -謝謝你 -謝謝

[25:15.76]This is my best prom ever. Thank you for coming. 這是我最好的一次舞會(huì) 謝謝你陪我來(lái)

[25:18.52]Believe me, l'm glad to be back with the normal people. 相信我 我很高興能回來(lái)和正常人一起

[25:24.80]You know the craziest thing of all? 你知道最瘋狂的是什么嗎

[25:25.80]l somehow thought that after everything l've been through... 我甚至曾想過(guò) 在經(jīng)歷了這么多事之后

[25:31.56]l might end up with my high-school boyfriend. 我最后可能會(huì) 回頭和我的高中男友在一起

[25:36.72]l don't think my story's going to get tied up like that. 我不認(rèn)為 我的故事會(huì)有這種結(jié)局

[25:38.64]-Your boyfriend might get tied up. -And taken away. -他可能會(huì)被綁住 -并被帶走

[25:40.80]Okay, no more jokes. l might be dating him in eight to ten months. 別開玩笑了,說(shuō)不定 八至十個(gè)月后我還會(huì)跟他約會(huì)

[25:47.56]May l cut in? 我能不能加入

[25:49.56]No, thank you. l already have an escort. 不行,我已經(jīng)有伴了

[25:57.88]Honey, l didn't tell you because it's part of my past. 我沒有告訴你是因?yàn)?那已經(jīng)過(guò)去了

[26:01.16]lt's not who l am anymore. 和現(xiàn)在我的毫無(wú)關(guān)系 當(dāng)時(shí)的我真的很亂

[26:01.60]l was really messed up back then, but l've got it together now.


[26:07.44]And it's prom night. We have to have a dance. 今天是舞會(huì)之夜 我們一定要跳支舞

[26:15.92]Why don't l get some punch? 我想去喝點(diǎn)東西

[26:26.52]Just tell me one thing. 我只想知道一件事

[26:28.24]Did you ever, ever sleep with that little bitchy pine nut, Anthony? 你是不是曾和 安東尼那個(gè)小賤人上過(guò)床

[26:31.60]No. God, no. 當(dāng)然沒有

[26:58.72]So, maybe it won't Iook the way you thought it wouId Iook in high schooI. 也許這和 你在高中時(shí)的想法有些出入

[27:02.20]But it's good to remember Iove is possibIe. 但愛情是有可能降臨的

[27:09.36]Anything is possibIe. This is New York. 畢竟這里是紐約 什么事都有可能發(fā)生


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