In order for American democracy to survive, we need a culture of vulnerability, or at least a space in that culture for vulnerability. I talk to a lot of people I disagree with, and those conversations have a hard time going anywhere productive. But what I've found is, if you can get off the path of disagreement and onto the path of something completely tangential—like I talked to somebody who was a big MAGA supporter, and we were butting heads, and then outside of that, we started talking music.
We started talking 1960s music, specifically the band Bob Dylan, something that he absolutely loved and I do as well. That conversation opened us up to one another in ways that wasn't happening before, and then we were able to kind of articulate some of our uncertainties, the things that made us scared.
I can't say we found agreement on certain political issues, but we found—is understanding that we were all trying to walk this path and had our own misgivings about certain things. So it's not always a recipe for success, but there is more common ground to be found. But it might be off the beaten path.