DEI is dying right now, and allyship is on his way with it. But I want us to, just for a moment, consider that maybe allyship isn't grand historical gestures or another big program or huge financial commitments. It can be the small things, the things that we see and encounter every day. Allieship is understanding that the system is such that the way your neighbor is experiencing a home appraisal and the way you might be could be different.
DEI 正在走向消亡,而聯(lián)盟關系也隨之而來。但我希望我們能暫時考慮一下,也許聯(lián)盟關系不是宏大的歷史性舉動,也不是另一個大型計劃或巨大的財務承諾。它可以是小事,是我們每天看到和遇到的事情。聯(lián)盟關系是理解系統(tǒng)是這樣的,你的鄰居經歷房屋評估的方式和你經歷的方式可能會有所不同。
It could also be recognizing that access to job opportunities isn't necessarily fair, just because you got it. It's left-handed scissors. It's considering food allergies. It's being willing to accept correction when you mispronounce someone's name or misgender them. It's all of those things that you encounter every single day. I think when we think of it as just the big things, we miss an opportunity to step into what we, independently, and individually, have the ability to do to be allies.
And I know that word may still not sit well with a lot of you, but whether you call it support, love, friendship, solidarity, whatever you'd like to call it, let's start taking the kinds of everyday actions that really bring it to life.