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[00:02.48]Ok... 好了

[00:03.96]The X10's are online 這臺(tái)X10已經(jīng)連上網(wǎng)了

[00:06.44]Gentlemen, I am now about to send a signal from this laptop through our local ISP 先生們 接下來(lái)我要從這臺(tái)筆記本發(fā)出信號(hào) 通過(guò)本地ISP

[00:12.76]racing down fibre optic cable at the speed of light to San Fransisco, 經(jīng)由光纖電纜 以光速直達(dá)舊金山

[00:17.36]bouncing off a satellite in geosynchronous orbit to Lisbon, Portugal, 通過(guò)地球同步衛(wèi)星的反射 到達(dá)葡萄牙的里斯本

[00:21.04]where the data packets will be headed off to submerge transatlantic cables, 然后數(shù)據(jù)包就會(huì)直通 跨大西洋海底電纜

[00:23.80]terminating in Halifax, Nova Scotia 在新斯科舍省的哈利法克斯暫歇之后 (位于加拿大)

[00:24.92]and transfered across the continent via microwave relays back to our ISP 跨越整個(gè)大陸 通過(guò)微波傳送回我們的ISP

[00:29.64]And the extend receiver attached to this... 而擴(kuò)展接收器就安在這個(gè)...

[00:31.40]Lamp. 燈

[00:37.76]Look at me, look at me. I've got goosebumps. 看看我 看看我 我都起雞皮疙瘩了

[00:37.44]- Are we ready for the stereo? - Go for stereo. - 立體聲準(zhǔn)備好了嗎? - 試試看音響

[00:46.44]電影"2001太空漫游"經(jīng)典配樂(lè) 他們?cè)谀7码娪爸行尚蛇M(jìn)化的片斷

[01:03.60]- Hey guys. - Hello. - 嘿 大家 - 你好

[01:06.12]It's a little loud. 有點(diǎn)吵哎

[01:08.92]No problem... Turning it down. 沒(méi)問(wèn)題... 聲音關(guān)小點(diǎn)

[01:10.12]San Francisco, Lisbon, Halifax... ...et voil? 舊金山 里斯本 哈利法克斯... 這樣好了?

[01:15.32]- OK, thanks. - Hang on, hang on. Do you not realise what we just did? - 好 謝謝 - 等下 你沒(méi)注意到我們剛才做的事嗎?

[01:19.52]Yeah, you turned your stereo down with your laptop. 注意到了 你們剛剛用筆記本調(diào)低了音響聲音

[01:20.36]No, we turned our stereo down, by sending a signal around the world via the Internet. 不 我們是借由網(wǎng)絡(luò)向全球發(fā)出了信號(hào) 然后使立體聲音量變小

[01:28.92]Oh. You know you can get one of those universal remotes from Radioshack? 你們可以買個(gè)Radioshack的萬(wàn)能遙控 (美國(guó)第三大電子零售商)

[01:29.56]They're really cheap. 那個(gè)非常便宜

[01:31.76]No, you don't get it. Howard, 不 你沒(méi)明白 Howard

[01:35.96]- Enable public access. - Public access enabled. - 打開(kāi)公共通道 - 公共通道已打開(kāi)

[01:40.16]- Boy, that's terrific. I'll see ya. - No hang on, hang on... - 棒極了 回見(jiàn) - 不 等等...

[01:47.68]See? 看到?jīng)]?

[01:48.76]No. 沒(méi)啊

[01:51.84]Someone in Sichuan province, China, is using his computer 有個(gè)人在中國(guó)的四川省 正在用他的電腦

[01:55.60]to turn our lights on and off. 來(lái)操控我們燈的開(kāi)和關(guān)

[01:58.12]Oh, that's handy. 哦 那還真挺方便的

[02:01.00]Here's a question... Why? 我有個(gè)問(wèn)題... 為什么這么做?

[02:03.76]Because we can. 因?yàn)槲覀兡茏龅?/p>

[02:07.72]They found our remote control cars! 他們發(fā)現(xiàn)我們的遙控車了!

[02:12.04]- Wait, what's on top of that? - Wireless webcams, wave hello! - 等一下 那個(gè)上面是什么? - 無(wú)線攝像頭 打個(gè)招呼!

[02:17.16]The monster truck is out of Austin, Texas, 那輛怪獸卡車由德州奧斯汀的某人操控 (即駛向Penny的三輛模型車)

[02:19.68]and the blue Viper is being operated from suburban Tel Aviv. 而那輛藍(lán)色的道奇蝰蛇 由特拉維夫市郊(以色列某市)某人操控

[02:26.16]- You may want to put on slacks. - What? - 你或許該穿條褲子 - 什么?

[02:32.60]Ew, stop it! No! Leave me alone! 惡 停下! 不! 離我遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)!

[02:38.24]- Who's running the red Corvette? - That would be me. - 誰(shuí)在操縱那個(gè)紅色巡洋艦? - 是我


[02:57.52]The Big Bang Theory Season01 Episode09 天才理論傳 第一季 第9集

[03:03.40]You know in the future, when we're disembodied brains in jars, 或許將來(lái) 當(dāng)我們變成被放在罐子里的 脫離軀體的大腦時(shí)

[03:08.44]we're going to look at this as eight hours well wasted. 回頭看這八個(gè)小時(shí) 會(huì)是完全浪費(fèi)

[03:11.96]I don't want to be in a jar. I want my brain in an android body. 我可不希望被放在罐子里 我希望我的大腦放在機(jī)器人體內(nèi)

[03:18.48]Eight feet tall and ribbed. 八英尺高 肋骨分明

[03:21.72]I'm with you. 我支持你

[03:20.64]I just have to make sure if I'm a synthetic human I'd still be Jewish. 我只是想確保就算我成了人造人 我仍然是猶太人

[03:27.92]I promised my mother. 我答應(yīng)過(guò)我媽媽

[03:29.32]I suppose you could have your android penis circumcised. 我覺(jué)得你還可能得 給你的人工陰莖進(jìn)行隔禮

[03:36.64]But that's something your rabbi would have to discuss with the manufacturer. 但那是你的猶太導(dǎo)師和制造商 應(yīng)該探討的問(wèn)題

[03:39.56]Not to mention you'd have to power down on saturdays. 而且你星期六還得進(jìn)入節(jié)電模式 (猶太人周末不工作 為安息日)

[03:43.80]Sheldon, why is this letter in the trash? Sheldon 這封信為啥在垃圾箱里?

[03:47.56]Well, there's always the possibility that 嗯 不能排除說(shuō)

[03:48.24]a trash can spontaneously formed around the letter 那封信周圍自然形成了一個(gè)垃圾桶

[03:53.60]but Occam's rasor would suggest that someone threw it out. 但據(jù)奧卡姆剃刀原理 應(yīng)該是誰(shuí)扔進(jìn)去的吧 (原理核心 "如無(wú)必要 勿增實(shí)體")

[03:57.04]It's from the Institute of Experimental Physics, they want us to 這是物理實(shí)驗(yàn)研究所寄來(lái)的 他們想讓我們

[03:60.72]present our paper on the properties of supersolids 在玻色-愛(ài)因斯坦凝聚體主題會(huì)上

[04:00.60]at the topical conference of Bose-Einstein condensates. 發(fā)表我們關(guān)于超立體特質(zhì)的研究論文

[04:03.92]I know. I read it before I threw it out. 我知道 我把它扔掉之前讀過(guò)了

[04:07.28]Ok, if I may drill down to the bedrock of my question: 好吧 容我打破砂鍋問(wèn)到底

[04:10.64]why did you throw it out? 你為什么把它扔掉?

[04:13.32]Because I have no interest in standing in the Rose room of the Pasadena Marriot, 因?yàn)槲覍?duì)站在 帕薩迪納萬(wàn)豪酒店的玫瑰房里

[04:16.84]in front of a group of judgmental strangers 面對(duì)一幫品頭論足的陌生人 毫無(wú)興趣

[04:17.00]who wouldn't recognise true genius if it was standing in front of them giving a speech. 就算一個(gè)真正的天才在面前講演 他們也絕對(duì)察覺(jué)不到

[04:22.60]Which if I were there, would be. 如果我在那兒的話 就會(huì)這樣的

[04:25.12]I don't know Sheldon. 我不明白 Sheldon

[04:26.68]Those topical conferences on Bose-Einstein condensates' parties are legendary 玻色-愛(ài)因斯坦凝聚體主題會(huì)的 派對(duì)可是傳奇性的啊!

[04:31.52]- Forget the parties! - Forget the parties? What a nerd. - 別提那些派對(duì)了! - 別提那些派對(duì)了? 書(shū)呆子!

[04:35.44]Are there any other honours I've got that I don't know about? 還有其他我不知情的榮譽(yù)嗎?

[04:40.40]Did the UPS dropped off a Nobel prize with my name on it? 快遞公司有沒(méi)有送來(lái)一封 寫(xiě)著我名字的諾貝爾獲獎(jiǎng)信?

[04:43.76]Leonard, please don't take this the wrong way, but the day you win a Nobel prize, Leonard 請(qǐng)別誤會(huì) 但是什么時(shí)候你能得諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)

[04:44.20]is the day I begin my research on the drag coefficient of tassles on flying carpets. 我就什么時(shí)候開(kāi)始對(duì) 飛毯流蘇的藥物共作用性研究

[04:51.80]the only thing missing from that insult was: "your mama". 這個(gè)羞辱只漏了一點(diǎn) 就是"你媽媽"

[04:57.08]I got one... Hey Leonard, 我有個(gè)... 嗨 Leonard

[04:58.52]- Your mama's research methodology is so flawed... - Shut up, Howard. - 你媽媽的研究方法論也太次了... - 閉嘴 Howard

[05:01.92]- Sheldon, we have to do this. - No, we don't. - Sheldon 我們必須去 - 不 沒(méi)必要

[05:05.44]We have to take a nourishment, to expel waste, 我們必須攝取營(yíng)養(yǎng) 排泄廢物

[05:06.08]and inhale enough oxygen to keep our cells from dying. 吸取足夠的氧氣來(lái)保持細(xì)胞活性

[05:10.80]Everything else is optional. 剩下的都是可選的

[05:11.68]Ok, let me put it this way: I'm doing it. 好吧 我這么說(shuō)吧 我要去

[05:14.12]You can't. I'm the lead author. 你不能 我才是主筆

[05:17.88]Come on, the only reason you're the lead author is because we went alphabetically. 得了吧 那是因?yàn)槟阈帐献帜缚壳?/p>

[05:20.60]I let you think we went alphabetically to spare you 我讓你以為我們是按字母排序 是為了減輕你的屈辱感

[05:21.80]the humiliation with dealing with the fact that it was my idea. 免于承受"那論文是我的構(gòu)思" 這個(gè)殘酷的現(xiàn)實(shí)

[05:25.52]Now to put too fine a point to it, but I was throwing you a bone. 坦率的說(shuō) 我是在施恩于你

[05:29.40]You're welcome. 不用謝了

[05:29.48]Excuse me, I designed the experiment that proved the hypothesis. 拜托 是我設(shè)計(jì)了實(shí)驗(yàn) 證明了那些假設(shè)

[05:34.80]That doesn't mean proving. 那才不是證明

[05:36.96]So the entire scientific community is just supposed to take your word? 所以整個(gè)科學(xué)界都理應(yīng)相信你的鬼話了?

[05:38.72]They're not supposed to, but they should. 不是理應(yīng) 他們應(yīng)該相信

[05:41.88]Alright, I don't care what you say. 好吧 我不管你怎么說(shuō)

[05:45.64]I'm going to the conference and I'm presenting our findings 我會(huì)去參加這個(gè)會(huì)議 并且要發(fā)表我們的新發(fā)現(xiàn)

[05:46.12]And I forbid it. 我不準(zhǔn)

[05:50.64]You forbid it? 你不準(zhǔn)?

[05:49.80]If I'm not taking credit for our work then nobody is. 如果這榮譽(yù)不是歸我名下 那就誰(shuí)也別想得到

[05:54.32]- So, you admit that it's our work. - No. - 你承認(rèn)這是我們共同的成果了 - 不是

[05:54.52]Once again, I'm throwing you a bone. 再說(shuō)一遍 是我施恩于你

[05:57.04]And once again, you are welcome. 再說(shuō)一遍 不用謝了

[06:10.48]So, how's it going with Sheldon? Are you guys still not talking to each other? 你現(xiàn)在和Sheldon怎么樣? 還是不說(shuō)話嗎?

[06:11.16]Not only is he still not talking to me, 他不僅不和我說(shuō)話

[06:14.96]but there's this thing he does where he stares at you and tries to get your brain to explode. 他還總瞪著我 想要把我的頭給看爆炸

[06:19.36]You know, like in the classic sci-fi movie "Scanners"? 就像是那個(gè)經(jīng)典的科幻電影"掃描機(jī)"

[06:22.88]Like.... Bzzz. 就像....卟嗞..

[06:27.24]Nevermind. 算了

[06:29.84]How about this one? 這件怎么樣?

[06:31.76]It says, I know my physics, but I'm still a fun guy. 它就像在說(shuō) 我雖然精通物理 但我仍是一個(gè)風(fēng)趣的人

[06:33.72]Oh, I didn't know they still made corduroy suits. 哦 我不知道還有人生產(chǎn)燈芯絨西服

[06:37.56]They don't, that's why I saved this one. 沒(méi)人生產(chǎn)了 所以我留著這件

[06:40.80]Ok, well, let's just see what else you have. 好的 咱們?cè)倏纯茨氵€有什么

[06:45.76]Ok, here. Take this. 好 這兒 拿著這件

[06:45.04]and this, and this, and this, and these... 還有這件 這件 這件 還有這些...

[06:49.00]Is this all stuff you want me to try on? 這些都是你想讓我試穿的?

[06:52.84]No, this is stuff I want you to throw out. 不 這些都是我想讓你扔掉的

[06:55.68]Seriously, don't even give it to charity, you won't be helping anyone. 說(shuō)真的 也別捐給慈善機(jī)構(gòu)了 不會(huì)幫到任何人的

[06:58.56]What's this? 這是什么?

[07:00.12]That's the bottled city of Kandor. 這是瓶中城市Kandor (出自"超人")

[07:06.48]You see, Kandor was the capital city of the planet Krypton. Kandor曾是氪星球的首都

[07:11.16]It was miniaturised by Brainiac before Krypton exploded 在氪星球爆炸之前 它被Brainiac縮小了

[07:12.100]and then rescued by Superman. 然后被超人所拯救

[07:16.08]Oh, nice. 哦 厲害

[07:19.84]It's a lot cooler when girls aren't looking at it. 在沒(méi)有女孩看的時(shí)候 它會(huì)更酷的

[07:22.52]Here, why don't you put these while I find a shirt and a sport cut match. 你先把它換上 我找找相配的襯衫和外套

[07:26.52]Right, be right back. 好的 我馬上回來(lái)

[07:27.72]Where are you going? Just put them on. 你去哪? 穿上就行了

[07:28.88]Here? 在這兒?

[07:30.04]Oh, are you shy? 噢 你害羞了?

[07:31.64]- No, I'm not shy. - Don't worry I won't look. - 不 我沒(méi)害羞 - 別擔(dān)心 我不會(huì)偷看的

[07:36.32]I know you won't look. Why would you look? 我知道你不會(huì)偷看 你為啥要偷看呢?

[07:37.28]There's nothing to see... Well, not 'nothing'... 又沒(méi)什么好看的... 呃 也不是一點(diǎn)沒(méi)有...

[07:37.32]Sweetie, put the pants on. 親愛(ài)的 把褲子穿上

[07:42.20]So, you know, isn't there maybe some way you and Sheldon could 會(huì)不會(huì)有一天你能和Sheldon

[07:44.12]- compromise on this whole presentation thing? - No, No. - 在出席會(huì)議那件事上彼此妥協(xié)呢? - 不會(huì)的 不會(huì)的

[07:49.44]Scientists do not compromise. 科學(xué)家不會(huì)妥協(xié)

[07:50.28]Our minds are trained to synthetize facts 我們的頭腦是被訓(xùn)練來(lái)綜合事實(shí)

[07:52.80]and come to inarguable conclusions. 然后得出無(wú)可置疑的結(jié)論

[07:55.36]Not to mention, Sheldon is back-crap crazy. 更何況 Sheldon是個(gè)駝背的瘋子

[08:01.44]What is this? 這是什么?

[08:02.28]Oh, careful. 哦 小心點(diǎn)

[08:05.92]That's my original series Battlestar Galactica flight suit. 那是我收藏的太空堡壘卡拉狄加 原版系列宇航服

[08:09.76]Oh, why didn't you wear it on Halloween? 哦 怎么你都沒(méi)有在萬(wàn)圣節(jié)穿過(guò)?

[08:11.20]Because it's not a costume, it's a flight suit. 因?yàn)樗皇菓蚍?它是宇航服

[08:17.44]Ok, alright, moving on. 好吧 繼續(xù)

[08:20.24]Oh, wow. A paisley shirt. 哇 渦旋紋花呢衫

[08:20.32]It goes with my corduroy suit. 那件是用來(lái)配我的燈芯絨西服

[08:23.40]if you mean it should end up in the same place, then I agree. 如果你覺(jué)得它該和那西服同歸于盡 我也同意

[08:28.60]Is this your only tie? 這是你唯一的一條領(lǐng)帶?

[08:32.36]Technically, yes. But, if you'll notice... 理論上來(lái)說(shuō) 是的 但是 如果你能注意到...

[08:35.28]It's reversible! 它是正反兩面的!

[08:39.32]So it works as two. 可以當(dāng)兩條用

[08:40.36]Sweetie, I don't even think it works as one. 親愛(ài)的 我覺(jué)得當(dāng)一條用它都?jí)騿?/p>

[08:47.20]- Is this all your clothes? - Eh, yeah. - 這就是你全部的衣服了? - 沒(méi)錯(cuò)

[08:47.96]Everything since the eighth grade. 八年級(jí)至今的全部衣服都在這兒了

[08:50.00]- The eighth grade? - My last growth sprout - 八年級(jí)? - 我最后發(fā)育的年齡

[08:54.80]Ok, well, let's go back to the curdoroy suit. 好吧 還是選這套燈芯絨西服吧

[08:58.24]- Great. - Yeah. - 棒極了 - 是啊

[09:00.72]I said no. Put it down. 我說(shuō)了不 把它放下

[09:10.72]Hey Sheldon. 嗨 Sheldon

[09:10.88]Hello Penny. 你好 Penny

[09:15.96]Get anything good? 收到啥好東西了?

[09:18.20]Just the latest copy of Applied Particle Physics quarterly. 只是最新的應(yīng)用粒子物理學(xué)季刊

[09:20.28]Oh, you know, that is so weird that yours came and mine didn't. 哦 那真是有點(diǎn)奇怪 你的到了可我那期還沒(méi)來(lái)

[09:29.40]It was a joke. 我在開(kāi)玩笑

[09:37.76]Yep. 是的

[09:37.16]Tip you waitresses. I'm here all week. 打賞你的服務(wù)員 我整星期都會(huì)在這里哦

[09:42.04]Penny, just to save you from further awkwardness, Penny 為了防止你進(jìn)一步尷尬

[09:44.84]know that I'm perfectly comfortable with the two of us climbing the stairs in silence. 我并不介意 我們倆爬樓梯時(shí)保持沉默

[09:47.64]Oh, yeah ok, me too. Zip it, lock it. 好 我也是 拉鏈拉上 鎖住

[09:53.76]Put it in your pocket. 放進(jìn)你的口袋

[09:58.12]- So, you and Leonard... - Oh dear God... - 那么 你和Leonard... - 老天啊...

[10:01.96]Little misunderstanding, huh? 一點(diǎn)小誤會(huì)啊?

[10:04.44]A little misunderstanding...? 一點(diǎn)小誤會(huì)...?

[10:04.72]Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding. 伽利略和羅馬教皇也有一點(diǎn)小誤會(huì) (伽利略因日心說(shuō)被教皇迫害)

[10:13.84]Anyway, I was talking to Leonard this morning and I think he feels really bad about it. 不管怎樣 今天早上我跟Leonard談過(guò) 我感覺(jué)他很難過(guò)

[10:17.64]How do you feel? 你有什么感覺(jué)?

[10:22.48]I don't understand the question. 我不明白你的問(wèn)題

[10:25.08]I'm just asking if it's difficult to be fighting with your best friend. 我只想問(wèn) 跟自己最好的朋友作對(duì) 會(huì)不會(huì)很難?

[10:29.08]I haven't thought about it like that. 我沒(méi)有這么想過(guò)

[10:31.68]I wonder if I've been experiencing physiological manifestations 我只是在想 這些無(wú)意識(shí)的情感波動(dòng)

[10:34.72]of some sort of unconscious emotional turmoil 會(huì)不會(huì)影響我的生理表現(xiàn)

[10:38.48]Wait, what? 等等 你說(shuō)什么?

[10:40.48]I couldn't poop this morning. 今天早上拉不出大便

[10:44.56]You should just talk to him, I'm sure you guys can work this out. 你得找他談?wù)?我肯定你們倆能和好

[10:48.80]- Certainly preferable to my plan. - Which was? - 我的計(jì)劃更可取 - 你的計(jì)劃是?

[10:52.48]A powerful laxative. 一服輕瀉劑

[10:55.04]You absolutely should talk to him. 你真該找他談?wù)?/p>

[10:58.40]Look, I know Leonard values you as a friend and he told me himself 我知道Leonard當(dāng)你是朋友 而且他自己說(shuō)的 如果沒(méi)有你的小點(diǎn)子

[10:59.88]without your little idea there's no way he could come up with this whole experiment thing. 他根本無(wú)法提出這個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)

[11:07.12]Excuse me. "Little idea"? 對(duì)不起 "小點(diǎn)子"?

[11:11.96]Yeah, I mean he tried to explain it to me, 是的 他試著跟我解釋這個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)

[11:13.52]- I didn't really understand it but... - Of course you didn't. - 我實(shí)在不明白 但是... - 你當(dāng)然不明白

[11:14.64]He said: "Little idea"? 他說(shuō)"小點(diǎn)子"?

[11:18.00]Oh, well, no... Not... 噢 不... 不是...

[11:19.56]- Not in those words. - In what words then, exactly? - 不是那個(gè)詞 - 那他是怎么說(shuō)的?

[11:21.72]Oh, you know... Gee. The exact words are... It's more the spirit in which he said... 你知道的....確切的詞是... 他說(shuō)的更富有靈氣...

[11:25.04]- What did he say? - You had a lucky hunch - 他說(shuō)了什么? - 你有個(gè)幸運(yùn)駝背

[11:30.12]Hey, Sheldon, I've been thinking, instead of arguing about this... 嘿 Sheldon 我在想 與其爭(zhēng)論...

[11:30.20]Don't you ever speak to me again. 不要再跟我說(shuō)話

[11:36.40]What...? 什么...?

[11:51.76]Ok, I'm leaving for the conference. 我要去參加會(huì)議了

[11:52.32]Have fun presenting my "lucky hunch" 但愿你能盡情陳述我的"幸運(yùn)駝背"

[11:56.16]Shel, I didn't mean it like that. Shel 我并不是這意思

[11:57.48]- Then why did you say it? - I don't know, I wasn't... - 那你為什么這么說(shuō)? - 我不知道 我...

[11:58.64]- Were you trying to impress Penny? - No, no, not at all. A little bit. - 你想逗Penny開(kāi)心? - 不 不 并不是 有一點(diǎn)

[12:03.72]How did that work out for you? 那樣真的有用嗎?

[12:05.96]- Leonard, ready to go? - Libido: 1 Truth: 0. - Leonard 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎? - 性欲:1 真相:0

[12:13.48]Ok, I'm gonna ask you one more time. 我再問(wèn)你一次

[12:13.04]We did the work together, let's present the paper together. 我們一起做的研究 就一起去陳述論文吧

[12:17.64]And I'm telling you for the last time, 我最后回答你一次

[12:19.36]it's pandering, it's undignifying, and bite me. 這是在拉皮條 這是無(wú)地自容 有種咬我

[12:25.24]Let's go. 我們走吧

[12:24.24]- Bye Sheldon. - Goodbye Penny. - 再見(jiàn) Sheldon - 再見(jiàn) Penny

[12:37.64]One of these days... bshh! 總有那么一天...卟嗞!

[12:43.12]There you go. 可以了

[12:45.32]You're right this side does look better. 你說(shuō)的對(duì) 這一面的確好看點(diǎn)

[12:46.28]No, no, I didn't say better, I said "less stained". 不 我并沒(méi)說(shuō)更好看 我說(shuō)"少點(diǎn)污漬"

[12:50.80]I just checked the house. There's probably 20-25 people in there. 我剛剛檢查了下房間 里面大約有20-25個(gè)人

[12:53.80]- You're kidding! - Is that all? - 真的?! - 就這么多?

[12:57.56]"All?" In particle physics 25 is Woodstock! "就這么多?" 在量子物理學(xué)里 25人就是伍德斯托克音樂(lè)節(jié)

[13:03.24]- Then good! - I wasn't expecting such a crowd, - 那很好! - 我可沒(méi)想到有這么多人

[13:05.88]I'm all nervous. 我好緊張

[13:07.40]It's ok, just open with a joke, you'll be fine. 沒(méi)事的 開(kāi)頭講個(gè)笑話 會(huì)順利的

[13:08.36]A joke... Ok. 笑話...好吧

[13:12.64]How about this? Um, ok... 這個(gè)怎么樣? 呃 好吧...

[13:13.08]There's this farmer 有個(gè)農(nóng)夫

[13:16.96]and he has these chickens but they won't lay any eggs, so... 他養(yǎng)了一群雞卻不會(huì)下蛋 于是...

[13:18.32]he calls a physicist to help. 他找了個(gè)物理學(xué)家來(lái)幫忙

[13:20.44]The physicist then does some calculations, 物理學(xué)家做了些計(jì)算

[13:23.36]and he says: "I have a solution, 然后說(shuō) "我有個(gè)解決的辦法"

[13:29.16]but it only works for spherical chickens in a vacuum". "但只對(duì)在真空環(huán)境下的球形雞適用"

[13:35.24]Right? 好笑吧?

[13:40.68]Oh, sorry, I just had heard it before. 噢 對(duì)不起 我之前聽(tīng)過(guò)這個(gè)笑話

[13:42.84]- Let's roll. Hey, nice suit. - It's a classic, right? - 我們進(jìn)去 嘿 不錯(cuò)的西服 - 很經(jīng)典 對(duì)吧?

[13:48.96]I really should have brought my own car. 我真該自己開(kāi)車來(lái)

[13:54.04]So, in conclusion, 總而言之

[13:54.88]the data show that at temperatures approaching absolute zero, 數(shù)據(jù)顯示 當(dāng)溫度接近絕對(duì)零度時(shí)

[13:57.48]the moment of inertia changes, and a solid becomes a supersolid, 慣性矩會(huì)改變 固體將變成超立體

[14:02.96]which clearly appears to be a previously unknown state of matter. 也就是我們之前所未知的物態(tài)

[14:09.64]Thank you! 謝謝!

[14:13.64]- Are there any questions? - Yeah. - 有什么問(wèn)題嗎? - 有

[14:16.76]What the hell was that? 那是什么鬼東西?

[14:22.40]Any other questions? 還有其他問(wèn)題嗎?

[14:23.16]Doctor Sheldon Cooper here, I am the lead author of this particular paper. 我是Sheldon Cooper博士 是這篇論文的主筆

[14:30.12]Thank you. 謝謝

[14:33.32]And you sir, you have completely skipped over the part where I was walking through the park 而你 這位先生 你完全跳過(guò)了那段 -- 我穿過(guò)公園

[14:36.92]and I saw these children on a merry-go-round which started me thinking 看到孩子們?cè)谛D(zhuǎn)木馬上

[14:40.92]about the moment of inertia in gases like helium 引起我思考當(dāng)類似氦氣的氣體

[14:43.60]at temperatures approaching absolute zero. 溫度達(dá)到絕對(duì)零度時(shí)的慣性矩

[14:45.84]I didn't skip it. It's just an anecdote, it's not science. 我沒(méi)有跳過(guò) 那只是個(gè)趣聞 并不是科學(xué)

[14:48.52]Oh, I see. It was the apple falling on Newton's head, 噢 我知道了 那是掉在牛頓頭上的蘋(píng)果

[14:51.96]- was that just an anecdote? - You are not Isaac Newton. - 那只是個(gè)趣聞嗎? - 你不是艾薩克·牛頓

[14:53.72]No, no, that's true. Gravity would have been apparent to me without the apple. 不 不 這是真的 不用蘋(píng)果 重力也能找到我

[14:58.16]You cannot possibly be that arrogant. 你怎么能如此傲慢

[14:59.44]You continue to underestimate me, my good man. 你就繼續(xù)低估我吧 伙計(jì)

[15:02.24]Look, if you weren't happy with my presentation then maybe you should have given it with me! 聽(tīng)著 如果你因?yàn)槲业年愂龆挥淇?也許你該跟我一起陳述!

[15:05.80]As I have explained repeatedly, unlike you, 我已經(jīng)重復(fù)過(guò)好幾次 跟你不同

[15:07.100]I don't need validation from lesser minds. 我不需要那些沒(méi)腦子的人來(lái)肯定我

[15:11.88]No offense. 無(wú)意冒犯

[15:11.40]Really, so why did you come? 真的? 那你為什么來(lái)?

[15:13.32]Because I knew you'd screw this up. 因?yàn)槲抑滥銜?huì)搞砸

[15:16.16]I didn't screw it up! 我并沒(méi)有搞砸!

[15:15.56]Oh, please. I admit that spherical chicken joke, 拜托 我承認(rèn)那個(gè)球形雞的笑話不錯(cuò)

[15:19.28]- that was hilarious. - Thank you. - 很搞笑 - 謝謝

[15:20.40]But it was straight downhill from there. 但從那以后就直線下滑

[15:22.84]I've had enough of your condescendship. 我受夠了你的鄙視

[15:25.60]Maybe I didn't go to college when I was 11 like you. 也許我沒(méi)有像你一樣 11歲就上大學(xué)

[15:28.52]Maybe I got my doctorate at 24 instead of 16 也許我24歲才獲得博士學(xué)位 而不是16歲

[15:30.56]but you are not the only person who is smarter than 但你不是唯一一個(gè)

[15:31.44]everyone else in this room! 比這里在座各位聰明的人!

[15:36.52]No offense. 無(wú)意冒犯

[15:38.24]And I am clearly not the only person 而且我顯然不是唯一一個(gè)

[15:39.40]who is tormented by insecurity 被不安全感折磨

[15:40.52]and has an ego in need of constant validation! 并需要被持續(xù)認(rèn)可的自負(fù)的人!

[15:43.52]So you admit you're an egotist? 你承認(rèn)自己自負(fù)了?

[15:44.84]Yes! 是的!

[15:47.60]My name is doctor Leonard Hofstadter and I can never please my parents so 我是Leonard Hofstadter博士 我永遠(yuǎn)取悅不了我的父母

[15:50.56]I need all my self esteem from strangers like you! 所以我需要從你們這些陌生人身上 找回自尊!

[15:54.52]But he's worse! 但他更糟糕!

[15:54.68]Ok, that's it! 好了 夠了!

[15:55.64]Stop it! 停下!

[15:59.68]You cannot blow up my head with your mind! 用你的意念弄不爆我的腦袋!

[16:01.92]Then I'll settle for your aneurism! 那么我就讓你生塊動(dòng)脈瘤!

[16:05.04]- Stop it! - You hit me! - 停下! - 你打我?!

[16:05.96]You saw that he hit me! 你們看到了 他打我!

[16:08.24]You tried to blow up my head! 你想弄爆我的腦袋!

[16:08.20]So it was working! 那就是說(shuō)有用咯!

[16:11.96]It wa... It was not! You're a nutcase! 沒(méi)...沒(méi)有用! 你是個(gè)瘋子!

[16:12.44]We'll see about that! 我們走著瞧!

[16:13.84]Heads up, you people in the front row! 戴好頭盔! 你們坐在前排的人

[16:16.28]This is a splash zone! 這里是浪濺帶!

[16:16.80]Stop it! 住手!

[16:18.40]Just quit it! 快住手!

[16:24.00]Is this usually how these physics things go? 物理學(xué)通常都是發(fā)展成這樣的嗎?

[16:28.72]More often than you think. 比你能想象的要多

[16:46.16]You could have offered me a ride home. 你本可以載我一程的

[16:48.100]You're lucky I didn't run you over. 沒(méi)有軋死你 已經(jīng)算你走運(yùn)了

[16:51.40]I really don't understand what you're so unhappy about. 真不知道你為什么這么不開(kāi)心

[16:53.00]You begged me to come, I came. 你求我去的 我去了

[16:56.68]There's just no pleasing you. 你這人真難伺候

[16:59.40]You're right, I'm the problem, I'm the one that needs help. 你說(shuō)的對(duì) 問(wèn)題出在我身上 我才是需要幫助的人

[17:02.52]Well, that's not much of an apology but I'll take it. 好吧 雖然這算不上道歉 但我接受

[17:04.08]Excuse me, 不好意思

[17:05.08]is there anything you would apologise for? 你有什么需要道歉嗎?

[17:11.56]Yes. 有

[17:12.60]I'm sorry I tried to blow up your head. 很抱歉我嘗試弄爆你的頭

[17:17.12]It was uncalled for. 很不必要的舉動(dòng)

[17:18.28]You won't believe this. 你們不會(huì)相信的

[17:19.32]Somebody got the whole thing with their cell phone and put it on YouTube! 有人用手機(jī)拍下了整個(gè)過(guò)程 并上傳到了YouTube!

[17:23.56]What? 什么?

[17:26.64]- Who would do that? - That would be me. - 誰(shuí)會(huì)這么干? - 我會(huì)

[17:30.80]Hey, check it out, it's a featured video! 嘿 過(guò)來(lái)看看 還被置頂了!

[17:32.04]He hit me! You saw that he hit me! 他打我! 你們看見(jiàn)了 他打我!

[17:33.88](i)You tried to blow up my head!(/i) 你想弄爆我的腦袋!

[17:35.12]- Then it was working! - It was not working! You're a nutcase! - 那就是說(shuō)有用咯! - 沒(méi)...沒(méi)有用! 你是個(gè)瘋子!

[17:38.08]We will see about that! 我們走著瞧!

[17:39.36]You people in the front row heads up! 戴好頭盔! 你們坐在前排的人

[17:41.52]This is splash zone 這里是浪濺帶

[17:44.00]Stop it! Leave it, leave it! 住手! 放下! 放下!

[17:50.36]You want a volcano nerve pinch! 讓你嘗嘗火神力量鉗! (出自"星際漫游")

[17:51.08]You should clip your fingernails! Those hurt! 你該剪指甲了! 抓痛我了!

[17:55.08]Oh, Jeez. does this suit really look that bad? 天啊! 這件西服真有那么難看呀?

[17:60.12]Forget your suit, look at my arms waving. 別提你的西裝了 看看我的手臂晃動(dòng)

[18:01.56]I'm like a flamingo on Ritalin. 我像是吃了利他林(中樞興奮藥)的火烈鳥(niǎo)

[18:08.56]Howard, Howard

[18:09.24]would you like to explain to me why your Facebook page 能跟我解釋下 為什么你的相冊(cè)里

[18:09.100]has a picture of me sleeping on your shoulder captioned 有我靠在你肩膀睡覺(jué)的照片

[18:13.16]"me and my girlfriend"? 標(biāo)題為"我和我的女朋友"?

[18:16.32]Uh oh, here comes the talk. 啊哦 質(zhì)問(wèn)來(lái)了

[18:27.56]- You hit me! - You tried to blow up my head! - 你打我! - 你想弄爆我的腦袋!

[18:28.76]- So it was working! - It was not working! You're a nutcase! - 那就是說(shuō)有用咯! - 沒(méi)...沒(méi)有用! 你是個(gè)瘋子!

[18:33.92]We will see about that! 我們走著瞧!

[18:30.76]Somewhere in China 中國(guó)某處

[18:35.00]What losers 混蛋東西嘛

[18:35.20]Yeah Gigantic American geeks 對(duì)啊 很大的書(shū)呆子

[18:42.60]who's doing that? 誰(shuí)在搞鬼?

[18:45.60]Someone from Pasadena, California named... 一個(gè)來(lái)自加州帕薩迪納的叫...

[18:49.60]"Wolowizard" Wolowizard

[18:54.40]Awesome! 牛!


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