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[00:15.20]Problem? 有什么問題嗎?

[00:16.04]The online description was completely misleading. 網(wǎng)上說明太誤導(dǎo)人了

[00:16.84]They said eight slots,plus removable id. 上面說有八個插縫 外加一個可抽取的ID卡夾

[00:19.48]To any rational person,that would mean room for nine cards, 對任何理性人來說 那意味著可以放九張卡

[00:22.36]but they don't tell you,the removable id takes up one slot. 但上面沒告訴你 可抽取的ID卡夾也占了一個插縫

[00:26.84]It's a nightmare! 簡直是惡夢!

[00:29.92]Okay,now,do you really need the honorary justice league of america membership card? 好吧 你真的需要 美國榮譽(yù)審判聯(lián)盟的會員卡嗎?

[00:35.04]It's been in every wallet I've owned since I was five. 我5歲起就一直 把它存放在錢包里

[00:37.80]Why? 為什么?

[00:40.28]It says "keep this on your person at all times." 上面寫著"請隨身持本證"

[00:42.92]it's right here under batman's signature. 就在蝙蝠俠簽名的下面

[00:48.40]And this is leonard and sheldon's apartment. 這就是Leonard和Sheldon的公寓

[00:51.24]Guess whose parents just got broadband. 猜猜誰的父母剛裝了寬帶

[00:53.52]Leonard,may I present,live from new delhi,dr.And mrs.V.M.Koothrappali. Leonard 容我介紹 新德里現(xiàn)場連線 V.M.Koothrappali醫(yī)生及夫人

[00:57.16]Hi! 你們好!

[00:58.80]Tilt up the camera up! I'm looking at his crotch. 攝像頭歪了! 我只看到他的胯

[01:01.84]Sorry,papa. 抱歉 爸爸

[01:04.48]Oh,that's much better. 噢 好多了

[01:04.92]- Hi. - Hi! - 嗨! - 嗨!

[01:07.52]And over here is sheldon. 這邊是Sheldon

[01:09.88]Hi! 嗨!

[01:10.56]He lives with leonard. 他和Leonard住一起

[01:10.08]Oh,that's nice. 噢 那很好

[01:12.96]Like haroon and tanvir. 就像Haroon和Tanvir

[01:14.08]No,no. Not like haroon and tanvir. 不 不 跟Haroon和Tanvir不一樣

[01:17.48]Such sweet young men. 多么可愛的年輕人啊

[01:17.76]They just adopted the cutest little punjabi baby. 他們收養(yǎng)了最可愛的小印度男孩

[01:22.72]No,we're not like haroon and tanvir. 不 我們跟Haroon和Tanvir不一樣

[01:24.32]So,are you boys academics like our son? 你們和我兒子一樣搞研究?

[01:26.92]Yes. 是的

[01:27.16]And your parents are comfortable with your limited earning potential? 你們父母滿意你們有限的收入潛力嗎?

[01:30.20]- Oh,yes. - Not at all. - 哦 是的 - 完全不

[01:31.52]Papa,please. Don't start. 爸爸 拜托 別發(fā)問了

[01:34.52]It was just a question. 只是個普通問題

[01:34.60]He's so sensitive. 他太敏感了

[01:37.96]Okay,that's my life. That's my friends. 好啦 這就是我的生活 我的朋友們

[01:37.12]Good to see you. Say good-bye. 很高興見到你們 說再見

[01:38.72]- Bye. - Bye. - 再見 - 再見

[01:40.56]Wait! Wait! 等一下!

[01:44.28]Before you go,we have good news. 你關(guān)之前 我們還有個好消息

[01:45.96]Put the computer down and gather your friends. 把電腦放下 把你朋友們聚過來

[01:52.48]- What is it,papa? - friends. - 什么 爸爸? - 還有你朋友

[01:56.08]Is it just me,or does web chatting with your clothes on seem a little pointless? 你們不覺得穿著衣服 網(wǎng)上聊天很無聊嗎?

[02:03.48]Rajesh,do you remember lalita gupta? Rajesh 你還記得Lalita Gupta嗎?

[02:04.12]The little fat girl that used to kick me in the samosas and call me untouchable? 那個用薩摩薩餅打我 還叫我賤民的小肥妞?

[02:10.64]Yes. 是的

[02:10.60]Well,now she's a dental student at usc, 她現(xiàn)在是南加州大學(xué)的牙科專業(yè)學(xué)生

[02:11.84]so we gave her your contact information. 我們給了她你的聯(lián)系方式

[02:14.48]Why did you do that? 你們干嘛那么做?

[02:16.44]You're 26 years old,rajesh. 你已經(jīng)26歲了 Rajesh

[02:18.64]We want grandchildren. 我們想抱孫子

[02:18.44]But,papa,I'm not supposed... 可是爸爸 我不想...

[02:20.92]lalita's parents approved the match. Lalita的父母同意了你們的結(jié)合

[02:22.24]If you decide on a spring wedding,we can avoid monsoon season. 如果你決定春天舉辦婚禮 就能避開雨季

[02:26.80]A spring wedding? 春天就結(jié)婚?

[02:28.52]It's up to you,dear. 你決定 孩子

[02:29.28]We don't want to meddle. 我們不想管閑事

[02:31.32]If you don't want to meddle,then why are you meddling? 既然你們不想管閑事 干嘛要管我的閑事?

[02:31.00]If I may,your parents probably don't consider this meddling. 容我說 你父母可能不認(rèn)為這是管閑事

[02:36.36]While arranged marriages are no longer the norm, 包辦婚姻如今雖已不常見

[02:38.76]indian parents continue to have a greater-than-average involvement in their children's love lives. 但印度父母仍繼續(xù)大張旗鼓 干涉他們子女的愛情生活

[02:41.04]Why are you telling me about my own culture? 我們國家的習(xí)俗 干嗎用你來說?

[02:45.60]You seemed confused. 你看起來很困惑

[02:48.56]Sorry,mumi,papa,but with all due respect, 抱歉 媽媽 爸爸 盡管我非常尊重你們

[02:49.80]- I really don't want to... - I'm sorry,darling. - 但我真的不想... - 對不起 孩子

[02:52.24]We have to go. 我們不能再聊了

[02:53.64]Doogie howser is on. <天才小醫(yī)生>開始了 (1989-1993年的美國電視劇)

[02:55.52]Grandma! It's doogie time! 奶奶 <小醫(yī)生>時間到了!

[02:56.64]- Bye-bye! - Bye-bye! - 拜拜! - 拜拜!

[03:01.80]I don't believe it. 真不敢相信

[03:04.52]Neither do I. 我也是

[03:06.28]Doogie howser's been off the air for like 20 years. <天才小醫(yī)生>快20年沒播了

[03:09.76]Actually,I read somewhere that it's one of the most popular programs in india. 其實(shí)我讀到過 那是在印度 最受歡迎的電視節(jié)目

[03:11.92]It might speak to a cultural aspiration to have one's children enter the medical profession. 我想說可能是種民族情結(jié) 希望有個當(dāng)醫(yī)生的孩子吧

[03:18.28]I bet you're right. 我猜你是對的

[03:19.28]I bet they love scrubs. 我猜他們喜歡看<實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生風(fēng)云>

[03:18.76]What's not to love? 有不喜歡的嗎?

[03:20.68]Excuse me! Hello? 喂! 在聽嗎?

[03:21.48]My parents are trying to marry me off to a total stranger. 我父母想要我娶一個 根本不認(rèn)識的人

[03:23.100]What am I going to do? 我該怎么辦?

[03:25.40]I suggest you go through with it. 我建議你坦然接受吧

[03:29.16]What? 什么?

[03:30.44]Romantic love as the basis for marriage has only existed since the 19th century. 建立在羅曼蒂克愛情上的婚姻 只是從19世紀(jì)開始盛行

[03:33.44]Up until then,arranged marriages were the norm,and it served society quite well. 在那之前都是包辦婚姻 也很好地適應(yīng)了社會發(fā)展

[03:38.16]It's the entire premise of fiddler on the roof. 那正是<屋頂上的小提琴手>的藍(lán)本 (1964年著名的百老匯長篇音樂劇)

[03:39.24]I'm not a big fan of musicals,but I love that show. 我不是音樂劇的粉絲 但我超愛那部音樂劇

[03:43.08]Me too. 我也是

[03:43.72]Of course,it speaks to me culturally. 當(dāng)然 對我來說很有文化感染力

[03:44.72]Understandable,but there's a universality to that story which transcends ethnicity. 可以理解 但這類故事一般都超越了種族

[03:51.04]Let's not forget it's got some really catchy tunes. 讓人沒法忘記里面那些 瑯瑯上口的曲調(diào)

[03:52.92]- oh,absolutely. - Yeah! - 噢 的確 - 就是啊!

[03:55.52]Okay,I know what I'm going to do. 好吧 我知道該怎么做了

[03:54.40]What? 什么?

[03:57.24]Find new friends. 去找新朋友

[04:03.16]so who wants to rent fiddler? 那誰去租那部音樂劇?

[04:06.52]No need,we have the special edition. 沒必要 我們有特別收藏版

[04:09.16]Well,maybe we are like haroon and tanvir. 也許我們真的就像Haroon和Tanvir


[04:30.92]The Big Bang Theory Season01 Episode08 天才理論傳 第一季 第8集

[04:36.92]this is dr.Sheldon cooper. 我是Sheldon Cooper博士

[04:39.48]Yeah,I need to cancel my membership to the planetarium. 我想取消天文館的會員資格

[04:43.04]Well,I'm sorry,too,but there's just no room for you in my wallet. 我也很抱歉 但我錢包里沒地方放會員卡了

[04:51.28]I understand,but it was between you and the museum of natural history, 我能理解 但我要在 你們和自然歷史博物館中選擇

[04:54.60]and frankly,you don't have dinosaurs. 坦白說 你們那兒沒恐龍

[04:58.76]I'll miss you,too. Bye-bye. 我也會懷念你們的 再見

[05:03.44]Okay,I know you're texting about me and I'd really like you to stop. 好啦 我知道你們在發(fā)短信說我 你們最好停下來

[05:09.00]oh,dear,I am rightly and truly screwed. 親愛的 我徹底完蛋了

[05:10.64]Hey,I thought you were finding new friends. 嗨 我以為你去找新朋友了

[05:12.56]I've got some feelers out. 我那邊有那個音樂劇的碟

[05:16.36]In the meantime,listen to this. 還有 聽這個

[05:18.40]Hi,rajesh. This is lalita gupta. 嗨 Rajesh 我是Lalita Gupta

[05:19.60]Uh,your mother gave my mother your phone number to give to me. 你媽給了我媽你的電話號碼 并轉(zhuǎn)交給我

[05:23.88]So,I'm calling you and,uh,call me back. Bye. 所以我打給你 回我電話 拜

[05:29.72]Can you believe how pushy she is? 你們看她逼得我多緊啊!

[05:35.60]So don't call her. 那就別回她電話

[05:35.72]If I don't call her,I won't hear the end of it from my parents. 如果不打給她 我就再也別想和我父母說話了

[05:39.36]So call her. 那就打給她

[05:38.84]How can I call her? You know I can't talk to women. 我怎么打給她? 你們知道我不敢和女人說話

[05:43.04]I'm done. Anybody else? 我沒轍了 其他人呢?

[05:46.68]- Give me the phone. - Why? - 電話給我 - 干嘛?

[05:45.36]Just give it to me. 就給我好了

[05:49.32]What are you doing? 你做什么?

[05:48.76]Don't worry. You'll thank me. 別擔(dān)心 你會感激我的

[05:51.48]Hello,lalita?Raj koothrappali here. 喂 Lalita? 我是Raj koothrappali

[05:57.60]Yes,it is good to talk to you,too. 是的 我也很高興和你說話

[06:02.48]So what are you wearing? 你現(xiàn)在穿的什么?

[06:07.40]Oh,not important. 噢 那不重要

[06:10.96]Uh,so,anyhow,when would you like to meet? 總之 你想什么時候見面?

[06:14.20]Friday works for me! 周五有空!

[06:17.84]I'll call you with a time and place. 具體時間地點(diǎn) 我再打給你

[06:19.60]But in the meantime,keep it real,babe. 還有 來真的 寶貝

[06:29.88]You may now thank me. 現(xiàn)在你要感激我了

[06:32.72]For what? Making me sound like a simpsons character? 為什么? 把我的聲音弄得像 辛普森一家似的?

[06:34.84]Fine. Next time make your own date. 那好吧 下次你自己去約人家

[06:37.76]I didn't want to make this one! 這次我都不想!

[06:37.28]Look on the bright side,she might turn out to be a nice,beautiful girl. 往好的方面想吧 也許她已經(jīng)出落得美麗大方

[06:40.04]Great,then we'll get married, 好極了 那我們就會結(jié)婚

[06:42.36]I won't be able to talk to her 但我沒辦法跟她說話

[06:43.88]and we'll spend the rest of our lives in total silence. 我們一起的余生就會沉寂中度過

[06:48.04]It worked for my parents. 我父母就是這樣

[06:49.92]- hi,guys. - Oh,hey. - 嗨 伙計們 - 嗨

[06:52.00]I need some guinea pigs. 我需要幾只"豚鼠"做實(shí)驗(yàn)

[06:53.96]Okay,there's a lab animal supply company in reseda you could try. 在Reseda有家供應(yīng)實(shí)驗(yàn)動物的公司 你可以去試試

[06:57.88]But if your research is going to have human applications, 但如果你的研究需要人類志愿者

[06:60.40]may I suggest white mice instead? 我能建議你換成小白鼠嗎?

[07:01.24]Their brain chemistry is far closer to ours. 它們的頭腦機(jī)能和我們的更接近

[07:07.24]I swear to god,sheldon,one day, 我向上帝發(fā)誓 Sheldon 總有一天

[07:07.04]I'm going to get the hang of talking to you. 我會跟上你的說話思維

[07:10.40]His mom's been saying that for years. 這話他媽媽說了幾年了

[07:14.76]What's up? 什么事?

[07:15.12]Well,I finally convinced the restaurant to give me a bartending shift, 我總算說服餐館老板 把我換到吧臺

[07:18.52]so I need to practice mixing drinks. 所以我需要練習(xí)調(diào)酒

[07:21.20]Oh,great. 哦 太好了

[07:23.60]Well,the key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition. 任何事情的成功關(guān)鍵 都是熟能生巧

[07:25.44]With certain obvious exceptions. 顯然也有例外

[07:28.92]Suicide,for example. 比如說 自殺

[07:32.40]So,leonard,how about it? Leonard 怎么樣?

[07:36.96]You know,penny,we'd love to help you, 你知道 Penny 我們很樂意幫助你

[07:37.04]but raj is going through some stuff right now, 但Raj現(xiàn)在正面臨很艱難的情況

[07:40.72]and besides,he doesn't drink,so... 而且他不喝酒 所以...

[07:45.84]really? 是嗎?

[07:48.60]Um,raj is going through some stuff right now and he'd like to take up drinking. Raj現(xiàn)在很痛苦 所以愿意嘗試喝酒

[07:55.40]Okay,here you go,leonard. 好了 給你 Leonard

[07:57.56]One tequila sunrise. 龍舌蘭日出酒

[07:58.92]Thank you. 謝謝

[07:58.24]You know,this drink is a wonderful example of 知道嗎 這杯酒能極好地詮釋

[08:02.32]how liquids with different specific gravities interact in a cylindrical container. 重力不同的各種液體 是如何在圓柱容器內(nèi)相互作用的

[08:06.72]Thank you. 謝謝

[08:09.96]Okay,raj,what'll it be? 好吧 Raj 你要什么?

[08:14.32]Whatever you recommend. 隨便你推薦

[08:14.76]Uh,how about a grasshopper? 草蜢酒怎么樣?

[08:16.28]I make a mean grasshopper. 我調(diào)的草蜢酒很棒

[08:18.40]Okay? Good.Coming up. 行嗎? 好的

[08:21.36]Sheldon,what are you going to have? Sheldon 你要什么?

[08:22.68]I'll have a diet coke. 我要一杯健怡可樂

[08:26.36]Okay,can you please order a cocktail? 好吧 你能點(diǎn)雞尾酒嗎?

[08:26.60]I need to practice mixing drinks. 我需要練習(xí)怎么調(diào)酒

[08:28.32]Fine. 好吧

[08:30.92]I'll have a virgin cuba libre. 我要圣潔古巴利布瑞酒 (由新鮮酸橙 可樂調(diào)制)

[08:34.72]That's,um,rum and coke without the rum. 那是朗姆可樂酒 去掉朗姆酒

[08:35.84]Yes. 對

[08:38.12]- So...coke. - Yes. - 那么...可樂 - 是的

[08:43.44]And would you make it diet? 能不能是健怡的嗎?

[08:50.48]There's a can in the fridge. 冰箱里有罐裝的

[08:52.08]A cuba libre traditionally comes in a tall glass with a lime wedge. 一杯傳統(tǒng)的古巴利布瑞酒 是在高腳杯中加入酸橙

[08:57.24]Then swim to cuba. 那你游去古巴吧

[09:01.48]Bartenders are supposed to have people skills. 吧臺侍者應(yīng)該具有人際交往能力

[09:05.92]Okay. 好啦

[09:05.16]Raj,here you go. Raj 給你

[09:06.36]All right. Who's next? 好啦 下一個到誰?

[09:09.44]I'd like to try a slippery nipple. 我想試試光滑的咪咪

[09:17.88]Okay,you're cut off. 好吧 你沒資格了

[09:21.64]Anybody need a refill? 誰要續(xù)杯?

[09:23.32]Where did my life go,penny? 我的人生駛向何方 Penny?

[09:25.44]One day I'm a carefree bachelor, 眼下我還是無憂無慮的單身漢

[09:28.36]and the next I'm married and driving a minivan to peewee cricket matches in suburban new delhi. 轉(zhuǎn)眼我就結(jié)婚了 載著一車小孩 去新德里郊外打板球比賽

[09:36.44]Are you talking to me? 你在跟我說話?

[09:37.88]Is there another penny here? 這兒還有別人叫Penny?

[09:39.04]I had such plans. 我有計劃

[09:41.72]I had dreams. 我有夢想

[09:43.84]I was going to be the indira gandhi of particle astrophysics. 我要成為粒子天體物理學(xué)界的甘地

[09:46.36]But with a penis,of course. 區(qū)別是我有小雞雞

[09:52.12]Amazing. 太神了

[09:52.84]Ever since I was a little boy, 我還小的時候

[09:54.76]my father wanted me to be a gynecologist like him. 我爸就想讓我像他一樣當(dāng)婦科醫(yī)生

[09:55.52]How can I be a gynecologist? 我哪能做婦科醫(yī)生?

[09:58.40]I can barely look a woman in the eye! 我都不敢看女人的眼睛!

[10:05.20]You know what? 知道嗎?

[10:05.92]I'm not going to let my parents control my future any longer. 我不要父母控制我的未來

[10:07.04]It's time for a showdown. 是時候攤牌了

[10:08.24]Somebody give me a computer with a webcam! 誰給我一個帶攝像頭的電腦!

[10:12.16]Okay,sweetie,I think that's the grasshopper talking. 親愛的 這是酒勁兒

[10:16.16]And it's about to tell my parents that 我要告訴我父母

[10:18.24]I'm not riding an elephant down the aisle with lalita gupta. 我不要跟Lalita Gupta騎象走向圣壇

[10:22.60]Okay,calm down. 冷靜

[10:22.16]Look,no one can make you get married. 沒人能逼你結(jié)婚

[10:25.44]Why don't you just meet this girl and see what happens? 不如跟她見見面 看會怎么樣?

[10:28.60]Haven't you been listening to me? 你沒聽我說嗎?

[10:29.72]I cannot talk to women. 我不能跟女人說話

[10:29.100]Um,raj... 呃 Raj

[10:31.04]no,no,let's see how long it takes him. 別說 看他多久才醒悟

[10:34.60]Um,raj,honey,you say you can't talk to women, Raj 親愛的 你說你不能跟女人說話

[10:37.28]but you've been talking to me. 可你一直在跟我說話

[10:39.40]And now we'll never know. 這將是個永遠(yuǎn)的謎

[10:43.40]You're right. I... 說的對...

[10:47.52]I am talking to you. 我正在和你說話

[10:47.24]Hello,penny,how are you? 你好 Penny 怎么樣?

[10:51.84]I'm fine. 我很好

[10:54.04]Okay,now I just need to make sure I have a lalita before I meet the grasshopper. 現(xiàn)在我只需確保 和草蜢酒見面之前先喝一杯Lalita

[10:59.04]It's a sweet,green miracle. 真是甜蜜的綠色奇跡

[11:03.36]Okay,if you're going to drink on this date, 好吧 如果你要靠酒撐過這次約會

[11:04.44]just promise me you won't overdo it. 向我保證不要太過頭

[11:06.48]Overdo what? 過什么頭?

[11:09.40]Happiness? 快樂過頭?

[11:12.60]Freedom? 自由過頭?

[11:11.92]This warm glow inside of me that promises everything's going to be all hunky-dunky? 向我保證一切都將順利無比的 這股體內(nèi)熱流?

[11:17.80]Yeah,that. 沒錯

[11:20.80]Why don't you bring her to my restaurant 你帶她來我的餐館吧

[11:22.60]while I'm tending the bar so I can keep an eye on you. 我在吧臺可以照看你們

[11:22.20]Okay. 好

[11:26.60]Wait a minute. What's the plan here? 等等 你們什么計劃?

[11:26.32]Let's say he meets her,he likes her,they get married. 讓他倆見面 他喜歡她 娶她

[11:30.60]What's he going to do,stay drunk for the rest of his life? 然后在酒精的麻痹下度過余生?

[11:31.36]Worked for my parents. 我父母就是這樣

[11:44.16]I can't believe I'm sitting here next to little lalita gupta. 不敢相信小Lalita Gupta坐在旁邊

[11:48.28]Well,you are. 事實(shí)如此了

[11:50.16]Little lalita. 小Lalita

[11:52.100]That's fd of kinun to say. 這個詞發(fā)音很好玩

[11:56.64]Little lalita,little lalita,little lalita. 小Lalita 小Lalita 小Lalita

[11:58.20]You should try it. 你可以試試

[11:58.40]Oh,it's okay. 謝謝不用

[12:03.72]You have lost so much weight. 你瘦了很多

[12:07.16]That must have been difficult for you because you were so,so fat. 一定很辛苦吧 因?yàn)槟阋郧昂梅逝?/p>

[12:13.36]Do you remember? 記得嗎?

[12:13.72]Yes,I do. 我記得

[12:15.48]Of course you do. 當(dāng)然記得了

[12:15.48]Who could forget being that fat? 肥成那樣 誰能忘得了?

[12:19.96]Well,I've been trying. 我一直在努力

[12:23.80]So you're a dental student. 你現(xiàn)在學(xué)牙科了

[12:27.44]Mm,are you aware that dentists have an extremely high suicide rate? 你知道嗎? 牙醫(yī)的自殺率特別高

[12:30.44]Not as high as,say,air traffic controllers,but,then, 當(dāng)然沒有空中交通管制員高

[12:34.44]there are far mo dreentists than air traffic controllers, 但是牙醫(yī)的基數(shù)大大高于空管員

[12:36.92]so in pure numbers,you're still winning. 所以單就數(shù)量來說 還是你們勝出

[12:38.36]Yay,me. 贏咯!

[12:40.76]Do you have a drink that will make him less obnoxious? 有什么酒能讓他變得不那么討厭?

[12:43.16]Drinks do not work that way. 沒有這種酒

[12:47.60]I'd say he's doing fine. Look at her. 我覺得他沒問題 看她

[12:47.92]The last girl my mom set me up with had a mustache and a vestigial tail. 上次我媽給我安排的相親對象 不但有胡子 還有殘留的尾巴

[12:55.32]Sorry I'm late. 對不起 我來晚了

[12:56.20]What happened? 怎么了?

[12:57.00]Nothing. I just really didn't want to come. 沒什么 我就是有點(diǎn)不太想來

[13:02.36]Virgin diet cuba libre,please. 請來一杯"圣潔健怡古巴利布瑞酒"

[13:03.32]Okay. 好吧

[13:06.60]In a tall glass with a lime wedge. 用高腳杯 要插檸檬片

[13:09.00]Oh,I'll wedge it right in there. 我這就插

[13:13.88]So how's koothrappali... Koothrappali怎么樣了?

[13:14.36]oh,my lord. 噢 我的天

[13:15.00]What? 什么?

[13:18.48]That's princess panchali. 這是Panchali公主

[13:18.32]I'm pretty sure her name's lalita. 我很確定她叫Lalita

[13:22.48]No,no,princess panchali,from the monkey and the princess. 不是 是<猴子與公主>里的Panchali

[13:25.32]Oh,yeah. 哦 對

[13:26.32]I tried to watch that online,but they wanted my credit card. 我想在線看來著 不過要信用卡號的

[13:30.48]It's a children's story. 那是兒童故事

[13:33.44]Oh,no,it isn'T. 才不是呢

[13:37.80]When I was a little boy and got sick, 我小時候生了病

[13:39.44]which was most of the time,my mother would read it to me. 我一直生病啦 我媽媽會讀給我聽

[13:41.88]It's about an indian princess who befriends a monkey 講一個印度公主 她對一只猴子很好

[13:46.00]who was mocked by all the other monkeys because he was different. 這只猴子被所有的猴子嘲笑 因?yàn)樗臉幼硬煌?/p>

[13:50.04]For some reason,I related to it quite strongly. 因?yàn)槟承┰?我對這個故事感同身受

[13:52.28]I know the reason. 我知道原因

[13:56.60]We all know the reason. 我們都知道

[13:57.72]Sheldon,what are you getting at? Sheldon 你想說什么?

[14:01.24]That woman looks exactly like the pictures of princess panchali in the book. 那個女人像極了書上的Panchali公主

[14:03.44]How often does one see a beloved fictional character come to life? 多難得見到一個你喜歡的角色 活生生在眼前啊

[14:07.08]Every year at comic-con. 每年動漫大會都能見到

[14:11.20]Every day at disneyland. 迪斯尼每天都有

[14:12.12]You can hire snow white to come to your house. 你可以花錢把白雪公主請回家

[14:14.96]Of course,they prefer it if you have a kid. 最好是家里有小孩 否則她不太愿意去

[14:19.28]Hey,guys. 伙計們

[14:20.24]Isth is lalita gupta. 她是Lalita Gupta

[14:22.00]Lalita,this is leonard and sheldon and howard and penny. Lalita 這是Leonard Sheldon Howard 還有Penny

[14:23.96]Isn't it great? She isn't fat anymore. 你們說多好? 她不是肥女了

[14:29.16]Forgive me,your highness,for I am but a monkey, 請原諒 公主陛下 我只是一只猴子

[14:30.48]and it is in my nature to climb 我的天性就是爬樹

[14:32.08]I did not mean to gaze upon you as you comb your hair. 我不是故意在你梳頭時弄亂你的頭發(fā)

[14:38.92]I'm sorry? 什么?

[14:38.88]You are the living embodiment of the beautiful princess panchali. 你是Panchali公主的真身

[14:41.68]Oh,no kidding. 不是吧

[14:43.88]Who... who is that? 什么Panchali?

[14:45.84]A beloved character from an indian folktale. 我最愛的印度童話主角

[14:49.16]Us indian or "come to our casino" indian? 是我們這樣的印度人 還是開賭場的印度人?

[14:56.36]You indian. 你們這樣的

[14:58.76]The resemblance is remarkable. 簡直太像了

[14:58.36]I can practically smell the lotus blossoms woven into your ebony hair. 我簡直可以聞到你黑發(fā)上 點(diǎn)綴的荷花香

[15:02.32]Well,thanks. 謝謝

[15:05.80]I imagine you smell very nice,too. 我想你的味道一定也很好

[15:07.96]I shower twice a day and wash my hands as often as I can. 我每天洗兩次澡 洗手無數(shù)次

[15:12.64]Really? So do I. 真的? 我也是

[15:14.00]But you're a dentist. He's nuts. 但你是牙科學(xué)生 他只是瘋子

[15:18.60]Don't be insulting,rajesh. 不要那樣說人 Rajesh

[15:21.76]So,sheldon,tell me more about this princess you say I look like. Sheldon 多跟我說說那個公主

[15:23.32]It was said that the gods fashioned her eyes out of the stars 她的眼睛是神用星星做的

[15:27.76]and that roses were ashamed to bloom in the presence of her ruby lips. 她艷紅的唇 令玫瑰都羞于開放

[15:34.84]Oh,my. 我的天

[15:33.100]Back off,sheldon. 滾開 Sheldon

[15:37.40]What? 為什么?

[15:36.80]If you do not stop hitting on my lady, 如果你再跟我的女人調(diào)情

[15:38.80]you will feel the full extent of my wrath. 你會感受到我熾熱的怒火

[15:42.60]I'm not hitting on her. 我沒在調(diào)情

[15:42.44]And I am not your lady. 我也不是你的女人

[15:45.60]And you have no wrath. 你也沒有怒火

[15:49.60]You are my lady. 你是我的女人

[15:50.80]Our parents said so. 我爸媽說了的

[15:52.48]We are,for all intents and purposes,100% hooked up. 從各方面來說 我們都是鐵定在一起了

[15:55.52]Okay,let's get something straight here. 好吧 有些話我跟你說清楚

[15:55.96]The only reason I came tonight was to get my parents off my case. 我今天來見你完全是敷衍我父母

[15:59.64]I certainly don't need to be getting this old world crap from you. 我才不會嫁你這種老土人呢

[16:01.56]That's exactly the kind of spirit with which princess panchali led the monkeys to freedom. Panchali公主就是憑這種精神 帶領(lǐng)猴子走向自由

[16:07.12]Screw princess panchali. 去他媽Panchali公主

[16:06.00]Hey,you can't talk to me like that. 不許你這么說我

[16:07.88]But you're not princess panchali. 你不是Panchali公主啊

[16:11.80]Luckily for you-- she could have you beheaded. 幸好不是 否則你已經(jīng)被斬首了

[16:13.32]Sheldon,are you hungry? Sheldon 你餓嗎?

[16:15.56]I could eat. 吃點(diǎn)無妨

[16:17.44]Let's go. 我們走

[16:20.04]What just happened? 剛才怎么回事?

[16:21.96]Beats the hell out of me. 我也無法解釋

[16:23.28]I'll tell you what happened. 我告訴你怎么回事

[16:24.04]I just learned how to pick up indian chicks. 我想我學(xué)會怎么泡印度妞了

[16:30.84]What are we supposed to say to lalita's parents? 讓我怎么跟Lalita的父母交待?

[16:34.96]I play golf with her father. 我和她爸爸一起打高爾夫

[16:33.68]I won't be able to look at him. 我都不敢看他了

[16:37.12]Maybe you should keep your eye on the ball,papa. 也許你應(yīng)該看著球 爸爸

[16:40.76]Oh,now you're a funny man. 你現(xiàn)在懂搞笑了

[16:39.88]This is not funny,mr.Funny man. 這不好笑! 搞笑先生

[16:43.40]Dr.And mrs.Koothrappali,in all fairness, Koothrappali醫(yī)生及夫人 說句公道話

[16:45.92]it wasn't entirely raj's fault. 也不全是Raj的錯

[16:48.20]This is a family matter,sheldon. 這我們的家事 Sheldon

[16:48.72]I'm leonard. 我是Leonard

[16:50.88]Oh,sorry. You all look alike to us. 不好意思 你們老外全都一個樣

[16:56.72]But he's right,papa. 他說的對 爸爸

[16:57.00]Listen to him. 聽他解釋

[16:59.36]You! You are the one who ruined everything. 你! 一切都是你搞糟的

[16:60.36]Who is it? We can't see. 是誰? 我們看不見

[17:01.20]Turn us. Turn us. 轉(zhuǎn)過去 轉(zhuǎn)過去

[17:07.84]Go ahead,tell my parents why they won't have any grandchildren. 說吧 告訴我父母 為什么他們抱不上孫子

[17:09.00]How would I know? 我怎么知道?

[17:12.68]Do you have a low sperm count? 你精子密度不足?

[17:15.52]This has nothing to do with my sperm count. 跟我的精子密度完全沒關(guān)系

[17:18.52]You are wearing the boxers that we sent you,aren't you,rajesh? 我們寄給你的四角褲你穿著吧 Rajesh?

[17:21.60]Yes,mumi. 穿著呢 媽媽

[17:21.72]Because you know what happens to the samosas when you wear tighty-whities. 穿那種緊身三角褲對小雞雞不好

[17:26.20]Can we please stop talking about my testicles? 能不能別提我的睪丸?

[17:28.56]Sheldon,tell them what you did. Sheldon 告訴他們你做了什么

[17:31.96]What did I do? 我做了什么?

[17:31.84]You left with his date. 你拐跑了他的對象

[17:33.36]Friends don't do that to each other. 朋友之間不能這樣

[17:38.12]All right,noted. 好吧 知道了

[17:40.00]Sorry. 對不起

[17:41.80]Sorry? That's all you can say is sorry? 對不起? 你就說一個對不起完事?

[17:45.84]Take it,raj. It's more than I've ever gotten. 接受吧 Raj 我連一句對不起都沒收到過

[17:47.40]And may I point out,she woavdn't hule asked me to go with her 我能否指出 她本來不會跟我走

[17:48.52]if you hadn't been drunk and boring. 如果你不是喝醉了又無聊

[17:52.56]Drunk? 喝醉?

[17:52.44]And boring-- her words. 還有無聊 她的原話

[17:54.32]I knew it. 我就知道!

[17:54.20]He moves to america and he becomes an alcoholic. 他去了美國 變成酒鬼了

[17:56.72]I'm not an alcoholic. 我不是酒鬼

[17:60.16]Then why were you drunk? 那你為什么喝醉?

[17:60.24]It was just this one time,papa,I swear. 就這一次 我發(fā)誓 爸爸

[18:04.64]Are you in denial? 你現(xiàn)在是屬于否認(rèn)階段?

[18:05.56]Do we have to come over and do an intervention? 我們要不要來幫你做心理治療?

[18:05.12]Don't embarrass him in front of his friends. 別讓他在朋友面前落面子

[18:10.20]All right. 好吧

[18:11.40]Carry us outside. 帶我們出去

[18:12.28]We want to talk to you in private. 我們要私下談

[18:14.92]- But,papa,please... - now,rajesh! - 爸爸 別... - 馬上 Rajesh!

[18:20.68]I have to go. 我出去一下

[18:23.08]Now,listen to me... 你給我聽好...

[18:25.88]at least wait till I get into the hall. 至少等我走到走廊里

[18:29.44]okay,well,good night. 好吧 晚安

[18:33.76]Hold on. 等等

[18:35.88]What happened with you and lalita? 你和Lalita怎么樣?

[18:36.76]We ate,she lectured me on the link between gum disease and heart attacks-- 我們吃飯 她告訴我牙周病和心臟病有關(guān)

[18:40.84]nothing I didn't already know-- and I came home. 都是我早就知道的東西 然后我回家

[18:45.16]So you're not going to see her again? 你要和她再見面嗎?

[18:45.96]Why would I see her again? 為什么要和她再見面?

[18:47.28]I already have a dentist. 我已經(jīng)有牙醫(yī)了

[18:55.36]I wonder who's going to tell his parents they're not having grandchildren? 誰來告訴他的父母 永遠(yuǎn)都抱不上孫子了?

[19:04.88]To life,to life,l'chaim * 敬生命 敬生命 我致敬 *

[19:06.12]l'chaim,l'chaim,to life * 我致敬 我致敬 敬生命 *

[19:08.44]life has a way of amusing us blessing and bruising us drink, * 生活給我們歡笑 有福有禍 干杯 *

[19:14.68]l'chaim,to li...fe. * 我致敬 敬生~命 *

[19:20.24]I don't believe it. What's gotten into him? 不敢相信 他中了什么邪?

[19:22.08]maybe a couple virgin cuba libres that turned out to be kind of slutty. 也許一點(diǎn)圣潔古巴利布瑞酒 讓他變得放浪了

[19:28.36]You didn'T. 你不是吧

[19:29.60]Hey,you do your experiments. I do mine. 你們做你們的實(shí)驗(yàn) 我做我的


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