President Xi Jinping called for the unique role of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in disease prevention and treatment to come into full play and allow it to contribute to the building of a healthier nation. Xi said in an instruction that TCM contains the nation's ideas and experience in healthcare spanning millennia and is a treasure of Chinese civilization. China should carry on the essence of TCM while pursuing innovations in the field, Xi stressed, adding that it should speed up the modernization and industrialization of TCM. Equal importance should be placed on both TCM and Western medicine. Let them complement each other and develop in a coordinated manner, he said. Xi's instruction was delivered at a national TCM conference on Friday in Beijing.
中醫(yī)藥學是中華民族優(yōu)秀文化的瑰寶,為中華民族的繁衍生息和健康作出了不可磨滅的貢獻,也是中華民族對世界人民健康之貢獻。近年來,我國出臺了一系列振興發(fā)展中醫(yī)藥的文件法規(guī)與措施,為中醫(yī)藥發(fā)展提供了立體化政策支持與財力保障。黨的十九大報告提出,實施健康中國戰(zhàn)略,“堅持中西醫(yī)并重,傳承發(fā)展中醫(yī)藥事業(yè)”?!?ldquo;健康中國2030”規(guī)劃綱要》提出,實施中醫(yī)藥傳承創(chuàng)新工程,重視中醫(yī)藥經(jīng)典醫(yī)籍研讀及挖掘,全面系統(tǒng)繼承歷代各家學術理論、流派及學說,不斷弘揚當代名老中醫(yī)藥專家學術思想和臨床診療經(jīng)驗,挖掘民間診療技術和方藥,推進中醫(yī)藥文化傳承與發(fā)展。2019年10月26日發(fā)布的《中共中央 國務院關于促進中醫(yī)藥傳承創(chuàng)新發(fā)展的意見》為中醫(yī)藥發(fā)展“把脈”“開方”,提出要健全中醫(yī)藥服務體系、發(fā)揮中醫(yī)藥在維護和促進人民健康中的獨特作用、大力推動中藥質(zhì)量提升和產(chǎn)業(yè)高質(zhì)量發(fā)展、加強中醫(yī)藥人才隊伍建設、促進中醫(yī)藥傳承與開放創(chuàng)新發(fā)展,以及改革完善中醫(yī)藥管理體制機制,為新時代傳承創(chuàng)新發(fā)展中醫(yī)藥事業(yè)指明了方向。
More efforts should be made in exploring the essence of TCM and better collaboration between enterprises, universities and research institutes to advance the industrialization, modernization and globalization of TCM.
disease prevention and treatment
modernization and industrialization of TCM
equal importance should be placed on both TCM and Western medicine