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常春藤解析英語 26 深海精靈──海豚




Delightful Dolphins of the Deep 深海精靈──海豚

by Rachel Black

For ages, sailors have said that it is good luck to see dolphins swimming alongside boats. Their presence meant that land was near, which would be vital information if a boat and her crew were in danger. Some dolphins have even protected shipwrecked sailors from sharks. It is no wonder that these unique and fascinating creatures have long been known as our friends.

You may think dolphins are fish, but they are actually mammals. They are related to whales and porpoises, and they evolved around 10 million years ago. Dolphins breathe air, give birth to live young, and feed them milk. They are social animals, living together in groups called pods or schools that range in size of up to 12. In places rich in food, many schools can combine together to form pods of up to 1,000 dolphins.

Dolphins are thought to be intelligent animals because of their playfulness, curiosity, and quick ability to learn. They seem to communicate with each other through a combination of squeaks, whistles, and clicks. While scientists don't know what they are going on about, it is thought that dolphins are telling each other that food is nearby, or warning each other of approaching danger. Dolphins use sonar to discover an object's size, shape, and location. By sending out a series of clicks and receiving the echo that bounces off the object, they can differentiate between a shark and a boat.

Unfortunately, dolphins have faced increasing danger in recent years. Fishermen in pursuit of profitable tuna may accidentally trap dolphins in their nets, killing them in the process. These intelligent mammals of the sea deserve our protection and respect.

1. Dolphins don't ______.

(A) lay eggs under the sea

(B) speak with each other

(C) have a strong aptitude for learning

(D) live in groups that can be made up of hundreds

2. How do dolphins communicate with one another?

(A) Through radio waves.

(B) Via sonograms.

(C) By clapping their fins together.

(D) Through various noises.

3. According to the article, what poses a threat to dolphins?

(A) Whales.

(B) Tuna.

(C) Sailors.

(D) Fishermen.


1. protect sb/sth from N/V-ing  保護某人∕某物免于……

例: The body armor protects the police from being killed if shot in the chest.


2. It is no wonder + that 子句  難怪……

= No wonder + S + V

例: Danny was late again. It's no wonder that the manager wants to let him go.


3. be related to...  (動物)與……是同類;(人)與……有親戚關(guān)系

例: Did you know that I am actually related to the King of England?


4. evolve vi. 演進,進化

例: Over time, those little fish evolve into frogs.


5. give birth to...  生育……

例: A cat just gave birth to a litter of kittens behind my house.


6. range in...  在……(范圍內(nèi))變化

range from A to B  范圍從 A 到 B

= range between A and B

例: The students in this graduate program range in ages from 18 to 80.


7. communicate with...  與……溝通

例: If we can't communicate with each other, we might as well end our relationship.


8. warn sb of...  警告某人……

例: Jim's grandfather warned him of the dangers of smoking.


9. bounce off...  自……彈回來

bounce vi. 彈起,反彈

例: The ball bounced off the wall and came to rest under the table.


10. differentiate between A and B  區(qū)分∕辨別 A 與 B

= differentiate A from B

differentiate vi. & vt. 區(qū)分

例: All of the teachers had a hard time differentiating between Carla and Marla because they were identical twins.


11. in pursuit of...  追求……;追趕……

pursuit n. 追求;追趕

例: The accident occurred while the police were in pursuit of the drunk driver.


12. deserve vt. 值得

deserve + N/to V  值得……

例: Peter deserves our respect because he treats the rich and poor the same way.


13. have an aptitude for...  有……的天賦

aptitude n. 資質(zhì),天賦

例: My little sister has a great aptitude for learning languages.


14. pose a threat to...  對……構(gòu)成威脅

例: The leader of that country poses a threat to world peace.



1. delightful a. 可愛的

2. presence n. 出現(xiàn),在場

3. vital a. 重要的

4. shipwreck vt. 使遭受海難 & n. 海難

5. mammal n. 哺乳動物

6. porpoise n. 鼠海豚

7. social animal  群居動物

8. pod n.(海豹、鯨等的)一小群

9. playfulness n. 愛玩耍

10. squeak n. 吱吱聲

11. whistle n. 口哨

12. click n. 卡嗒聲

13. approaching a. 即將來臨的

14. sonar n. 聲納

15. profitable a. 有利可圖的

16. tuna n. 鮪魚

17. accidentally adv. 意外地

18. sonogram n. 聲波圖


1. be in danger  處于險境

2. be rich in...  富含……

3. a series of...  一連串的……

4. in the process  在過程中

5. be made up of...  由……組成



你也許會認為海豚是魚類,但事實上牠們是哺乳類動物。牠們與鯨魚和鼠海豚屬于同一類,約在一千萬年前便已進化完成。海豚呼吸空氣、生育下一代并哺乳。牠們是群居動物,一群可達 12 只不等的海豚生活在一起,稱為 pod 或 school。在食物豐富的地方,許多群海豚聚集在一起時,可形成數(shù)量多達一千只的海豚群。




1. 海豚不會 _____。

(A) 在海中下蛋

(B) 彼此說話

(C) 有很高的學(xué)習(xí)天份

(D) 上百只群聚在一起生活

題解:根據(jù)第二段,海豚是哺乳類動物,牠們直接產(chǎn)下小海豚,而非下蛋,故選 (A)。

2. 海豚如何互相溝通?

(A) 透過無線電波。

(B) 經(jīng)由聲波圖。

(C) 拍打牠們的鰭。

(D) 透過各種聲音。

題解:根據(jù)第三段,科學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)海豚似乎結(jié)合吱吱聲、口哨或卡嗒聲等各種聲音來相互溝通,故 (D) 為正選。

3. 根據(jù)本文,何者對海豚構(gòu)成威脅?

(A) 鯨魚。

(B) 鮪魚。

(C) 水手。

(D) 漁夫。

題解:根據(jù)最末段,想靠鮪魚大賺一筆的漁夫會意外使海豚被漁網(wǎng)困住,而在受困過程中死亡,故應(yīng)選 (D)。

標準答案: 1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (D)


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