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常春藤解析英語 24 Is It Real 3 奇聞大揭秘3




Is It Real 3 奇聞大揭秘3

by Jerri Graham

Most people have some common sense. When we see something suspicious on TV, in the newspaper, or on the Internet, we roll our eyes and wonder how anyone could believe something so stupid. Nevertheless, there are stories that even educated people still believe. These tales may or may not be true, but they leave us wondering whether they are real or not. On National Geographic Channel, these stories are dissected in full detail in the series Is It Real 3.

Thousands of years ago, aliens landed on Earth. They tampered with the evolution of humans and the results of this can be seen practically everywhere. Sound ridiculous? Not to some people. Believe it or not, there are those who believe that alien astronauts had a hand in making the human race what it is today. Travel back in time with Ancient Astronauts and visit our "alien ancestors."

In the autumn of 1888, Jack the Ripper roamed the streets of London's East End. After his reign of terror was over, five women had been butchered. To this day, the mystery of who slaughtered these ladies remains unsolved. No one knows for sure, but the truth may be revealed on Jack the Ripper.

Vampires. Just the thought of these fictional beasts is enough to make your blood run cold. While we may think that they only come to life in books and movies, vampires are actually based on real people. Historians, folklorists, scientists, and doctors all work together to investigate the plausibility of vampires. Take a bite into this juicy mystery on Vampires.

No other channel can offer this type of programming other than National Geographic Channel. In this unique series, they've stripped away 12 myths that have stood the test of time to expose the truth and find out the answer to the question, Is It Real?

1. What type of person would believe these stories?

(A) Anyone with a fear of ghosts.

(B) A person without any common sense.

(C) Anyone with a bit of imagination.

(D) Only educated people.

2. Who was Jack the Ripper?

(A) A notorious actor in London's East End theater district.

(B) A name assigned to a famous butcher.

(C) The moniker given to an unknown murderer.

(D) The serial killer of hundreds of women in the 1800s.

3. The truth about vampires may be known because ______.

(A) a novelist is looking into it

(B) different people in different fields are weighing in on it

(C) there's new evidence that can prove their existence

(D) National Geographic Channel knows the truth

4. What is the purpose of this series?

(A) To uncover the details about a series of murders.

(B) To solve well-known crimes.

(C) To hide the truth about fairy tales.

(D) To take apart stories that people believe.


2. educated a. 受過教育的

3. alien n. & a. 外星人(的)

4. ridiculous a. 荒謬的

5. astronaut n. 航天員

6. ancestor n. 祖先

7. reign n. 統(tǒng)治

8. butcher vt. 屠殺,殘殺 & n. 屠夫

9. vampire n. 吸血鬼

10. folklorist n. 民俗學研究者

11. plausibility n. 可信度,合理性

12. juicy a. 多汁的

13. programming n. 電視節(jié)目(制作)

14. expose vt. 使暴露于

15. moniker n. 綽號

16. serial killer n. 連續(xù)殺人犯

17. existence n. 存在


1. in (full) detail  詳細地

2. believe it or not  信不信由你

3. for sure= for certain  確定地

4. come to life  變得栩栩如生;活了起來

5. be based on/upon...  根據(jù)……


1. suspicious a. 令人懷疑的

be suspicious of...  對……起疑心

例: The security guard was suspicious of the nervous man dressed in black.


2. nevertheless adv. 然而

例: Brian was tired. Nevertheless, he still went out to see a movie with Maria.


3. dissect vt. 剖析;解剖

例: Why is the lawyer trying to dissect everything that I say?


4. tamper with... 胡亂擺弄……;擅自篡改……

tamper vi. 擺弄;竄改

例: Please don't tamper with my briefcase. I have everything in the order I like it.


5. have a hand in... 干預∕插手……

例: The teacher had a hand in picking who would be the next president of the bridge club.


6. roam vt. 在……來回走動,漫步于

例: Sam roamed the streets in search of his lost kitten.


7. slaughter vt. 屠殺

例: More than one million chickens have been slaughtered since the outbreak of bird flu.


8. make one's blood run cold 使某人毛骨悚然

例: The picture of my ex-girlfriend makes my blood run cold.


9. investigate= look into... vt. 調(diào)查

例: The police promised to investigate the corrupt politician.


10. other than... 除了……(沒有……);撇開……不談

例:Other than the traffic, this city is not a bad place to live.


11. strip away... 剝除……;除去……

例: The report stripped away the little bit of credibility the president had left.


12. stand the test of time 禁得起時間的考驗

例: This classic song has stood the test of time.


13. be assigned to... 被認定給……;被指派……

例:The reporter was assigned to follow the movie star around for a day.


14. weigh in on... 就……提出論點

例: Howard weighed in on the controversy, saying that he supports strict gun laws.


15. take apart... 分析∕分解……

例:The interviewer took apart the woman's story and she ended up breaking down in tears.



大部分的人都有些基本常識。當我們在電視、報紙或網(wǎng)絡(luò)上看見可疑的事物,我們轉(zhuǎn)動眼珠,懷疑怎么會有人相信如此愚蠢的事情。然而,就算受過教育的人,也會相信某些故事。這些故事或真或假,但的確讓我們懷疑其真實性。國家地理頻道的系列節(jié)目《奇聞大揭秘 3》將為您剖析這些故事。





1. 什么樣的人會相信這些故事?

(A) 任何怕鬼的人。

(B) 沒有常識的人。

(C) 有一點想象力的人。

(D) 只有受過教育的人。

題解:根據(jù)第一段,就算受過教育的人,也會相信某些不可思議的故事,暗示只要有想象力,幾乎每個人都可能會相信某些傳說,故選 (C)。

2. 誰是開膛手杰克?

(A) 一個倫敦東區(qū)戲場惡名昭彰的演員。

(B) 用來指稱一個著名的屠夫。

(C) 一名不為人知的殺人犯代稱。

(D) 1800 年代殺了上百名女性的連續(xù)殺人犯。

題解: 根據(jù)第三段,開膛手杰克殺害五名女子,但身分成謎,故選 (C)。

3. 吸血鬼的傳說可能真相大白,因為 _____。

(A) 一位小說家正在研究

(B) 不同領(lǐng)域的人針對此事提出不同的論點

(C) 有新的證據(jù)能證明他們存在

(D) 國家地理頻道知道真相

題解:根據(jù)第四段,歷史學家、民俗學家、科學家與醫(yī)生一同調(diào)查吸血鬼究竟可信與否,可知他們將站在各自的領(lǐng)域,提出不同的論點,證實吸血鬼的真假,故選 (B)。

4. 本系列節(jié)目的目的是什么?

(A) 揭露一連串謀殺案的細節(jié)。

(B) 解決知名的犯罪案件。

(C) 藏匿童話故事的真相。

(D) 剖析人們相信的故事之真相。

題解:根據(jù)最末段,國家地理頻將抽絲剝繭12個歷經(jīng)時間考驗的神秘事件,揭發(fā)真相,尋找解答,故選 (D)。

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (D)


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