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酒店英語900句 問候客人




1.Good morning,sir. 早上好,先生。

2.Good afternoon,madam. 中午好,太太。

3.Good evening,sir. 晚上好,先生。

4.Good night,madam. 晚安,夫人。

How are you? 你好嗎?

Fine,thank you,and you? 很好,謝謝,您呢?

Fine,thanks. 很好,謝謝。

5.How do you do? 您好?

How do you do! 您好!

6.Welcome to our hotel. 歡迎光臨我們飯店。

7.May you enjoy your stay in our hotel. 祝您住店期間愉快。

8.Hope you had a good trip. 希望您旅途愉快。

9.Hope you have a good journey. 祝您旅途愉快。

10.It’s nice to meet you,sir. 見到您很高興,先生。

11.Pleasant to meet you,sir. My name is……見到您很高興,先生。我叫×××

12.Welcome you back,sir. 歡迎您回來,先生。

13.Nice to see you again,madam. 很高興又見到您,夫人。

14.Goodbye,thank you for coming. Please come again. 再見,感謝您光臨,希望您再次光臨。

15.Have a nice day. 祝您今天愉快。

16.Have a good evening. 祝您度過一個愉快的夜晚。

17.Have a good weekend. 祝您周末愉快。

18.Good night and have a good rest. 晚安,祝您休息好。

19.Good night and pleasant dreams. 晚安,祝您做個好夢。

20.Good night and rest well. Hope you will come back tomorrow. 晚安,祝您休息好,明天再來。

21.Hope you a pleasant journey home. 祝您回程愉快。

22.Happy landing. 一路順風。

23.What can I do for you,sir?先生,請問我可以幫您嗎?

24.May I help you?我可以幫您忙嗎?

25.May I be of any assistance?我可以為您做些什么?

26.Is there anything I can do for you?我能為您做點什么?

27.Here you are,sir. 先生,給您。

28.Sorry to have kept you waiting so long,sir. 對不起,先生,讓您久等了。

29.Thank you for waiting,sir. 謝謝您的等候,先生。

30.Thank you. 謝謝。

It’s my pleasure. 不用謝,很樂意為您效勞。

31.It’s my duty. 這是我應該做的。

32.That’s all right. 不用謝。

33.Not at all. 不用謝。

34.Don’t mention it. 不必介意。

35.I’m afraid not. 恐怕不行。

36.It’s not possible. 這不可能。

37.I’m really sorry,but you see my difficulties. 真對不起,但希望您能體諒我的難處。

38.I’m really sorry to hear that. 真抱歉聽您這樣說。

39.I beg your pardon. 對不起,請您再說一遍好嗎?

40.Pardon me,sir?先生,對不起,請您重復一遍,好嗎?

41.I’ll look into it. 我將會調(diào)查此事。

42.How are you?I’m glad to meet you here. 您好!在這里見到您真高興。

43.We haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you getting along? 我們好久沒見面了,您好嗎?

44.Wish you a successful visit. 祝您訪問成功。

45.Merry Christmas!圣誕快樂!

46.Happy new year!新年快樂!

47.Wish you good luck!祝您好運!

48.Wish you a happy festival! 祝您節(jié)日愉快!

49.After you,please,sir. 先生,您先請。

50.Thank you for your compliment. 謝謝您的贊揚。

51.Thank you for your kind understanding. 謝謝您的諒解。

52.What’s the matter?May I help you? 怎么了?我可以幫你嗎?

53.I have come to say good-bye. 我是來告別的。

54.I’d like to say good-bye to you all. 我要向你們大家告別了。

55.Good-bye then,and don’t forget to keep in touch. 那么再見,別忘記了保持聯(lián)系。

56.Good-bye then,and remember me to your parents. 那么再見,代我向您父母問好。

57.How long will you stay here?您在這里住多久?

58.May I show you to your room,sir?Hope you’ll enjoy your stay in our hotel. 先生,我?guī)椒块g去,好嗎?祝您在我們飯店居住愉快。

59.Wendy,I’d like you to meet my friend,Sam. 溫迪,我給你介紹一下我的朋友,山姆。

60.How do you like Beijing?您覺得北京怎么樣?

61.What’s your first impression of China?您對中國的初步印象如何?

62.How do you like our hotel? 您覺得我們飯店怎么樣?

63.Help yourself to dinner,please. 請用餐。

64.We hope you will come and stay with us again. 希望您再次光臨我們飯店。

65.We hope you had an enjoyable stay,sir. 先生,希望您在這里住的愉快。

66.Have a pleasant journey home. 祝您旅途愉快。

67.Thank you for choosing our hotel,I hope you enjoy your stay. 謝謝您光臨我們飯店,希望您在這里住的愉快。

68.Thank you very much,sir. Goodbye,hope you have a good flight. 先生,非常感謝您。再見,希望您航程愉快。

69.We are very happy to have you here. Mr. brown. I do hope you are enjoying your stay with us. 布朗先生,我們非常高興您住在我們飯店,我真心希望您在這里住的愉快。

70.See you tomorrow,sir. 先生,明天見。

71.Pleasant journey home. 祝您歸途愉快。

72.Is there anything else that I can do for you?您還有別的事情要我?guī)兔?

73.Will it trouble you?這會打擾您嗎?

74.Would you mind if I ……?如果您不介意,我可以……嗎?

75.If we have any shortcoming,please point it out. 照顧不周,請多指正。

76.I’m sorry to disturb you. 對不起,打擾了。

77.I’m sorry,It’s our fault. 對不起,這是我們的錯。

78.Thanks for your reminding. 謝謝您的提醒。

79.We’ll try our best to take some measures so that you can be satisfied. 我們將立即采取措施,使您滿意。

80.Good morning,Room Reservation,may I help you?早上好,客房預訂處,請問我可以幫助您嗎?


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