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Neymar is using a sponsor’s ad to admit he exaggerated some of his reactions after being fouled during the World Cup in Russia. 在一則贊助商的廣告中,內(nèi)馬爾承認(rèn)自己在俄羅斯世界杯期間被侵犯后的表現(xiàn)有些夸張。

The video, released on Sunday and broadcast on several Brazilian TV networks, features the striker accepting criticism for the first time and promising to pick himself up. 該視頻周日發(fā)布,并在巴西幾家電視臺(tái)播出。視頻中,前鋒內(nèi)馬爾首次接受了相關(guān)的批評(píng)并承諾自己會(huì)振作起來。

Neymar scored two goals in the tournament but failed to truly set the finals alight as his team was knocked out by Belgium in the quarterfinals. 內(nèi)馬爾在本屆世界杯中踢入兩球,但卻沒能鎖定決賽的入場(chǎng)券:他所在的巴西隊(duì)在半決賽中惜敗于比利時(shí)。

Fans and pundits have spoken much more about his theatrics on the pitch, which included dives, rolling and frequent arguing with referees. 球迷與權(quán)威人士都多次談?wù)撍谇驁?chǎng)上的戲劇性表現(xiàn),如撲球、翻滾以及時(shí)常與裁判起爭(zhēng)執(zhí)。

"You may think I exaggerate - and sometimes I do exaggerate. But the truth is I suffer on the pitch," Neymar says in the ad, sponsored by the Gillette razor company. “你或許會(huì)認(rèn)為我有些夸張了 —— 有時(shí)我的確如此。但事實(shí)是我在球場(chǎng)上受了很多罪,”內(nèi)馬爾在吉列剃須刀的廣告中表示。

Since Brazil’s elimination, Neymar only spoke about the loss in Russia via Instagram. In the ad he tries to explain why he did not speak right after the Belgium game, which fostered even more criticism of his behavior at home. 自巴西隊(duì)淘汰出局以來,內(nèi)馬爾只在Instagram 上談到了在俄羅斯的失利。在這則廣告中,他試著去解釋為何自己沒在與比利時(shí)隊(duì)比賽結(jié)束后立刻發(fā)聲,而不表態(tài)的舉動(dòng)也令他在國內(nèi)遭受到了更多批評(píng)。

"When I leave without giving interviews it is not because I only want the victory laurels. It is because I still haven’t learned to disappoint you. “我當(dāng)時(shí)不接受采訪就離開現(xiàn)場(chǎng),并不是因?yàn)槲抑蛔非髣倮墓鸸冢且驗(yàn)槲疫€沒有學(xué)會(huì)如何面對(duì)你們的失望。”

"When I look impolite, it is not because I am a spoiled kid; it is because I have not learned how to be frustrated," the player says, adding that his style is akin to a boy’s that "sometimes charms the whole world, sometimes irritates the whole world". “當(dāng)我看起來不禮貌時(shí),并不是因?yàn)槲沂莻€(gè)被寵壞了的孩子,而是因?yàn)槲疫€沒有學(xué)會(huì)如何面對(duì)沮喪,”這位球星說道,并表示自己依然像個(gè)小男孩,“有時(shí)能獲得全世界的喜愛,有時(shí)也能激怒全世界”。

"I fight to keep that boy alive inside of me, but not on the pitch," he says. “我努力讓那個(gè)小男孩活在自己的心中,而不是在球場(chǎng)上,”他說道。

"You may think I fall too much, but the truth is I did not fall. I fell apart. That hurts more than any step on an operated ankle." “你或許會(huì)覺得我摔倒太多次了,但事實(shí)是我并沒有摔倒。我崩潰了。那比踹向我做過手術(shù)的腳踝要疼多了。”

The piece ends with Neymar’s pledge to be a new man less than a month after Brazil was knocked out of the World Cup. 廣告的結(jié)尾是內(nèi)馬爾的許諾,在巴西隊(duì)世界杯出局不到1個(gè)月之后,他表示要成為全新的自己。

"I took long to accept your criticism. I took long to look at myself in the mirror and become a new man," Neymar says. “我花了很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間來接受你們的批評(píng)。我花了很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間來審視鏡中的自己,并成為一個(gè)全新的人,”內(nèi)馬爾說道。

"I fell, but only he who falls can pick himself up." “我摔倒了,但只有那個(gè)摔倒的人能讓自己站起來。”

Neymar ends his ad asking fans to make a choice. 內(nèi)馬爾在廣告最后,讓球迷們做出選擇。

"You can keep casting stones, or throw those stones away and help me stand. When I stand, all of Brazil stands with me." “你可以繼續(xù)扔石頭過來,或者將石頭丟開,幫我站起來。當(dāng)我站起來時(shí),全巴西都支持我。”

On July 20, at his first public appearance after the World Cup, Neymar did not talk about his exaggerations. 7月20日,內(nèi)馬爾在世界杯賽后首度公開亮相,但他并沒有談及在賽場(chǎng)上的夸張表現(xiàn)。

At that time, he said he wasn’t upset with critics that made fun of his theatrics in Russia. 當(dāng)時(shí)他表示,自己并沒有因?yàn)槟切┤⌒λ诙砹_斯夸張表現(xiàn)的批評(píng)聲而感到沮喪。


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