[00:00.00]Unit 2 Gatherings and Celebrations The 21st Birthday Party
[00:08.75]Hi, Jenny, how are you?Oh hi, Xiao Li! I'm fine, how are you? Okay, thanks.
[00:12.71]你好,詹妮,你好嗎? 你好,小李我很好,你呢?謝謝,我也很好。
[00:16.67]Oh, I see you've got a letter today.Well,it's an invitation actually .Sounds good.
[00:22.93]An invitation to what? To a twenty-first birthday party. Oh, how nice!
[00:25.85]什么邀請?去一個21 生日聚會。多好阿
[00:28.76]Is it someone you know well?Well, not really. It's a girl in my class.
[00:34.77]Jenny, what's special about being twenty-one ?Ah. Well, these days nothing.
[00:41.15]But traditionally it was the age one became an adult,
[00:45.36]so we say you were given the key to the door.Which door?
[00:49.53]Well, I suppose it meant the door of your family home,
[00:53.46]so that you could come and go as you want. You were no longer a child.
[00:58.50]It also meant you could inherit property.
[01:01.77]But I thought eighteen was the age of adulthood now?
[01:04.76]It is, and these days more people have eighteenth birthday parties than
[01:09.94]twenty-first's. But some families are traditional
[01:12.93]and still like to celebrate their children's twenty- first.
[01:15.74]So, if it's for families, I wonder why I'm invited.
[01:18.75]Well, it's not really just for families. The birthday girl or boy
[01:23.86]usually invites all her or his friends as well as relatives.
[01:28.83]And sometimes it's just for friends and not for relatives at all.
[01:34.30]Mm ... I see. It says here 'Black Tie', what does that mean?
[01:37.51]我知道了?癇lack Tie” 是什么意思?
[01:40.71]Oh, they really are a traditional family. That means everyone has to wear evening
[01:47.48]dress- that is, men wear a formal black evening suit with a black bow tie,
[01:53.63]and women wear a long evening dress.Oh dear! I don't think I have an evening dress.
[02:00.80]Do you have a smart silk dress?Yes. Well, I'm sure that will do.
[02:03.25]你有漂亮的絲綢裙子嗎? 是的,我有。我想那就可以了。
[02:05.69]And what sort of things happen at such a party?
[02:08.46]Oh, usually lots of drink, food -- not usually a sit-down dinner,
[02:15.52]but more like a buffet , where the food is all out on the table
[02:19.59]and you walk round and help yourself. You mean you have to eat standing up?
[02:23.91]Yes maybe, but there are usually some chairs scattered around
[02:28.26]that you can sit on while you're actually eating.What about dancing?
[02:32.87]Oh, yes, certainly. There'll be a lot of dancing. Either a live band
[02:38.38]or a disc jockey will play music and everyone will dance.
[02:41.65]Mm, that's good, I like dancing. How long do such parties usually last?
[02:47.88]Oh, well into the small hours of the morning usuallyl Well,
[02:53.10]are you looking forward to it? Mm ... I'm not sure.
[02:56.48]I think I'd better find out who else is going,so I can arrange to go with them.
[03:02.49]Yes, that's a good idea. It's always better to go in a crowd to these things.
[03:08.18]You can ask what they're planning to wear too.
[03:11.06]Just let your hair down and have fun! Well, I'll try.
[03:14.84]Task 2 The Stag Party Exercise 1 Hi, Xiao Li, How are you?
[03:34.26]社交晚會練習(xí)1 你好,小李,你好嗎?
[03:53.68]I'm fine, Tom. You're looking very smart, where are you off to?
[03:57.75]Ah, I'm off to my cousin's stag party tonight.Stag party? What's that?
[04:04.02]Oh it's a terrible thing men do before they get married. Why is it terrible?
[04:09.56]Because the man getting married ...the bridegroom ... gets together with
[04:13.88]all his young male friends -- you know, like a herd of stags ... you know,
[04:16.40]與他年輕的男性朋友們一起-你知道,一群男人.. .你知道,
[04:18.92]male deer- and has one last fling as a bachelor.What do you mean by last fling?
[04:24.82]Well, you know, a last night of freedom, before he's chained to his wife in marriage.
[04:31.05]That's a very negative way of looking at marriage, isn't it? Yes, I know,
[04:37.17]that's what I mean by 'terrible'. You see, the men all get completely drunk ...
[04:42.14]they usually meet in a pub or a club of some sort ...
[04:43.63]他們通常會在一個PUB 里見面或者一些俱樂部里
[04:45.12]and they often play some nasty trick on the bridegroom. What sort of trick?
[04:49.41]Well, I remember an old schoolfriend of mine,
[04:52.93]who very nearly missed his own wedding, because at his stag night,
[04:56.43]his mates got him drunk ...then they put him on a train to Aberdeen ...
[04:58.60]他的朋友讓他喝醉了,然后把他放在去Aberdeen 的火車上...
[05:00.78]and his wedding was in London the next day.
[05:03.19]He woke up the next morning at Aberdeen railway station, not knowing where he was.
[05:05.85]他第二天早上在Aberdeen 的火車站醒來,不知道自己在哪里。
[05:08.50]You know, it's several hours from Aberdeen to London. Anyway,
[05:13.00]he had to get the next train to London and only just got there in time.
[05:17.39]How awful!Yes, and he looked terrible -- not even time to shave or change his clothes!
[05:25.28]Oh dear, his poor bride!Yes, she wasn't too pleased. In fact,
[05:30.46]she never spoke to the Best Man again.I'm not surprised.
[05:34.64]But what about the bride, does she have a stag party?
[05:38.20]Ha, ha ... Well, not a stag party, as that's only for men.
[05:42.84]But she has what we call a hen party. Hen party?
[05:47.20]Yes, that's when she meets up with all her female friends and
[05:51.21]they go off somewhere together ... er, it might be a restaurant or a pub.
[05:56.29]They are usually more civilised than stag parties. Although these days, 她們通常比男性的聚會文明。
[06:01.22]some young women have fairly wild hen nights too with a lot of drinking.
[06:05.54]So, these take place the night before the wedding?
[06:09.50]Well,traditionally,yes .But for practical reasons,
[06:13.53]many couples try and organise them a few days before,
[06:16.48]so they have time to.. you know...recover... and look their best on the day.
[06:18.96]因此他們有時間.. .你知道.. .在那天看起來最好。
[06:21.45]Do all parties in Britain revolve around drinking alcohol? Basically, yes.
[06:27.93]You see,in China,our parties put more emphasis on eating.
[06:33.29]We usually organise a large dinner in a restaurant for our important celebrations
[06:39.23]Ah, much more civilised! Well, I'm afraid I'd better be off to meet my
[06:45.10]fellow stags for our very primitive celebration of manhood.
[06:48.63]Well, have a nice time and try not to get too drunk!
[06:52.66]I'm afraid that's just not possible!