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CNN news:玫瑰農(nóng)場(chǎng)幫助自閉癥患者重獲新生




A massive earthquake followed by the threat of tsunamis, for people in Indonesia, that combination could bring up tragic memories. In 2004, there was an earthquake off the Indonesia coast and that triggered tsunamis, this giant wall of water, it killed more than 200,000 people, was absolutely catastrophe for the region. While yesterday,there was an another major quake, this one had magnitude of 8.6, it hit the scene area, off the coast to the island of Sumatra, there was a powerful aftershock a couple of hours later, some residents were told to evacuate to get to higher ground where they would be safer, officials put out a tsunamis watch, but they cancel that later in the day, unlike the massive devastation of 8 years before, they were no immediate reports of deaths or destruction from this quake. We've been talking recently about this, it was a ship that was washed away by the tsunamis that hit Japan last year, was thought to be lost until it showed up off the coast of Canada, the thing was still intact, was part of this giant field of debris that the tsunamis washed out into the Pacific Ocean, you see it's moving across the Pacific in the simulation on your screen now, over the course of year, the ship drifted all the way across the Pacific, the Japanese ship gradually drifted in the US waters, it was drifting about mile per hour and heading toward fishing areas,that's why the US coast guards decided to sink it, officials said the Japanese vessel post a threat to other ships in the area, they also said it might be an environmental hazard, so late last week, the coast guard open fire with cannons, on the ship they blew holes inside, what's interesting is it took more than 4 hours for it to sink.

On April 12, back in 1861, confederate forces open fire on Fort Sumter in south Carolina, that marked the beginning of the US civil war, in 1945, president Franklin D Roseben, the longest serving president in US history, died a few months into his fourth term in 1961,Soviet astronaut became the first person that traveled into space, his historic journey last just under two hours, and 20 years after that in 1981, NASA launched the space shuttle program, the vehicle was Colombia, the program lasted for 30 years. April is national autism awareness month, the goals to educate people about this medical disorder, and about issues in the autism community, autism is actually a series of developmental disorders, they usually appear before someone turns 3 years old, the symptoms are different from person to person, but all autism disorders affect the ability to communicate and interact with others, last month a report released by the centers for disease control and prevention estimated that about one at every 88 of the 8 year old children in survey has autism, these disorders are about 5 times more common among boys than among girls. Well, autism is often diagnosed in childhood, it is a lifelong disorder, there is no cure for it, and for adult with autism, finding a job can be a very difficult struggle, Jenny Sum reports on one business that's trying to help. Tom Penchback never dreamed he turned his family rose farm into an employment center for people with autism,the fierce international competition forced them to close the farm started by his great grandfather, a family friend worried about his own autistic son's future, help to shape Penchback's legacy, now he is working with a non-profit group, ability beyond disability to put a dent in the staggering 88% unemployment rate among Americans with autism. I'd like fear folks coming to our program, lean the skills that they need to learn, and let us help them place that community where they live and find a job and hopefully a career.

Willes, a 18-year-old with autism is one of rose's employees, he and his mother Sundra say potential employer should put aside stereotypes that may prevent them from hiring those with autism, I believe that autism only, for me it helps me, I learned a certain way that the majority doesn't really, you know, it's used to learning. With the help of a few charitable grants, Rose's for autism is now helping young adults with autism improve their lives, and Penchback's rose farm is also back, producing close to 1 million flowers per year.

A massive earthquake followed by the threat of tsunamis, for people in Indonesia, that combination could bring up tragic memories. In 2004, there was an earthquake off the Indonesia coast and that triggered tsunamis, this giant wall of water, it killed more than 200,000 people, was absolutely catastrophe for the region. While yesterday,there was an another major quake, this one had magnitude of 8.6, it hit the scene area, off the coast to the island of Sumatra, there was a powerful aftershock a couple of hours later, some residents were told to evacuate to get to higher ground where they would be safer, officials put out a tsunamis watch, but they cancel that later in the day, unlike the massive devastation of 8 years before, they were no immediate reports of deaths or destruction from this quake. We've been talking recently about this, it was a ship that was washed away by the tsunamis that hit Japan last year, was thought to be lost until it showed up off the coast of Canada, the thing was still intact, was part of this giant field of debris that the tsunamis washed out into the Pacific Ocean, you see it's moving across the Pacific in the simulation on your screen now, over the course of year, the ship drifted all the way across the Pacific, the Japanese ship gradually drifted in the US waters, it was drifting about mile per hour and heading toward fishing areas,that's why the US coast guards decided to sink it, officials said the Japanese vessel post a threat to other ships in the area, they also said it might be an environmental hazard, so late last week, the coast guard open fire with cannons, on the ship they blew holes inside, what's interesting is it took more than 4 hours for it to sink.

在印度尼西亞一場(chǎng)巨大的地震夾帶著海嘯的威脅,這樣的結(jié)合帶來(lái)的是人們悲慘的回憶。2004年,印度尼西亞海岸地震引發(fā)海嘯,巨大的水墻造成超過(guò)200000人死亡,對(duì)這一地區(qū)而言是絕對(duì)的災(zāi)難。而昨天,又一場(chǎng)地震的震級(jí)達(dá)到8.6級(jí),它在蘇門答臘島海岸附近景區(qū)肆虐,一兩個(gè)小時(shí)后有一次強(qiáng)烈余震,一些居民被告知撤離到更高的地方,他們?cè)谀抢飼?huì)更安全,官員們對(duì)海嘯進(jìn)行監(jiān)控,但他們當(dāng)天晚些時(shí)候取消了這一舉措,不像8年之前的大規(guī)模破壞,他們從這次地震中還沒有得到即時(shí)的死亡人數(shù)或者毀壞情況報(bào)告。我們最近談?wù)撨^(guò)這起事件,這是去年日本遭受襲擊時(shí)海嘯沖走被認(rèn)為是已經(jīng)丟失的一艘船,直到它完整的出現(xiàn)在加拿大海岸,這個(gè)巨大的殘骸被海嘯沖入太平洋, 現(xiàn)在在你的屏幕上模擬呈現(xiàn)給你的是你可以看到在過(guò)去的一年它穿越太平洋,漂流著橫跨太平洋,這艘日本船逐漸漂流到美國(guó)水域,大約以每小時(shí)幾英里的速度前進(jìn),最終來(lái)到魚獵區(qū),這就是為什么美國(guó)海岸警衛(wèi)隊(duì)決定將其弄沉,官員稱這艘日本艦船威脅到該地區(qū)的其他船只,他們還表示這可能對(duì)造成了一種環(huán)境風(fēng)險(xiǎn),所以上周晚些時(shí)候,海岸警衛(wèi)隊(duì)用大炮開火,他們將船弄的千瘡百孔,但有趣的是花了超過(guò)近4個(gè)小時(shí),它才開始下沉。

On April 12, back in 1861, confederate forces open fire on Fort Sumter in south Carolina, that marked the beginning of the US civil war, in 1945, president Franklin D Roseben, the longest serving president in US history, died a few months into his fourth term in 1961,Soviet astronaut became the first person that traveled into space, his historic journey last just under two hours, and 20 years after that in 1981, NASA launched the space shuttle program, the vehicle was Colombia, the program lasted for 30 years. April is national autism awareness month, the goals to educate people about this medical disorder, and about issues in the autism community, autism is actually a series of developmental disorders, they usually appear before someone turns 3 years old, the symptoms are different from person to person, but all autism disorders affect the ability to communicate and interact with others, last month a report released by the centers for disease control and prevention estimated that about one at every 88 of the 8 year old children in survey has autism, these disorders are about 5 times more common among boys than among girls. Well, autism is often diagnosed in childhood, it is a lifelong disorder, there is no cure for it, and for adult with autism, finding a job can be a very difficult struggle, Jenny Sum reports on one business that's trying to help. Tom Penchback never dreamed he turned his family rose farm into an employment center for people with autism,the fierce international competition forced them to close the farm started by his great grandfather, a family friend worried about his own autistic son's future, help to shape Penchback's legacy, now he is working with a non-profit group, ability beyond disability to put a dent in the staggering 88% unemployment rate among Americans with autism. I'd like fear folks coming to our program, lean the skills that they need to learn, and let us help them place that community where they live and find a job and hopefully a career.

早在1861年4月12日,南部聯(lián)軍向南卡羅萊納薩姆特堡開火,這標(biāo)志著美國(guó)南北戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的開始,在1945年,美國(guó)歷史在任時(shí)間最長(zhǎng)的的總統(tǒng)富蘭克林,花了幾個(gè)月的時(shí)間來(lái)到他的第四屆辦公室。1961 年,蘇聯(lián)宇航員以人類歷史上第一位太空人的身份進(jìn)入太空,他的歷史性旅程只持續(xù)了不到兩個(gè)小時(shí),而在20年后,在1981年,NASA開始了航天飛機(jī)項(xiàng)目,該項(xiàng)目進(jìn)行了30年。4月是全國(guó)自閉癥宣傳月,其目的是教育人們了解這一醫(yī)學(xué)障礙及關(guān)于孤獨(dú)癥群體的問(wèn)題,自閉癥實(shí)際上是一系列的發(fā)育障礙,他們通常出現(xiàn)在患者3歲前,癥狀因人而異,但所有自閉癥障礙影響著人與人之間的交流和互動(dòng)。據(jù)上個(gè)月公布的報(bào)告顯示,疾病控制和預(yù)防中心估計(jì)大約每88位8歲的孩子中有一位會(huì)被檢查出患有自閉癥,這些疾病男孩的發(fā)病率要比女孩們高5倍。嗯,自閉癥經(jīng)常在童年時(shí)期被診斷出,而且這是 一種終身障礙,目前沒有治愈的良藥,而對(duì)于成人自閉癥患者而言,找到一份工作就變得非常艱難。珍妮•塞姆報(bào)道有一家企業(yè)想要幫助這些患者。湯姆•平克貝克從來(lái)沒想到自己將家人的玫瑰農(nóng)場(chǎng)變成一個(gè)專為自閉癥患者開設(shè)的就業(yè)中心,激烈的國(guó)際競(jìng)爭(zhēng)迫使他們?cè)缭珀P(guān)閉了由他的曾祖父一手創(chuàng)造開始的農(nóng)場(chǎng),一位家庭的朋友擔(dān)心他自己患有自閉癥的兒子的未來(lái),于是幫助塑造平克貝克整理遺產(chǎn),現(xiàn)在他正在一家非盈利組織工作,這樣才能超越殘疾為減少在美國(guó)人患有自閉癥高達(dá) 88%的失業(yè)率而努力。我擔(dān)心來(lái)到我們這里的人們,他們學(xué)習(xí)需要學(xué)習(xí)的精益技能,讓我們幫助他們,在他們?cè)谧〉牡胤降纳鐓^(qū)找到一份工作,希望是一種職業(yè)。

Willes, a 18-year-old with autism is one of rose's employees, he and his mother Sundra say potential employer should put aside stereotypes that may prevent them from hiring those with autism, I believe that autism only, for me it helps me, I learned a certain way that the majority doesn't really, you know, it's used to learning. With the help of a few charitable grants, Rose's for autism is now helping young adults with autism improve their lives, and Penchback's rose farm is also back, producing close to 1 million flowers per year.

威爾斯,這位18歲的自閉癥患者是玫瑰園的雇員,他和他的母親桑德拉稱潛在的雇主應(yīng)該放下成見,因?yàn)檫@可能阻止他們雇傭那些自閉癥患者,我只相信自閉癥,因?yàn)槟菐椭^(guò)我,我學(xué)會(huì)了一種特定的方式,大多數(shù)人并不真的,你知道,必須來(lái)學(xué)習(xí)。 在很少的慈善資金的幫助下,玫瑰的現(xiàn)在正幫助年輕成人自閉癥患者改善他們的生活玫瑰農(nóng)場(chǎng)也回來(lái)了, 而且每年出產(chǎn)將近100萬(wàn)朵花。


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