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  遠古時期我們的祖先會在巖洞中作畫,在TPO聽力練習中,TPO3 Lecture3 Chauvet Painting就有文章涉及到巖洞畫,這篇聽力文章整體難度不是很大,文章介紹了巖洞畫的創(chuàng)作時間是在stone age(石器時代),而石器時代可以分為Paleolithic和Neolithic兩個時期,作畫的工具通常是charcoal(木炭),畫描繪的對象往往是一些大型的herbivore(食草動物),這里同學們也可以了解一下同詞根的另外兩個詞,carnivore(食肉動物)和omnivore(雜食動物),遠古人特別善于利用巖石的形狀來描繪動物,但是他們幾乎不畫人類,而他們?yōu)槭裁磿x擇畫特定的動物,又為什么要將畫畫在漆黑沒有人居住的巖洞中,文中教授也沒有給出明確的解釋。

  除了巖洞藝術我們的聽力練習中還涉及到油畫,這是一個比較重要也相對較難的點,如果你細心觀察會發(fā)現這些文章除了文章背景知識和詞匯有所重合之外,在考察方向上也有一些相似的點,例如TPO1 lecture1 Rose Frantzen和TPO19 lecture4 Cecilia Beaux 以及TPO21 lecture4 Alice Neel,下面我們就以一些具體的題目分析一下他們在考點方面的共性。

  首先文章中都會涉及一些常見的藝術流派,而這些藝術流派的定義通常會在文章中進行解釋,并在具體的作品中體現該藝術流派的特點,所以我們最好能夠聽懂文中對于藝術流派的具體描述,因為畫家在繪畫當中往往會受到這些繪畫風格的影響或者將幾種風格融合在作品中,例如在TPO21 lecture4 中Alice Neel就融合了Realism和Expressionism,在文中對于realism的描述是It's like painting something exactly how it is, so an artist would try to make it as accurate, um... and objective as possible.即準確客觀的描繪。

  另外文中還提到了Expressionism即The artist is depicting subjective emotions, showing the inner reality as interpreted by the artist rather than the outward form.So the image itself might be distorted or exaggerated in some way. The expression overrides objective representation.這種流派的特點就是畫家在描繪主觀的情感,通過作品來表現出內在的實質而不是外在的形式。所以畫出的形象可能會在某種程度上變形或者夸張化。表現主義就掩蓋了客觀的呈現。

  在文中就有第3題考察了. Expressionism表現主義:

  According to the professor, what two aspects of Neel's work are characteristic of Expressionism? Click on 2 answers.

  A. The depiction of unusual object

  B. The way the subjects' faces are portrayed

  C. The shape of the subjects' bodies

  D. The use of color in the paintings

  原文中的描述是First, Neel’s use of bold color. All right? You’ll see she uses color to convey emotion and feeling, like the subjects’ clothing for instance, it appears brighter than it really is. And the subjects, the people being portrayed, Neel paid special attention to faces. The way she paints the eyes and how the faces are portrayed, these are quite realistic, like the realists’ work. But another thing Neel did was use elongated, sort of stretchy figures. Neel擅長使用非常大膽的顏色去表現感情和感受,例如像被畫對象的衣著看起來比實際的要更明亮,而她所畫的人更注重臉部,畫人比較寫實,這是realism的體現,但是對于身材的描述又會畫的比較修長,這又體現了表現主義,所以可以看出特點分別是use of color對應選項D和elongated, sort of stretchy figures。對應選項C

  除此之外在TPO1lecture1Rose Frantzen中也提到了Realism,而在這篇文章中畫家是將Impressionism印象派和Realism進行了融合,首先文章中對于印象派的藝術風格進行了描述,Impressionism started in the late 19th century. Um…the basic impressionist style was very different from earlier styles. It didn’t depict scenes or models exactly as they looked. Um…Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brushstrokes, so the texture of the canvas was rough.從文中的描述我們可以得到一些印象派作畫技巧方面的特點,如:不是對對象進行如實的描繪,作畫時著墨很厚,常用大刷子,畫布的質地比較粗糙,而在這段描述中的很多詞匯也是在藝術類文章中反復出現且一定需要掌握的,例如:Impressionism印象派,depict描繪,brushstroke畫筆的一筆,canvas畫布,除此之外,文中還介紹了Realism現實主義,對于現實主義的描述是 real honest depictions of subject matter, pretty unidealized stuff, and pretty everydaysubject matter, too.也就是會如實描繪被畫的對象,而常常畫的通常也是一些日常物品和場景。


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