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  推斷題是托福聽力的必考題型,考察考生對聽力材料的簡單推理推測。推斷題的出題方式類似托福閱讀:What does the professor imply about……?What can be inferred about…….?是常見形式,基本上只要看到infer、imply等表示“推理”“推斷”意味的單詞就可以判定為推斷題了。


  TPO 1 L1

  9. What does the professor imply about the painting of the young woman surrounded by pumpkins?關(guān)于一幅女子被南瓜環(huán)抱的油畫, 教授暗示了什麼?

  One other painting I really want you to look at is of a young woman surrounded by pumpkins. You will notice that the woman’s face is so realistic looking that it’s almost like a photograph. The woman’s nose is a little less than perfect and her hair is kind of messed up. This is realism. But then, the background of the painting, this woman with the pumpkins is wrapped in a blanket of broad thick brushstrokes, and, it’s all kinds of zigzagging brushstrokes and lines, kind of chaotic almost when you look at it close.

  第一句我們就找出與題干一致的信息- 女子被南瓜環(huán)抱的油畫。教授先說到南瓜少女畫是現(xiàn)實主義 -你們可以看到女人的臉部特征十分真實,幾乎像一張照片。在轉(zhuǎn)折詞But then 后, 教授又描述了背景畫風(fēng) -當(dāng)看的很近的時候,可以發(fā)現(xiàn)筆觸和線條有點彎曲,有點混亂 - 跟文章之前提到的印象派所有的特徵是一致的。文中提到一幅女子被南瓜環(huán)抱的油畫時, 沒有直接指出背景是那一種畫作風(fēng)格, 我們只能以文章之前提過的信息, 推斷出答案。

  所以透過以上信息, 我們可以總結(jié)出, 畫中同時有兩種風(fēng)格?;旌巷L(fēng)格。

  答案是: It combines Impressionism with Realism 這幅畫結(jié)合了現(xiàn)實主義和印象派

  TPO 7 L1

  10.What does the professor imply about the obligatory scene and the denouement?

  關(guān)于必要場景和結(jié)局, 教授暗示了什麼?

  Remember, the obligatory scene gives the audience emotional pleasure. But the denouement offers the audience a logical conclusion. That’s the subtle distinction we need to try very hard to keep in mind.


  教授提到必要場景和結(jié)局要我們好好記住它們當(dāng)中微妙(SUBTLE)的差別(DISTINCTION)。但題目中沒有能直接對應(yīng)上的選項。但我們可以總結(jié)一下, 兩件事對于一般人來說是分別不大,但事實上有重大的差別,所以我們可以總結(jié)出答桉可能是容易令人混淆。

  A. The difference between them might be unclear to some people.

  B. Both are useful techniques for developing realistic characters.

  C. The denouncement usually occurs within the obligatory scene.

  D. The obligatory scene is usually less exciting than the denouncement.



  TPO 8 L3

  25.What does the professor imply about the invention of eyeglass?

  關(guān)于眼鏡的發(fā)明, 教授暗示了什麼?

  So we're pretty sure that glasses were invented in about the late 1200s, well over a hundred years before the printing press. But it's not clear who exactly invented them first or exactly what year. But record shows that they were invented in both Europe and China at about the same time. By the way,we call this “independent discovery”.

  Independent discovery means when something is invented in different parts of the world at the same time and it's not as unusual as it sounds. You can look at the timeline charts in the back of your textbook to see when things were invented in different cultures at about the same time to see what I'm talking about.

  第一句與題干對應(yīng)上后, 教授提到但我們不知道具體是誰在什么時間最先發(fā)明的眼鏡。不過記錄表明歐洲和中國大概在同時期發(fā)明了眼鏡。之后就提到這是獨立發(fā)現(xiàn)的一種, 然后解釋了獨立發(fā)現(xiàn)是指一件東西同時在世界不同地區(qū)發(fā)明出來。

  緊接著說了一句: it's not as unusual as it sounds這不像聽起來那么的不同尋常。double negative, 所以是正常的,還說到如學(xué)生們不相信, 可以翻書看看以往的發(fā)明, 也有著同一樣的情況。


  所以正確答是Its occurrence in different places at approximately the same time is not unusual. 眼鏡在不同地方但差不多時間的出現(xiàn), 并非不尋常, 所以是正常的。


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