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[高中]全新語法:零冠詞 一、零冠詞的用法







Bread is made from flour.面包是用面粉做的。

Failure is the mother of success.失敗是成功之母。

White is a beautiful color.白色是美麗的顏色。

Sight is one of the five senses.視覺是五種感官之一。


職務名詞:boss 老板 captain 隊長 president 總統(tǒng) chairman 主席 leader 領導 manager 經理 mayor 市長 monitor 班長 secretary 書記


He was once mayor of this city.他以前是本市的市長。

Tom became monitor of our class.湯姆成為我們的班長。


Tom,monitor of our class,left school.我們的班長湯姆離校了。

Tom,mayor of the city,is visiting our school.



We chose Tom monitor of our class.我們選湯姆當我們的班長。(賓補)

He was selected Chairman of the committee.他被選為委員會主席。(主補)

He was appointed president of the university.他被派任為大學校長。(主補)


He teaches English in a middle school.他在中學里教英文。

He majored in chemistry in college.他在大學里主修化學。

【提示】 下面的短語中要用定冠詞the。

the English language=the language of English 英語


How about coming for dinner? 來吃飯如何?

We are going to movies after supper.晚飯后我們要去看電影。

Breakfast/Lunch/Supper is ready.早飯/午飯/晚飯準備好了。


play basketball/football/volleyball/baseball/tennis 打籃球/足球/排球/棒球/網球

He likes to play chess.他喜歡下棋。

Do you play bridge? 你玩橋牌嗎?


It is Sunday today.今天周日。

Spring is the best season of the year.春天是一年中最好的季節(jié)。

I have been working in the company since January 2007.



April Fool’s Day 愚人節(jié)    Children’s Day 兒童節(jié)

Christmas Day 圣誕節(jié)      Easter 復活節(jié)

Father’s Day 父親節(jié)      May Day 勞動節(jié)

Mother’s Day 母親節(jié)      National Day 國慶節(jié)

New Year’s Day 元旦      Women’ Day 婦女節(jié)

Thanksgiving Day 感恩節(jié)    Valentine’s Day 情人節(jié)

【提示】 中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日一般要加冠詞。

the Dragon Boat Festival 端午節(jié) the Spring Festival 春節(jié)


She is not my type of woman.她不是我心目中的那類女人。

His heart was beating wildly with fear.他的心因害怕而狂跳不已。

Go down this street.順著這條道路往前走。

that typewriter of yours 你那臺打字機

any suggestion 任何建議



Girl as/though she is,Mary has managed to swim across the river.


Expensive book as it is,I have made up my mind to purchase it.



Man can save the earth,and man can destroy the earth.


Word came that no language but German could be taught here.


(3)turn 表示“成為”時,后面的表語不加冠詞。

Nothing could make us turn traitor to our country.


She turned writer in her forties.在她四十多歲的時候,她成了一名作家。

【提示】 當作表語的名詞前有形容詞修飾時,要加不定冠詞。

She turned a famous writer in her forties.她四十幾歲就成了一個著名的作家。


He entered the forest,gun in hand.他手拿槍進了森林。

I climbed in,sword in hand.我拿著劍爬進來。


Do you know Nanjing Road in Shanghai? 你知道上海的南京路嗎?

There is a hospital on Fifth Avenue.在第五大道有一家醫(yī)院。



a knife and fork 一副刀叉      a cup and saucer 一副茶杯與茶托

a horse and cart 一輛馬車      a needle and thread 一根帶線的針

a watch and chain 一塊帶鏈的表    hire a car and driver 租一輛配有司機的汽車


arm in arm 臂挽臂地         back to back 背靠背地

day after day 日復一日地       day and night 日日夜夜

face to face 面對面地        hand in hand 手拉手

heart and soul 全心全意地      heart to heart 開誠布公地

hour after hour 連續(xù)幾個小時地    shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地

side by side 肩并肩地        step by step 一步一步地

time after time 不斷地,反復     word for word 逐字逐句地

year after year 年復一年地

(3)“from ...to ...”短語中用零冠詞

from beginning to end 自始至終    from day to day 日復一日地

from door to door 挨家挨戶      from first to last 自始至終

from hand to hand 從一個人到另一個之手

from morning to night 從早到晚    from place to place 到處

from side to side 從一邊到另一邊   from south to north 從南到北

from start to finish 從開始到結束   from time to time 時不時地

from top to bottom 從頭到腳;從頂到底


at best 最好也不過    at church 在做禮拜    at desk 在學習

at ease 無拘無束     at first 最初       at hand 在手邊

at home 在家中      at last 最后       at least 至少

at leisure 閑暇時     at length 終于,詳細地  at most 至多

at present 目前      at play 在游戲      at peace 和平時期

at random 隨意地     at risk 在危險中     at school 在上課

at sea 在航海途中     at table 在吃飯      at war 在交戰(zhàn)

at will 任意地      at work 在工作      at worst 最壞也不過


by accident 無意中    by air/airplane 坐飛機  by birth 天生地;在血統(tǒng)上

by car 坐汽車       by chance 偶然,無意地  by design 出于謀劃

by force 用武力      by hand 用手工      by heart 牢記,憑記憶

by land 由陸路      by road 由公路      by mistake 錯誤地

by name 名叫,憑名字   by nature 天生地     by sea 坐船

by telegram 用電報    by train 乘火車      by water 由水路


in addition 另外,此外        in advance 預先,事先     in bloom (花)盛開

in danger 在危險中          in despair 在絕望中      in detail 極詳細地

in fear 在恐懼中,恐懼地       in order 整齊地        in pain 在痛苦中

in peace 寧靜地,平靜地        in person 本人,親自      in place 在適當的地方

in practice 在實踐中         in prison 坐牢         in question 在議論中

in return 作為回報          in sight 在視野內       in surprise 驚訝地

in terror 恐懼地           in tears 在哭泣,在流淚    in time 終于,最終

in trouble/difficulty 處于困境中   in turn 輪流;反過來      in vain 徒勞地


on average 平均        on board 在船上/飛機上    on business 因公

on demand 一經要求       on display/show 被展示    on duty 值勤

on earth 在世界上;究竟    on foot 步行         on fire 在燃燒,著火

on guard 在值勤        on hand 在手上;在場     on holiday 休假

on horseback 在騎馬      on leave 在休假        on line 在線,在網上

on loan 借貸          on purpose 故意地       on request 一經要求

on schedule 按照預定時間    on shore 在岸上,在陸上    on strike 在罷工

on time 準時          on watch 監(jiān)視         on sale 出售


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