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[初中]全新英語語法18-4 倒裝句





18-4 倒裝句




(1)以 here,there,now,then,out,in,up,down,off,away 等方向性副詞開頭的句子,且句子主語是名詞時,為了表達生動,可將這些副詞放在句首,謂語動詞放在主語之前,形成完全倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)。如:

Here comes the bus.公共汽車來了。

Now comes your turn.現(xiàn)在該你了。

Then came a new difficulty.這時又產(chǎn)生了一個新的困難。

The door opened and in came Mr.Li.門開了,李先生進來了。

There goes the bell for the break.休息鈴響了。

Away flew the birds.鳥兒飛走了。

The door opened and in rushed a stranger.門開了,一個陌生人沖了進來。



The door opened and in she came.門開了,她走了進來。

②以上倒裝句中的謂語動詞come和go不能用進行時態(tài),即不能說 Here is coming the bus.


Among them was my friend Jim.他們當(dāng)中就有我的朋友吉姆。

Around the lake are some tall trees.湖的四周是一些高樹。

Under the big tree was sitting an old farmer.在那棵大樹底下坐著一個老農(nóng)夫。

Outside the classroom stood a boy.教室外面站著一個男孩。

Behind the farm house was a rice field.農(nóng)舍后面是一片稻田。

At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake.小山腳下有一個美麗的小湖。

Among these people was his friend Jim.他的朋友吉姆就在這些人當(dāng)中。

By the window sat a young man with a magazine in his hand.窗戶邊坐著一個年輕人,手里拿著一本雜志。



In the box was a cat.箱子里是一只貓。

In the box were some cats.箱子里是一些貓。


On the blackboard were the words written in English:“Welcome to our class!”有人在黑板上用英文寫道:“歡迎到我們班上來?!?/p>

Present at the meeting were the school headmaster,the English teacher,and the students' parents.出席會議的有校長、英語教師和學(xué)生們的家長。




May you succeed?。↖ hope you succeed?。┳D愠晒?!

May God bless you?。↖ hope God blesses you!)愿上帝祝福你!

②Long live+主詞!如:

Long live the king!國王萬歲!




感嘆句:Off went John?。↗ohn went off.)約翰去了!

感嘆句:Down went the big ship!(The big ship went down.)大船沉沒了!

②介、副詞+主語(代詞)+動詞 如:

感嘆句:Out it comes?。↖t comes out.)它出來了!

感嘆句:Over it turns?。↖t turns over.)它翻過來了!



(1)含有否定意義的詞如never,hardly,seldom,little,few,not until,not,not only,no sooner,no longer,nowhere等置于句首時,其后用部分倒裝。如:

Never have I read such a book.我從未讀過那樣的書。

Little do we know his life.我們對他的生活了解得很少。

By no means should you tell him about it.你絕不要告訴他這事。

(2)only 加狀語(副詞/介詞短語/從句)放在句首時,其后用部分倒裝。如:

Only in this way can you do it well.只有這樣你才能做好。

Only when he returned home did he realize what had happened.當(dāng)他回到家里時,才知道出了什么事。

(3)so/neither/nor 表示前面所說的情況也適合于后者時,用 “so/neither/nor+助動詞+主語”這樣的倒裝句式。如:

He can sing English songs and so can I.他會唱英語歌,我也會。

He didn't see the film,and neither did I.他沒有看這部電影,我也沒有看。

She is very beautiful and so was her mother when she was young.她很美,她媽媽年輕時也很美。

You are young and so am I.你年輕,我也年輕。

She likes music and so do I.她喜歡音樂,我也喜歡。

If he can do it,so can I.要是他能做此事,我也能。

You aren't young and neither am I.你不年輕,我也不年輕。

She hasn't read it and nor have I.她沒有讀它,我也沒有讀。

(4)當(dāng)虛擬條件句含有 were,should,had時,可省略if,將were,should,had置于句首。如:

Were I Tom (=If I were Tom),I would refuse.如果我是湯姆,我就會拒絕。

Had I realized that (=If I had realized that),I would have done something.我要是明白了這一點,我可能會采取某種行動。

(5)so ...that 結(jié)構(gòu)中,將 so+adj./adv.置于句首時,其后要用倒裝語序。如:

So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home.天氣太冷,我們只好呆在家里。

So fast does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed.光速很快,我們幾乎沒法想像它的速度。


1.[上海中考考題] — _____ Disney amusement parks are there in China?

— Two.

A.How many B.How often C.How soon D.How long

2.[湖南永州中考考題] David never fights with his classmates,_____?

A.does he B.doesn't he C.isn't he

3.[云南昆明中考考題] — Jim,are these your keys?

— _____.They're hers.

A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn't

C.Yes,they are D.No,they aren't

4.[湖北恩施中考考題] — I don't understand the story in the new unit.What about you,Bob?

— _____.

A.Neither I do B.Neither do I C.So do I

5.[青海中考考題] — I usually go hiking with my friends.

— _____ do I.

A.Nor B.So C.Neither


1.答案:A 句意:“中國有多少個迪士尼娛樂公園?”“兩個?!庇纱鹫Ztwo可知,問句為“有多少個迪士尼娛樂公園……”,故選A。

2.答案:A 句意:David 從不和他的同學(xué)打架,對嗎?由前面never一詞可知該句表示否定,反意疑問部分用肯定式。故選A。

3.答案:D 句意:“吉姆,這些是你的鑰匙嗎?”“不,是她的?!庇纱鹫Z可知用否定回答,故選D。

4.答案:B 句意:“新單元中的這個故事我不理解。Bob,你呢?”“我也不理解”由句意可知這里用否定的倒裝結(jié)構(gòu),故選B。

5.答案:B 句意:“我常常和朋友一起徒步旅行。”“我也是。”由句意可知這里用肯定的倒裝結(jié)構(gòu),故選B。

【語法專練 體驗中考】

1.[北京考題] — _____ are these bananas?

— $3.99.

A.How much B.How long C.How heavy D.How big

2.[吉林長春] — _____ do you volunteer in Old People's Home?

— Once a week.We hope to help the old more.

A.How soon B.How many C.How often D.How long

3.[黑龍江龍東] Let's go to Disneyland in Shanghai in August,_____?

A.shall we B.will you C.won't you

4.[貴州銅仁] — Is the girl in red your friend?

— _____.She is learning Chinese now.

A.Yes,it is B.Yes,he is

C.Yes,she is D.Yes,she does

5.[貴州安順] He can hardly stay awake because he is so tired,_____?

A.is he B.isn't he C.can't he D.can he

6.[山東濟南] — Bill,does your sister have brown hair or red hair?

— _____.She takes after my mother.

A.Yes,she does B.No,she doesn't

C.Brown hair D.I don't know

7.[甘肅天水] — You didn't find the owner of the books,did you?

— _____.So I gave them to our teacher.

A.No,I did B.Yes,I didn't

C.No,I didn't D.Yes,I did.

8.[湖北宜昌] — Excuse me.Is there a bus to the Olympic Center?

— _____.You can take the No.111 bus.

A.Yes,it is B.Yes,there is

C.I'm not sure D.Sorry,I have no idea

9.[陜西考題] — Could you tell me _____ it takes to walk to the Disneyland?

— About 20 minutes.

A.how far B.how long

C.how often D.how soon

10.[江蘇宿遷] The structure of the sentence “The students visited the museum.” is _____.



11.[四川攀枝花] — I think you are different now.

— Of course,times have changed and _____.

A.so have I B.so I have

C.neither have I D.neither I have

12.[江蘇無錫] — What language is that guy speaking?I can hardly catch a single word!

— _____.He's from India,so I guess it is Hindi.

A.Neither I can B.Neither can I

C.So I can D.So can I


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.B


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